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What do you think about nootropics?

IMO most are placebo bullshit but a few are worth checking out (l-theanine for example).


Noopept is good. Nicotine is good. Caffeine is good. Amphetamine is good.


I never understood why so many people lose their shit about something being a placebo. Isn't more important for a thing to work, instead of how it works?


I've tried tons of nootropics. Some of them just made me feel brain foggy. Some of them gave a noticable stimulant feel. Some did absolutely nothing.

In my years of trying these nootropics I've found that the foundations of health (diet, sleep, exercise) and far more important to your cognitive function that any drug you can take. Also I found that supplementing with mundane vitamins, like Vitamin D had a much more profound effect on my mood than any nootropic.


Because they want to have material things that influence them positively, they can not religiously comprehend that things can improve their mental or whatnot capabilities from within.

sage for shit thread


>I didn't sage
I am literally retarded


100mg caffeine + 200mg l-theanine


Exactly. They are just the sugar on too and do not do much if you don't have more important things in order. It is like people who take a workout supplement and think it will do wonders for them when their diet and program are useless. Gotta have the basics down and then some nootropics can help marginally at that level. Are they worth the money? Probably not unless it is for the ones I listed above (especially amphetamine if you can get a prescription and get it cheap through health insurance or national health or whatever you have in your country). Ephedrine is also pretty good over the counter thing you can try, but it can give more of a PNS stimulation than amphetamine that causes jitters.


I don't know why, and I never wanted it to be true, but prescription amphetamines make a better person. I become more creative, more willful, more magical, more athletic and not a disgusting waste.

Caffeine also works quite well. Plan to use it with l-theanine.

Creatine seemed possibly good, but I wasn't sure.

I didn't notice anything from piracetam. Want to try the others.

DMT and classical psychedelics, regardless of concerns about them on /fringe/, are good for resetting migraines and moods and some other things. Mushrooms have a statistically massive effect on curing depression and addictions.

Also, I made all of my 4 significant long-term relationships happen whilst I was under the influence of alcohol.


What is this? Some way for the faithful materialists to modify their brain's functioning? We have a far superior method; meditation.


>Also, I made all of my 4 significant long-term relationships happen whilst I was under the influence of alcohol.

kek, what a degenerate failure you are, 4 relationshits you've fucked up now?


I've tried piracetam over a period of time, the only effect it had was to make me extremely agitated


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Subliminal Doses of Psilocybin + Sunifram have been working wonders for me recently.

Additionally, when I was first starting to use nootropics, a combination of celastrus paniculatus + lion's mane mushroom + reshi mushroom + fish oil and a ketogenic diet made me feel as if St. Elmo's Fire was placed upon me. There would be white light radiating through my spine, and I felt amazing. I was also meditating at a beginner's level, running, and doing semi-regular yoga.

(retrospective description, of course)

At times it felt as if my head was being rained upon. Does anyone have any perspective on this?


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>fish oil

>ketogenic diet



No offence, but all relationships are created by alcohol.


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>No offence, but all relationships are created by alcohol.



What does a fedora have to do with alcohol?



How do you explain all the people creating relationships then who never ever drink alcohol?

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