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Esoteric Wizardry


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[Rules] [FAQ] [Fringe Guide] [Ranks] [/fringe/] [/asatru/] [/edgy/] [/4chon/] [/lel/] [/ask/]
RIP freedomboard.kirara.ca.
The rules are simple and only apply to the creation of threads on /fringe/: 1. Don't make duplicate threads of topics that already exist unless the previous thread has hit the bump limit. 2. Don't make threads just to ask questions, actually present substantial information if you're going to make a thread. 3. Don't make a thread purely to shitpost (you will be forgiven if it's a major GET), just shitpost / loosh farm inside of threads that already exist. 4. Post threads that fall under the subject matter of /fringe/ (creepypasta FYI generally does not fall under /fringe/'s very broad subject matter, look at the sticky to see what subjects we discuss on /fringe/)

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Report in here and answer the following:

>1. How long have you known about and been browsing /fringe/? Did you find out about it on 8chan for the first time? Were you there for it on the previous site? Have you been around since its very foundation?

>2. Are you an initiate (one who has already had considerable success with magick and completed study and practise to a level where they may call themselves a wizard), a neophyte (someone who is earnestly learning and interested in /fringe/ occultism but isn't fully realized yet, hasn't had a breakthrough experience, still trying), a mundane (someone who is just totally mundane, doesn't know anything, and is merely visiting out of a vague interest), or a fedora tipper (someone who is just here to denounce everything /fringe/ stands for and rejects magick)?

>3. Do you believe that magick is real and powerful, magick is psychological and limited, or magick is delusional and bullshit?

>4. Do you want /fringe/ to be more exclusive and to purge users in the fedora tipper, mundane, or even neophyte categories for all the nuisance and distraction they create from our higher and very serious purpose?

>5. Does magick excite you and motivate you, feel like a chore and disappoint you, or scare and anger you (either at what people could be doing with it or at "how delusional and crazy some people can get"?)

>6. Where abouts do you live and would you ever want to meet with wizards and actually practise or witness magick with them?

>7. Do you believe in a need for ethics in magick / a RHP mindset or do you simply not give a fuck about all of that love & light stuff and want to develop and use your powers however you see fit, believing in the right of higher beings to dominate and exploit lower beings or even make pet projects and so on out of them? Would you describe yourself as pure of intentions and wanting to help everyone, wanting to help only the worthy and destroy or leave the rest to rot in their own misery, or being a "every man for themselves" ultra-paranoid top predator who'll cut anyone down just to stay on top of his game?

>8. Is Fringe Girl your waifu?

>9. Are you a successful loosh farmer?

>10. Do you greenpill others?

>11. Do you hail ☻?


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If dubs the universe is mental.


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>1. How long have you known about and been browsing /fringe/? Did you find out about it on 8chan for the first time? Were you there for it on the previous site? Have you been around since its very foundation?

I've been around since its very first inception and knew about the stuff leading up to its eventual creation.

>2. Are you an initiate (one who has already had considerable success with magick and completed study and practise to a level where they may call themselves a wizard), a neophyte (someone who is earnestly learning and interested in /fringe/ occultism but isn't fully realized yet, hasn't had a breakthrough experience, still trying), a mundane (someone who is just totally mundane, doesn't know anything, and is merely visiting out of a vague interest), or a fedora tipper (someone who is just here to denounce everything /fringe/ stands for and rejects magick)?

Initiate. Magick is real and immensely powerful and I pity those who either don't realize it and waste their time on mundane pursuits or who are unfortunately having to waste their time with working a time-consuming minimum wage job or social obligations or other concerns preventing them from really applying themselves to this arcanum.

>3. Do you believe that magick is real and powerful, magick is psychological and limited, or magick is delusional and bullshit?

See above. We live in a mental universe, all physical things are but condensed thoughts in the universal mind, all the truly miraculous things are in fact possible and worthy of pursuit. Reality is in fact an incredibly beautiful, vast, and wonderful thing full of possibility and grandeur far beyond what the materialists imagine. Our potential is infinite.

>4. Do you want /fringe/ to be more exclusive and to purge users in the fedora tipper, mundane, or even neophyte categories for all the nuisance and distraction they create from our higher and very serious purpose?

We should tolerate them for a little while but the fedora tippers are pure shitposting and unlikely to change. We either need to drive them out using magical tactics (such as planting the impulse in them to just leave which they end up accepting as their own and acting on), pull off chaos mindfucks on them as it's the only sort of thing that might shake them out of their present conceptions of reality, ignore them (unless someone else falls for their bait), mock them until they leave, do something horrible to one of them to make an example out of them for the other fedoras to fear, or add a new rule so moderators can take action to cleanse out their shitposting from the board. Mundanes are annoying too but tolerable. Neophytes are OK because at least they're wanting to learn and respectful and I sometimes like answering their questions especially when it's not something really basic and asked a million times over already. We need to compile an FAQ to clear up the basic questions they ask too many times and which are boring to answer.

>5. Does magick excite you and motivate you, feel like a chore and disappoint you, or scare and anger you (either at what people could be doing with it or at "how delusional and crazy some people can get"?)

Excite and motivate. There is nothing more beautiful and full of potential than the practise of magick. I look forward to my future magical projects I have planned and also from hearing from others that are also on the path and doing their own cool experiments. It is far superior to mundane activities like third-density based videogames, pornography, and the other lame shit the every day experience of mundane life has to offer. The astral planes are vivid beyond anything the physical eyes can witness.

>6. Where abouts do you live and would you ever want to meet with wizards and actually practise or witness magick with them?

North America. Maybe I might want to meet with other wizards but I'm weary of the idea, it really depends on the person. If it were the right person who is very open-minded and has a playful attitude then I'd love to practise magick with them. If they are chastising towards failures, awkward in the depressing way, or a bitch about things then I don't want to have those bad vibes to deal with.

>7. Do you believe in a need for ethics in magick / a RHP mindset or do you simply not give a fuck about all of that love & light stuff and want to develop and use your powers however you see fit, believing in the right of higher beings to dominate and exploit lower beings or even make pet projects and so on out of them? Would you describe yourself as pure of intentions and wanting to help everyone, wanting to help only the worthy and destroy or leave the rest to rot in their own misery, or being a "every man for themselves" ultra-paranoid top predator who'll cut anyone down just to stay on top of his game?

