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Esoteric Wizardry


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Skipping the bullshit.

read Most of the books recommended in the jpeg circulating around - neville, atkinson, advance magick for beginners, kybalion, etc all that recommended stuff, holographic universe to an extent,

taken from another post:
further steps require us to be healthy, strong, efficient, intelligent, adaptive, well based emotionally, fulfilled, complimented by the aspect suited to expression, complete mastery of the earth element and further elements - once all 4 elements are mastered immortality over all is achieved - this is like basic shit, all these people are racing to be immortal so they can start looshfarming everything or gathering chi from the ethers by their own self-work, this is a fucking game with many levels and each level is like a new type of game merged with the previous - the stuff you read in the books posted here are to prepare your framework for this - the next steps are all layed out

shift your diet to a preferred raw vegan diet, optimally foods you would find in tropical climates, the foods should vary - eventually this process allows for your body to require less and less heavy nutrients and begin being able to live off the surrounding environment ( inedia ) this process is said to take 15-20 years of gradual work out into the ability, it's essentially like leveling up skills ( this reality is a fucking video game, consensus mind dictates overall happening, the more people believe something the more it has power, how many starwars nerds exist? ) this thought process is of course following that of the mind creates reality and desire generates outcome belief, if you don't subscribe to that, then do some basic magick entry stuff and prove to yourself it works to break the layer built up around you.

i want to post a method i have experimented with that i gathered from various sources and synchronicity with people and information, I've only done this a few times, to always emerge full of vitality, fortune if you may and better overall feeling of an upgrade.

This method comes from a vampire.
.. yeah, i don't really know about THAT one, but results are results, and i have now been able to show healing overall increased, my facial structure realigned and my body has grown, I am fully aware of potential and possibility and exist multidimensionaly in thinking, thought process is increased, abilities acquired faster and the learning of information and concepts hastened.
Further going into the method provides increase in physical psychic and psyionic abilities, think xmen+dragon ball z+dc universe combined.

Read mantak chia's book on gathering energy with breath.
Note : if you have a female or you are a female and have a male with you that is fully in sync with your level of awareness and knowledge and is prepared to be the compliment aspect to you, you will have more power and this will be easier to do. If you are going at this celibate and alone - this will take longer as you will be missing key elements in some aspects of the entire process of upgrade and will require different approaches.

The stronger your body is, the better you are physically, the more results you will see at a higher rate - do yoga, lift weights, do freerunning in urban and natural environments, clean your body and your emotional body.


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Find yourself a room in your house or somewhere you can stay for a while.

Gather material to obscure the entire room of light, including all electronic devices and other.

Gather 5 magnets and 5 pieces of copper of the same shape, pennies prior o 1982 from USA and 1978 from CANADA will work.

place each at a corner of the room and one at the ceiling as to form a pyramid with the magnets and the copper.

After you have secured the room, prepare.

to prepare, for a whole week 7 days in advance eat only raw vegan foods of non hybrid and very low starch intake.

if possible consume large amounts of dark leafy soft greens, you can find spirulina to be a good boost but as everything it can be overused and should be taken with proper moderation - you essentially want full amino acids in your body with the freshest and purest nutrients you can assimilate in that given time, the water you consume is to be highly pure and of a ph between 7.2-8.5 minimally with added lemon juice from fresh organic lemons and pink himalayan salt to the water, consumed regularly.

while the week is proceeding every day you do workouts and yoga stretches along with breathing exercises and deep voice exercises vibrating your body with jolts of sprints and movements and overall simply increasing your proper blood circulation and homone production as to produce the most optimal hormones in your body.

optional but recommended, get cannabis, indeed, cannabis, the effect of the plant if consumed after a minimal restriction of 5-10 days up to 28 days to fully remove it's effects from your system, once taken it has the effect of boosting you naturally with proper sync to the earth's frequency if done with interval and not consumed every fucking half hour.

at the end of the preparation days, set yourself as much time as you can as you feel you can endure in this area you have created.

begin consumption of cannabis preferably in vapor form while in complete darkness and consuming amounts you deem enough to take you to the stars as per say, but don't go there - you will not need to - as soon as you are done in-taking the cannabis begin imaginative exercises as displayed in mantak chia's work and other works on sexual tantric breathing ( if with partner perfect ) continue on breathing properly and remaining in darkness until you will get it..

i can't really explain it at this point but it feels like you just broke through a membrane, a sort of wall, and boom, your body feels energized, like you have armor encasing you and protecting you, you feel very confident and your posture aligns and you immediately KNOW that which you need to do.

