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Esoteric Wizardry


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Why hasn't anyone realized in here that magic is just a sophisticated way to hack your mind? Why all the mystical arcane gibberish when it could be explained with simple words?


spirit summoning practice?


But seriously, magick is real. Everything is just a lie and we are all Neo.


stop trolling please, I feel like this is just a board for neckbeards that can't into life. Seriously, magic is just willpower. Live in balance, control your emotions, do great things. Every human being that lives a good life is using magic without even realizing it, by that definition. Either that, or magic is just a hocus pocus word to define simple willpower, and if so, it doesn't really need ancient tomes and stuff to be explained, revealed, explained. What's all the fuss about? Why not study psychology then?


Because the magic involved in attraction and willpower is the most basic foundation for everything else. Mental poise, conscious will, and continuous practice are the fundamentals. So yes, people who figure these out for themselves are doing magic. The most basic magic possible.

I won't go into what you would perceive as "actual" magic. You clearly have to decide for yourself, and I don't yet have the comprehension of it necessary to hold your hand.


So what is actual magic? Advanced magic?



You're accurately honing in on fringe's most enthusiastic demographic, but also partaking in your own brand of idiocy.

Magic, as something other than simple psychology, is an obsession of elites. It has been an obsession of elites in many of the greatest civilisations and most enduring and successful tribes and peoples.

You're right that many on this board are unbalanced etc. This is why most Mystery schools have high entry requirements and why you get to them through participation in the right sections of society. /fringe/ started out thinking it could bypass these controlling constraints by using Bardon's self-initiation. Some maybe succeeded, and went quiet. Most didn't, and just proved why those requirements are necessary.

You may be more successful in life than many here. And simple coherent will is very powerful. But you're less successful than the real magical groups, who own your world and your family and friends like little bitches.


All right. I am actually reading IIH (I'm still at page 14 hahah, have to overcome some lazyness). As you may have noticed, I like to provoke, just to see if my interlocutor is full of shit and quits, or if he actually answers with something meaningful.

So, tell me: the real magical groups, what do they do? How do they "own" my world and my family and friends? Is it really magic or just power over the masses with a good amount of will, organization and psychology?

But then again, what is magic?

Let's take Masonry. Isn't it just a social club for the élite that has elaborated a system of mystical symbols and spiritual beliefs (with stuff borrowed from many different cultures) with which they try to control society? They recruit promising people in need of a group, of social security so to say, while they are still young or vulnerable to persuasion and then bend them over the years.

I don't know if there's any magic here. The power that a "brotherhood", or a secret society based on values like morality, equality etc. has over its well placed members is already big without any kind of magic.

But then, what the hell is magic?


Why haven't fedoras realized yet they live in the mind of God and magick is a sophisticated way to hack the mind of God?




Magic is flatlanders. They're called 'The Mysteries' for a reason, though. Nobody cares if you think they're real or not. There's no burden of proof, because this isn't a creed for public consumption. It's for people who already, to some extent, see and know another dimension of life. We don't care if you're blind, or think our "sight" is made up and your fellow blind masses agree with you.

How about you try to rule society by the method you think will work, and see whether you're able to.


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Satanistbro might be referring to groups like the Bohemian Club, this shit is hardly just brotherhood bonding.


Its the same reason that we now call "surgury" what used to be blood magick and foesh magick.

The west and aryans in genetal tend to let go of the metaphysical crap and focous on real, measuable results from magick and sorceries in general.

Metaphyscials and names for everything is VERY CONFUSING and tends to do mre harm than good.


>Why hasn't anyone realized in here that magic is just a sophisticated way to hack your mind? Why all the mystical arcane gibberish when it could be explained with simple words?

Both are true. there is more to it, everything is magic depending on how you use it.


You can poor gasoline into a car and it will run. That is magic.
You can tell somebody to become aware of their breathing and they will. That is magic.
You can deconstruct things and put them into good use. That is magic.
You can communicate here through a flat piece of plastic with lights on it. That is magic


read: material
read:apparent (root word: appear)


You can light things on fire with your will and energy. That is magic.
You can inspire the world to remake itself as you wish only because you desire it so. That is magic.
You can remake yourself in mind and body as far as your Will-Desire can make it. That is magic
You can contact and learn from higher spiritual entities in the astral. That is magic.


>I feel like this is just a board for neckbeards that can't into life.
Captain Obvious meets /fringe/.


I have no experience in the astral. :^(


Hello satanistbro,
I'd like to run society but I don't really have the necessary knowledge and connections to do so, so I tend to just shut up on that matter. I urge you to stop assuming things about me, because you're only throwing stones in a lake.

That being said, I experienced some events that may refer to your "other dimension of life", so I'm quite interested in that matter. I always doubt about those, though. I think that some could be explained by chance, some by coincidence, and some by stuff that science is about to discover.