I think we need a sort of ethics to develop ourselves and avoid trouble but that we are ultimately aiming to "make ethics irrelevant" sort of. e.g. of what I mean by this, lets say you can cut off a person's arm and then restore it; suddenly grievous bodily harm is a laughable and inconsequential thing. It no longer matters at that point so much if you kill someone. I also really feel that SOME mundanes aren't going anywhere in terms of developing higher consciousness in their present incarnation and that they may as well exist to serve me or entertain me or whatever. The ones that seem to be making progress in their understanding, awareness, and capability are more worthy of respect and I might feel more compelled in such cases to help them along. I don't like the very RHP love & light mindset of "harm nobody and serve everyone". I feel that a lot of the masses really deserve their misery because they know better but choose evil; a common example being the countless adults who know that diet and exercise matters, who have the money and means to obtain healthy food and take a little time out of their day to burn some weight, yet they are so pathetic and weak-willed and filled with vice that they don't do it. Such a display earns my contempt and inspires no sympathy in me. I'm not totally consumed by hatred though; I have a lot of love and understanding for those that aren't too far-removed from me on the degree of conscious development. I just think that if I were to act like and live my life like some persons do I believe it would be righteous for someone to go and cut me down (end my life) for being worthless chaff that ought to be forced to reincarnate again.

>8. Is Fringe Girl your waifu?

She is a very lovely mascot for the board.

>9. Are you a successful loosh farmer?

Very much so. I get so much loosh!

>>10. Do you greenpill others?

Yes indeed, I go to other boards and sites, and spread greenpills around.

>11. Do you hail ☻?



1:6 months

2:initiate, self initiated thanks to IIH

3:I believe reality is a delusion, and that magick is the careful management of the delusions that structure reality in all its forms but also extending into the personal truths of the higher plane.

4:make a split board for initiates like we had before

5:magick has brought a spark to my life

6:california bay area, would be very interested. the groups i've been to have been very uninteresting.

7:I believe people who seek will find, and I will happily give the tools to those seekers. I answer all questions that I can.


9:yes, its pretty easy


11:sure, hes agreeable enough in most of his core principles


double dubs


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>1. How long have you known about and been browsing /fringe/? Did you find out about it on 8chan for the first time? Were you there for it on the previous site? Have you been around since its very foundation?
For a few months now, found out about it on halfchan /x/ and moved over to fullchan a couple weeks ago
>2. Are you an initiate (one who has already had considerable success with magick and completed study and practise to a level where they may call themselves a wizard), a neophyte (someone who is earnestly learning and interested in /fringe/ occultism but isn't fully realized yet, hasn't had a breakthrough experience, still trying), a mundane (someone who is just totally mundane, doesn't know anything, and is merely visiting out of a vague interest), or a fedora tipper (someone who is just here to denounce everything /fringe/ stands for and rejects magick)?
Neophyte as fug
>3. Do you believe that magick is real and powerful, magick is psychological and limited, or magick is delusional and bullshit?
I'm still not completely convinced this isn't all an elaborate troll, but I've been feeling vibrations and seeing white light in my latest projection attempts so who knows.
>4. Do you want /fringe/ to be more exclusive and to purge users in the fedora tipper, mundane, or even neophyte categories for all the nuisance and distraction they create from our higher and very serious purpose?
No, this should be an open forum. But bring back /illuminati/, getting that password gave me a firm goal to strive for.
>5. Does magick excite you and motivate you, feel like a chore and disappoint you, or scare and anger you (either at what people could be doing with it or at "how delusional and crazy some people can get"?)
It's pretty exciting I guess
>6. Where abouts do you live and would you ever want to meet with wizards and actually practise or witness magick with them?
South east US, and I'd only want to meet some level 20 tier wizards so I could see some cool shit go down.
>7. Do you believe in a need for ethics in magick / a RHP mindset or do you simply not give a fuck about all of that love & light stuff and want to develop and use your powers however you see fit, believing in the right of higher beings to dominate and exploit lower beings or even make pet projects and so on out of them? Would you describe yourself as pure of intentions and wanting to help everyone, wanting to help only the worthy and destroy or leave the rest to rot in their own misery, or being a "every man for themselves" ultra-paranoid top predator who'll cut anyone down just to stay on top of his game?
>8. Is Fringe Girl your waifu?
>9. Are you a successful loosh farmer?
That loosh thing sounds like RP shit honestly
>10. Do you greenpill others?
>11. Do you hail ☻?
No, kike


my power flickered on question 10 and I lost my typing. so I'm keeping it shorter this time…

1) just a couple weeks and I first hear about it here on doublechan

2) neophyte as fuck

3) both real and psychological not to mention very powerful

4) I wouldn't mind a little exclusivity (especially if it comes to purging fedora tippers) but I think neophytes should be welcomed

5) magick excites me but It also inspires me and instills fear and respect

6) I live near Seattle, WA and I would be very interested in witnessing an learning about magick in person

7) I personally want to use magick to aid and protect others, but I also think people who disagree with me should be allowed to do as they wish in their own respects in keeping with the spirit of freedom of speech on 8chan.

8) as I said I'm a bit of a neophyte, but we shall see if she is waifu

9) not so far.

10 ) I love blowing minds, but I'm no greenpill. brownpills more my kinda guy



1. Probably found it on the end of last year, not sure where I did. Been browsing since august or so, when I found it on my bookmarks.

2. Neophyte. I've had some stuff, but I can't properly control it all yet.

3. Real and all-powerful.

4. There are already more exclusive boards, aren't there? There should be at least one that's open. Also even in the case of purging, users should be judged on personal behaviour.

5. The possibilities excite me, sometimes I get disappointed, not exactly with magick, but with my current lack of ability to make it work better.

6. Brazil. Probably, but not for now.

7. I've been on both sides, I feel I don't have knowledge yet to take definitely any of these positions, I try to keep it in suspension.

8. No, sorry.

9. Not quite.

10. Sometimes I take the opportunity if I see one. I also try not to be too explicit.

11. I guess so.



edit to my little thingy. /fringe/ girl is totally my waifu. I was blind and ask forgiveness.



1. new, yes, no

2. neophyte

3. psychological, but repressed by the powers that be

4. yes

5. motivation

6. new jersey, yes

7. i can't answer this accurately.

8. who

9. what

10. eh?

11. maybe


>he's never AP'd
>he can't into loosh
>he doesn't spread greenpills
>he is jealous of ☻


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She forgives you anon and invites you on a journey to the astral with her, opening her hands to reveal a ball of light, which enters you and fills you with love.


