Books moved out of the /fringe/ library due to huge filesize ☻ 04/07/15 (Tue) 04:39:22 No. 31562 [Last 50 Posts]!K8wTjbiZ!mWFZsQRr2SZYC1AsoE6Shw Due to these books having an unnecessarily huge filesize they have all been removed from the /fringe/ library and won't be added back until someone makes much smaller filesize versions of them that are cleaned up. Please help make smaller and cleaner versions of these PDFs for inclusion in the proper library.
A few are shit books and don't matter and I'll probably delete them but most are really good books we should have in the library.
☻ 04/07/15 (Tue) 05:01:36 No. 31565
I am about to delete nearly all of my chaos magick books as well except a few that I found actual practical use from parts of the book.
☻ 04/07/15 (Tue) 05:50:03 No. 31572
>>31565 Just deleted practically all of them.
04/07/15 (Tue) 05:51:31 No. 31574
>>31572 NO!
I haven't downloaded it all the way and page refreshed. ALL OF MY PRECIOUS MAGIC BOOKS ARE GONE!
☻ 04/07/15 (Tue) 05:59:27 No. 31578
>>31574 Don't worry, only the shit is gone, some of them weren't even actual chaos magick books.
The good stuff is still there. Now the noise is gone.
If you want all that other shit anyways, it came from:
TOP FRINGE SITES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. (the one I have in bold here)
People need to browse and make use of the resources in the sticky more often.
☻ 04/07/15 (Tue) 06:00:49 No. 31579
>tfw chaosmatrix is down oy vey, this is a complete chaosocaust
04/07/15 (Tue) 06:03:06 No. 31580
>>31578 I will take your word for it.
Thanks Mr. Smiley.
(BTW I read a comment of your somewhere that you said you were famous? Or the like?)
Can you provide me a link to an article about you?
Deleting some Folder Notes... ☻ 04/07/15 (Tue) 06:07:38 No. 31581
This misc folder is for books that fit the following qualifications: - low quality - lots of disinformation - I hold the author in low esteem - I consider the philosophy to be flawed - or just does not have any information that is relevant to the practise of magic (The Swastika.pdf and Who Put Bella In The Wych Elm.pdf being the two examples present as of June/23/2014) Basically these are books that I don't intend to read any time soon or that I have read already completely (such as Seven Success Secrets of Hypnotism). Regarding that pdf on hypnotism I would like to comment the following: - I found it an interesting insight into how mainstream hypnotists practise - I found the recommendations about how you form the language important, however Lobsang Rampa already says a lot more on the matter, and so does Franz Bardon (albeit a bit more briefly, yet very concisely), and probably other authors will comment on the matter of giving instructions to the subconscious. If you want to give instructions to your subconscious you must not leave anything open to interpetation and must be very direct. The subconscious takes everything very literally. If you've read Initiation Into Hermetics then you do not really need to read the "Seven Success Secrets of Hypnotism" though it's not a very long text if you're interested still in reading it regardless. Those LHP books seem kind of shitty, I still have to look into them at a later time, but magic very obviously should be a balanced affair. With the capacity to heal and regenerates comes the capacity to disrupt and destroy them for example – so heal or curse it's up to the magical operator. LHP appears to me to be full of useless blather and weak magic. I don't know but those texts don't seem important to me, someone message me if you disagree. E.A. Koetting seems like more of a salesman than a magician btw. Enoch Tan - Mind Reality is just really poorly put together by some chink and I think has a heavy dose of disinfo and New Age nonsense. Everything described in that book, you will learn in a less confused manner by reading The Kybalion and several other occult texts in my folders or in Montalk's book recommendation list instead. >Updates June/23/2014 - first version of this note
☻ 04/07/15 (Tue) 06:08:49 No. 31583
>>31580 >Can you provide me a link to an article about you? Ask around on either or
>>>/4chon/ and you'll probably find some people willing to supply a few articles about me / my sites.
I'd say notorious more than famous, kek.
