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Esoteric Wizardry


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Learning anything, gaining a skill takes ages. And just because you learned something doesn't mean you won't forget it. And we can only learn a limited amount of things and despite only having one short life we should somehow be able to decide what to focus on learning even though ones personality can change.

Our stone age instincts work against our modern selves and even knowing why you feel and behave in a certain way doesn't help because feelings don't simply dissapear with rationality.

Just mainting your body costs time and ressources. Having to wear clothes, change them, wash them, brush your teeth, hair, shower, constantly having to go to the toilet, having to eat and drink several times a day, having to sleep 1/3 of the day. So you can't even just exist without having to put in work or rely on someone to provide this all for you.

You are weak without tools. And no matter how strong you are you have no chance if you are outnumbered so you have to obey the majority even if you disagree. Without a doctor many injuries and sicknesses are unhealable. Even a small insect or invisible bacteria can end us. No matter how healthy we live and lucky we are we grow old, ugly, weak and senile.

Why did it have to be like this? Who made the rules of physics that forced us to live such pathetic existances?




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How do I ascended?

>Who made the rules of physics that forced us to live such pathetic existances?

The demiurge.


You must be so fun at party's, OP <3


The learning process and acquisition of skills can grow exponentially just keep at it. From 2013 to 2014 I barely was capable of fuck all and struggled to even read the occult books I had then. From 2014 to 2015 I did like a hundred times more stuff than I did last year. From 2015 to right now I have already far outclassed everything I did last year in 2014.

If you go about this the right way you will experience exponential growth and your development, although extremely painfully slow and pathetic at first, will gradually accelerate until you're doing more in a month than every day of the rest of your life combined.

I recommend you read the following books by William Walker Atkinson:
Hatha Yoga
Memory: how to develop, train, and use it
Mind Power: The Secret of Mental Magic

Your main problem OP is you need to spend a lot more time learning to learn. Your current method of learning isn't working out for you. Changing your thinking process, learning to think and solve problems in a Hermetic way, improving your basic congnitive functions, your memory, etc. will enable you to learn and do everything else you want to do in life with much greater ease. If you use thoughtforms as well you can take things to a whole new level of power. There really is no limits here, you can become a savant who has skills and knowledge in every area. …and you can live a very long time as well if you just don't be a degenerate and you pursue continual growth and self-refinement, you know about that man who lived to 256? You can also create tulkus and reincarnate consciously without having to lose knowledge if your present body wears out and the attractions of the astral aren't enough to keep you from ever wanting to go back to Earth.

>having to sleep 1/3 of the day

Are you unconscious during that period of time OP? I explicitly, lucidly, fully aware 24/7 and when my body is inactive I am travelling the astral and engaged in mental and magickal work of a high order. That time is extremely productive for me and not wasted at all.

>You are weak without tools.

Good thing you have tools and can use them then?

>And no matter how strong you are you have no chance if you are outnumbered so you have to obey the majority even if you disagree.

Not if you learn to fight them in the proper way. You could be one man against 50 and lure away just 1 person from the crowd at a time, kill them, then repeat until you've destroyed them all.

>Without a doctor many injuries and sicknesses are unhealable.

Absolutely not true. Doctors are in fact pretty much worthless and of little help. All injuries and all sickness can be cured by magick. Often times doctors do things which cause a lot of harm to people and make them more sick and weak.

>Even a small insect or invisible bacteria can end us.

It could; or you could learn energy work and create thoughtforms and develop your astral senses to be able to detect any pathogens or threats of all sorts before they even enter your body or in the event that they do then you can consciously focus on them and burn them up with your energy. It doesn't matter if it's cancer, a virus, gangrene, some microbe, whatever; you can destroy it and heal it with your consciously directed energy.

>No matter how healthy we live and lucky we are we grow old, ugly, weak and senile.

True only for the vast majority of humanity, there are a few advanced individuals who never really grow old, or ugly, or weak, or senile; and when they die at a very old age they still have a full head of hair that hasn't gone grey and they still look beautiful and are strong and so on.

>Why did it have to be like this? Who made the rules of physics that forced us to live such pathetic existances?

That's the demiurge. Good thing you're in the right place to learn about the greater reality and apply higher laws against lower and overcome the suffering of the lower by raising yourself up to the vibrations at the higher!

I am ascending OP because I embody many virtues, am very disciplined, I studied, I practise, and I walk the path. Do the same and you will achieve miracles just like me.


Trips of ascension.


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Even if it is not my question the quality of your answer makes it quite relevant.

I myself have come to a crossraod in my life where I am faced whit two decisions A) Finish my education and have sustainable income or B) Fuck education and dedicate my time to arcane arts.

At moment and time I am already quite convinced of plan B) but I am still awaiting some from of confirmation from the universe.

