This isn't copypasta. I wrote this all out myself. I want help and if you have any advice, please reply or email me (email in email field and gpg key here password to paste is fringe9245201)
Consider a human with an IQ around 100, mentally sane, of good health, not born into dire poverty. Suppose they had PERFECT motivation.
They would sleep 8 to 9 hours per night, with consistent timing. They would wake up, go to their bathroom and do their morning routine. First, they would brush their teeth, all around, getting all the junk that accumulated over night. Then apply a smooth moisturizer before finally applying sunscreen lightly across the face to protect from sun exposure. Then they would quickly get dressed with suitable clothes from a plethora of options from their vast wardrobe. Then they would eat a delicious breakfast of nutritious food to begin the day. All food would be of the highest quality, free of harmful additives and contaminants, prepared by a maid or cooked by himself. Every single mundane chore would be planned and executed efficiently, quickly and pleasurably.
They would then sit down and study undistracted for many hours. They would study a subject that interested them and expanded their mind. They would watch lectures, read books and talk with knowledge people, taking notes. They would revise what they learned, go over what they have learned and what impact it has upon them. After just 1 year they would be well versed in multiple subjects they're interested in, they would hone their skills everyday to become a master in their interests. They would use their skills to get a high paying job or foster their own successful company.
They would follow a rigorous exercise routine, lifting heavy weights, doing cardio and training flexibility. If interested, they would be involved in a sports activity like Tennis or Football, and they would train hard for it. They would maximise physical performance, they would maximise their bone growth before their growth plates ossified, they would increase their dimorphism to the top percentile, while maintaining good health and a beautiful glowing appearance. They would be well groomed, they would dress well. They would be healthy, to the top percentile, in both mental and physical capabilities. The perfect man.
if a a human had perfect motivation in a few years, they could be a major businessman, or an elite athlete, or a famous movie star, or a successful artist, or a leading scientist. A man of this description could have sex with multiple attractive girls every single day if he so wished, they could be rich, live in a big house and drive expensive foreign cars. They could choose almost anyone to reproduce with and settle down with in old age. They would have multiple healthy children, these children would be raised with a perfect diet and discipline, while still retaining the inherent freedom of childhood.
But this will never be you. You will never have perfect motivation.
You will never have anything even close to this. You will continue to
waste almost every single unit of time. You can't suddenly decide that you want to be motivated and then be motivated. You are made from flesh, your brain is made from flesh, every single thing you do is already determined by chemical reactions. You will continue to make these plans, but you will say "oh I'll do it later, tomorrow".
But tomorrow never comes. You are not special, unique or different. You will never achieve your goals. You will continue to spend hours a day mindlessly browsing the internet, masturbating, watching tv, working a shitty low paying dead end job. If you do manage to buy a good house you will be repaying the mortgage for 20 to 30 years. If you do manage to get married to a middle aged woman she will fuck other guys, get even uglier and will refuse to have sex with you with the lights on and your kids will be just like you.
You will spend your life miserable. You will die irrelevant and you will be forgotten a few years after your funeral.