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File: 1428871879109.jpg (148.59 KB, 973x450, 973:450, halfgirl.JPG)


I have known about this for years but this is the first evidence I have that I can share online.
The picture was taken at the corner of the reflecting pool on the national mall in washington DC by the base of the Lincoln memorial.
The woman, a Chinese intelligence operative posing as a tourist had a failure of her equipment and was partly exposed.
Note the the shadow is not affected indicating that the device's effect is psychic rather than optical.


File: 1428872348107.jpg (60.16 KB, 262x628, 131:314, halfgirl2.JPG)


>Note the the shadow is not affected indicating that the device's effect is psychic rather than optical.

I don't understand what you mean by psychic here.


Why are a shit ton of /x/-tier posts being made here? Keep all that bullshit over on /x/


>Note the the shadow is not affected indicating that the device's effect is psychic rather than optical.
yet part of the person is hidden from the (optical) camera

fuck off


>Note the the shadow is not affected indicating that the device's effect is psychic rather than optical

How then do you account for the fact part of herself is still obscured from view?

Also, due to how incredibly easy this is to do with photo manipulation (even I can do it, by taking two pictures, one with the person standing there and another exactly same one without it and then pasting the second layer and erasing part of it for the effect you have) no photo of this phenomena will ever constitute evidence even if it is legitimate. It's really something one would have to see in person to truly believe, although video evidence would be harder to take and as such a little more convincing, even that can be manipulated.

Anyways, my main problem is you're claiming it's psychic and I presume being done in the same way Indian Fakirs can influence what people see but on the camera they just appear to be sitting in meditation doing nothing.

It's clearly optical if any part of them is invisible to the camera. You can claim it's both optical and psychic though. However saying it's "psychic rather than optical" is contradicted by the very image you posted; it has to either be psychic and optical, technological and optical, or fake and optical. It is definitely not "psychic rather than optical".

*finishes tipping fedora*


File: 1428897923520.jpg (182.8 KB, 973x450, 973:450, Pasted Images Kek.jpg)

The fuck is this supposed to be OP? Photo editing errors?


Provur, stop deleting threads btw, you need to just lock them and leave a message in the thread explaining why you locked them. They get auto-purged at page 5 if less than 10 replies.


Op captured amazing reality distortion on camera you faggots


Maybe he did but what makes you think as much happened? I don't doubt invisibility is a real ability that is actually used and can be achieved both through technological and magickal methods and that there are Chinese spies all over the place. I just don't see OP's claim concerning it being "psychic rather than optical" as legitimate and the images appears very strongly to have been very poorly shoop'd.

Even the red borders around each image is an indication of the image having undergone some modifications in some photo editing program.


/x/ is dead


File: 1428926649838.jpg (33.68 KB, 500x629, 500:629, 1428830035261.jpg)



more like automatic photo merge errors
probably a landscape photo or a Google StreetView photo





Looks like one of those google 3d cameras that take multiple photos and stitch them together to look 3d.

In some of the photos the grill wasn't there, in others she was there, and when stitched together, it seems like only half of her is there.



Just to clarify:

What I meant by "look 3d" is camera rotates and take pictures all around, and then stitch them together in order to give the viewer a 360-ish view.

That's what that google street view is. If you look around on street view you can see many images of cars that are half there and half not there, and in rare cases people too. Just a lot less likely because people are much smaller than cars, and cars on the road are much closer to the camera than people on the sidewalk or crossing the street, so they are much more likely to fit completely into one of the pictures and not get cut in half.


Montalk posted this relevant link to his twitter a few days ago:

Human Spontaneous Involuntary Invisibility



>Note the the shadow is not affected indicating that the device's effect is psychic rather than optical.

So the camera is fuckin psychic?

Do you even think before you post?


File: 1433439879278.png (1.01 MB, 973x450, 973:450, explained.png)


Dude are you retarded? Here is an illustration.

I'm not claiming I know its for 100%, its possible that this is some spooki shit, but this is my logical theory backed by my technological knowledge.


File: 1433440321653.png (1.01 MB, 973x450, 973:450, explained2.png)


From looking closer, I can see that the photo is distorted in 2 other places as well, indicating that my theory is most likely correct.

From this image you will see that frame 1,2, and 3 were taken while the girl was there, and then 4,5, and 6 were taken when she was not there. The order doesn't matter I just labeled them as a reference.

How likely is it that a person going semi- invisible would be cut in half perfectly horizontally, and perfectly straight?

If the girl is indeed going invisible, why the fuck would the image be distorted in other places as well?

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