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Esoteric Wizardry


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File: 1429016603977.jpg (56.26 KB, 600x600, 1:1, sui.jpg)


It's at the point where people are willing to:

>socially brigade (8chan's own suicide board and leddit's suicide board gets loads of posters who think they win magical fucking internet points if they drop in to say "dont do it u hav so much to liv 4"–despite the rules against and bannings it causes)

>imprison (if a psychiatrist hears you've considered suicide and have plans–go straight to an asylum, do not pass go)

>torture (by making all but the most painful ways of dying accessible)

>mentally incapacitate (by making it obligatory to take psychotropic medication, thereby making you a ward of the state and turning your brain into mush in the process)

Someone if they're even thinking about committing suicide. People like Kavorkian are treated like murderers. Peaceful pill books are banned with more force than a neonazi in modern day Germany.

And the people who think they're "doing good" are fucking everywhere. Moreover, the responses against it are trivial ones that everyone instinctively responds with and yet hasn't reached any proper level of analytic dissection.

For example, "There are more people that care about you than you think"/"Things will eventually get better, you just have to have hope"/etc.. They are all tropes that sound just like the useless shit "b confident"/"b urself"/"jus do it bro" advice. Meanwhile, you've got people like Benetar or Socrates making goddamn treatises in favor of suicide that pretty much go ignored.

What I'm getting at is that this has to go deeper. It can't just be "people's justice sense". I mean, let me repeat something I've said earlier: suicide literature is banned at the same propensity that pro-genocide arguments are banned.

There has to be something about the mere subject of suicide that drives people absolutely mad. Something about the mere thought of throwing himself away before the alternatives that throws some sort of dangerous signal to the man.

Where would you see censorship, social ostracism, imprisonment, and psychology conditioning in any oppressive regime? In places where it makes the dictators scared.

I conjecture that people are genuinely afraid of suicide. There's something about it that threatens their power structure. Like the Roman who would have rather chosen suicide than slavery at the behest of Nero.


Because actively seeking death is pointless.



That doesn't make sense, though.

Firstly, the reactions OP describes would not be elicited because something somebody else does is 'pointless'.

Secondly, if you are in so much pain that your life is bad, I don't see how seeking to end that lacks a point.

Don't want anybody to be convinced by me though. I don't know the answers and that's one reason I haven't killed myself yet.


Because it causes them to face their own mortality and the possibility that their own life may be worthless and that all of their striving and work is just a way for them to avoid this reality. Suicide makes normies feel uncomfortable because, at heart, they are cowards who could never imagine dying for any reason.


But yeah, peaceful suicide is for faggots. I can tell your mind is in the wrong place OP. There are many good and honorable ways to end your life, but going to Kevorkian is not one of them.


I am pro-suicide I just feel that there are certain ways to go about it that are better than others.

The very best ways to commit suicide are:

1. Mahasamādhi (via reaching such a high stage of development you can just cut the silver cord and free your soul effortlessly)
2. Martyrdom (via going on a rampage killing your enemies).

Living out a life that's so fucking bad it taints and destroys your soul is pointless. It's often better to die.

Manly P. Hall wrote some stuff about suicide I should post in here btw but I'll only post it if someone wants me to.


>1. Mahasamādhi (via reaching such a high stage of development you can just cut the silver cord and free your soul effortlessly)

I never found enough information on that. How exactly would this be executed?


Agreed here. That is why I said peaceful suicide is for faggots. The reason for suicide is just as important as the method, though. If it is just because thou are suffering or something, it is not a good enough reason. Suffering is good and if you cannot take it you cannot build spiritual strength.



I would be extremely grateful if you posted it because I've spent the last year scared by something else Manly P. Hall wrote about suicide. Near the beginning of Secret Teachings of All Ages he describes how one aspect of the Greek Mysteries was revealing the 'terrible fate' that befell those who took their own lives.

Until that time I always approached suicide courageously and as a likelihood. Reading that fucked me up greatly. It offers no arguments I can refute, just this mysterious threat that what felt like a way to freedom might be a way to something far worse.


Unfold all your astral senses, embrace all the virtues, develop all the powers, strengthen your astral body, then just cut the silvercord that links your astral body to your physical one. This is incredibly difficult to do but if you succeed you will be free of your body and have just consciously killed yourself.

Magick is fraught with all kinds of dangers. If anyone is feeling suicidal they should try to do Franz Bardon's magickal system and bravely face up to the challenges in there where there's a real risk of death or they could read Chasing Phantoms and be contacted with aliens who themselves are also a huge threat that can kill you.

Keeping this tab open, I've got so much stuff I'm writing right now and responding to, I'll get around to it.


So basically, with enough practise, humans can develop a self-destruct button? It's strange that in the process of developing it, you end up leaving behind all of the malice and bitterness that caused you to desire it in the first place.

