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Esoteric Wizardry


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What's fringe view on masculinity and femininity, anyone read way of men by jack donovan?

How do you fell about the fact that vikings thought occultfags were literal fags

>In Lokasenna, Loki accuses Oðinn of practising seiðr, condemning it as an unmanly art (ergi).

>A justification for this may be found in the Ynglinga saga, where Snorri opines that following the practice of seiðr (magic/occultism) rendered the practitioner weak and helpless.

> Argr (also ragr) is "unmanly" and ergi is "unmanliness";

>The practice of seiðr (sorcery) was considered ergi in the Viking Age, and in Icelandic accounts and medieval Scandinavian laws, the term argr had connotations of a receptive, passive role of a freeborn man during homosexual intercourse.



how do i practice or at least research the occult without feeling like my norse ancestors would shame me for it?



NEVER hold another's approval above your own, do you think your ancestors would want supplicant progeny?

Just do what you know is right, and you will become unshakable by all others.



>anyone read way of men by jack donovan?

>In Lokasenna, Loki accuses Oðinn of practising seiðr, condemning it as an unmanly art (ergi).

Loki was a trickster so he was probably trolling. but i am not extremely familiar with norse myth, someone correct me if I am wrong.

Also it's funny that you mention him… Jack Donovan is a homosexual and a former member of the Church of Satan. He's gay and apparently had occult ties. I'm not sure whether this detracts from his work, but I'm sure someone else has some cutting insights about this.

I thought he overemphasized having a manly, masculine tribe of brothers rather than a sort of brotherhood or national identity where you merely help each other and collaborate with one another. His words gave me a weird vibe that seemed like whenever he referred to men or masculinity like "you can admire his strength and manliness but no homo" and "disregard those womenfolk" even before I learned he was gay.

However I know that he despises the LGBT cult and is anti-liberal. If you think JD or his work is unmasculine, consider that for a moment. Also that most shamans/wizard types were considered weird, probably homosexual yet somehow venerable people because they lived outside of the normal mundane life and could do things those people could not due to having to take care of the farm and the kids and such.

I cannot say to what extent that being "unmanly" in that case is bad if it is not your destiny or decision to do the American Dream sort of thing with the wife, house with picket fence and kids, but vikings probably needed all the babbys they could get so discouraging "unmanly" behavior was probably necessary for the survival of their race and culture


Eh… That's just like, your opinion, man. >>32290

Impotent movie quotes aside, what about the runes?
What about the Gothic cathedrals built by men to entertain the Gods?
The seer in your little Vikings TV series is also fake and lame
Are you suggesting it was more like the crazy witch in The 13th Warrior?.. Perhaps..

It's obvious our view of that history period is skewed, as well as their own views and that imposed by xianity

We can go right back to the Mystery Schools inhabited by male initiates and led by Thoth, among other sons of the Gods. Is the Sun masculine or feminine?

Mater is the root word of materialism and Latin for Mother.
If you want a guide on gender characteristics I would recommend:
What Men Know That Women Don't by Rich Zubaty
Then move on to Might Is Right and other assorted misogyny, like TheAbsolute.net


And your shaming technique is inherently a feminine tactic, faggot.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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vikings arent all theyre cracked up to be


Value is what your post is without.


Didn't Loki give birth to someone?..
So wouldn't his opinion be hypocritical?



Yes he did give birth never mind.



tl;dr - Loki turned himself into a mare to distract a working horse so the gods could win a bet. The stallion however caught up with mare-Loki and basically raped him. Loki certainly wasn't gay, bi, or "genderfluid" or any other snowflaky term.


>anyone read way of men by jack donovan?

sorry anon, I don't read gay erotica


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>how do i practice or at least research the occult without feeling like my norse ancestors would shame me for it?

Your immediate ancestors are already ashamed of you for being asshatru




Thankfully I'm on bed so I didn't hurt myself

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