The old Chaos Magick folder note ☻ 04/07/15 (Tue) 06:16:05 No. 31587
The Chaos Magic folder. Sorry but at present this folder is not organized, has no quality control, etc. it is just a collection of all my texts, pdfs, and documents that I have on chaos magick. I've read about half the material in here and a lot of it is redundant and low in useful information which is scattered in amongst a lot of reiterations of the basics of chaos magic as well as just random crap. I think it would be best we just take all the information from all these books and write our own chaos magick book which actually contains a comprehensive overview of every single technique and piece of knowledge you need to know and nothing more so that you can learn everything essential in just one book. A lot of these books says a "whole lot of nothing" unfortunately. If you are not patient and want to develop your magical power really quickly then ignore all of this for now until it's better sorted and everything. You should be reading all of the Fringe Essentials first regardless. I think a few of these books in here might not even be magic books but just some random junk that got in here somehow which is associated with the chaos magick theme. Most of this material is for occultists with a certain humour and a fondness for reading lots but if you are a neophyte and try to start off with this, unless you already have natural power that you just didn't know was active, you will probably not get results from doing this.
Most of the talk of sigilcasting on /fringe/ is from chaotees who've been reading about chaos magick. It's really weak if you haven't done a ton of energy work and meditation and other preparatory work in developing your magical capacities beforehand and it's also fairly unpredictable and can fuck you over. I personally would stick to working with thoughforms then using most of the methods delineated in these chaos magick texts as they can be more carefully constructed and are more powerful (it's what I do, I am especially fond of making orbs and programming various functions and sending them out into the world to do my will, while other wizards might use sigils to do the same). I've used sigils for some things but get unpredictable results and I know others who've fucked themselves over by using sigils (not necessarily from the chaos magick paradigm, more often from the Left Hand Path) where a text says it will do one thing but when they actually activate it and use it … it ends up doing something else. Using someone else's sigils is kind of like of like downloading random .exe files from shady sites to your computer and running them and potentially getting a virus.
I find it rather hilarious btw that "Chaos - A Very Short Introduction" is one of the biggest books in my folder here. Most of these are only about 10-30 pages long and some a lot less.
Check out for discussion of these books and of chaos magick.
Here's an excerpt out of "APIKORSUS - An essay on the diverse practices of CHAOS MAGICK from the Lincoln Order Of Neuromancers L.O.O.N." which is very much worth reading (the rest of the book isn't really).
Common to the various systems/traditions/paradigms of Magick are certain key concepts. We urge the reader not to accept/reject these as theoretical constructs, but to try and verify them by personal experience.
1. The Whole is encoded within each of its constituents - "As above, so below."
2. The Whole is interconnected, and all relative wholes partake in consciousness to varying degrees.
3. The Whole is self-organizing, and the evolution of all forms is governed by similar principles.
4. By means of a trained and directed will, we can effect change (probability > possibility) at various levels of organization.
5. Change is the only constant!
6. The Whole is more than the sum of its parts
7. Our beliefs define the limits of our allowed experience
8. "Everyday Reality" is not the limit of our experience - by entering Altered States of Consciousness we can experience other realities.
9. The entities which may be encountered during our experience of those other realities are real within their own world. To question their relative existence is unimportant, since the universe behaves as if they do exist.
10. Magical ability is engendered through an inward, transformative journey.
>UpdatesJune/28/2014 - first version of this note
☻ 04/07/15 (Tue) 19:59:44 No. 31736
Bump, someone please get on this issue. Anyone know any tools I could possibly use to clean up PDFs?
☻ 04/08/15 (Wed) 06:17:12 No. 31864
04/08/15 (Wed) 08:59:08 No. 31907
>>31736 my first try would be some kind of OCR program for the PDFs that appear to be book scans. They attempt to transcribe the images into actual digital text. there's an OCR program I found for lunix but I can't seem to get it to run at the moment
☻ 04/08/15 (Wed) 22:08:43 No. 31986
>>31907 fug, someone needs to find something…
☻ 04/10/15 (Fri) 18:21:05 No. 32241
04/10/15 (Fri) 19:08:01 No. 32244
Have you tried calibre? I've only recently started using it and am not great with it so I wouldn't know specifics
☻ 04/10/15 (Fri) 20:02:43 No. 32255
☤ >>32244 >them double dubs What use would calibre be in converting these PDFs?
☤ ☻☤ 04/10/15 (Fri) 20:05:23 No. 32256
☤ ☤ ☤ ☤☤ ☤
04/10/15 (Fri) 20:08:01 No. 32257
>>32255 Well you can play with all kinds of settings in calibre. You can convert to a shitload of different file types. I'm sure somewhere in the settings there are gonna be ones to optimise the file size.
Also if anyone has a kindle and has occult books on it, download calibre, kindle app for pc and install apprenticeharper's drm removal plug in on calibre. They will automatically remove drm, then send the books to - turn the 0 into an o, (I don't want piracy showing up in google searches.) or upload to mega so i can mirror.
