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Hey Fringe,

This is my first post in this forum, and one of my first times here. I thought this might be the right place to ask this question.

Is drinking reverse osmosis water safe? I want to cut out fluoride from my diet. I've stopped consuming meat, sugar, dairy, tobacco and alcohol. But the last thing left in my diet that is holding me back, is fluoride from my tap water.

I've heard that RO water, can leech the minerals from our body, but then I've heard it doesn't matter as 95% of minerals come from food anyway.

I just really want to find out a way to get some pure water, and I have an RO filter system.

What's worse, drinking RO water or drinking fluoride tap water?Thanks.


>I stopped consuming meat.

Distilled water is safe.



I didn't mention anything about distilled water?

And what do you mean, "no." In relation to not consuming meat?


>What's worse, drinking RO water or drinking fluoride tap water?Thanks.

Tap water is better unless you live in an area with really contaminated supplies.

Reverse osmosis water or distilled water requires re-mineralization.

Re-read the fluoride thread, someone mentions stores where you can buy remineralisation kits or already re-mineralised water.


>Reverse osmosis water or distilled water requires re-mineralization.
This just isn't true. Think of the miniscule amounts of minerals in water. The amount is miniscule. The amount of minerals missing from water is so miniscule that the amount of poisons in tap water outweighs it. The world is a sea of contamination.


>What's worse, drinking RO water or drinking fluoride tap water?
fluoride tap water is worse



I'm not gonna read that just because you posted it. Speak to me with respect or not at all.


I.E. Respect for my time and energy. If you wish to enlighten me, do so. If you wish for me to seek, tell me to do so and then respect my right to govern myself. Your reply pisses me off.


A lot of the meaty information is on the third page downwards for a couple of shortish paragraphs, couldn't successfully cut and paste from the pdf.

I posted the link since it explains it more thoroughly and concisely with cited study sources.

The main gist of it is that a body, particularly the gut has not evolved to deal with pure water, it ends up effecting multiple systems of the body such as sodium unbalance, red blood cell count, hormonal changes and kidney changes.

Don't take things so personally, no hostility or patronizing was meant from my part, I just cited the article without any other elaboration because I do not have a background in chemistry and biology so if I were to attempt it, I may misinform with my unskillful/incomplete knowledge.


why you mad bro


*Bottom on the third page downwards under the direct effects subheading.


I still don't get it.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Do you still consume sugar in the form of fruits and honey?

Meat is OK if you can get it from the right source.

The main point of a greenpilled diet is to avoid corrupted foods meant for the mass man.

Boil random vegetables and wild plants you forage outside in a pot of RO water with a little Celtic Sea Salt or Himalayan Pink Rock Salt or a similar quality salt that isn't just Sodium Chloride and drink the result.

Also eat sauerkraut every day, especially at night, or just sauerkraut and water alone when fasting + sleeping as much as you can in order for everything to heal up.

Try to obtain as much of your water as possible from vegetable sources like lettuces and cucumbers and stuff that are almost all water and some of your water can also come from fruits although you don't want to do what I did and overdo the Fruitarian diet and fuck yourself up majorily with too much sugar.

Then drink that other stuff I mentioned before (liquid from boiled vegetables / soup and sauerkraut) and you should be perfectly fine. If you can happen to find large quantities of edible weeds like parslane and so on growing in uncontaminated ground around where you live you can eat and boil that stuff too for fuckloads of nutrition that mass-produced food from farm land generally lacks.


>not living alone in a cabin in a wilderness surrounded on all sides by land set aside for forestry and native preserves and ecologically sensitive nature reserves
>not having a well there
'>not drinking the best damned water ever that is completely free of contamination and comes from a well

RO water is extremely useful for pulling pesticides out of fruits btw.


adding trace minerals to reverse osmosis or distilled water isn't difficult or expensive.


Someone thinks distilled water (no minerals) is one of the great secrets:


I guess this includes urine, as used in Kundalini yoga.


Hey OP. I bought a table distiller for 350 USD 8 months ago. 6 months prior to that I bought pure water from the pharmacy and drank that everyday. 350 USD is cheap compared to the 15 USD for a gallon of pure water but in USA, pure water can be bought cheap at big stores.

According to famous face Jew doctors online, I should be dead, or mineral deficit.

I also filter the distilled water in the nose tap using activated stone coal which makes the water at least 99% pure. I've been looking out for health problems and tried to see if something has happened to me that the Internet doctors write about in their posts, and frankly, nothing of that has happened.

What has happened though is that my skin has a very vibrant color. I have no toothaches or holes because I drink my water together and after food, rinsing the mouth properly. My spirituality has gotten a boost since there is no mineral build up of elements near my pinneal gland. However, I do work with my spiritual abilities daily so I cannot solely blame the water for my progress.

My taste buds and my smelling sense has improved. I can smell chlorine, fluoride in tap water, in canned food and in certain cleaning agents that previously didn't smell anything. When I (against my will) drink tap water, I feel tooth ache and a disgusting taste of the chemicals. When the water reaches my stomach, I just feel sick. (You'd be surprised how many food products like soy milk, has added fluoride and minerals added to it which will completely send shivers down your spine).

