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Esoteric Wizardry


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Good evening /fringe/ i'd like to invite everyone to an IRC room.

Anything paranormal, spiritual, spooky, occult, alium come here and post it.

Remember to have fun!



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Get in here folks, lets have a good /fringe/ discussion.




Fuck IRCs and chats, they are huge time-wasting distractions, and there's so many of them being constantly made all the time to take away people from the site and it creates circlejerks. If I wanna talk this board already has hundreds of posts every day for me to respond to and lots of people who will read anything I post.


Within minutes of joining this chat a member of it gave me a bunch of new reading material on 3 different topics of occultism. It was quite nice actually, it's also nice having discussions about readings and practices with fellow initiates, but that is just my opinion.


What topics, what books, man?


Well that faggot could just post reviews of the books he has read in the threads we have about the /fringe/ library right now.


This chat is absolutely useless. Full of mundanes and /x/ people.


>This chat is absolutely useless. Full of mundanes and /x/ people.
Yeah, an example of a topic is
"I'm 12 and my parents found out I have occult books. What do? They wouldn't let me use a computer now. ;_;"


Sorry I just now seen this post, I'll let you know when I get home, I'm about to go for a hike/jog.



Come to http://www.occultminds.com/chat/

The people there are nuts but they're ok.


Enochian -
Peterson's five books of mystery
de heptarchia mystica
The Genesis of Science - James Hannam. Illustrates a more faithful perspective of the Christian Middle Ages in relation to the development of modern science. Useful for deprogramming people who still have hangups about the Christian context of Dee's work.
Euclids Elements of Geometry. If you hate Geometry, or lack the understanding of it - Dee's work will simply be something you are superstitious about and ignorant of. Hieroglyphic Monad - proof of the statement i just made. A core component of Dee's rise to power.
The final one i'd say is Aaron Leitch Angelical Language series
enochian magic in theory.

Kabbalah -
The sha'are orah
The sepher yetzirah
And the bahir

He also gave me a useful Kabbalistic meditation.


Thanks, man. Double dubs in reply to double dubs, now that's just dandy.

Will check those out.

I actually wonder if adding the study of Kabbalah wouldn't just end up being intellectual masturbation of a sort. That with what is already available in smiley's mega, for instance, I'd already have enough knowledge to fully be capable of transcending the need for material books.


Kabbalah means Mouth to Ear, By doing some contemplating on the Kabbalah I'm you could learn some stuff far behind the knowledge of material books.

>those dubs were quite dandy


I'm sure you could*


>Kabbalah (Hebrew: קַבָּלָה‎, literally "receiving/tradition"[1]) is an esoteric method, discipline, and school of thought that originated in Judaism. A traditional Kabbalist in Judaism is called a Mekubbal (Hebrew: מְקוּבָּל‎).

Wikipedia says something else. Anyways, the /fringe/ mega has a Kabbalah book called From Harmony to Chaos.

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