Open your eyes while in complete obscurity as to allow melatonin to enter your bones and your body fully… yes the process is to allow your body's hormones to fully assimilate into your bones and organs as to become completely empowered and strong.

the longer you stay in pure darkness with your eyes open and with water etc ( if you can have a bathroom available to eliminate but you won't need to if you advance further ) you won't need to take breaks after a few sessions as you will be higher advanced and able to keep your state and energize yourself fully for longer periods.

start with 1 day, then 2, then 3, etc. build up to 30 days and eventually to 78 days, over 80 days and you achieve super natural level of prowess…

the element missing tho is sungazing, for this to work well, the days stayed in darkness must be synced to days you also sungaze, at sunrise and sunset 1 hour, fully intake the sun's energy and properties… then return to darkness, the mid day should be avoided and as to not fuck up progess inbetween days of not spending in darkness, one should move around in the evenings and early days and use sunglasses, the artificial lights you see in every city and all over are to halt certain energies and beings from being able to enter the grids, it's all geometrical scientifically engineered magick. Alchemy.

this is Alchemy.

the keys are the soma and energetic mix of the male and female fully energized and clean, with proper creation of their own fluids in their minds, serotonin, melatonin, and combination of both from their most efficient sources, proper sunlight and proper darkness.


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>this is Alchemy.

No, it isn't.


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There are a few books in the library that have huge filesizes can ANYONE good at cleaning up PDFs fix all of them?

All of these books need to be fixed up so the filesize isn't fucking HUGE

Magical Use of Thoughtforms
J.Finley Hurley Sorcery 1985
Thomas Karlsson - Qabalah, Qliphoth and Goetic Magic
Michael Harner - The Way of the Shaman
Michael Talbot - The Holographic Universe
James DeMeo - The Orgone Accumulator Handbook

If someone can PLEASE fix up these PDFs we can reduce the filesize of the library significantly making it easier for anyone to download.

I think I might even remove these books from the library until they get fixed up.


First of all Dre, that reading list is shit. Secondly, that's not alchemy. Alchemy is a purely arcane practice and doesn't discriminate upon matters of the lowly physical intake of foods. The jewish kabbalah is far closer to alchemy than this eclectic neo-pagan bullshit ever will be.

Arabic Alkem comes from Al kim, the art from Kemet. You know nothing of the inner temple practices, don't prance around thinking and saying such.

>do freerunning

You haven't changed…


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You have a legit technique here..

But forget sungazing mate… and I don't know why you're making a copper/magnet pyramid… If you could explain the reasoning behind it, please do so. I read about this myself, and did my own research so I can back up all my claims if necessary.

The darkness has a real effect - see the attached PDF - its very small, and very condensed with exactly the right information you need. Written by a Qi Gong master.

The only requirement for the food that you need to be eating beforehand is that it has high levels of tryphotan. Oatmeal, short grain rice, spiriluna etc. This is because it is what is used to MAKE melatonin.

Darkness is when your brain enters melatonin production mode - and when it senses light, it removes all traces of melatonin from your system, so this works because of those two things only. Everything else needs an explaination from you if you could.

Fasting, and drinking only pure water - is to make your body absorb and utilize the tryphotan more efficiently only. As when youre fasting - your body devotes less energy to digestion (which takes a lot) and can worry about other functions and do them more efficiently. Pure water is because of the inhibiting effect of fluoride on your pineal gland - which is the gland which produces melatonin.

Sungazing is a bad thing, because like mentioned before, light makes your body remove all the melatonin, and if you overexpose your eyes with wavelengths above blue in the day, then during the night, your melatonin production will be lower.

Cannabis - l think should be only used once - so you can know what its like, as if you had a properly functioning body. Because cannabis has an inhibiting effect with long term use, your body learns to operate as if it was always there. You cannot develop naturally with it present. To be a proper functioning wizard, you should be 100% natural (tryphotan is not produced by the body so it must be taken, cannabis is not like this, so it is not necessary at all)

Melatonin is a super thing - as it repairs radiation damage, repairs aging, rejuvenates and the best part is when you have sufficiently high levels of it, it gets converted first into pinoline - a powerful hallucinogen - and then again into DMT. Which occurs properly after about a week of constant darkness.

I did this, for two days only of darkness - and I still contacted and saw into other dimensions. And felt 10 years younger after coming out of my room.


>that reading list is shit

NU UH. There are some very BASED authors on there and a LOT can be learned from them of GREAT VALUE.


howdy, you know you fit a common stereotype?