Say, could you create a thoughtform that could cut the cord for you? You could be a spy working for a divine cause like the templars or something but you get caught and now you're being interrogated and tortured. Before they get anything out of you, you trigger the thoughtform and end up dying for unknown causes according to autopsy.


>how one aspect of the Greek Mysteries was revealing the 'terrible fate' that befell those who took their own lives.
Yes, just how in christianism you go to hell because you are devaluating the life that God gave you. You know about those tales that German kids are told so that they cannot do bad things? Like the one about that kid that got his fingers cut. Well, this is exactly the same. You must be easy to manipulate and of weak mind to take at heart those standards fairytales, that always seek to ward off the behaviour that the creator wanted others to cast away.

Coming back to the central topic of the post, as someone who has accepted his existence as meaningless, I still go back to the suffering and pain that leads me to self-improvement every day. My life may be meaningless, but the path I choosed isn't



I didn't say I believed it. I just don't know.

I do know the Mysteries get a lot right though. So hearing that associated with the Mysteries worried me.

Are you even a Wizard?


>you end up leaving behind all of the malice and bitterness that caused you to desire it in the first place.

No not true at all, you sound like someone who follows a retarded version of Buddhism.

>Say, could you create a thoughtform that could cut the cord for you? You could be a spy working for a divine cause like the templars or something but you get caught and now you're being interrogated and tortured. Before they get anything out of you, you trigger the thoughtform and end up dying for unknown causes according to autopsy.

Yes you could do that.



The Alexandrian mystics, basing their opinions upon the teachings of the immortal Plato, recognized two forms of death. The first, normal death, was the result of the soul's departure from the body; that is, the personality retired from its objective physical state. The second form of death occurred when the body was violently separated from the soul by self-destruction.

Among the Greeks suicide was exonerated under certain extreme conditions, but was rejected as a means of solving or attempting to solve the normal problems of life. Olympiodorus declared suicide to be permissible to preserve the secrets of the Mysteries or to protect the soul from dishonor. He also condoned it in the advanced stages of an incurable ailment. This matter has been revived lately in the medical controversy over the subject of "mercy- killing."

A distinction has always been made between suicide and violent death due to accidental means or war. This is because accidents and war are included in the karmic fate of the personality. But suicide is never regarded as karmic. It is an action of self-will against the self. It has been observed that the complexities of modern civilization have increased the suicidal tendency. Men and women, lacking the strength, courage, or vision to live well, have hoped for oblivion beyond the grave. Suicide is very rare among peoples who believe in reincarnation, and when it occurs is due to a conflict of religious belief, as in Japan where harakiri or the honorable death is the product of indigenous Shintoism rather than imported Buddhism.

The average modern who resorts to suicide is impelled either by a boredom with physical life or by the fear of the consequences of action. In both cases the security which is sought beyond the grave fails utterly, and only bad karma results. The most usual karmic result of suicide is that a future personality will die under conditions where the desire for life will be the greatest. There is no escape from insufficiency except self improvement.

Religio-philosophical systems have agreed that suicide is a sin degrading in the eyes of the living the person who commits the act. The rather futile law against suicide which exists in many countries, fails because it has no means of catching up with the departing personality. Spiritual education, and not legislation, must correct the self- destructive tendency in those who fear life.

According to the esoteric traditions the individual who commits suicide enters into a condition of being neither alive nor dead. In the play Outward Bound, the two suicides are called hallways. They cannot go back, and they cannot go on. The law of karma has been outraged, and this law is as effective in the invisible worlds as it is on the visible plane.

The suicide must wait in this middle distance "twixt heaven and earth" until the expiration of the time which his life pattern had indicated as his normal life expectancy. As the incidents which normally would have occurred could not take place after suicide has been committed, the interval of years during which the personality remains a "halfway" is wasted as far as the evolutionary process is concerned. The effect of this is to shorten the after-death state of the personality unless the suicide is committed in very advanced years. The college boy who commits suicide through boredom with the world of which he is a part has comparatively little after-death consciousness. He has developed neither his emotions nor his thoughts to a degree of maturity. He remains earth-bound until the time when his death would have normally occurred, and then his personality is rapidly dissolved as there is little possibility of transferring rational experience to the entity.


The psychic toxin of suicide, however, enters into the fabric of the entity, and it affects the normalcy of the next personality.

Of course suicide has no permanent effect upon the evolution of the spiritual entity. It is merely an incident which is contrary to natural law, and therefore causes a powerful karmic reaction over a limited time.

In the case of Socrates drinking the hemlock the physical circumstances are not very different from suicide. In fact, Socrates would have been released upon the payment of a small fine which his friends cheerfully offered to pay. Plato, being a man of same means, tried in every way to induce Socrates to continue his life. But the great skeptic declared that by paying the fine he would admit guilt, and by admitting guilt would compromise the ideals which were more important than life; he would violate not only the highest ideals of philosophy but would cast reflection upon the gods. He therefore chose death, and was executed according to the law of his time.