☻ 04/10/15 (Fri) 20:21:55 No. 32266
>>32257 We need someone to convert images of pages in a book into just text.
04/10/15 (Fri) 20:34:24 No. 32270
>>32257 Note-you will have to move the kindle books from the kindle library to the calibre library after installing the plug in on calibre.
>>32266 If you list the books I can see if I can get them on kindle then convert to pdf.
04/10/15 (Fri) 20:41:11 No. 32271
>>32270 Oh they're in op, nevermind, I'll see if I can get them.
☻ 04/10/15 (Fri) 20:53:16 No. 32273
>>32269 >If you list the books I can see if I can get them on kindle then convert to pdf. Did you ever click on the mega link at the top of this thread?
04/10/15 (Fri) 20:58:21 No. 32274
04/11/15 (Sat) 01:21:47 No. 32323
I'm currently attempting to use YAGF to OCR the Magical Use of Thoughtforms PDF. It keeps crashing for me though, apparently OCR conversion is pretty hardware intensive. the image quality keeps giving my computer a hard time too, giving me garbled gibberish instead of clean text.
such a shame, I'm getting a lot from reading this book.
☻ 04/11/15 (Sat) 03:38:47 No. 32352
>>32274 How'd you get them to be like that?
☻ 04/11/15 (Sat) 03:40:39 No. 32354
>>32274 I tried opening them up and actually looking at them and they are very fucked up… tons of blank pages and other problems.
04/11/15 (Sat) 12:45:34 No. 32405
>>32352 I bought them on kindle then converted them to pdf using calibre. Guess they didn't turn out perfect, the sorcery one seems to have chapter headings in between paragraphs and there's a few blank pages at the start other than that it seems ok.
☻ 04/13/15 (Mon) 01:26:53 No. 32670
This still needs to be addressed, I saw a guy on /fringe/ make a very beautiful PDF version of the Corpus Hermeticum used the text files for that book before, can't anyone here do that? Look how beautiful this book made by someone on /fringe/ is… why can't we make these oversized books this nice while reducing their filesize?
☻ 04/13/15 (Mon) 01:30:29 No. 32671
Found another book with a way too big filesize and just moved it out of the main library into the Huge Filesize Library.
04/13/15 (Mon) 16:14:07 No. 32756
here is a much smaller version of atkinsons Mysteries of Sex or Sex Polarity. Method: Copy all text from the PDF in Foxit Reader Paste all text into GoogleDocs Print the document - this will be printed as a PDF. Benefit - Took this 15 MB beast down to ~800 kb, took less than a minute Problems - 1. The copy didn't carry over the italicized portions, and there are several parts of the text that came out a little strange though it is still completely readable. Capitalizations and the like are fine still however. 2. Did not copy the image. If there are multiple images in a text, you would have to copy those over by hand which would increase the time required.
04/13/15 (Mon) 16:32:56 No. 32757
>>32756 I should clarify that the italicized portions are there, they just lost their italic nature, same with bolded portions etc. easy to correct in smaller documents, and probably not even an issue in many but Atkinson loves him some text formatting.
☻ 04/14/15 (Tue) 06:30:47 No. 32828
>>32756 Looks like utter shit. All the text only occupies half of the page and it's not clear where one chapter begins and another ends.
☻ 04/14/15 (Tue) 06:32:42 No. 32829
File: 1428993162525.png (246.3 KB, 1679x972, 1679:972, Screenshot from 2015-04-14….png )
Is there a tech board or something on that could help us?
04/14/15 (Tue) 06:58:54 No. 32833
>>32829 Lurker here, I'll see what I can do later today.
Dorf 04/14/15 (Tue) 15:30:16 No. 32881
>>32829 >>32833 Found a good OCR tool for windows, Starting work on the largest files in the OP's mega link. My plan is to just get the plain text first and then format it in Adobe Acrobat.
☻ 04/14/15 (Tue) 18:38:58 No. 32900
>>32881 Alright, thank you for this, I'm on Linux Mint so I can't use that program.
☻ 04/14/15 (Tue) 18:43:45 No. 32901
adonistische kabbalah I think is a big book of sigils with sigils on every page, not sure if it'll even be possible to reduce the filesize of it, due to the book consisting largely of images. It's not even English language either so I guess there's no point having it in the /fringe/ library. Please not also that The Swastika is pretty much the same, a lot of images, and also isn't really an important book and can be skipped.Who Put Bella in the Wych Elm is already optimized I think but it's a shit book that doesn't really belong in the library regardless. As for Michael Talbot - The Holographic Universe there is already a much smaller filesize version of it in the library with some of the missing pages included in it, it just needs to have its formatting fixed. The rest I think just need to be done.