Most of what you said is indeed what i tried - and yeah, you're correct, the cannabis is for a kickstart into the process, after a few days in darkness you won't need it anymore - and yup the healthy food is to assimilate the nutrients properly and efficiently, but also to stimulate production of QUALITY hormones, as we know cholesterol is the main ingredient in hormone production, the point is to be very clean and fit as to acquire maximum gains while in stasis in the dark.

and btw, the books i recommended are basic reading, just like i stated, to get you understanding and overstanding this mindset - honestly the books that speak to me the most out of all books are mantak chia's / atkinson's and robert anton wilson ( yeah yeah, idgaf prometheus rising was very helpful )


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How do I know these aren't written by monkeys on a typewriter? Seriously, you should say a little something about the authors when you suggest literature to people.




Read this then fgt: Wizard Progress Report: ( >>30727 )


Literally a whole thread of book reviews you've been ignoring: Wizard Progress Report: ( >>30727 )


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>A method to power up

both wrong: method, and powder up (nice typo, i'll keep it)

>once all 4 elements are mastered immortality over all is achieved


missing akasha there

>all these people are racing to be immortal so they can start looshfarming everything or gathering chi from the ethers by their own self-work, this is a fucking game with many levels and each level is like a new type of game merged with the previous

i thought you were being critical for a second

> this reality is a fucking video game

are you that retarded

> this thought process is of course following that of the mind creates reality and desire generates outcome belief

description of one mechanic, not the whole of them

>This method comes from a vampire.

how am i not surprised that after having listed stupid (incomplete partial close minded) thoughts you mention a negative source

>.. yeah, i don't really know about THAT one, but results are results,

yeah, results. Short term obviously. Your head is looking down. You're not even thinking of looking at things from a more lofty perspective. You want RESULTS. And POWER UP. And we dont know where this is leading, lel, we never heard that story before.

come on take a break

you're so blatantly going down it's not even funny pointing it out


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>raw vegan diet

Didi plz go




>missing akasha there

And also the elements resident in the third eye (inner sound) and crown chakra (inner white light). Any system missing this cannot lead to complete, irreversible salvation. It is so because it is so and I say it is so because I KNOW IT TO BE.



>And also the elements resident in the third eye (inner sound) and crown chakra (inner white light)

Sounds like horseshit, got any sources on this info?






Post the source, post the reasoning. Otherwise your word means jack shit.



If I don't post the source and my reasoning my words will not mean more or less than they mean now at this moment. They will mean the exact same. You will not be able to find purchase in them though. I will not give you source because you're a faggot. Shut up faggot.



inner white light is akasha faggot



those books are fucking terrible



What is with the angst on this forum? I think William Walker Atkinson makes excellent reading. He is lucid and wise. Saying something is "rubbish" because you dont like it is grossly ignorant.

If people here are serious in exploring the great mystery they must adopt a humble and monastic attitude of calm and diplomatic, open mind maturity. There is nothing wise about childish squabbling and of course the word Wizard is dervived from the word Wise.

Let's please drop the angry teenager chanist behavior from this board so real and respectful discussion can take place, maybe then we will really learn something.



Maybe it takes a while to notice, but there is lately a large enough amount of various dedicated shitposters being dismissive without knowing anything, wanting fastest x for results, needing hand holding and just downright posting retarded questions.

I'm starting to see a relationship between this type of posting and the activities of organic portals or other disruptive agent's montalk wrote about. They don't want nothing about nothing and they are dedicated to disrupt those that are genuine, wasting their time posting on /fringe/ and not practicing, slandering good material or being too dumb to know how to skim and so on.

This disregards some shit flinging from time to time, of course. Calling people out on retardation isn't a bad thing, like, for instance >>38330 this retard




i can't hear you



Obviously you've never read any of them at all yourself because those books are the motherfucking keys to the true understanding of the mental universe and will grant you incredible power in understanding and applying the knowledge contained within.


Results are results and when i did this i did it in small scale with limited resources, i am building up a large sum of funds very fruitfully thanks to a lot of the reading material unlocked to me.

There is no such thing as a short term or long term result, everything is a result and causes a change in the reality your perspective exists in.

Btw, im even more informed on this method now, as i have spent some time reading and learning about muscular system and the nervous system and movement, i applied a form of mentalism touch based electric with specific result. Additionally i have found even more content that enhances the already solid and based as fuck logistics myself and some other magi that i have spoken to confirm to have results.

Radical Boy mentality is still prominent here - let's go ahead and include the book King Warrior Magician Lover.



Would you mind elaborating please on the yoga you practice?

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