>1. How long have you known about and been browsing /fringe/? Did you find out about it on 8chan for the first time? Were you there for it on the previous site? Have you been around since its very foundation?
A god couple of months now

>2. Are you an initiate (one who has already had considerable success with magick and completed study and practise to a level where they may call themselves a wizard), a neophyte (someone who is earnestly learning and interested in /fringe/ occultism but isn't fully realized yet, hasn't had a breakthrough experience, still trying), a mundane (someone who is just totally mundane, doesn't know anything, and is merely visiting out of a vague interest), or a fedora tipper (someone who is just here to denounce everything /fringe/ stands for and rejects magick)?

Honestly somewhere between neophyte and initiate. I've had considerable success with magick and have practiced more than your usual neophyte, it's just the actual study I have to get down.

>3. Do you believe that magick is real and powerful, magick is psychological and limited, or magick is delusional and bullshit?

Real and powerful

>4. Do you want /fringe/ to be more exclusive and to purge users in the fedora tipper, mundane, or even neophyte categories for all the nuisance and distraction they create from our higher and very serious purpose?

Nope. Honestly, even if it ruins a community it's better to branch out.

>5. Does magick excite you and motivate you, feel like a chore and disappoint you, or scare and anger you (either at what people could be doing with it or at "how delusional and crazy some people can get"?)

It depends. Actually getting something to happen is a chore, but when it does it certainly motivates me.

>6. Where abouts do you live and would you ever want to meet with wizards and actually practise or witness magick with them?

Ausfag. Not going further than that because
>Actually living in Australia

>7. Do you believe in a need for ethics in magick / a RHP mindset or do you simply not give a fuck about all of that love & light stuff and want to develop and use your powers however you see fit, believing in the right of higher beings to dominate and exploit lower beings or even make pet projects and so on out of them? Would you describe yourself as pure of intentions and wanting to help everyone, wanting to help only the worthy and destroy or leave the rest to rot in their own misery, or being a "every man for themselves" ultra-paranoid top predator who'll cut anyone down just to stay on top of his game?

Honestly? Ethics in magick.

>8. Is Fringe Girl your waifu?

>Tfw no Fringe Girl tulpa

>9. Are you a successful loosh farmer?

Very much so.

>10. Do you greenpill others?

Occasionally. I'm still a disgusting neophte who wants to keep up appearances sometimes.

>11. Do you hail ☻?

Is this all a loosh ruse?


1. Only recently as of last week or so discovered /fringe/
2. I've had a good deal of personal success and experience with the non mundane.
3. I believe it is very real and very powerful. It is the white cells of the universe to the mundane red cells, both part of the same blood stream though when a vein is cut you only see red.
4. Exclusivity can be pleasant but it could also mean fewer people would be introduced to an opportunity to expand their perspective. It might also make joking and good humor impossible if everyone feared being banned for it.
5. There are so many uses that at times it can be exciting and others it's your due diligence or chores.
6. I regularly meet with others who practice, pacific north west.
7. I believe personal morals are important in these things but I wouldn't push my own morals on others.
8. No.
9. Not familiar with the term.
10. Not familiar with the term.
11. Not familiar with the term.


1. Knew about /fringe/ for 1+ year, didn't participate much. Started posting and reading more heavily when it migrated to 8chan.

2. Neophyte. I'll consider myself and initiate when I can AP and when I've used thoughtforms successfully repeatedly. I'm quite good with programming my subconsciousness, energy work and elemental breathing though.

3. 2real

4. It was quite a shock seeing all those retarded threads starting a few days ago, but I guess it's a necessary evil. Hopefully they will learn and start practicing, no point in tipping fedoras day in day out.

5. I just want to be powerful and help my people, mang.

6. Latvia. I know of 1 guy that has a wider array of friends that practice and are heavily into AP. I would like some wizard friends, but so far I need to first become an initiate. Cart before the horse etc.

7. I believe ethics are the by product of being powerful and working in accordance with an end goal, that is, spiritual advancement. Personally I want my country to be powerful both materially and spiritually. That would entail a sort of "helping the weaker", but if they cannot help themselves, they "want" to be the inferior and deserve no waste of time upon them.

8. She's a qt, but I've got a 3DPD waifu already.

9. I'm pretty pleb

10. My friends more or less know that I'm into "breathing exercises" and "meditation", I fully intend to greenpill them when I am powerful enough.

11. He seems like a cool and knowledgeable guy.


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To the last of your questions, meditate upon this.


Oh and ignore some of the noise coming from the right-most sigil. That's a mistake.


>elemental breathing though.

Tell me moar about this. What is elemental breathing? What is the gist of it? How does it work?


1 A week
2 I'm not going to call myself a neophyte until I start reading the readlist, so I guess I'm a mundane neophyte
3 I need to try it, but it seems interesting as fuck
4 That would be against myself, so no
5 Mix of 1 and 2
6 A small town in Upper Silesia, Poland. I would like to meet others, but Poland is a super-Catholic country, even if people don't sincerely believe, so even a mention of a non-Abrahamic, especially Indo-Euro, spirituality scares people ("pagans are literally satanists").
8 No
9 I probably have shit loosh levels due to not having farmed any.
10 I do have an ironpillish friend, we both want to eventually be emerald pills.
11 Yes. Hail ☻!


>1. How long have you known about and been browsing /fringe/? Did you find out about it on 8chan for the first time? Were you there for it on the previous site? Have you been around since its very foundation?
Loyal freedomboard veteran. /fringe/ was a very promising concept with great potential, though I do disagree with some of the changes in direction that have happened. To name one, the move here I am still not convinced was a wise decision.

>2. Are you an initiate (one who has already had considerable success with magick and completed study and practise to a level where they may call themselves a wizard), a neophyte (someone who is earnestly learning and interested in /fringe/ occultism but isn't fully realized yet, hasn't had a breakthrough experience, still trying), a mundane (someone who is just totally mundane, doesn't know anything, and is merely visiting out of a vague interest), or a fedora tipper (someone who is just here to denounce everything /fringe/ stands for and rejects magick)?

I have not been a neophyte for many years now yet I will never call myself a wizard. I feel as if very few are worthy of that title.

>3. Do you believe that magick is real and powerful, magick is psychological and limited, or magick is delusional and bullshit?

Depends on the type of magic, all three exist and are basically the same. It is really powerful, psychologically limited delusional bullshit.

>4. Do you want /fringe/ to be more exclusive and to purge users in the fedora tipper, mundane, or even neophyte categories for all the nuisance and distraction they create from our higher and very serious purpose?

