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Esoteric Wizardry


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If you donated to the Infinity Dev. Group over Flattr, it seems that they have turned into a scam and you should charge these conmen back immediately by contacting your financial institution. (I realize this includes my support key. I don't give a shit, flood their insecure bullshit report ticket in my name. I see no other way to prove it.) Reports are that they lost their PayPal account recently, and Flattr CEO and only employee @bonq is ignoring all communication from me via their ticket system and Twitter. The icing on the cake is that they blocked me and three others for asking where the fuck 46.74 EUR went.
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This isn't copypasta. I wrote this all out myself. I want help and if you have any advice, please reply or email me (email in email field and gpg key here https://cryptobin.org/m35954q7 password to paste is fringe9245201)

Consider a human with an IQ around 100, mentally sane, of good health, not born into dire poverty. Suppose they had PERFECT motivation.

They would sleep 8 to 9 hours per night, with consistent timing. They would wake up, go to their bathroom and do their morning routine. First, they would brush their teeth, all around, getting all the junk that accumulated over night. Then apply a smooth moisturizer before finally applying sunscreen lightly across the face to protect from sun exposure. Then they would quickly get dressed with suitable clothes from a plethora of options from their vast wardrobe. Then they would eat a delicious breakfast of nutritious food to begin the day. All food would be of the highest quality, free of harmful additives and contaminants, prepared by a maid or cooked by himself. Every single mundane chore would be planned and executed efficiently, quickly and pleasurably.

They would then sit down and study undistracted for many hours. They would study a subject that interested them and expanded their mind. They would watch lectures, read books and talk with knowledge people, taking notes. They would revise what they learned, go over what they have learned and what impact it has upon them. After just 1 year they would be well versed in multiple subjects they're interested in, they would hone their skills everyday to become a master in their interests. They would use their skills to get a high paying job or foster their own successful company.

They would follow a rigorous exercise routine, lifting heavy weights, doing cardio and training flexibility. If interested, they would be involved in a sports activity like Tennis or Football, and they would train hard for it. They would maximise physical performance, they would maximise their bone growth before their growth plates ossified, they would increase their dimorphism to the top percentile, while maintaining good health and a beautiful glowing appearance. They would be well groomed, they would dress well. They would be healthy, to the top percentile, in both mental and physical capabilities. The perfect man.

if a a human had perfect motivation in a few years, they could be a major businessman, or an elite athlete, or a famous movie star, or a successful artist, or a leading scientist. A man of this description could have sex with multiple attractive girls every single day if he so wished, they could be rich, live in a big house and drive expensive foreign cars. They could choose almost anyone to reproduce with and settle down with in old age. They would have multiple healthy children, these children would be raised with a perfect diet and discipline, while still retaining the inherent freedom of childhood.

But this will never be you. You will never have perfect motivation. You will never have anything even close to this. You will continue to waste almost every single unit of time. You can't suddenly decide that you want to be motivated and then be motivated. You are made from flesh, your brain is made from flesh, every single thing you do is already determined by chemical reactions. You will continue to make these plans, but you will say "oh I'll do it later, tomorrow". But tomorrow never comes. You are not special, unique or different. You will never achieve your goals. You will continue to spend hours a day mindlessly browsing the internet, masturbating, watching tv, working a shitty low paying dead end job. If you do manage to buy a good house you will be repaying the mortgage for 20 to 30 years. If you do manage to get married to a middle aged woman she will fuck other guys, get even uglier and will refuse to have sex with you with the lights on and your kids will be just like you. You will spend your life miserable. You will die irrelevant and you will be forgotten a few years after your funeral.


None of what you're describing is to do with motivation. You have no control over motivation. Motivation is exterior.

What you want is discipline. Discipline can be taught, learned, and practised. Discipline is the ability to make decisions about what you should be doing based on logic, and accordingly follow them up through disregard of distractions.

>You can't suddenly decide that you want to be motivated and then be motivated.

This is not the case.

>You are made from flesh, your brain is made from flesh, every single thing you do is already determined by chemical reactions.

This is true of a robot, or of a biological machine, as these things answer to no higher laws than the physical. But you are a man. You have consciousness, and will - and the will dominates the flesh. It is a force originating from a point above the physical, and therefore it's laws can overrule the laws of the physical.