Dorf 04/14/15 (Tue) 19:59:41 No. 32917
>>32900 >>32901 Yeah, the lack of certain specific software like this is why I still use Windows, also thanks for the list of those books, I'll save those for last.
☻ 04/14/15 (Tue) 22:56:18 No. 32936
>>32917 One could still use
Wine .
Dorf 04/15/15 (Wed) 00:26:33 No. 32946
>>32936 True, but I'm far too lazy to learn that when windows works fine
even if it spies on me.
☻ 04/15/15 (Wed) 02:00:14 No. 32965
>>32946 There's literally fuck all to learn about Wine. All you do is you take a windows program, you right-click, you run in Wine, and it
just works.
Dorf 04/15/15 (Wed) 03:14:22 No. 32994
>>32965 Hardly, there's always some bs about needing .NET 4 and various other prerequisites for the programs I tried to use with it.
04/18/15 (Sat) 03:09:49 No. 33548
☻ 04/24/15 (Fri) 18:51:02 No. 34597
☻ 04/24/15 (Fri) 23:02:22 No. 34630
Is anyone working on this issue right now at all?
☻ 04/24/15 (Fri) 23:41:24 No. 34637
The old /fringe/ occult library contained: 926 items, totalling 622.4 MB
The new /fringe/ occult library contains: 823 items, totalling 261.0 MB
If you guys can just get these last books filesize down then we can have a very nice library with small filesize so anyone can download it easily and take it with them anywhere.
☻ 04/26/15 (Sun) 00:02:56 No. 34868
☻ 04/27/15 (Mon) 22:29:34 No. 35279
☻ 04/28/15 (Tue) 03:07:30 No. 35306
>tfw this is never gonna get resolved
☻ 04/29/15 (Wed) 03:12:37 No. 35577
Do I have to perform ritual magick just to get this task done and broadcast my desire for the perfected PDFs out to the universe?
04/29/15 (Wed) 20:06:52 No. 35671
It seems I got this to work.
I used ABBYY Finereader and it made a good job, although I still need to make some manual adjustments, formating, even manually typing some passages which appear to be fucked up by the program, but all in all - I think I can handle this. I tested it on The Way of the Shaman.
Tomorrrow I will start working on this for serious as I will have some free time. I will keep you updated.
/fringe/ library gave me so much knowledge that it would only be fair that I help to make it better.
☻ 04/29/15 (Wed) 21:29:09 No. 35694
04/30/15 (Thu) 05:41:13 No. 35787
Smiley, when will you write the page explaining the ideology of /fringe/? I am very curious to read it.
04/30/15 (Thu) 10:29:39 No. 35824
Here, it's just a sort of teaser, a few first pages, but tell me what do you think - is it okay?
If you think any changes would be necessary (margins, font, font size etc.) let me know now, it'd be much easier to change it now than later.
Now I have to do some things, I will continue later.
04/30/15 (Thu) 10:34:34 No. 35825
Just realised that ABBYY changed Harner to Hamer. Will fix that later.
04/30/15 (Thu) 21:27:22 No. 35900
More than 80mb to ~3mb
Probably some anon can compress this pdf even further, but I don't know how, some random "online pdf file size reduction" compresses it only to about ~2.9mb.
If you think it is good and readable I will start working on other books, but not until tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, I have many books to read.
05/01/15 (Fri) 01:47:14 No. 35921
Good read, thank you friend.
☻ 05/01/15 (Fri) 18:10:00 No. 36013
Shouldn't the Roman Numerals be in capitals?
Also some words I keep seeing are translated wrong, I saw a C as a < and a few other mistakes.
I don't know, maybe when I get around to fixing the CSS, but the Cripple keeps fucking around with and changing things which makes me reluctant to touch anything until he's done making all these changes.
☻ 05/01/15 (Fri) 18:18:49 No. 36017
Please do Magical Use of Thoughtforms next.
☻ 05/01/15 (Fri) 18:20:52 No. 36018
Is "cognicecentrism" the original word or a mistranslation appearing in the next text?
Surely that's supposed to be "cognitivecentrism"…
☻ 05/01/15 (Fri) 18:25:51 No. 36019
I uploaded The Way of the Shaman into the main folder but dropped "The" from the filename, you guys reckon that's ok or should I put that back?