The Greek philosopher would not regard this as suicide because the motive was entirely impersonal, and because he did it to protect the most sacred of human institutions, the body of learning. If his reasons had been personal he probably would have found no place in the memory of the Greeks.

The same attitude is held in cases of martyrdom, as for example the execution of Christians under certain of the Roman emperors because they refused to renounce their faith. By accepting pagan religion they would have lived; by refusing it they died. Therefore the choice of life or death was in their hands. But because the choice lay in their spiritual convictions and they chose to die rather than desert Truth as they knew it, neither nature nor man has branded them suicides.

The reasons are among those philosophical exceptions described by Olympiodorus, and the karmic results are modified by motive which is the most powerful karmic force in the world.

Accidental death creates no change in the personality laws. It is regarded the same as a natural death, with the possible exception that the mental nature maintains a certain unwillingness to die because of numerous and intense physical attachments. The after-death condition of the person killed in middle life by accident or disease is entirely normal unless the emotions are inordinately intense. Under such conditions the personality may be temporarily earthbound.

The fate of the physical body after death is of no great consequence. The personality, having entirely retired in from twelve to seventy-two hours depending upon the conditions causing death, is indifferent to the fate of its discarded body.

If, however, there is a tendency to be earthbound due to unusual conditions accompanying death, it is advisable to cremate the body to destroy any possible psychic ties between the personality and the physical world. Elaborate funerals confer no virtue, and, if anything, add to the discomfiture of the personality if it is earthbound. If the entire theory of funerals could be disposed of, and the relatives and friends of the deceased would follow the Oriental custom of performing some civic act in memory of the dead, the living would be far more benefited.

The inclination to suicide is frequently the result of poor health. Energy depletion from overwork, worries over money or domestic affairs, and forebodings concerning the future, are common causes of suicide. Very often a few days rest or a little constructive planning, or consultation with a qualified physician, will completely terminate the desire for self-destruction. The impulse is stronger during climacteric periods; that is, the years of a person's life which are divisible by seven without a remainder. Of eleven suicides noted in a daily paper, all the persons were in climacteric years.

Nearly every normal person, at least once during his life-time, feels an inclination to commit suicide. The notion quickly passes, being repulsive to the mind and contrary to the fundamental tendencies of the individual. If the condition persists, proper methods should be used to increase interest in life and environment. A good hobby frequently cures suicidal tendencies in persons of advancing years, and a good job has a similar effect upon the young. Life should be viewed as a rich opportunity for experience. A certain amount of adversity should be accepted as inevitable, and is no justifiable cause for protracted morbidity.

Suicide thwarts the plan of the entity which sends out the personality. Therefore, religiously, it was regarded as a sin against the Father; that is, against the cause of self. Fortunately the entity is far beyond the reach of man's destructive tendencies, and suicide is merely incidental to its evolution. It is, however, definitely detrimental to the consciousness of the personality, bringing much grief that could be avoided. Life is not to be evaded, but to be lived.



>The impulse is stronger during climacteric periods; that is, the years of a person's life which are divisible by seven without a remainder. Of eleven suicides noted in a daily paper, all the persons were in climacteric years.

I was particularly suicidal at 21 and my suicidal tendencies have been fading now at 22…


>No not true at all, you sound like someone who follows a retarded version of Buddhism.
How can one embrace all the virtues but simultaneously retain their malice and bitterness?


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Malice and bitterness are not the only motivations for suicide.

Buddhism is not about embracing virtues, which is probably why he said it was a retarded version of it. There is even a parable buddha told about these being like a raft that you use to get across a river, but once you get to the other side you don't carry the raft with you on land.

You can see Buddhists are some of the most hardcore warriors and of course they commit suicide, pic related.


I was just about to post this. To be honest though, I failed Uni twice and that's why I felt that way. The first failure was due to arrogance, the second failure was due to shattered self-esteem. I'm about to fail for a third time but that's okay, /fringe/ has taught me what I need to know in order to manage my mood, emotions and will. I can get work done much more consistently now.


If Buddha said to take virtues temporarily and then discard them when you're done with them, isn't that basically chaos magick?


>Why people are so against suicide?

reread your post from the perspective of humans being livestock who are farmed


On the topic of "thought-mediated suicide":

Identical twins act pretty much creepy and only talk with each other. Eventually they mutually agree one must die. Check out Jennifer's death.


What kind of entity is farming us? What part from us works as sustenance for them? Strong emotions? I always was curious for this theory


Because ending it would just restart the cycle and bring you to a lower point. Either way you have to do something to get yourself out of the point of depression and suicide. Therefore it is only momentary relief


That's some weird shit man, I think they must have been doing some high magick, not sure why the other one decided to just live a normal life though after the one died.

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