Honestly I do not care, they are holding themselves back, not me. Let them degenerate, it is their choice and I respect free will.

>5. Does magick excite you and motivate you, feel like a chore and disappoint you, or scare and anger you (either at what people could be doing with it or at "how delusional and crazy some people can get"?)

All of the above, in reverse order.

>6. Where abouts do you live and would you ever want to meet with wizards and actually practise or witness magick with them?

England. I intend to make a community for magical folk to call home, so yes I am willing to meet others.

>7. Do you believe in a need for ethics in magick / a RHP mindset or do you simply not give a fuck about all of that love & light stuff and want to develop and use your powers however you see fit, believing in the right of higher beings to dominate and exploit lower beings or even make pet projects and so on out of them? Would you describe yourself as pure of intentions and wanting to help everyone, wanting to help only the worthy and destroy or leave the rest to rot in their own misery, or being a "every man for themselves" ultra-paranoid top predator who'll cut anyone down just to stay on top of his game?

I have morals but they cannot be forced on others by me. Those who do evil will have evil done to them though, eventually leaving the more noble practitioners on a nicer playing field.

>8. Is Fringe Girl your waifu?

Absolutely not

>9. Are you a successful loosh farmer?

I have yielded bountiful crops before

>10. Do you greenpill others?


>11. Do you hail ☻?



1) A month or so. I found out about it out of luck when it was still the old one.

2) Neophyte.

3) It's real.

4) I hope we get at least some moderation, for it not to end up like a /x/. Also suppress most question threads and instead focus on the proper questions thread.

5) It's exciting, but requires a lot of dedication, which I'm lacking at the moment.

6) No. The most """occult""" people here would be a group of hippie-potheads, which I have absolutely no interest in. Other people don't know much about the subject as far as I'm aware.

7) I believe one should develop his abilities carefully, for power corrupts. My intentions with magick are mostly for selfish reasons, though I also seek to aid those next to me.

8) She's lovely, but no.

9) What?

10) I could try, but I would just be considered a freak by most.

11) What?


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>Also suppress most question threads and instead focus on the proper questions thread.

I thought laxing this would be a good idea but now I think that is stupid. Shall we formalize the "post questions in the question thread" rule again and begin immediate purges of all question threads created on here?

>for power corrupts

Then why am I not corrupt lol?


Similar in vein to what is described in Initiation Into Hermetics Step 3. My goal was to breathe in for 4 weeks straight one element every day going {Fire -> Air -> Water -> Earth}. It's just simple {Go into trance -> Visualize with several senses something according the element (fire around you, you sitting in a waterfall or river etc.) -> breathe in/pull in the element for 20-30 breaths) -> breath it out or use it}. I didn't breath out the elements because I wanted to see what happened, of course, I was careful and breathe out half of what I took in and intended the element to only influence me positively, but I was still overloaded with it.

The results were for example while doing fire I felt quite energetic, horny, more vivid imagination; after air breathing had several nerve jitters, was harder concentrating; most interestingly - while "high" on water fell in love with some girl I was drawing and felt like all my drawing was extra "fluid". Earth and air were the toughest breathing and visualization vise.


>practically nobody hails Lord Smiley



>1. How long..

Ever since "board of the week". 8chan ever since a few weeks, since the whole GG incident. Used to browse f—-chan, but decided that it wasn't worth my time. Returned after a few months just to check in, and I saw a pic of 8chan and here I am

>2. Are you an initiate ..

No. I don't study magick in earnest, but I am very capable in sensing others, and heal where needed

>3. Do you believe that magick is real and powerful, magick is psychological and limited

Well, what is magick? I think it's channeling the Ultimate Source through the limited physical being, thus limited by the capability our mind, body and ego are capable f handling

>4. Do you want /fringe/ to be more exclusive and to purge users in the fedora tipper, mundane, or even neophyte categories for all the nuisance and distraction they create from our higher and very serious purpose?

It's a good idea. So far, these peeps just put in a whole lot of edgy atheism, but I fear that banning them or exodusing them only makes them stronger. Remember that these are the purest of trolls (and the loneliest of souls)

>5. Does magick excite you and motivate you, feel like a chore and disappoint you, or scare and anger you (either at what people could be doing with it or at "how delusional and crazy some people can get"?)

For me, it's an exciting and motivating power to explore, though it's very tiring sometimes and the responsibility that comes with it is not something that I always want.. this is probably my old self feeling reluctant though, but hey.. a mission is a mission :)

>6. Where abouts do you live and would you ever want to meet with wizards and actually practise or witness magick with them?

Amsterdam. Sure.

>7. Do you believe in a need for ethics in magick / a RHP mindset or do you simply not give a fuck about all of that love & light stuff and want to develop and use your powers however you see fit, believing in the right of higher beings to dominate and exploit lower beings or even make pet projects and so on out of them? Would you describe yourself as pure of intentions and wanting to help everyone, wanting to help only the worthy and destroy or leave the rest to rot in their own misery, or being a "every man for themselves" ultra-paranoid top predator who'll cut anyone down just to stay on top of his game?

Whew… that's a difficult one. I believe that I can be a 'top dog' on this plane, but do not in the slightest (try to) underestimate the will of my higher self. I bow to them (at the moment, I believe there are 4 aspects of the higher self of me manifesting through me on this plane, though i don't know how). I really do want to help a lot of people through their hell and misery (I accepted that mission), but am slowly starting to realize that it's not something that I can do for all people, nor do I want to; I mostly try to accommodate people to be able to help themselves with their own shit.

>8. Is Fringe Girl your waifu?

I don't know what you mean.

>9. Are you a successful loosh farmer?

I don't believe in that, but I invoke a lot of emotions in others, so yes, I guess. maybe they farm me.

>10. Do you greenpill others?

Through leading by example.

>11. Do you hail ☻?



He has to earn the honour. Currently I hail few living folk and smiley is not among them.


Welp. Do you at least respect him or like him? …or should he just rope himself?


1.Less than 2 weeks
2.Neophyte Schizo with a couple small experiences
3.I don't really believe in fireball magic, but I do believe in telepathy and precognition and that type of shit, I've experienced it
5.It excited the fuck out of me when I first projected a thought into someone's head, yeah, it makes me feel godly
7.Yes. Ethics. I hate nearly everyone but I still pity those retards. My powers have always felt like a thing of love to me anyways.
8.Fringe Girl?
10.I've tried to but nearly everyone ignores me or thinks I'm crazy, even though I've proved each and every one of them wrong many times.