Not only have I eliminated fluoride from my drinking water, I've also replaced toothbrush and toothpaste with licorice twigs (commonly referred to as siwak). I sometimes have a small inflammation of the gum but using the twigs I can massage and stimulate the gum which usually leads to a very good feeling gum. It's omitted from the text, but I brush my teeth every second day and not every day as other people "recommend".

Problems with drinking water that is pure and removing the poison from your lifestyle is that when you visit dentists or places where you have to force yourself to take fluoride, it will sting. By that I mean, you will feel sick and you will notice how your body naturally reacts to fluoride when the teeth develop a small version of dental fluorosis. Small white spots will form on your teeth and immediately ruin your good looking natural teeth color. When you don't brush your teeth, the teeth will assume a very ivory white color and not the sick Pepsodent white color as in photoshopped celebrities' mouthes. No one will notice it or complain about it because it looks natural.

Still, you might want to look out if you drink coffee and eat sugary food. You will have to brush after every meal or rinse with water to bring down the pH of the mouth so that the bacteria cannot prosper.

I have no experience with RO filtered water, but I can recommend anything that can filter out the chemicals from the water, even if it's just active coal. When I did research about pure water that you can buy from pharmacies, it turns out they use an electric process similar to RO to remove all impurities from the water making it 99.99% pure. It's a very heavy process however just like Electrostatic paint coating.


>Reverse osmosis water or distilled water requires re-mineralization.

No sir, that would eliminate the lengthy process of making the water pure.

The minerals you normally would get from drinking 1 gallon of water per day, can be replaced by eating one peanut.


And in the same way, you can spin the coin the other way around and say:
The body and the gut has definitely not evolved to deal with toxic minerals and metals in our diet, thus pure water will greatly help reduce the stress that these toxic minerals induce. If you know anything about the kidneys, you'll learn that they are biological distillers. So minerals it has to distill and filter every day due to our sick food leads to diseases that clog up our system such as kidney stone and kidney failure. So when you give yourself pure water that is negatively charged naturally, it will attract all minerals and unnatural substances in the body and thus ease the burden for the kidneys and other organs. It will bind to fat, chlorine, sodium alloys and metals such as lead and mercury.

According to the same reasoning, you can say that the body has not evolved to properly digest bread, as it is one of the latest food inventions and is not entirely natural. Thus a lot people have problems with gluten.


What does that flag mean?


Thanks for posting. Thanks to you I've formed a positive association with miswak and I'll check it out at my leisure.


OP here. Made the decision to consume the RO. Will try to get my minerals from my diet, with foods like Raw Cacao and such.

Once I get some more money, I might start getting spring water delivered to my house, but for now, RO seems the way to go.


>OP here. Made the decision to consume the RO. Will try to get my minerals from my diet, with foods like Raw Cacao and such.
Great decision anon, it will make your life a lot better.


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Why are people so defensive of fluoride?
What has programmed them to be this way?


For one, to stop defending what you were told opens up a floodgate of "what ifs."

If they can't trust the people who told them "fluoride is good for your teeth so we need to add it to public drinking water" they won't be able to trust anything else. Their unwavering faith is like a survival mechanism, they simply don't invite that sort of thinking onto their doorstep.

It's sort of like those wives who fiercely defend their husbands after they end up on To Catch A Predator or were otherwise caught doing something degenerate.


Well water master race reporting in.


Fluoride calcifies the pineal gland.

And it is an industrial byproduct that some lobbyists convinced the government to pour into the water supply because it is cheaper than properly disposing of it. It has no positive effect on teeth.


It isn't about missing out on the minerals that would be in the water, it is about the water leaching minerals from your body. It is diffusion. Pure water on one side of a membrane will cause the cell to expel minerals to create a balance in concentration on both sides of the membrane.


That presupposes or assumes A) the is a significant amount of minerals in water (false) and B) Minerals from other sources are not entering the open system (ideally false). I didn't read the linked pdf MUCH but it talked of pipes. I now realize that pipes aren't intestines within a metabolic systems are not even a non-zero percent similar to intestines or metabolic systems. Pipes are inert and non-self healing.


There must be higher rates of insomnia and sleep disorders then in areas with heavily fluoridated water.


>I've stopped consuming meat, … tobacco
Tobacco increases testosterone, and meat is good for you.
What's wrong with all the neophytes lately trying to eat like a 40yo newage woman?


My two cents.
My experiences of drinking ONLY 100% distilled water for the last half year.

I almost quit milk, I have approximately one cup of milk a week - I plan to quit, and use coconut cream instead. I only drink 100% juice such as freshly squeezed organic orange juice, or 100% coconut water without any additives. No coffee or alcohol unless made by myself - because everyone else, everywhere uses tap water.

I am actually healthier, I believe. My beer gut is on the decline, and I feel absolutely fantastic and everyone tells me I look great.

I found a distiller (divine system) off gumtree in north queensland, Australia - got it sent to me for cheap. I use it to distill water and the residue absolutely stinks of bad chemicals.. It's brown and sludgey - that's what you guys are drinking. It's chlorine and fluoride and god knows what.

There's a secondary filter where the distilled water drips down through, which is made up of coconut fibers - This is to add some minerals, and a bit of taste, I think. I think if you have finance problems - either use magic to manifest a distiller, or look into spirit distillers - which operate under the same principles really.

10/10 would recommend distilled water

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