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My dreams are fading fast. "This is just temporary! I will go back to university and succeed! I won't be a dropout working a dead-end job forever!" – these thoughts are getting old. It's been years. I'm fatigued. I'm tired. I'm aging. The effort involved in changing my life for the better is too much. I'm exhausted. I'm dead in all forms but physical.

The wageslave life of working to pay rent, and paying rent to live in a place so you can work. Working to drive a car and driving a car so you can work. The circular insanity has become my reality at this point, my life, me. I am slowly losing the will to resist it. I am slowly accepting this is "just the way it is". Like a broken record, year after year of the same Groundhog Day life on repeat, leading to nothing, nothing more than another day, after another until it unexpectedly comes to end or at my own hands.

Wageslave - this is what I am, this is my lot in life - another unfulfilled, disposable statistic, just a number on some richfag CEO's productivity spreadsheet, easily replaced, easily discarded. While I'm stacking shelves and filling out spreadsheets, they're drinking champagne and smoking thousand-dollar cigars like it's nothing.

I think about this and I feel nothing. That's how I know the transformation has happened. No regret. No sadness. Total apathy. It's just the way it is and there's nothing I can do.

I will probably kill myself on a Monday morning, not today, but someday not too far in the future. Tick-tock.


I feel you, I have a feeling I'll off myself at some point of great strain in the future, but before then I plan on destroying something that has made the world worse off in my eyes.

Our capacity to create meaning and worth is wrapped in chains and locks of the state and above, but our capacity to destroy is so great in comparison, as if by divine edict fires grow and life finds its gentle balance upheaved by the slightest force in the right place.


Even if you go back to university, you will still be working in a dead-end job forever.


Why not try becoming a homeless ascetic? It is very easy to make enough to buy food from panhandling and you can fully devote yourself to spiritual practice.


>My dreams are fading fast

Jokes on you, I never had a life's dream. When I found my calling it wasn't anywhere near where I thought I was going to be.

Very long story short: Having low/no expectations works wonders.


>Even if you go back to university, you will still be working in a dead-end job forever.
Depends on what he graduates in. Once you break 6 digits it becomes trivial to achieve financial independence in a decade or two.

You need to be smart and, more importantly, dedicated in order to do so though.


You still need to be dedicated to something that is ultimately useless or harmful.


>There are posh slaveries…


>academic research is useless or harmful
>civil engineering is useless or harmful
>creating great software is useless or harmful
>saving lives is useless or harmful
>helping other people achieve financial independence is useless or harmful
>conquering the stars is useless or harmful
These are just a few high paying fields where you could cause a positive impact on the life of thousands of people or more.

Just because you're unable to work to help yourself and others around you, don't assume everyone else is equally crippled.


Those things are just symptoms of spiritual lack. They do not bring about any of that thing which is useful and harmless and good. Thus they are useless and harmful. QED


Your impact on the lower planes reflect your condition on the higher ones.

You seem to be very misguided as to what spiritual development entitles.



I get what you're saying, but all but one of those things are in fact feeding a system which, in its net effect, could be seen as quite horrific.

When you give your creativity and productivity to the beast, the beast grows and the beast seems better. But it's still the beast, and it's still trampling all over the dreams of the better, quieter people.

I'm not sure though. Maybe those experiences are right for individuals. I don't really understand this reality.


Most jobs have nothing to do with these.



You are seeing the world this way, because you have chosen to adopt this particular perspective.

Try to realise this. You are ALIVE. The birds are singing! Goddamnit, you have the choice to go to work, to choice to look for other jobs. The choice to quit.

You need to become aware of the incredible power that lies under your skin that will only be realized once you become aware that everything is chosen. Everything.

I have purchased a campervan, and I am in the process of renovating it (with scavenged wood) and have found cheap secondhand power sources and fridge, etc. I intend to move into this van, to save money. It has cost me about $4000 all up, but then I will not have to pay rent any more.

This is an option. As is anything else you could possibly think of.


Why don't you just live in a trailer nearby your workplace and be homeless? Fuck travelling a long distance with your car and paying too much money just to have a place to live. You can accumulate a lot of wealth fast if you get rid of those expenses and still live comfortably.

There's lots of people that basically do this:

>have a car or truck or whatever

>have a trailer that they hitch up to that
>they park it somewhere and live in the trailer
>they get internet at the library or their workplace or they just have some thing they pay for to get internet in their trailer using a phone or whatever as a hotspot

Just a few minutes of walking from my house there's a parking lot near me where people are doing this.

You could also stop being a wave slave and instead be a seasonal work. That way you work very hard and get paid a lot for part of the season and the rest of the year you get to dedicate to the practise of magick.