Forgot 4
Never ban neophytes.


like a week someone posted shit about moving here from /x/ it was /blzb/
a neophyte i guess
I believe magic is real, after trying some myself, but its mostly just a thoughtform that may manifest
no i like different opinions i wish 8chan was more popular actually.
magic excites me
michigan.. uh sure
i want to help others the world myself.
uhh wat no >tfw lost my soulmate
uh no
try to convince others yes
uh no


>but its mostly just a thoughtform that may manifest

You are aware that the entire universe is constructed out of thoughtforms right?


6)Forgot to mention I'm from Brazil.


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Around a month. Yes. You mean 4kike? Yes.
Yes but I consider all that initiation shit meaningless, now looking back.
it's reel but most things you see here is delusional garbage.
yes. cut the cancer out.
one can achieve everything he wants without using any magick.
east pooropean shithole. no i don't want to see old weirdo pervs in action.
i don't give a fuck about magic nor its morality nor other people.
you don't even need magic to change your reality.
Oh well, yes she may join my waifu collection.
I'd hail the norse gods. What's that smiley nigger?


>1. How long have you known about and been browsing /fringe/? Did you find out about it on 8chan for the first time? Were you there for it on the previous site? Have you been around since its very foundation?

Almost for one year.

>2. Are you an initiate (one who has already had considerable success with magick and completed study and practise to a level where they may call themselves a wizard), a neophyte (someone who is earnestly learning and interested in /fringe/ occultism but isn't fully realized yet, hasn't had a breakthrough experience, still trying), a mundane (someone who is just totally mundane, doesn't know anything, and is merely visiting out of a vague interest), or a fedora tipper (someone who is just here to denounce everything /fringe/ stands for and rejects magick)?

More than a neophyte, less than a wizard. Currently under initiation.

>3. Do you believe that magick is real and powerful, magick is psychological and limited, or magick is delusional and bullshit?

Real and powerful.

>4. Do you want /fringe/ to be more exclusive and to purge users in the fedora tipper, mundane, or even neophyte categories for all the nuisance and distraction they create from our higher and very serious purpose?

Ban the persistent fedoras. Greenpill the mundanes (if they don't seem to bother assimilating the pill or leaving, they are just trolls or at least really stupid.) We must remember that skepticism and fedora tipping are two different matters, skeptics here should not be punished, unless they cross the border into fedora territory (muh flying spaghetti god).

>5. Does magick excite you and motivate you, feel like a chore and disappoint you, or scare and anger you (either at what people could be doing with it or at "how delusional and crazy some people can get"?)

It's my greatest commitment. I find it more exciting and motivating than anything else.

>6. Where abouts do you live and would you ever want to meet with wizards and actually practise or witness magick with them?

Spain. Sure but I'd be pretty cautious.

>7. Do you believe in a need for ethics in magick / a RHP mindset or do you simply not give a fuck about all of that love & light stuff and want to develop and use your powers however you see fit, believing in the right of higher beings to dominate and exploit lower beings or even make pet projects and so on out of them? Would you describe yourself as pure of intentions and wanting to help everyone, wanting to help only the worthy and destroy or leave the rest to rot in their own misery, or being a "every man for themselves" ultra-paranoid top predator who'll cut anyone down just to stay on top of his game?

It's terribly contradictory to use magick for LHP goals if you seek spiritual evolution.
I point at the path for those who seek to walk it, and give glimpses of the possibility to the blind and unmovile.

>8. Is Fringe Girl your waifu?

>She is a very lovely thoughtform for the board.

>9. Are you a successful loosh farmer?

I don't farm for loosh.

>10. Do you greenpill others?


>11. Do you hail ☻?

Sure, he has an epic taste for books and great eyes for truth. I've also seen him on the astral but couldn't initiate any sort of communication.
He was attacking very fiercely some beings that looked like dogs from a distance.


>1. How long have you known about and been browsing /fringe/? Did you find out about it on 8chan for the first time? Were you there for it on the previous site? Have you been around since its very foundation?

I came over with the gamergate crowd a few weeks ago and found this board because some of you were greenpilling on /v/. I didn't know about the previous board.

>2. Are you an initiate (one who has already had considerable success with magick and completed study and practise to a level where they may call themselves a wizard), a neophyte (someone who is earnestly learning and interested in /fringe/ occultism but isn't fully realized yet, hasn't had a breakthrough experience, still trying), a mundane (someone who is just totally mundane, doesn't know anything, and is merely visiting out of a vague interest), or a fedora tipper (someone who is just here to denounce everything /fringe/ stands for and rejects magick)?

A neophyte. I'm reading some of the books in the sticky and I've done some meditation. That's about it.

>3. Do you believe that magick is real and powerful, magick is psychological and limited, or magick is delusional and bullshit?

I'm willing to suspend disbelief for now. I've decided to adopt a 'try and see' attitude.

>4. Do you want /fringe/ to be more exclusive and to purge users in the fedora tipper, mundane, or even neophyte categories for all the nuisance and distraction they create from our higher and very serious purpose?

Let the mod(s) decide what's best. I would likely err on the side of inclusivity.

>5. Does magick excite you and motivate you, feel like a chore and disappoint you, or scare and anger you (either at what people could be doing with it or at "how delusional and crazy some people can get"?)

I'm mostly excited by it. If magick is real then the universe is a far stranger place than I thought possible, and that's certainly exciting.

>6. Where abouts do you live and would you ever want to meet with wizards and actually practise or witness magick with them?

England. I want to spend some time exploring these ideas on my own before I meet up with others.

>7. Do you believe in a need for ethics in magick / a RHP mindset or do you simply not give a fuck about all of that love & light stuff and want to develop and use your powers however you see fit, believing in the right of higher beings to dominate and exploit lower beings or even make pet projects and so on out of them? Would you describe yourself as pure of intentions and wanting to help everyone, wanting to help only the worthy and destroy or leave the rest to rot in their own misery, or being a "every man for themselves" ultra-paranoid top predator who'll cut anyone down just to stay on top of his game?

I believe people should be free to make their own choices. As for me, I have sworn a solemn oath to use any abilities I may develop for good.

>8. Is Fringe Girl your waifu?

Sure, why not?

>9. Are you a successful loosh farmer?

I don't have the foggiest idea how to farm loosh.

>10. Do you greenpill others?


>11. Do you hail ☻?

I don't know who this is.


>You mean 4kike?

No he means freedomboard.kirara.ca


You are not an initiate and you clearly have no fucking clue what magick is and it's weird that you disdain it, what are you even doing here?

