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Esoteric Wizardry


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I am going to buy a ton of books on Amazon..
what should I get?


also non book recommendations are welcome


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Here is what you do.
Go to the book lists and get all the books.


Buy kindle books if you can then share them.

Download the kindle app for pc, download calibre, install this plug in https://apprenticealf.wordpress.com/ transfer kindle books to calibre, upload as mobi or convert and upload to pdf.


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You can read these online, especially because some of them are really short.


Buy John Baines Hyperconsciousness and share it, OP.


Buy as much as possible, except the ones that are complete bullshit. Convert them all to PDF format by purchasing and using your own copy machine with all those shekels. Make a MEGA and upload them on various sites to ensure they won't ever be taken down if someone gives a shit about piracy (unlikely) and boom, you've done /fringe/ a favor. We need all the information and knowledge we can get. Btw, don't buy books exclusive to the occult. Buy books that have to do with sabotage, warfare, surveillance, and other information that /edgy/ might need. Because I'm tired of learning how to gain info on people all by myself, and you never when you need that stuff when SHTF. Speaking of SHTF, buy plenty of gardening and survival books.


Btw how much Jewry was committed to obtain that kind of money?


The Academic Study of Western Esotericism: Early Developments and Related Fields

Daimonic Imagination: Uncanny Intelligence

Seeing with Different Eyes: Essays in Astrology and Divination

Expensive books that would be good if you could share


Get a physical copy of every single book by Franz Bardon, every book by Robert Bruce, every book by William Walker Atkinson, every single book listed here http://montalk.net/reading and if you want every book from every author whose book you have liked from any of the mega libraries. I guess you could also go buy all of Zivorad's books too.

You'll have about a hundred books then.

Do you just want to buy fuckloads of books because you can or do you want only what you really should have and be reading?


OH! OP definitely should buy all of John Baines books and upload them! I only have The Stellar Man but none of the other books by him. If OP can get all of John Baines books and then upload them that would be wonderful!


OP I assume you just want a kick-ass collection of occult books to show off but what exactly is your motive for buying a ton of occult books on Amazon?

If that's not your motive and you just want to get rare occult books and make them available to us than buy all the books by authors we like but haven't been able to obtain PDFs from.


What sort of non-book stuff? Do you mean like magickal paraphernalia? Maybe just things in general we think you should have?


>sabotage, warfare, surveillance
I am interested in system disruption.

>Buy kindle books
post links to what i should get

>books by authors we like but haven't been able to obtain PDFs from
post a list

>Maybe just things in general we think you should have?


Read my thread here please then:

Wizard Progress Report: ( >>30727 )


>I am interested in system disruption.

Randy Prozac?



Jason Miller's books, also his year long sorcery shindig. Nephilim Press and Scarlet Imprint, Salamander's and Son for rare books.


Get a whole bunch of activated carbon (you can obtain it in aquarium stores) and put that in your bedroom, in any rooms with potential smells, etc. all over your house and you can eliminate smells and in so doing better protect your health and actually enhance your sense of smell (you go noseblind and your sense of smell weakens in a constantly very smelly environment).

It'll help you also if you want to do some of the practises in Initiation Into Hermetics and other occult books along the lines of developing certain powers relating to the smell. If you can create an environment for yourself in which sensory deprivation exists it is easier to work on certain things with those distractions gone.

You should also have a good water filter so you're drinking nothing but the best water you can get and a filter for your showerhead so your whole body isn't being bombarded with tons of chlorine while you shower that damages your skin.


I'd be stoked to see some of camille flammarion's stuff.


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Don't forget to buy all books by Carlos Castaneda. He was really good at wizard things. I was learned a lot from his books.


Have you read Theun Mares, friend? He continues on Castaneda.


I recommend you these…These were the stepping stone for my awakening,and now i manifest a lot of amazing things through law of attraction.I mean,it works on extreme degrees for me.Eckhart Tolle book The power of now is about meditation,he has some vidz on yt about mditation,Teal swan on yt has some vidz about it,too… Teal swan has some vidz about meditation,too.So i'll recommend you these:
Eckhart Tolle : The power of now;New earth and the vid on youtube named :
Quantum theory - Full documentary hd

Neville Goddard-The power of awareness Neville Goddard-The law and the promise Napoleon Hill -Think and grow rich ; …Teal swan on youtube.

And i recommend you these,too:
Bruce Lipton the biology of belief
Joseph Murphy The power of subconscious mind
And,please search on google dp4 method freedomboard and download the pdf.


The subconscious mind and how to program it - Bob Proctor book

The sculptor in the sky -teal swan


And this is very interesting : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qcu_MLxDA50




And https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mMRrCYPxD0I




Oh,and this: http://www.collective-evolution.com/2013/12/05/the-illusion-of-matter-our-physical-material-world-isnt-really-physical-at-all/


I recommend you these…These were the stepping stone for my awakening,and now i manifest a lot of amazing things through law of attraction.I mean,it works on extreme degrees for me.Eckhart Tolle book The power of now is about meditation,he has some vidz on yt about mditation,Teal swan on yt has some vidz about it,too… Teal swan has some vidz about meditation,too.So i'll recommend you these:
Eckhart Tolle : The power of now;New earth and the vid on youtube named :
Quantum theory - Full documentary hd

Neville Goddard-The power of awareness Neville Goddard-The law and the promise Napoleon Hill -Think and grow rich ; …Teal swan on youtube.

And i recommend you these,too:
Bruce Lipton the biology of belief
Joseph Murphy The power of subconscious mind
And,please search on google dp4 method freedomboard and download the pdf.


The subconscious mind and how to program it - Bob Proctor book

The sculptor in the sky -teal swan


And this is very interesting : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qcu_MLxDA50




And https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mMRrCYPxD0I




Oh,and this: http://www.collective-evolution.com/2013/12/05/the-illusion-of-matter-our-physical-material-world-isnt-really-physical-at-all/


And Tony Robbins


The thing which is not good about a lot of law of attraction presentations for audiences is the presenter uses lmiiting language like "The bottom line" and "All you have to do". The solution lacking from that is delimiting language like "The promise" The goal" and optimistic language which is unlimited in nature. The presentations are not good because the language is not unlimited.


This is a shitload of garbage and noise that can all be replaced by a few Atkinson books and a few articles written by Tom Montalk and a single Neville Goddard book.


What is any good about that guy? Isn't he a new age Amerindian guy who spouted a lot of bullshit boomers liked? If we're going to recommend someone of that lowly a calibre, then we might as well just make a ton of chaos magick book author recommendations like Phil Hine and so on.

I don't think it's a good idea though to burden oneself with a lot of noise. Just stick to the important books from the very best authors.

You ought to make a whole thread about what you've learned from Castaneda you've actually been able to use productively in your magickal practise or I won't be swayed much on this matter.

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