This too. Don't waste any money or time in a university.


It's kind of cruel how schools make children do write-ups on what they dream they want to be and get them to say stupid shit like becoming an astronaut. They should give more respect to standard work and modest living.

>Once you break 6 digits it becomes trivial to achieve financial independence in a decade or two.

If you are getting 6 digits and it's taking you one to two decades to achieve financial independence you are doing something wrong. You should be able to achieve it in just 2 years.

If you're going to be engaged in any sort of activity that involves saving lives the chances of you saving some bluepilled blight upon the Earth mundane are very high. I'm never going to donate my organs as the chances of them going to someone I really don't want to have them is pretty much 100%.

Merely being alive doesn't matter, people need to factor in quality of life. We also need to exterminate the shitskins because they are dragging our quality of life down by being willing to live at a much lower standard than whites.

Not everything is chosen BY YOU. Most things for most people are chosen for them by higher forces than often-times do not have their welfare best at heart.

>I have purchased a campervan, and I am in the process of renovating it (with scavenged wood) and have found cheap secondhand power sources and fridge, etc. I intend to move into this van, to save money. It has cost me about $4000 all up, but then I will not have to pay rent any more.

Please elaborate about this for me in detail. I am going to be just living on my own eventually but I need some kind of mobile something I can inhabit and which also can stand up to the very cold winters and hot summers in Canada without me freezing to death or overheating to death inside.


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> Please elaborate about this for me in detail. I am going to be just living on my own eventually but I need some kind of mobile something I can inhabit and which also can stand up to the very cold winters and hot summers in Canada without me freezing to death or overheating to death inside.

I am in Australia, so the climate here is more hot than cold, although I am going to take it to the snow next week to test it out (armed with hot water bottles and lots of sleeping bags!) A friend mounted computer fans on his van's ventilation holes to keep the airflow moving inside, which helps in the heat.

For serious living in the cold, I'd probably go for something with actual insulation. I am saving up to purchase a refrigerated box truck, which I will convert the inside to a wood cabin using free wood I find, and install a wood burning stove inside.

There are heaps of resources online, as many people live out of mobile houses. I meet people at festivals who live out of trucks and converse with them about ideas and their vehicles to get inspiration.


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>Not everything is chosen BY YOU. Most things for most people are chosen for them by higher forces than often-times do not have their welfare best at heart.

I believe that it can be. It is true that a large amount is chosen for you, via consensus reality and what you are fed through the media and other people. I believe it is the most important starting realization anyone can come to - that they need to question everything, because everything is a choice. It is not knowing this, that leads to our slavery.

“The Best Slave Is A Slave That Doesn't Know He's A Slave”


That picture is all wrong, you need to show a hoard of retarded voters swarming the polls on election day, all thinking their vote matters.

What the fuck is PTA btw?


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>Goddamnit, you have the choice to go to work, to choice to look for other jobs. The choice to quit.

Funny that. I was the victim of torture and interrogation in the past and they told me something very similar, saying I had "choices", that I could "just give in" or "die" among other shitty options.

I survived through that but it was fucking horrible. I was trained beforehand though to resist torture, we have a manual we read. It basically tells us to give up all hope and expect that the worse that could happen will happen and not to resist and to let oneself go mad if they can so no secrets are divulged. It also suggested zen meditational practises that would help one endure the pain and torture.

Just because he is presented with multiple choices to make doesn't mean they aren't all shit. Often times you have to bear through it though and maybe you will survive and things will get better or maybe not; it's important not to think about that though. You just go through it and you make it out alive or you don't, you don't think about it. If you start thinking about what might happen you're fucked. There's no time for that, no time for fear when you're about to die (and don't think you won't, don't hope, just accept it then you can go to your death bravely while struggling at the same time to survive if necessary to carry out your mission).

Not everything is a choice made by you and you can waste a lot of time and go mad by questioning everything, if you do try to question everything, at least don't spam your mind with the same question over & over that you aren't prepared to obtain an answer for yet and know what matters to concern yourself with in the moment.

You just ignored what he said and repeated yourself as if saying it twice will make it right.

Merely questioning things isn't going to make things a choice for you.

Men are mostly mechanical at first.

Go read The Stellar Man by John Baines, The Kybalion by William Walker Atkinson, and these articles here: http://montalk.net/metaphys/117/stages-of-conscious-awakening and http://montalk.net/metaphys (the intro).

Your posts in this thread as a whole reeks of New Age delusional optimism. There is a functional form of optimism which is good but the type of optimism you're espousing is not. You could do yourself a lot of good by reading the entire montalk website actually or at least all of its metaphysics and matrix section.