>one can achieve everything he wants without using any magick.

Tell me how to possess someone else's body without magick. It's one of the things I want to achieve. According to you, I should be able to do this without magick.

"you don't even need magic to change your reality."

Changing your reality IS magic. You're just saying "you don't need magic to do magic" which is nonsense.


>It's terribly contradictory to use magick for LHP goals if you seek spiritual evolution.

The fuck does "spiritual evolution" even mean though?


>I'm willing to suspend disbelief for now. I've decided to adopt a 'try and see' attitude.

Wow thank you very much for this anon and good luck with it all. I assure you we can accomplish anything. If everyone did this the whole world would be greenpilled in a short while.

>As for me, I have sworn a solemn oath to use any abilities I may develop for good.

You should have sworn an oath to find out what is good and what is evil first before you did you that and not to assume that from your lowly level of consciousness development that you are adequately prepared to make such judgements with accuracy.

…or just don't swear oaths at all.


I don't hate him, he is far from perfect though. He needs to work on improving himself as do we all. Maybe he'll be better one day, a person people can truly follow. I will always tread my own path however.

If you feel comfortable with a meeting at any point, I am in England too.


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1, About half a year, after I was directed to it on Freedomboard.

2, An initiate.

>3. Do you believe that magick is real and powerful, magick is psychological and limited, or magick is delusional and bullshit?

3, What is real? But I believe in it, and it is powerful.

4, No it seems fine how it is. Its already in the open. If there is to be serious work done, more discrete means should be employed.

5, Excites and motivates me.

6, Western Washington state, and yes I would meet with others.

7, None of that.

8, No.

9, At times.

10, Yes.

11, No.


>1. Just under a year i think, found out about it while looking for creepy pasta on /x/, was already reading esoteric books and playing with thoughtforms.

>2. Neophyte, still can not do certain things like AP and manipulating third density.

>3. Pass

>4. Leave it open. Wont hurt to banhammer blatant trolls and shitposters.

>5. It is exciting and motivating when it works.

>6. Bremerton, Wash. Meeting people would be fine.

>7. Let people do what they want. It will make for a more interesting and balanced world.

>8. No. Would be neat to have around though.

>9. I used to dabble in vampirism with thoughtforms I have no use for the energy provided from it. Yet anyway.

>10. I avidly talk to mundanes about my wizarding, just not what im currently working on. No one gives me trouble except for one insecure asspie and many come forward asking sincere questions.

>11. Never met or talked to him.


>1. How long have you known about and been browsing /fringe/? Did you find out about it on 8chan for the first time? Were you there for it on the previous site? Have you been around since its very foundation?
I learned about it from halfchan’s /x/ a while ago, probably a year or more. I put off visiting the website and ended up forgetting about it. Then I was re-introduced a few months afterward and lurked around the freedomboard for a while, steadily absorbing information, never really participating in the community. Then one day I came to visit to refresh my reading material and ended up getting forwarded to an LGBT support group and thought my ship had set sail for good. Then I found this place on the featured boards of the week. What a happy synchronicity.
>2. Are you an initiate (one who has already had considerable success with magick and completed study and practise to a level where they may call themselves a wizard), a neophyte (someone who is earnestly learning and interested in /fringe/ occultism but isn't fully realized yet, hasn't had a breakthrough experience, still trying), a mundane (someone who is just totally mundane, doesn't know anything, and is merely visiting out of a vague interest), or a fedora tipper (someone who is just here to denounce everything /fringe/ stands for and rejects magick)?
Neophyte. I take things slow and pay attention to the little details. Still searching for that one truly paradigm shifting breakthrough experience.
>3. Do you believe that magick is real and powerful, magick is psychological and limited, or magick is delusional and bullshit?
It’s certainly real and powerful to me
>4. Do you want /fringe/ to be more exclusive and to purge users in the fedora tipper, mundane, or even neophyte categories for all the nuisance and distraction they create from our higher and very serious purpose?
I liked the sort of “back alley” feel that the old incarnation of the website had, you know what I mean? It had a very “hidden behind the bookcase in the parlor” quality to it.
>5. Does magick excite you and motivate you, feel like a chore and disappoint you, or scare and anger you (either at what people could be doing with it or at "how delusional and crazy some people can get"?)
Absolutely motivated me enough to get into it and I’ve even held onto a little bit of that initial excitement of discovery. The charm of it hasn’t faded for me yet which motivates me all the more.
>6. Where abouts do you live and would you ever want to meet with wizards and actually practise or witness magick with them?
Eastern seaboard US. I really don’t think it would be a good idea to meet up with other wizards, but that’s just me.
>7. Do you believe in a need for ethics in magick / a RHP mindset or do you simply not give a fuck about all of that love & light stuff and want to develop and use your powers however you see fit, believing in the right of higher beings to dominate and exploit lower beings or even make pet projects and so on out of them? Would you describe yourself as pure of intentions and wanting to help everyone, wanting to help only the worthy and destroy or leave the rest to rot in their own misery, or being a "every man for themselves" ultra-paranoid top predator who'll cut anyone down just to stay on top of his game?
Don’t see the need for ethics at the moment. Maybe when I’m faced with an actual magickal ethical dilemma I’ll form an opinion on that.
>8. Is Fringe Girl your waifu?
Nah man, but she is a looker.
>9. Are you a successful loosh farmer?
Shit man, the internet is an infinite well of loosh. I wouldn’t even consider it farming at this point.
>10. Do you greenpill others?
Only when the situation is appropriate.
>11. Do you hail ☻?
Only Eris. I'm kidding, you get a hail too smiley.


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1. Maybe one or two years, found out about freedomboard and /fringe/ on /x/, right before /x/ went into terminal shit mode and has never recovered.

2. I would say I may have been able to call myself a beginning initiate a few years ago, but now after quite many years of stagnation, and my spiritual development being co-opted by lesser, far more mundane things I would say I am just beyond mundane in that I know and read and attempt things to a degree but quite often find myself stopping out of laziness or whatever and then have to go through a process of rediscovering and relearning many basic things.

3. My knowledge of /fringe/ topics is fairly limited, I am still not 100% certain if Astral Projection and OBE's are not just lucid dreams, but the expectations in which you go into them change how/what you experience. I don't know if these things count as magick though, I used to be entirely skeptical and dismissive of all forms of "magick" even when I was learning and reading about astral projection/OBE's because I considered them separate to it. But lately in terms of other "magicks" I can't say for certain if I think its all BS, if there are half-truths or if there are great powers and abilities but are hard to acquire, and are hidden and secretive.

