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/fringe/ - Fringe

Esoteric Wizardry


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Most Epic Drumstep - Fladiux - Serving The Devil


Why do you not serve the devil yet /fringe/?

It is easy.

Spill blood, invoke fire, cast out water, gather Earth, infuse air into the water, throw Earth, unleash a shitstorm of negative energy and hatred, and don't lose contact with water, and just wait as the chaos clears and the lord of darkness comes into view.

Become a vessel for burning hatred, let it grow in you, submit to the darkness and learn its secrets as it whispers to you from the void…


Nice quads, but i serve no master.


Woah, I didn't even notice I got a GET. I just decided to post this and that happened.

You sure you don't serve a master? The man who picks his master is more free than the ones that doesn't pick.


What about the man who serves a master because a stranger on the internet told him to? How free is he?


I already do. Did it a long time ago from JoS. HAIL SATAN!


the reason I don't worship a devil is because im not 12




>said the 14yo
I see you met my friend Pot, Mr Kettle


im far from a fedora



>not worshipping yourself
>not being a devil
>not worshipping the devil



This entire thread is middle school


>using magick to fulfill base desires
>serving such a animalistic entity
>serving any entity
Enjoy self punishment.
Also listen to some good Drumstep/DnB.

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