05/01/15 (Fri) 18:27:17 No. 36020
Yeah, I fixed most of these errors, but it seems I overlooked some. I plan on reading this book anyway so I will probably fix the mistakes then.
I post a .docx if anyone want to contribute (or I'd rather would post it, but I get "unknown file extension" message)
Also, started working on Magical Use of Thoughtforms, but because of low image resolution it is really hard - there are lots of errors and fixing them is like manually retyping whole book, but I'll see what I can do.
It's the original word
05/01/15 (Fri) 18:33:07 No. 36025
>saying your files as .docx instead of .rtf or something else that's more friendly across multiple OS
You must be on Windjews instead of Linux.
05/01/15 (Fri) 18:39:07 No. 36026
Yup, Windowsfag here.
Also I saved it as .rtf but it had 190MB.
05/01/15 (Fri) 18:45:01 No. 36029
>saved it as .rtf but it had 190MB.
What in the FUCK. How could the filesize be so MASSIVE?
05/01/15 (Fri) 18:48:57 No. 36030
I don't know, I was confused myself.
☻ 05/01/15 (Fri) 18:53:32 No. 36032
These are the only options that appear for me if I want to save the PDF in LibreOffice. There isn't even a "save as PDF" option. I don't even–
☻ 05/01/15 (Fri) 18:54:10 No. 36033
Oh what the fuck, LibreOffice has an "export as" option just like Gimp, that's different from Save As.
☻ 05/01/15 (Fri) 18:59:09 No. 36034
Even the Export As option doesn't have options for exporting a PDF as .rtf, .doc, etc. and it thinks every single page is an image.
05/04/15 (Mon) 04:34:25 No. 36546
☻ 05/04/15 (Mon) 15:19:56 No. 36616
I saw some mysterious post concerning Jenny but refreshed and it was gone…
☻ 05/04/15 (Mon) 19:17:59 No. 36657
05/17/15 (Sun) 22:20:13 No. 39117
☻ 05/17/15 (Sun) 22:54:34 No. 39121
Will someone finish cleaning up the PDFs please so they can all go back into the main library?
☻ 05/19/15 (Tue) 02:57:40 No. 39358
☻ 05/19/15 (Tue) 04:03:37 No. 39374
>tfw no small-file-size PDFs for muh library
05/19/15 (Tue) 04:04:48 No. 39375
05/19/15 (Tue) 04:04:57 No. 39376
☻ 05/20/15 (Wed) 22:02:21 No. 39841
☻ 05/21/15 (Thu) 23:33:43 No. 40285
☻ 05/22/15 (Fri) 00:42:35 No. 40306
05/22/15 (Fri) 00:56:16 No. 40309
I don't know what this thread is about and its annoying to see it everyday.
05/22/15 (Fri) 08:27:09 No. 40372
Can someone please upload a PDF of the magickal use of thoughtforms?
05/22/15 (Fri) 10:33:25 No. 40383
have you tried asking someone on /pdf/ or /tech/ if they know how to compress .pdfs?
☻ 05/22/15 (Fri) 14:36:54 No. 40408
There was someone in here that was handling the issue but they just fucking disappeared and never showed up again after fixing only one book.
05/22/15 (Fri) 20:15:25 No. 40503
It wont let me download it from the mega. If anyone has a copy could you upload it right here on 8ch?
05/22/15 (Fri) 20:29:38 No. 40517
Nevermind I was able to download it
☻ 05/22/15 (Fri) 20:30:44 No. 40518
Download what exactly?
05/22/15 (Fri) 20:36:50 No. 40521
Why don't you start up the archiving again so you can see deleted posts nigga
☻ 05/22/15 (Fri) 20:47:41 No. 40526
Anon why have you foresaken us?
☻ 05/22/15 (Fri) 20:49:17 No. 40527
>tfw his last post was 05/18/15 4 days ago
>nothing new since
05/22/15 (Fri) 21:05:45 No. 40531
Sorry, was busy. I can't do Magickal use of Thoughtforms - too much conversion errors and the effort in fixing them would be comparable to re-writing the whole book (also, it is readable as it is- I'm halfway through it, filesize sucks though).
Post which book should I do next (apart from Magickal Use… ofc) and I'll do it in a week as I will have more time, if it's conversable ofc.