It's not easy to start exercising the will, but it will become easier with practice, as all skills learnt - mental or physical (as above, so below). A good first step is simply to recognise this latent potential of your will to totally overrule the urges and compulsions of the flesh. The second step is the hardest, and that is simply to begin using it. Choose to act on your reasoned understanding of what you believe you should do; recognising the temptations and slothfulness that might normally influence your decisions, and disregarding them. And after the first time, this process will become increasingly easy, until it is as second nature, and you are the same as the man you described. Until that point, just be mindful not to slip back into complacency, allowing the biological machine to rule your actions again.

And who knows - maybe you'll find something better to direct the power of your will towards than simple material comforts and fornication. Knowledge is a good start, though.


mfw i consider THAT description of male inferior to what i have uncovered and begun to work upon.


This makes me want to throw my computer off a bridge along with me


I'm going to post this anonymously OP because it's my biggest secret and I never talk about this but I'll just make this one post in this thread but will not follow up any replies due to paranoia.

1. Through magick and the stock market I have become really rich without even having to work much. I could buy a car right now and have absolutely no debts. I could even buy a whole house and have no mortgage. I could buy myself a new 1k computer this month if I want to. I'm not really rich enough yet that I can start using my wealth to influence politics or just drop large sums of money on random people that I feel ought to have it like the based cripple but I have enough money to be NEET the rest of my life with only a minimal amount of work.
2. I don't work, well, barely at all; and I don't have to. I just do some work here and there for a little extra money which I then just invest.
3. I have a perfect diet. Nothing bad in it, except sometimes the fruits or vegetables I eat are a little old, as I get those cheaper / free.
4. Whatever I want, I create a desire elemental (thoughtform/servitor), send it out, and somehow events happen or people come to me with exactly what I want without me giving any indication of my desires to anyone.
5. I do not regiment everything strictly and I never apply moisturizer or sunscreen or any crap like that to my body. I wear long-sleeved clothing and sun-hats and if I want my skin in good condition I heal it purely with etheric energy and my will, using raw arcane power to correct it.
6. I don't exercise much but constantly grow stronger, more flexible, etc. regardless.
7. Everything mundane, I make it take up as little time as possible. Whenever possible I have others do things for me while I focus on the important stuff or when I do it myself I am as quick about it as possible in order to return to my studies and practise.
8. I do not masturbate, I do not watch television, I don't work any sort of official jobs with an actual cheque I only go out and do some work whenever I feel like it and get paid, and I waste very little time on the internet as I use most of my time online very wisely to go get what I need and learning it.
9. I do not fear anything happening to me except good things; if I'm going to use fear might as well fear the very best happening to me!
10. I am incredibly powerful in magick. I am confident I can escape anywhere, spook anyone that seriously threatens me, and I have no fear because my emotions are all completely under my control.
11. I open myself up to the influences of the most High whenever possible so that a great many things of beauty and splendour may pour into my life and I may be infused with his vitality. From God I am reinvigorated and strengthened.

I'm afraid if someone sees this the following will happen:
> people asking me for money
> women getting really interested in me, I already have too fucking many gold diggers after me, and all women of Earth are just pitiful creatures to me
> people wanting to be my friends and waste my precious time trying to get to know me
> people wanting to learn from me even though they could just learn themselves by reading the books and one day when they can not learn anything more from books calling upon a guide from higher planes (avoid any famous figures, if Buddha/Jesus/anyone else famous shows up, kill them on the spot and find a guide who is entirely unknown to you)
> people desiring my help


Also for the OP; everything is not determined by chemical reactions and flesh is energy which is vibration which is ultimately an outward manifestation of spirit. I am not a mind or a body, these things are forms to be acted upon by spirit.

I don't "want" things and the idea of being special, unique, or different doesn't factor into my self-esteem at all like it does for you. Wanting is a waste; I manifest it directly. I don't have strict goals; I just unfold.

Everything is not me (maya); yet through everything my spirit may work if I will it. If you want to do telekinesis feel yourself within the object in question until it is like a part of yourself (your spirit is in resonance with it) and moving it is like moving a finger. Doing magick while "awake" is simply a matter of becoming lucid just like in a lucid dream. Men's spirits ever sleep in a passive state, being acted upon, but sometimes one does awake truly and you can truly feel yourself in your surroundings and here the thoughts of others you tune into and so on.

