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Esoteric Wizardry


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I just finished reading Liber Null & Psychonaut and it surprised me to see Peter Caroll bash astrology. Do chaos magicians reject all of it or did he refer only to the daily horoscope bullshit?


That shit requires some high level precision which isn't typical to such practices.


Carroll has always been a non-initiate idiot. Hence him gaining traction on /fringe/.


>Carroll has always been a non-initiate idiot. Hence him gaining traction on /fringe/.

Proof /fringe/ holds him in high esteem at all? Where are you even getting this idea from? The /fringe/ library doesn't and never has had any of his books even.


What do you mean?


I guess he meant Astrology has too many factors to make it a good divination system for entry level practitioners. I may be wrong though.



Astrology in magic isn't all about divination, knowing the moon phases and planetary layout helps you draw on certain powers and know when to do certain types of magic.

I'll get you a book on planetary magic in a sec.



Way i see it, if the moon can affect a tide and our bodies is mainly water - you want to know when that happens to you and what you can and can't do - so i would conclude the planets would have some form of effect considering Jupiter holds the asteroid debris past Mars from getting near us.

Maybe not largely enough to be noticed or studied that fully, but let me ask you - what happens when you split an atom? - or when you shock yourself - i would guess these elements effect each other etherically and energetically.


He actually says something on those lines in the books. That the moon phases have definite psychic effects on mankind.

Let me change a little the direction of thread. What do you people think of astrological birth charts? A reliable mean of getting information on someone's personality?


Thanks, will read as soon as I'm done with my current one.


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under rated topic of discussion. probably talked about less on here because its so personal i guess…but it effects non personal things too



It is definitely an under rated topic of discussion.

Personally I know very very little about it but I would like for more people to be interested in it and post about it so we can benefit from astrologically well timed rituals.



I find it quite the opposite. Astrology is definably too complex for an entry level practitioner and easily caters to one's pre-dispositions.

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