The matter, then, becomes subjective, depends on one's point of view, because both are viable.
Your life is empty of emotions? Chose the edgy POV. Magic!!! Do you think coincidences exist? No occultist worth his name thinks that coincidences do exist, everything happens for a misterious mistery.
You have a satisfying life? Science, chance, coincidence; you wouldn't believe magic, would you? How old are you, 12?

So I don't care about your "I don't care if you're blind". I just want to know what's really out there.

Could you give me some examples, or proof, that your "sight" is not made up and you're full of shit?


OP it isn't, "hacking". Witchcraft or magic is simply using the powers of the mind and soul. This is why meditation and yoga is important. It raises your energy levels, the stronger your soul, the easier it is for things to manifest on the material.


Yes; the higher we go in vibration and initiation, the quicker and stronger the manifestation of our thoughts will occur.


vibration and initiation may as well be called force of will and knowledge, no need to use strange words



Initiation might be called knowledge, if you prefer so, though it's not theoretical knowledge but practical, empirical knowledge (based on personal experience). Vibration means vibration, there is no hidden meaning behind it nor does it mean "force of will" in this case.


I see. so what kind of vibration?


What is stated in the Kybalion. Everything vibrates, matter, mind, spirit. What I meant by "going higher in vibrations" is raising our consciousness (which also vibrates), because a higher state of consciousness enables us to do things easily which would otherwise be hard or impossible to do in mundane awareness.


I see. I apologize for my ignorance, I've read the Kybalion a long time ago. I should re-read that book. But could you explain to me exactly what do you mean by "vibration"? It is clear that conciousness is different from matter in that it is an abstract thing versus a material one, so the concept of vibration should be different than everyday vibration, that is, regular movement of an object in time.


>You can remake yourself in mind and body as far as your Will-Desire can make it. That is magic



Are you seriously trying to dupe us into thinking that surgery and blood magick are/were the same thing in the past?


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>he actually thinks vibration and initiation are "strange words"



>You can poor gasoline into a car and it will run. That is magic.

This is not magick.

>You can tell somebody to become aware of their breathing and they will. That is magic.

This is sort of magick.

>You can deconstruct things and put them into good use. That is magic.

If you mean this mentally, that is magick.

>You can communicate here through a flat piece of plastic with lights on it. That is magic

No that's not magick.

Most of the shit you talk about isn't magick because it doesn't involve using higher principles of mind and spirit to create change in the world it's just basic mechanical interactions.

Magick = mind on mind and mind on matter.


yeah guys, its all CHIM


I agree, am also waiting for a good answer to this


Metaphors are more universal and reveal underlying truths that apply to myriad situations.

>Do not take the literal, for it is the Hydra that the Hercules had slain in his tales of glory.

That's only one part of it all anyway.


Good comeback


Everything has a cause! Random is just misunderstood order; as in the prime number sequence.

This material world is 'real'; but is the emergent functioning of mind in motion.

The Hegelian dialectic is one of the tools required to achieve Gnosis; as is evolved intuition.

Ancient Mysteries do contain coded information that explains life, the universe and everything; but the code is complex and is designed to lead the unwary nowhere!

As a part of the 'whole', you have everything needed to achieve Gnosis. The first step is to fully and honestly understand what you are and how you function.

The unconscious is where you must go and C G Jung has greatly helped to shine a light into the darkness 'within'.

Alchemy and psychology are two aspects that he explored and his book 'Psychology and Alchemy' and it is a good read:

'Ancient Egypt The Light of the World' by Gerald Massey explores the Khemite philosophy and its Mysteries and how the Abrahamic faiths are an obscene inversion of the truth:

If you can handle the mathematical route, 'The Emperor's New Mind' by Roger Penrose is good:

- as is his other book 'The Road to Reality' (but is very, very heavy going!):

A lot of Facebook forums are interesting, but so many trolls and the like are out to cause mayhem! Many of the self-style 'Illuminatus' postees are bedroom occultists; who like their rock guitarist counterparts have all of the necessary equipment but never do any real gigs and so make little progress.

The key to the Mysteries is 'you'. If you don't know how you function and are for the most part unconsciously driven, then you are like a passenger in your own car. You might enjoy the ride and the scenery but you have no control over which road you take or where you end up.

The Mysteries are designed to produce a set of psychodramas that actualize the necessary psychological archetypes that are needed to achieve Gnosis. Life is also designed to do this, but the Mysteries are much more focused and direct; and therefore you don't need as many lifetimes and all of the time wasting.




You can find psychology and alchemy in here amongst other stuff:


It's under the multimedia archive, ebooks, collected works of jung.


neat-o post, anon! i was ready to dismiss the whole magic thing as a maladaptive pining for order through the lens of dogma, but this gave me new interest in exploring it. <3
out of curiosity: haveyou read stirner? if so, what did you think?


Great post, thanks for sharing.

Do you consider Manly P. Hall a good source for these things? Also, what is your opinion on the much older Vedic India, with the wealth of knowledge they offer and the system of Yoga (leading to Kundalini, etc), which is a far more proven and time tested method for achieving liberation, than the Mysteries?

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