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All of us want to live away from mundanes, right? I know, there are many ways to go about this. Buy land, build house. Go into wilderness, build house. Get normal house, build house on land. And whatever else you will think of.
But I know that we can all agree that we need a self-sufficient house away from mundanes.
Here is leddit ama from someone who lived inna woods.
(Survival Ebooks)
(When SHTF torrent)
(Wilderness Survival Website)
(Wilderness Kit)
(Water filtration)

Traveling For NEETs

Building OffGrid:

And there is also a fuck ton of resources on:
Just look around a bit faggot.

Lets get this thing rolling.


Don't bother getting a bow & arrow for hunting if you don't know how.
Same with guns.
You are better off with getting a slingshot:
Portable and tons of ammo. You can take down rabbits and birds with this thing.


There used to be buildings that hosted dozens of /fringe/-minded people in the past, they were called nut houses


Any ideas? In two years I will leave and live in the woods. Far away from cities and civilization. Although, maybe near a small town for wifi.
It would be good to live with other people who also study magic, but I doubt that will happen until I actually have something resembling a house.


This survivalist stuff is generally delusional and you'd get better advice on how to survive in the actual world we live in from your great grandparents.

You aren't going to get away with hunting wild animals in the wilderness without national parks scouts, RCMP, etc. coming after you.

I could just have you all live on my farm but I'm so paranoid you'd all be a drain on me. Unless maybe you get welfare and schizo bucks or something in order to buy all your food and pay a little rent to me.

…and I doubt I'd need any or much labour working on my farm when everything is mechanized.

Survive in the real world where other humans are a factor; not the delusional one where you're just left alone in the woods.


No, not national parks. Bad idea. I was thinking wilderness in Canada/Alaska. It would be easy to live 5-10 miles away from a city in a small shelter.


It was specifically Canada I had in mind. You're gonna get fucked by the RCMP trying to do what you want to do here. The closest thing to a true wilderness left in the world is Alaska and even there you aren't going to get with anything.

You should read all the stories about people trying to do exactly what you want to do, killing all the forest critters, and making houses out there and getting pwned by RCMP.

You could make get a job working in forestry if you wanted and sleep in a trailer but then you have to work a lot.

…and hunting is a LOT of work too you know.

You're much better off just buying some land somewhere and making yourself a homestead and having enough money to pay off property taxes year after year.


I guess. But a lot of us (I included) are not rolling in cash. Although it would probebly be simple for an initiate to get lots of money, I'm only a neophyte. I doubt I could do anything that high level.
How do the RCMP find you?
It would be simple to create a shelter underneath some trees. And make an underground fire. (It is possible, saw it in a military handbook in the Do/k/ument.)
I'm sure that if you are far enough away, you can do it.
And magick could help to. Maybe mark some sigils around the area you live and give in an 'invisibility' type cloaking? Like everyone turns away?

Another I idea I had would be working at a camp site. I would voluntarily work around with whatever they needed, in exchange for a place to camp. And they might even have wifi and hot showers.


RCMP hire trackers, they can also see your tracks and your buildings and so on from helicopters, AND they are very serious about you need a hunting license first before you can own a firearm or hunt any animals (even with crossbow, slingshot, and whatever else).

Btw, if you DO get the license, you can get hired by farmers to kill coyotes and get paid a few hundred dollars for each coyote killed.

RCMP manage to spy on and put away random guys out in their cabins in the Canadian wilderness who smoke weed. One guy smoked weed alone in his cabin and was spotted by an RCMP dude spying on him through a telescopic lenses from several miles away. He was charged and everything.

Under some trees will not cut it.

Doesn't matter how far out you are, you will be tracked and noticed, there's a constant surveillance up north by military and other forces in order to keep Canada safe from invasion and protect natural resources and keep claims over the Arctic strong and so on.

You can use magick to hide yourself but that's some advanced level shit a neophyte like you isn't ready for.

Dude, if you go paranoid survival man and somehow don't get caught, you'll be so busy hiding and just scraping by you'll have no time for magick.

It'll be worse than wage slavery.

Save up money and don't be a fool. There's lots of ways to work minimum wage jobs and shit while being homeless where either some kind of temporary housing is provided to the workers the whole time or you sleep under a bridge or in some buildings you break into or whatever else if it's a more urban area.


Thank anon. There goes that bad idea. You just saved me from time in jail.
Actually, that is an idea.
#1 Slaughter somebody for black magick
#2 Use blood to make protective runes on yourself
#3 go to prison
#4 free housing with complete protection from other prisoners.

Lots of people.
Lots of bad mundanes.


I guess the only thing for me to do is buy a few acres of forestland and build a house there.
If I ever do this, I will be sure to invite you guys. (I would only build a house large enough for 2-4 people. Everyone else would have to build their own)


You should familiarize yourself with Canada's tax laws.

ProTip: If you have your home lifted off of the ground, aka it's a trailer, you pay WAY LESS taxes.

It's really stupid but little things like this make a big difference to how much they try to jew you on the taxes.

You can just have people live in trailer homes near you.

What technically count as a trailer home varies, make sure you know that, and to build in a manner that is extremely well-insulated.

You can also I believe have greenhouses and stuff and not get taxed extra as long as they don't think you live in them. You can't really run greenhouses all-year round anyways, the heating would be too much during the winter, until the snow melts away.

