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Esoteric Wizardry


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>Transhumanism (abbreviated as H+ or h+) is an international cultural and intellectual movement with an eventual goal of fundamentally transforming the human condition by developing and making widely available technologies to greatly enhance human intellectual, physical, and psychological capacities.

I want to be more.


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Technology will make you dependent and enslave you. It is like a man who rides around on a scooter rather than walking and he then reaches greater levels of obesity than he could have otherwise. Television and many other technologies have weakened humans. Hell, even the book has weakened humans, have you ever read The Gutenberg Galaxy?

>The Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making of Typographic Man is a 1962 book by Marshall McLuhan, in which he analyzes the effects of mass media, especially the printing press, on European culture and human consciousness.


The occult on the other hand involves turning within and finding an inner-source of strength that will make you extremely powerful without becoming dependent on technology.

Everything technology can do, our spirits can do better.


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If you really want to be more than use all of the resources presented to you and work on ascending past the physical plane of reality. Transferring your consciousness to another vessel or artificially enhancing your physical body into something no longer human would only chain your existence to the physical world even more, and I have a horrible feeling inside that this would be eventually excruciatingly painful, mentally and spiritually.

The idea that you can attain perfection by binding yourself further to the physical world is flawed. It is a philosophy wholly routed in the fear of death and uncertainty.

Don't be scared of anything.

And DON'T be fooled into thinking Trans/Posthumanism is the answer to your problems. It's not. The effect it would have on your psyche, and the connection of your consciousness and your body is horrible.


not to mention, who's making the software? the hardware? who's programming everything?

you really want to trust your whole experience to fucking intel or nvidia? or fucking microsoft? fucks sake, all the companies working on this are 100% ran by the same folks - yeah im SO sure they want EVERYONE to be fucking ironman amirite?

Play the Deus EX video game series.


See part 1 of the Black Mirror christmas special to see how horrific transhumanism could be.

Also black mirror is some of the best tv to come out of the uk in years, watch it all.


Also further more, the entire construct we run has our coding and information in every last available corner or spec of it,

TBH, the limit of what i can see this being efficient and working would be nano-coating certain areas of the body including skin with extremely resistant process' or webbing probably a material in similarity to graphene or a modification simply to act as a nano armor - that i could see it be the limit, but even then, those nanites THAT close to your construct, you would need 100% full control over them, what if the company that produces em decides to say f it yolo we got tons of people wearing our shit - lets hold them hostage and do as we want with them'' …

come on. i mean seriously… come on, people who are so passionate about transhumanism do you even for a second think about YOUR will in this?


A part of Transhumanism is rooted in Luciferianism, the constant strife for perfection, enlightenment and liberty - apotheosis of man.

That being said, I only approve of methods that work on the flesh such as genetic engineering and organ printing. It's fairly reasonable that everyone should have a right on beauty and eternal youth.

It's quite obvious we should aim for independence of technology and spiritual perfection, too. I have no doubt in our spiritual power, but technology is nevertheless a very helpful tool which we should make use of. It shouldn't be neglected or frowned upon.

Mind uploading is materialistic nonsense and getting implants/biomechatronics is asking for dependence.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
listen to this pro transhumanist kike


Transhumanism is just another utopian cult rooted in the fever dream of science fiction. The "heaven" in this case is the server farm they want their consciousness to be beamed up to. The "eternal life" is from all the pharmaceuticals they believe will come to exist. The priests and cathedral of this church are the scientists, academics and corporations that will benefit from selling this worldview to the wealthy and naive. All they need for salvation is the belief in it.

Transhumanists view their critics and enemies as Luddites, not understanding that advances in material technology do not and may not necessarily go in the direction they so desperately believe it will, or that mankind can't benefit from technology in ways other than in the ways they propose. They believe their way is the only way.

Sure, technology and medicine may promote human longevity, but it is not necessarily transhumanist, much how believing in basic humanitarianism is not exclusive to the feminist ideology. Transhumanism and what its pulpits promise is an excuse for spiritually bereft people to continue their degenerate ways, thinking technology will be their salvation.

How can we destroy this stupid neckbeard New Age egregore, /fringe/?


If writing was a dance - your's was wonderful.


Transhumanism will ultimately be good because it will force people to reconsider Humanism. People will have to stop considering truth and beauty from a human perspective and take on a transcendent perspective.

The only thing that could sway me from this position is any evidence that important aspects of human cognition are entirely dependent on the flesh substrate (that is, could not conceivably be reproduced outside of an organic entity).


Only the ignorant and unknowing would believe that our consciousness and seat of personality would be transferable to another vessel without destroying the original. The only way to body swap is through a very complex and dedicated spiritual method that only few masters has done.

The transhumanism agenda is the new 9/11 hidden in movies, it's being pushed everywhere. The latest Disney movie Big Hero 6, Transcendence, Chappie, Eagle Eye and many more tries to convey the idea that human consciousness is just a memory chip in disguise that can be extracted using a brain reading machine you put on your head.

If you are an advocate of transhumanism and you support the idea of enslaving yourself to a machine even more than today's iPhone zombies that roam the street, you haven't even tasted the real essence of life yet. I dare you to seek the world beyond the physical for just a year and meditate until you can't recognize yourself in the mirror.

The void that people are trying to fill with the degenerate arts and culture they say is progressive is just a big excuse for the rewards of an atheist that they believe in. They do not understand the world beyond the physical and they are led to believe that this world is the only world as to make them slaves to the idea that they are allowed to act and do whatever they want without consequences.

What a fool they will be when they stand in the after life confronted by all the things they've done in their life, just because they neglected their heart and thought logic was the only pattern of thought. It should be enough evidence that the face Jews are pushing the agenda, doing the movies and pretending that they know anything about human consciousness while following their toilet paper quality religious book about enslaving gentiles and making them serve their purpose.


The only true transhumanistic concept is working with the creators/old ones/great ones/grandiose term for forebears and reuniting with their design for us.


There is one simple rule. If the technology enhances the ability for the wizard to creatively conform reality to his will, it is useful development. If not or if it diminishes that capacity by enslaving the mind or body, then it is harmful.


trans* human :^)


>just because they neglected their heart and thought logic was the only pattern of though

Anon, logic and the heart are not in conflict, don't imply they are. These people are largely irrational who live the materialistic zombie life.

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