Seeing as the CFR is slowly pushing every western country towards mandatory vaccines, I was wondering what /fringe/'s views on vaccines are.
Is /fringe/ vaccinated?
Does /fringe/ get a flu shot?
Are vaccines just a way for the state to mentally retard us and permanently damage our immune systems to make us reliant on their pharmaceutical drugs later in life?
Or does it run deeper? Do vaccines damage the pineal gland and ability to astral project and spiritually develop?
What have you personally noticed about those you interact with in the community who get annual flu shots?
>>32437>Are vaccines just a way for the state to mentally retard us and permanently damage our immune systems to make us reliant on their pharmaceutical drugs later in life? >Or does it run deeper?Without thinking about it I can tell you certainly that it DOES NOT run shallower.
>>32437What is to stop any one from inserting a small tracking device in the syringe. Nanites.
Here's one cool idea for ya, do like wim hoff did and monks do and learn to change your body's temp - and just boil the fuck out of your own body while sitting under a cold waterfall - wham, melt that shit down and eliminate it.. does this sound familiar ? :P
>Is /fringe/ vaccinated?
Yes, I travel a lot so it's a must.
>Do vaccines damage the pineal gland and ability to astral project and spiritually develop?
Never had any problems with it.
>What have you personally noticed about those you interact with in the community who get annual flu shots?
They get sick with the flu less often than those who do not.
>Are vaccines just a way for the state to mentally retard us
In your case OP, that'd just be a waste of money.
Vaccines work and you'd be a fool to think otherwise. DNA hackery at its finest.
Now, the OTHER shit people can put inside you if you allow them mandatory access to your bloodstream may be cause for concern. But, just because someone might poison your food doesn't mean food is inherently useless and bad.
Vaccines are dysgenic. They allow people to live and pass on genes who would have naturally died. All medicine is basically dysgenic.
Ray Peat talks about vaccinations in these interviews basically says that vaccines do work but yea, most of the "effects of vaccines" can simply be attributed to better hygiene practices but vaccines are way profitable than telling everybody to wash their hands and installing plumbing systems.
>>32707This indeed.
I wonder if in the future we'll use viruses to actually change people's DNA for the better and create an eugenic effect.
>>32712 like making us more white? :D
I won't take any vaccine precisely because the government and dumb millenials on the Internet want to make it mandatory for me to do so.
This enormous push we see all over social media to brand anyone who is dubious about forcible injections as a crazy idiot and lowest scum of the earth reeks of astroturfing. Presumably by the pharmaceutical industry, which has been caught repeatedly killing people to maintain profit margins (the infamous Bayer AIDS scandal, for instance). Profit is a sinister enough motive, but there are of course other possibilities.
The one thing we can be certain of is that the motive of this campaign is not the public good. If public health was a real concern for TPTB, the importance of shit like measles would fall far below such things as antibiotics in the cattle industry giving rise to superbugs or unrestricted immigration reintroducing nearly extinct viruses back into the civilized world (leprosy, TB, etc.), to name just a couple of things.
Only the dumbfucks at the very bottom of the totem pole, like your average redditor, actually cares about whooping cough. The people at the top don't give a shit about your health, so the question of why they want the right to forcibly inject whatever they choose into your body should be a matter of some concern.
>>32437Do not insult me ever again, mudblood.
>>32713*South American Detected*
I was thinking more along the lines of purifying the actual white race itself of genetic defects. Completely eliminate myopia, acne, and many other common problems.
I was vaccinated as a kid and my health after that was fucking terrible for a long time. Barely any immunity to anything. After a long time it got better, but funnily, even one of the top private specialists in the country couldn't find a cause for the recurring sinus problems. Also, monthly colds that could put me out from anywhere between a few days up to three weeks.
The instant, extreme negativity towards ANY anti-vax sentiments seems to be caused by deliberate social propaganda imao. The people who believe in scientific research about the positives of vaccines, completely negate side-effects and problems documented by the SAME research. Bring up any of the documented side-effects and potential dangers, and you're going to be crucified as a "crazy tin foil alyun xD". Even if vaccines are not deliberately bad, (as in, not a plan to "retard the society" or w/e theories are going around), they still have their problems, but someone's profiting off pretending these problems don't exist.
>>32845>Even if vaccines are not deliberately bad, (as in, not a plan to "retard the society" or w/e theories are going around), they still have their problems, but someone's profiting off pretending these problems don't existAgreed. The largest aspect to this is the amount of unconscious psychic control this gives to the government. The average mundane might not be consciously aware of it, but when you give the government (which spies on you constantly) the ability to tell you and/or your infant where to be at what time, and when you get there to be given an injection scheduled specifically for you, you are giving them additional opportunities to
1. Assassinate you, give diseases to your infant. (in b4 GUBMINTS DON'T HURT NO ONE EVER THEY ARE ONLY IMMORAL IF X PARTY IS IN CHARGE)
2. Track you
3. Punish you for dissidence (removal of social welfare your ancestors have probably been paying into for hundreds of years unless you're illegal in which case you must be given additional benefits and not be taxed at all)
These factors would weigh in heavily on the unconscious mind and press it into obedience in yet another subtextual endeavor by the government to control minds.
Keeping shitskins out of white nations, exterminating all the degenerates, and making sure the remainder of the population has a good diet and hygiene would pretty much resolve all the major health problems.
Fuck getting vaccinated against diseases that wouldn't even find their way into my nation if not for shitskins being allowed to come here.