It was actually from browsing /fringe/ that my thoughts towards these matters began to change, and now I am open to the possibility that there may be something more to it. That's why I love /fringe/, it's /x/ without the bullshit.

4. Going off what I just said, I certainly don't want to see /fringe/ become like /x/ is today, but I also think it would be detrimental to become so elitist and unwelcoming like wizardchan is, to those who are merely curious or who want to debate and discuss matters with a skeptic viewpoint. Maybe just ban the clear fedora tippers who gets too annoying and incessant, with whom reasonable dialogue is unattainable.

5. Things like AP/OBE certainly excite and motivate me to wish to be able to experience them on my own, as for other forms of magick that are mentioned and discussed here and in the mega stickies, they certainly arouse my curiosity, and I think it would be pretty cool if there is indeed something real to them, but for now I am mainly focused on the more common and maybe less "magicky" goals of lucid dreaming, Astral Projection and OBE.

6. NYC, not really, I prefer to practice/engage in this stuff solely at home.

7. I'm not knowledgeable enough in this level of /fringe/ to provide any constructive response on that. Maybe just stick to the good old golden rule " do unto others as you would have done unto you".

>not mundane/generic


9. No

10. Not really

11. He's a pretty cool guy


1. I've been on the old board for a while

2. Neophyte, unfortunately

3. Real, powerful and psychological in some ways too.

4. Well, I'm a neophyte so I'd be shooting myself in the foot. Fedora tippers/trolls should gtfo though.

5. Right now, it's a bit disappointing, but I feel motivated to make it work.

6. Western Canada. Depends.

7. I'm interested in personal progress and things that benefit me, but without dominating or exploiting others.

8. Well, she is pretty cute.

9. In the future, I hope.

10. I try to.

11. :(



Hi neighbor, I am on Bainbridge Island.


>1. How long have you known about and been browsing /fringe/? Did you find out about it on 8chan for the first time? Were you there for it on the previous site? Have you been around since its very foundation?

Just today on 8chan. I have heard it mentioned over on /x/, though.

>2. Are you an initiate (one who has already had considerable success with magick and completed study and practise to a level where they may call themselves a wizard), a neophyte (someone who is earnestly learning and interested in /fringe/ occultism but isn't fully realized yet, hasn't had a breakthrough experience, still trying), a mundane (someone who is just totally mundane, doesn't know anything, and is merely visiting out of a vague interest), or a fedora tipper (someone who is just here to denounce everything /fringe/ stands for and rejects magick)?

Neophyte, but I may be fooling myself…

>3. Do you believe that magick is real and powerful, magick is psychological and limited, or magick is delusional and bullshit?

A little from column A, a little from column B, and nothing from column C.

>4. Do you want /fringe/ to be more exclusive and to purge users in the fedora tipper, mundane, or even neophyte categories for all the nuisance and distraction they create from our higher and very serious purpose?

Nope. Trolls and Tippers need to go eat a wheelbarrow of dicks, but otherwise no.

>5. Does magick excite you and motivate you, feel like a chore and disappoint you, or scare and anger you (either at what people could be doing with it or at "how delusional and crazy some people can get"?)

It varies. Magicks excite and anger me… The fact I may weave the world about me as I see fit intrigues me, and is my drive for studying. It angers me that people can practice, whereas my time is too wasted to get any study time in…

>6. Where abouts do you live and would you ever want to meet with wizards and actually practise or witness magick with them?

SWFL… I'd love to talk shop and learn from those more experienced than me.

>7. Do you believe in a need for ethics in magick / a RHP mindset or do you simply not give a fuck about all of that love & light stuff and want to develop and use your powers however you see fit, believing in the right of higher beings to dominate and exploit lower beings or even make pet projects and so on out of them? Would you describe yourself as pure of intentions and wanting to help everyone, wanting to help only the worthy and destroy or leave the rest to rot in their own misery, or being a "every man for themselves" ultra-paranoid top predator who'll cut anyone down just to stay on top of his game?

To each their own.

>8. Is Fringe Girl your waifu?

Oddly enough my girlfriend/ soon to be fiance looks oddly similar…

>9. Are you a successful loosh farmer?


>10. Do you greenpill others?

Not familiar with this term…

>11. Do you hail ☻?

Not familiar with this…


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1. Old guard since /new/ on 4chan followed by 4chon.
2. I'm a wizard within my branch of interest, a neophyte in others.
3. There is only magick, all else is error.
4. More exclusive and esoteric. We cannot allow ourselves to fall in the same way that the societies and civilizations we herald from have fallen. We must be harsh and merciless to the outsiders, bending them to our mold, discarding those who break. "A chain is no stronger than its weakest link, and if one of the team cannot handle the forces, everybody is going to suffer. A ritual lodge is no place for the well-meaning ineffectual."
5. Yes.
6. West Coast Canada.
7. We should be bound to hierarchy in our affairs, for magick obeys the hierarchy of the ALL.
8. No. Perhaps one day I shall will my waifu into existence as a tulpa, or perhaps I shall create a material body for her soul.
9. I farm loosh by infiltrating the enemy and manipulating their thought forms. My study of Torah, Talmud and Jewish culture helps me in this endeavor.
10. Sometimes, if they seem receptive. Otherwise I attack them for sport, practice, or to uncover enemy intelligence.
11. Yes, I've long followed ☻ and have watched him grow. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uUyDcGSMPEQ


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>how to possess someone else's body without magick.


>Changing your reality IS magic.

what is quantum physics & Heisenberg's principle?


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GHB is a relatively simple chemical compound. And as with a simple mechanical vibration giving rise to complex orchestral piece of music, the real magick of GHB is to be found in the construction of the mind.

>what is quantum physics & Heisenberg's principle?

Something you seem to know little about.


>1. How long have you known about and been browsing /fringe/? Did you find out about it on 8chan for the first time? Were you there for it on the previous site? Have you been around since its very foundation?

Started browsing old fringe back in February and came to 8chan during the GG exodus.

>2. Are you an initiate (one who has already had considerable success with magick and completed study and practise to a level where they may call themselves a wizard), a neophyte (someone who is earnestly learning and interested in /fringe/ occultism but isn't fully realized yet, hasn't had a breakthrough experience, still trying), a mundane (someone who is just totally mundane, doesn't know anything, and is merely visiting out of a vague interest), or a fedora tipper (someone who is just here to denounce everything /fringe/ stands for and rejects magick)?