Not sure if you could get away with some underground stuff like cellars and bunkers and what kind of taxes you might have to pay on that sort of stuff.

Why would you specifically seek out forest land? Farmland is better, you can just plant cash crops (it only takes a few days of work on the tractor) and then the rest of the year basically you can sit around and get obese while watching television (farmers around here actually do this, it's pathetic, they often are too lazy to even plant a small vegetable garden for themselves too). I personally would have a little orchard, a little vegetable/herbs/fruit garden, use canning to store up tons of stuff from the garden all year, and use the rest of the land for cash crops… maybe a little land for a wood-lot where you can cut down trees each year to have more wood for your wood-burning stoves and a little land for animals.

The cash crops should pay of all your taxes and shit.

You do this right, you will have practically all year nothing but free-time to dedicate to magick, a little surplus money for financial security and which you can invest in the stock market, and you'll be able to feed yourself with high quality food that hasn't been fucked with by ZOG.


Thank you so much. This is going to be exactly my plan.
Just a slightly different thing though, I live in the US.


Bumping for FringeVille.


>eating decomposing dead bodies from animals
>not extracting all your nutrition from earths harvests
Enjoy your inability to perform higher magick and eventual colon cancer mundane.


I can perform high magick and I eat the corpses of animals.

You should go read Tom Montalk's advice on diet.

…and meat you get from hunting wild uncontaminated animals from the wilderness is extremely good for you. It is very different from meat produced in contaminated areas or by agriculture where the animals are pumped full of hormones or bioaccumulate large quantities of pesticides.

Besides, the end game is Inedia; not eating anything at all. Yet before you can reach that stage you first need to thoroughly and more than sufficiently provide the nutrients you need in order to have the excess vitality to work into thoughtforms and so on to enable your ascent.


Wow sick burn


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>You are better off with getting a slingshot:

Top kek. IDK about you, but I've done target practice with a pellet gun, bow, and slingshot, and by far slingshots are the worst if you actually have to hunt something.

Obviously pellet gun is far superior of those three(for inexperienced people at least), it is accurate and it can take down small prey with ease. The problem is obviously the limited ammo, once you run out you can't substitute. I'd recommend a pump rifle as you don't need to worry about running out of air. You can get a decent one for under $100.

Bow is second best, I could pick one up and immediately be able to hit stuff at medium range semi-accurately. After several hours of practice I could get pretty good at it. You'd have to be pretty good at it to hit shit far away though, but it could be pretty deadly and take down large pray. You could always sneak up to a deer and hit it at medium range, since they're so fucking big its hard to miss them.

Sling is by far the worst. The only thing you would be able to kill with those things are small prey such as birds and squirrels. And both of those are 1. small as fuck, and 2. have to be hit from really far away, as they would flee if you got anywhere near them. You'd have to be an Eagle eye to hunt anything with it.

I've had probably 20 hours of practice with it, and I could hit something the size of a bird from a practical distance maybe 1 in 100 tries. I'd have to spend all day trying to hunt a bird with one of those things.

Another issue is the fact that the elastic breaks really quickly. I've already broken one in the 20ish hours I've practiced with it. Also after a few months the rubber band will dry out and get really brittle and will break easily. I spent like 15-20 dollars on that slingshot too. The only benefit of the slingshot is that you can use rocks as ammo when you run out of steel balls. Of course they are far more inaccurate due to their warped and rugged shape.

IMO you should have all 3 of those things, with lots of spare bands and pellets and steel balls if you are worried about shit hitting the fan. And practice with them all too.



I didn't want to make a new thread, but I have learned that most of these weeds I have been purging from my vegetable garden were actually edible herbs, and could be made into tea.

Perhaps a wizard would benefit from learning all edible plants in the wild? You could use it as a means of obtaining free food right now and get used to what plants are edible and what parts of it are edible. If shit were ever to hit the fan you'd know off by heart what food to look out for in the wild.


If you guys feel we should make a whole thread about this topic then by all means do so.



Crossbow is super accurate, much better than a regular bow, slower to reload though.

Also slingbows are great, they're a nice compromise that allows for a ton of accuracy and you can fire rocks from them.



I've already known about all the edible plants in my area for a long time and most of the weeds that grow in my garden are all poisonous. I rarely see parslane in my garden for example.



>Survive in the real world where other humans are a factor; not the delusional one where you're just left alone in the woods.

As a socially awkward /fringe/pol NEET I see it as more likely for me to survive living in the woods than I do getting a job without any experience/nepotism. I envision it being much more fulfilling on top of that.



>(When SHTF torrent)


Shit these torrents look good, but fuck man. There are 16 of them and all of them are 10+ GBs? Anyone watch these and if so which ones are the best?


I am just going to buy a van or SUV or something and sleep in the back. I can live wherever I want.



I'm going to buy some rural property and get a trailer and just put it on there and solar panels and shit and just live off grid there.

If you want to come live there with me you can probably do so if you're white and redpilled.

Just pay me some money so I can pay off property taxes and shit.

Then you don't have to worry about spending a lot on gas to constantly move your vehicle around.



You can cultivate them too. I'm sure if you pulled out all the crap and kept the edible ones for a couple years the good shit will take over.

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