The default condition of man is to manifest very little freewill and be like a machine. In his evolution through successive incarnations he gradually frees himself from the lower influences and comes under higher influences. Even in his most exalted form, as a deity-like being beyond our comprehension, he is still subject to Absolute Law which is above All, but at that point manifests a very extreme degree of freewill and is godlike.

Is the idea of "questioning everything" new to you or what? You seem extremely primitive and underdeveloped to me if that is a "profound realization" to you.

Questioning everything won't "lead to your slavery" btw. You are wrong to think you are being enslaved; all men are slaves by default. You can work to liberate yourself but don't be fooled into thinking because of some New Age nonsense you're already free and that you're just being threatened with losing your freedom, you've yet to taste any significant degree of freedom at all.

…and it's not just a matter of "what you are fed through media and other people", everyone literally emits fields of information (auras, thoughtclouds, etc.) that effect things on a subconscious / subliminal level, the programming runs a lot deeper than you realize and includes the influence of hyperdimensional aliens and many other things not immediately apparent to men whose only developed senses are the physical ones.

The fact you're posting with the default flag instead of picking another flag in the list is a give-away to me you're either new here or not very clever, all the shitposting usually comes from people who can't be bothered to select a different flag than the default one.



>The fact you're posting with the default flag instead of picking another flag in the list is a give-away to me you're either new here or not very clever, all the shitposting usually comes from people who can't be bothered to select a different flag than the default one.

Smiley took away the flag I liked, so I mark all my posts with just 'S' It is also my choice to not use a flag. You assume too much, It would be better if you left personal attacks out of rebuttals. As that is a tactic used by trolls when they cannot rely on logical arguments.

I repeated myself, with rewording, because I felt my point wasn't understood.

>Just because he is presented with multiple choices to make doesn't mean they aren't all shit. Often times you have to bear through it though and maybe you will survive and things will get better or maybe not; it's important not to think about that though. You just go through it and you make it out alive or you don't, you don't think about it.

>Merely questioning things isn't going to make things a choice for you.

This is not what I meant. Perhaps I should have included more choices than the obvious ones. I am very sorry you had to experience that, but I also believe it was chosen by you to be experienced.

Like mentioned in the Kybalion. All is mind. The slavery here, is the limiting of your percieved choices.

Also, I do not think I am free. I believe I am a slave while incarnated here.

“The Ultimate Tyranny in a society is not control by martial law. It is control by the psychological manipulation of consciousness, through which reality is defined so that those who exist within it do not even realize that they are in prison. They do not even realize that there is something outside of where they exist.” – Bringers of the Dawn


Go spend time in nature. Don't talk or think while you're there.


Most of that stuff is entirely useless or harmful for spiritual development, yes. Causing "positive impact" on lives is not useful or good, and it is debatable if any of that is positive. In general, doing things that make life more comfortable and pleasing for people just results in them falling to depravity as we see today in the most economically and technologically developed nations, in the end doing far more harm than good.


I refuse to do this. No, refuse is much too weak of a word.

I am suffering because I am living with people that aggravate me, but I am also here without having to pay for rent. This means I have time to find something that resonates with me. I have a vague idea. Very vague. And I presently do not see a way out if I have to be quite honest. But I feel myself growing and being able to visualize futures that are brighter than ever before. The frequency of those is increasing, the momentum is building. Towards what exactly, that I do not know, at least not yet.

It baffles me that my brothers and sisters accept this fate so easily. Why do you do this to yourselves? This world can be made into whatever one desires. You do not have to be a wage slave.


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Yo you should look up Victoria BC or at-least Vancouver island it's basically paradise in Canada.


>This is not what I meant. Perhaps I should have included more choices than the obvious ones. I am very sorry you had to experience that, but I also believe it was chosen by you to be experienced.

I did NOT choose to captured, interrogated, tortured, and then dumped out of a vehicle somewhere miles away from anything and having to walk a great distance while trying to make sure I'm not being followed or leading them towards places they mustn't know the location of. I'm only even alive because they had the wrong guy and realized they had to release me.

This is New Age blaming the victim bullshit you are espousing. Other minds, actors, wills, etc. exist in and contradict me in this world. I do not choose everything that happens for myself. You also act as if there were a set of definite experiences we could choose and thus do not understand the importance of infinity and evidently need to still read The Arcane Teachings.

>Like mentioned in the Kybalion. All is mind. The slavery here, is the limiting of your percieved choices.

You don't even understand The Kybalion. It's not some argument in favour of retarded debunked New Age Solipsism which is what you are espousing. You act as if the universe is some illusion of perception but it's not. Just because it's mental in nature doesn't mean it's somehow unreal and you can ignore it.