Srsly, last few weeks were really hard, didn't have enough time to study magick/meditate/read/all-that-good-Neophyte-stuff not to mention working on pdfs. That gonna change soon I hope.
☻ 05/22/15 (Fri) 21:11:25 No. 40532
Are you sure you can't do something to remove that fuzz and then convert it and hopefully get less errors?
☻ 05/22/15 (Fri) 21:15:32 No. 40534
Can Evola's book be made smaller?
I really want that book done somehow… but if it can't be done play something else.
☻ 05/22/15 (Fri) 21:17:45 No. 40536
do something else I mean.
05/22/15 (Fri) 21:23:42 No. 40542
I literally don't know shit about how to do it in proffesional way. All I did was google for some conversion tool, than torrent it (ABBYY Finereader), use it, than fix most errors manually. Perhaps there are better ways to do it, but I wouldn't know anything about it. I'll research some more.
Also Smiley, I wanted to ask someone who knows their shit about one thread here - there was this thread about sth like "do you remeber how you died?" or sth like that (cannot find it right now, but am absurdally tired) and there was this anon who claimed to be some Chaos - possessed devotee and it got me thinking. He claimed that Chaos is everywhere, it's the most powerful thing etc. What's your insight on this? I thought that the Law was above All. Also what do you think about that "first world" and fake human beings?
I beseech thee o Wise One, greenpill me.
☻ 05/22/15 (Fri) 21:25:47 No. 40544
Ah that thread, it was an example of channelling some entity and letting it talk through oneself.
☻ 05/22/15 (Fri) 21:32:16 No. 40549
We all died that one day and hardly anyone even noticed…
☻ 05/22/15 (Fri) 21:33:23 No. 40550
It was so sudden, so many lost souls. At best a very brief moment of recognition that the timeline collapsed and we were all transplanted.
jk 05/22/15 (Fri) 21:45:23 No. 40552
Fuck! Is it the berenSTAIN bears in your time line? Or berenSTIEN bears?
☻ 05/22/15 (Fri) 22:08:32 No. 40556
Just awakening memories. I died at the side of my house.
05/27/15 (Wed) 21:34:55 No. 41471
☻ 05/27/15 (Wed) 21:47:38 No. 41479
Someone shrink the Atkinson books please.
☻ 05/28/15 (Thu) 21:48:02 No. 41620
>tfw this takes forever to get done
05/28/15 (Thu) 22:05:42 No. 41623
illuminati got him
Ask /tech/
05/29/15 (Fri) 11:39:33 No. 41658
Hi smiley, i would be Enthralled to help you in this Little task, but the Probability is that you Might not be able to compress any of the E-books without decreasing the quality.
05/29/15 (Fri) 12:05:40 No. 41661
You can buy them on kindle then use calibre to convert. This will get around compressing already existing pdfs reducing quality.
☻ 05/30/15 (Sat) 22:32:09 No. 41848
You don't need to compress shit, you just need to convert it from each page being images, into each page just being text (leaving only images where absolutely necessary).
By default, every single page is a picture of text.
06/04/15 (Thu) 10:09:31 No. 42586
I tried making some, adonistische kabbalah came out 20mb so still shit but then again it's full of sigils and images. Works of darkness came out 1 mb less even when deleting the cover so my guess is since it hasn't got many images it's the best you can get, maybe deleting the huge black borders of the pages would do but frankly I think it's too much work for probably not that good a result plus I feel like the book would lose its flavour.
The only really successful one was atkinson's The mistery of sex or sex polarity which came out 1,3 mb. Here's the link
Gonna try the other ones later.
06/05/15 (Fri) 19:36:35 No. 42801
Works of Darkness is a shit book anyways because of its author so you can ignore it but the reason the filesize on that book is so damned big is those background images that create the black borders.
06/05/15 (Fri) 19:43:26 No. 42804
Your link doesn't work btw.
06/05/15 (Fri) 20:17:36 No. 42819
Weird, I uploaded it to mega so I assume that's just a personal page or something. How do I put it public? I just see the page as I see other links only with the option to delete etc., what do you see?
06/05/15 (Fri) 20:22:17 No. 42820
I guess this will work but I wanted to upload more books how do I make it like the fringe mega so that I don't have to link single files everytime.
06/05/15 (Fri) 20:22:53 No. 42821
You have to include the file key, thats the part that is grey in the link you get.
06/05/15 (Fri) 20:23:07 No. 42823
Right click the folder and get link.
09/26/15 (Sat) 05:46:13 No. 55093
bump, hope more of these are converted