>>TFW grandmother is a great metaphysicist could ask for her training

>>Not asking questions just rambling

>>I'm only 19 so the sky is the limit i guess


Holy shit! It's the "you must be so fun at party's" guy!


I guess he wondered in from >>>/4chon/


jesus christ what's up with all these niggas that want to drop out of school to study magick?
you do realize that you're sacrificing your future for a pipe dream?
look at occultists, they all make money through mundane means or they are NEETs on foodstamps/mom basement
just finish school


Mundane means? Magick makes the mundane easy, don't you understand? After a few years of occult development you can rip through college/university easy and complete many other tasks.


you'll need more than 4/5 years to develop "well"



Not me but then again I started off this incarnation with a hell of a lot of natural ability and talent.


>hating your humanity

You clearly understand nothing about the real truth behind magick


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this is really sad for you. That your consciousness was gifted a human body with which to ride out this cycle and upon realizing the limitation of your toolset you waste time lamenting them especially so if this is your only time around. Would you rather have the tools of a cockroach or maybe a lion? Would you rather have the cognitive capabilities of either? You wouldn't even have the presence of mind to think the questions you did.

You lack creativity, chile. The divine spark that differentiates us from animals. We occupy animal forms, but we've been gifted with divine creativity. Only humans would look at a tree and think, "That would make better shade if chopped down and formed into a proper shelter."

Gods forbid you may have to put into practice the things you learn in order to remember them. The Kybalion, an entry level book, teaches within its first pages that knowledge is wasted unless practiced and shared.

Gods forbid you even have the cognitive capacity to struggle with your animal instincts. To live is to die and the only guarantee in life is death, deal with it.

You are a dumb, lazy, fucktard if you think it is too much work to stay in shape. Being "in shape" means being able to maintain your body. Gods forbid you practice the decency of cleaning up your own waste material.

You lack creativity, plain and simple. You know what your limitations are and you've seen one aspect of your challenge. Make of it what you will. "Will" as in "thelema" as in the force applied to bring into reality what was in imagination.



I was a slob, i had a mountain of soda cans stacked on a desk while i grinded out bgs in world of warcraft, pizza 4-5 times a week, burgers, i was fat, greasy, suicidal thoughts aplenty, your basic western man and his poor me attitude. I was a hardcore atheist who hated everything and everyone and reveled at negative things.

Now i eat well.

I enjoy reading, which i fucking hated before.

I work out, even to the point of buying my own equipment.

I grow stronger in every way.

I gained poise.

I really fucking like the feeling and energy of being based, of having shit clean, of being clean, of my insides being clean, of my mind being clean, and i really fucking enjoy the cleaning process as it is the easiest and most rewarding of work when done for self.

The very fact that you will feel and be based as fuck working on the path of being the greater self is the only reason you need.

Besides, most of what you think life and reality is in your little world is what the tv shows showed you how to be, you wouldn't do some things if you hadn't been submitted to it from a source of programming. We need arts, arts are so fucking deep i won't bother to explain why, you know why, and of course arts is one of the venue used to control the upbringings.. blah blah conspiracy stuff blah.. you know the drill..

but yeah, just seriously for a second take a hit of cannabis and really tell me you know deep down inside you want to be awesome, and it's available to you.

I'm 100% positive a lot of the self-hate young males have for themselves would be healed if alcohol was abandoned and cannabis was consumed with proper vegan diets.


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ur cool



You're still fat though.



where is that .jpeg that's like ''wtf is this guy even trying *squints eyes*



>not just creating thoughtforms to get high

What the fuck do you need weed for? It's not like food to sustain you, if you want to get really fucking high smoke astral matter.



study economics. it's about learning to deal with it



funny enough, when i make analogies to explain nutritional information to folk when asked, i sometimes have to use economic metaphors - that video that was posted https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k1qACd0wHd0

it's pretty legit if you want to know how to make money off mundanes, you can do it in a good way too by selling them upgrades and boosts - alchemists made good buck in khemet. Create multiple streams of revenue somehow - do the research into what you would feel more comfortable doing, some do pdfs, most do youtube, a lot do books, conferences, teach, make art, music, sell goods, have another path set… honestly you really only need in general around the world about 300-400 a month for food and then about 150 in small random objects, then something like 200-600 is the norm in rents, someone making 1200-1500 on a basic as fuck revenue a month could do that and keep his practices going - now imagine not being a fuckhead yolo ballstar and dumping millies on worthless shit when you getting paid… notice how most big names in music end up having their own NAME.. look into legaleese tho if you want to win there, it's a good 2-3 years of reading and research if you allocate just a 1-3 hours a day digesting the contents, international law, laws where you decide to conduct trades… etc.. man this shit is so fucking basic tier, seriously, only thing stopping any random guy from being a billionaire is the fear of success.

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