>"The half-wise, recognizing the comparative unreality of the Universe, imagine that they may defy its Laws — such are vain and presumptuous fools, and they are broken against the rocks and torn asunder by the elements by reason of their folly. The truly wise, knowing the nature of the Universe, use Law against laws; the higher against the lower; and by the Art of Alchemy transmute that which is undesirable into that which is worthy, and thus triumph. Mastery consists not in abnormal dreams, visions and fantastic imaginings or living, but in using the higher forces against the lower — escaping the pains of the lower planes by vibrating on the higher. Transmutation, not presumptuous denial, is the weapon of the Master." — The Kybalion.


>You should be able to achieve it in just 2 years.
With a $100.000 per year salary, maintaining your quality of life, retire in two years?

Keep in mind that doesn't mean you have $100.000 free to invest, it means you're paid $100.000 and I'm assuming no previous wealth, including property.


Whatever you can save you can invest in the stock markets and double.

If you only save half of the 100k you make, you should be able (with successful investing) to buy land with the money you save up in 2 years, and building a house is much cheaper than buying the actual land. Once you have your land you can grow some cash crops and spend the rest of your year doing wizardry… or you can keep doing your job for awhile longer and saving up extra money to invest in the stock market so you have a large quantity of wealth that you can live securely and comfortably off of the rest of your life.


Ah, I see. So your idea involve buying land and working on it for a living rather than living off profits entirely. It's an interesting idea, although you're not entirely free financially-wise (you still need to be able to work and can't move away from it unless you hire people to do it for you).

Do you believe $150.000 (expected return of 2 years of saving + investment on that scenario assuming you're very good at both of them) would be enough to buy enough land in order to do as you specified? And I'm assuming you meant that land to be in Canada or on a similar place, correct?

>Whatever you can save you can invest in the stock markets and double.

You cannot double your money every two years on stock markets on a regular basis. Unless you mean using magick to tip the balance in your favor or have some kind of advantage, it's very unlikely you can do it.


25 acres and it would be in Canada.

You could manage. A little more money could be nicer of course though.

>You cannot double your money every two years on stock markets on a regular basis. Unless you mean using magick to tip the balance in your favor or have some kind of advantage, it's very unlikely you can do it.

I more than double it. Tell nobody!



>I did NOT choose to captured, interrogated, tortured, and then dumped out

You are entitled to your own beliefs, as I am mine. However, I believe that you may be clouded emotionally, by your experiences here. None of this was directed towards you, but towards the OP, because I wanted to bring positivity, by showing him that he was hemmed in by a tunnel vision.

>You act as if the universe is some illusion of perception but it's not. Just because it's mental in nature doesn't mean it's somehow unreal and you can ignore it.

It is. But the illusion is in your mind. And what is in there, is changeable.

>Other minds, actors, wills, etc. exist in and contradict me in this world.

True, but as the saying goes - birds of a feather flock together. People who think alike, somehow gravitate together. I have had quite a difficult time pulling people who live in different mental universes together. It is as if there is a magnetic field pushing them apart.

>I do not choose everything that happens for myself.

This is what we are all trying to do on this board, isn't it?

>by the Art of Alchemy transmute that which is undesirable into that which is worthy, and thus triumph.

>— escaping the pains of the lower planes by vibrating on the higher. Transmutation, not presumptuous denial, is the weapon of the Master." — The Kybalion.

Vibrating on the higher - may reek of new age solipsism to those who still wish to be entangled in the lower.

Because all is mental in nature, it means it is changeable. A mind can be changed.

I for one, use all the anger, injustice and resentment that enters my life as a great opportunity for raising my vibration. For that is what these events are. They are opportunities for transmutation.

I have not read all of these books you mention, but I have read some.

One simple technique for transmutation (aka rubberband technique);

- A pin, or device that induces a sharp pain, such as a rubberband
- A continued awareness of own thinking

If a thought occurs, that shows oneself in a negative light - such as 'I'm so lazy today' or 'I can't do that!' - immediately induce pain with the device - the pin under a fingernail or a rubberband slap.

>“All that we are is the result of what we have thought: it is founded on our thoughts and made up of our thoughts. If a man speak or act with an evil thought, suffering follows him as the wheel follows the hoof of the beast that draws the wagon…. If a man speak or act with a good thought, happiness follows him like a shadow that never leaves him.”


On a regular basis? I doubt so, chairmans on billionaire investment funds cannot get anywhere near it. I'm sure you can double it sometimes, some people make a smart move and can triple their assets in a month. Which is not to say they can triple their assets every month or avoid losing money on occasion.

How many years have you been investing for, on what types of stock, how much did you put in and how much do you own today?

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