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File: 1428364017060-0.jpg (108.23 KB, 445x905, 89:181, Aging Politicians.jpg)

File: 1428364017060-1.jpg (107.08 KB, 478x298, 239:149, george-w-bush-58e91e6f1fa9….jpg)

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Does anyone else here hate the idea of being a leader and pity those who are burdened with running with large corporations, government offices, etc.?

No time to meditate and study philosophy and work on yourself, you always just have to attend to mundane matters for others.

The ideal life is to save up a few hundred thousand and then invest in the stock market and live off of dividends and do a bare minimum of work, mostly just live alone in the countryside with stockpiled food and everything else, having 100% of your time to dedicate to higher pursuits.

This is why I don't hate leaders and am kind of annoyed when someone talks about killing bankers, the president, etc. as if that was a great idea. I'd rather subvert those individuals and use them as vectors of power that will carry out my agenda because I'm on good terms with them. Maybe if one is to actually kill them then it should be with a good replacement in mind that works for our interests.

I don't think their lives are easy at all. Every president's hair goes grey by the time he's out of office. They hold a lot of responsibility and they lose out a lot in life in many ways. Their wealth owns them more than they own their wealth.

I've known shitposters on imageboards who just inherited a bunch of wealth (millions of dollars worth) and properties and they literally have almost all their fucking time free to post on imageboards while they gets lots of revenue from renters. They are like Super NEETS. Sadly many men can not handle freedom from responsibilities and do not make the wisest use of their time so they destroy themselves with hedonism.


The only reason you can't easily live off of the land and not work is because our leaders want you enslaved.

Their job isn't easy, but they're all stinking rich from corruption. If they wanted they could just retire to a resort island somewhere and not worry about anything ever again.

But they don't - because they crave power.


They don't have power though and they would be killed for quitting.


I agree. Leaders are pitiful. And they do not actually get power >>31555.
The leaders are all either controlled by the illuminati, jew, reptillions, and aliums. Who knows what else.
And guess who put those people in a position to get power over us? Mundanes.
If you can control the mass of mundanes, you control the world.


Just to make everything simpler,
#1 Mundanes come together and form a community.
#2 From there it expands into a nation: USA
#3 Put someone in-charge of all that shit: President.
#4 Give the people the idea that they are in control: Voting
#5 Control the Mundane in-charge.
#6 Control the masses.
#7 ???
#8 Profit.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Anon, America has been planned out from the start, do you even Manly P. Hall?

Listen up: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL16417F5158E0741E


I think you are posting in the wrong thread these posts?

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