Let all the vice and mundane distractions that hold you down be burned away from your soul and the pain transmuted by the master of polarities. Even a small fraction of all the pain and suffering of your life, once transmuted, will raise your consciousness so high you will have trouble anchoring yourself again in this realm in order to linger and finish reading and learning what you can here.

tl;dr stop projecting, I studied hard, turned within, and freed myself of the limitations of personality, space, place, and suffering. I only do my will and nothing else, if I don't want to do something on behalf of someone else, I won't do it. I only do exactly I have enough desire for and transmute the lesser desires that impede the greater ones.

Use the ability to forget to your advantage. Take all the inferiority, bad qualities, pains, etc. and rewrite them with their opposites. You'll annihilate all of the old karma (causes/causality) of your suffering and be freed from it. Do not fear to do this, there is no need to hold onto this pain any longer, let it all die out in you so that joy and love may grow in its place.


Here is an old thought that was really important to me that let me see past the veil; I thought the power of the mind is so great that a man can experience anything. He can live out a life-time in a moment, he can look in a mirror and see only what he wants to see, he can forget his pains and he can in his mind have all that he desires. He can become possessed by qualities. He can forget who he is and assume a whole new identity. He can dream and a whole new and intensely detailed landscape he has never seen before may appear before him in an instant. If life denies me what I want I will turn within and I will experience it all in my mind. What does it matter if I dreamt it? What is life but a dream of long duration? Is not the experience still valuable; even more so if it is felt more intensely and deeply then the seeming unreality of this world? So I forgot what I could not do and became possessed of the superior qualities. I allowed myself to die in the same manner as the initiates of all the sacred mysteries did, being reborn with a new and better body and mind. I do not miss what I left behind.

Time is a product of consciousness's motion within itself, mind is in everything, and spirit simply does what it does through resonance. Spirit is Awareness + Will.

Do void meditation and stop believing you are things you are not. It is a really big fucking lie when someone says "we're all one xDDDD". Pantheism is not correct; panentheism is correct. We are divine fire attracted to sacred water. The hologram can be sliced and fragmented any way conceivable.

Above all else stop fearing to use your mind to live the experiences you'd rather be having. If you're afraid of dying or going mad you are wasting your potential. If you afraid to imagine so deeply your imaginings become truth, you will be lost in maya. If a man lives 70 years and in that time he never figured out how to move spirit away from his mind and body in order to live other lives in that duration, he will have lived 70 years only. If a man lives 30 years, but by the power of the will (coming from spirit) he manages to live several other lives in an instant, he has lived and experienced so much more in less time.

Suppose you desire to have the experience of living with a beautiful wife, having a perfectly healthy body, and a happy family — and living out this experience for several years straight YOU CAN DO IT. If that feels like too much for you, try one week or one month, then come back to your life here with the full memory of it. If you want to study something for several years also, and come back with all the knowledge from your studies, you can do that too and suddenly be back in this timeline with a shitload more knowledge. If you want to begin to rewrite this timeline for yourself, you can do that too.

The only thing holding people back is they're afraid to lose touch with what they call "reality" and getting themselves killed in a bout of madness. Really, you're just losing touch with maya, and if you are wise ultimately conquering it. Those manifestations of dysfunctional madness you see are because of fear and attachments to negative thoughtforms that messed up everything for those people. When you have a doubt, when you feel a fear coming into you, dispel it and seek only to know truth and speak truth at all times.

When you do attain this liberation of spirit just do one thing; hold onto the sacred water that contains this knowledge and don't ever let it be forgotten or you'll sink back into maya and start thinking you are things you are not again. Hold onto it through all your incarnations. Though the scenes, settings, identities, etc. change and flow incessantly never forget your superiority to them. Only then can you begin living your real life and growing in wisdom.


tl;dr again is

Use your imagination, be aware of spirit, forget your limitations, become possessed by superior qualities, do not fear, use your mind, use your will, wipe out hindrances, let inferior qualities die out, lose your attachment to what brings you suffering, be reborn again, master polarity / achieve non-duality, do not lose touch with that piece of sacred water which preserves the realization throughout your incarnations


>I'll just make this one post in this thread

You had one job


You have to break up posts in order to post them if they are too long. That's obviously what happened here.








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