>>32964>Goddamnit, you have the choice to go to work, to choice to look for other jobs. The choice to quit.Funny that. I was the victim of torture and interrogation in the past and they told me something very similar, saying I had "choices", that I could "just give in" or "die" among other shitty options.
I survived through that but it was fucking horrible. I was trained beforehand though to resist torture, we have a manual we read. It basically tells us to give up all hope and expect that the worse that could happen will happen and not to resist and to let oneself go mad if they can so no secrets are divulged. It also suggested zen meditational practises that would help one endure the pain and torture.
Just because he is presented with multiple choices to make doesn't mean they aren't all shit. Often times you have to bear through it though and maybe you will survive and things will get better or maybe not; it's important not to think about that though. You just go through it and you make it out alive or you don't, you don't think about it. If you start thinking about what might happen you're fucked. There's no time for that, no time for fear when you're about to die (and don't think you won't, don't hope, just accept it then you can go to your death bravely while struggling at the same time to survive if necessary to carry out your mission).
>>33003Not everything is a choice made by you and you can waste a lot of time and go mad by questioning everything, if you do try to question everything, at least don't spam your mind with the same question over & over that you aren't prepared to obtain an answer for yet and know what matters to concern yourself with in the moment.
You just ignored what he said and repeated yourself as if saying it twice will make it right.
Merely questioning things isn't going to make things a choice for you.
Men are mostly mechanical at first.
Go read
The Stellar Man by John Baines,
The Kybalion by William Walker Atkinson, and these articles here:
http://montalk.net/metaphys/117/stages-of-conscious-awakening and
http://montalk.net/metaphys (the intro).
Your posts in this thread as a whole reeks of New Age delusional optimism. There is a functional form of optimism which is good but the type of optimism you're espousing is not. You could do yourself a lot of good by reading the entire montalk website actually or at least all of its metaphysics and matrix section.
The default condition of man is to manifest very little freewill and be like a machine. In his evolution through successive incarnations he gradually frees himself from the lower influences and comes under higher influences. Even in his most exalted form, as a deity-like being beyond our comprehension, he is still subject to Absolute Law which is above All, but at that point manifests a very extreme degree of freewill and is godlike.
Is the idea of "questioning everything" new to you or what? You seem extremely primitive and underdeveloped to me if that is a "profound realization" to you.
Questioning everything won't "lead to your slavery" btw. You are wrong to think you are being enslaved; all men are slaves by default. You can work to liberate yourself but don't be fooled into thinking because of some New Age nonsense you're already free and that you're just being threatened with losing your freedom, you've yet to taste any significant degree of freedom at all.
…and it's not just a matter of "what you are fed through media and other people", everyone literally emits fields of information (auras, thoughtclouds, etc.) that effect things on a subconscious / subliminal level, the programming runs a lot deeper than you realize and includes the influence of hyperdimensional aliens and many other things not immediately apparent to men whose only developed senses are the physical ones.
The fact you're posting with the default flag instead of picking another flag in the list is a give-away to me you're either new here or not very clever, all the shitposting usually comes from people who can't be bothered to select a different flag than the default one.