I'd call myself an adept, in-between a wizard and a neophyte. I've had decent success with energy work and elemental manipulation in IIH as well as some thoughtforming. Still plenty of room to grow in power.

>3. Do you believe that magick is real and powerful, magick is psychological and limited, or magick is delusional and bullshit?

Was skeptical before, trying it changed my mind. Real but not so powerful in my case.

>4. Do you want /fringe/ to be more exclusive and to purge users in the fedora tipper, mundane, or even neophyte categories for all the nuisance and distraction they create from our higher and very serious purpose?

The who sow doubt and disbelief are detrimental to our cause but the possible acquisition of more aryan wizards in our ranks is worth it in my opinion. Freedom of speech is one of the key values of fringe so I don't think we should silence anyone who posts here regardless of their views, unless it's something like spamming or MasterRuesman levels of shitposting we should have free speech. Shame we can't move neophyte question threads to /grave/ anymore and direct them to the main question thread.

>5. Does magick excite you and motivate you, feel like a chore and disappoint you, or scare and anger you (either at what people could be doing with it or at "how delusional and crazy some people can get"?)

Motivates me when it works, but I often get tangled up in mundane work and rarely have enough time to practice or read up on it. My schedule should be clearing up soon so I'm eager to advance my work further and maybe try some new exercises in the IIH and astral projection.

>6. Where abouts do you live and would you ever want to meet with wizards and actually practise or witness magick with them?

Australia, not sure what would we even do if we gathered. Though it would be nice to see some incredibly powerful wizard if there is one in the area. Unless /fringe/ decides to have its own pet magical project like /pol/'s ebola chan I don't see why we ever need to meet in person.

>7. Do you believe in a need for ethics in magick / a RHP mindset or do you simply not give a fuck about all of that love & light stuff and want to develop and use your powers however you see fit, believing in the right of higher beings to dominate and exploit lower beings or even make pet projects and so on out of them? Would you describe yourself as pure of intentions and wanting to help everyone, wanting to help only the worthy and destroy or leave the rest to rot in their own misery, or being a "every man for themselves" ultra-paranoid top predator who'll cut anyone down just to stay on top of his game?

I live by my own set of principles. I don't consider everyone equal nor am I a pacifist but that doesn't mean I am eager to use magic or other means to submit other people to my will. I try to heal people when I see someone ill when I'm on the bus but I wouldn't consider myself someone with pure intentions.

>8. Is Fringe Girl your waifu?


>9. Are you a successful loosh farmer?

Yeah but don't do it as much anymore.

>10. Do you greenpill others?

Most people show no interest in what we practice and I'd get labeled as a madman if I told them of our views.
Hiding my powerlevel everywhere I go.

>11. Do you hail ☻?

Yeah, enjoy the loosh smileberg.


>east pooropean
>hails nordic gods


the All is at work here
>1. How long have you known about and been browsing /fringe/? Did you find out about it on 8chan for the first time? Were you there for it on the previous site? Have you been around since its very foundation?
Been lurking fringechan for a while

>2. Are you an initiate (one who has already had considerable success with magick and completed study and practise to a level where they may call themselves a wizard), a neophyte (someone who is earnestly learning and interested in /fringe/ occultism but isn't fully realized yet, hasn't had a breakthrough experience, still trying), a mundane (someone who is just totally mundane, doesn't know anything, and is merely visiting out of a vague interest), or a fedora tipper (someone who is just here to denounce everything /fringe/ stands for and rejects magick)?

>3. Do you believe that magick is real and powerful, magick is psychological and limited, or magick is delusional and bullshit?
>4. Do you want /fringe/ to be more exclusive and to purge users in the fedora tipper, mundane, or even neophyte categories for all the nuisance and distraction they create from our higher and very serious purpose?
mundanes should be welcome to join, if they are willing to learn the science of GOD
>5. Does magick excite you and motivate you, feel like a chore and disappoint you, or scare and anger you (either at what people could be doing with it or at "how delusional and crazy some people can get"?)
It makes me feel good, everything becomes clear.
>6. Where abouts do you live and would you ever want to meet with wizards and actually practise or witness magick with them?
I would like too, but i'd rather not be exploited
>7. Do you believe in a need for ethics in magick / a RHP mindset or do you simply not give a fuck about all of that love & light stuff and want to develop and use your powers however you see fit, believing in the right of higher beings to dominate and exploit lower beings or even make pet projects and so on out of them? Would you describe yourself as pure of intentions and wanting to help everyone, wanting to help only the worthy and destroy or leave the rest to rot in their own misery, or being a "every man for themselves" ultra-paranoid top predator who'll cut anyone down just to stay on top of his game?
I stand in the middle path and lean towards RHP but i do take stuff from LHP i use it all to build myself.I do want to improve mankind
>8. Is Fringe Girl your waifu?
>9. Are you a successful loosh farmer?
I have my ways
>10. Do you greenpill others?
>11. Do you hail ☻?
ma main nigger


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>I've only been browsing for about a few weeks.

>I discovered it right on 8chan, it seemed similar to /x/ and peaked my interest.

>Just recently discovered this board (see above).

>2. I'm a neophyte, in the sense that the extent of my magick knowledge is that a pagan friend of mine manipulated a crystal in my hand, with me feeling the energy. I've also astral projected into other people's consciousness or situations "I wasn't supposed to be in", and I believe I'm a genuine empath.

>3. thus far, I'm still a bit skeptical, I think it's fairly limited but I also think anything is possible it just requires a certain level of mastery most don't attain, or it's deliberately been suppressed by the "powers that be" (if that's really even a thing) since the days of the Salem witch trials/inquisition. I'm open to all possibilities but I get discouraged pretty easily. I'm a bit of an ex-fedoratheist, so I attribute that to my skeptical outlook in the face of the esoteric/paranormal/magick etc.

>4. I think it should be available for everyone to use (for obvious reasons).

>5. Being a try hard or in a stressed/depressed state of mind makes it seem like a real chore, but if I'm just relaxing/feeling great and not thinking about it the magick just happens usually, just like being a child unaware of what is "real" and what "isn't". Psychedelics help a great deal as well, even though I realize that it's a cheap shortcut.

>6. I live in the midwestern U.S., there are pagan circles but its mostly a bible belt state that doesn't want you "worshippin' satan" even though anyone in a major political office is a free mason and most likely a hermeticist.

>7. I think there are several ways to achieve that end goal, or several end goals for that matter (although it's all about the journey, as the saying goes). I think it's up to the individual to find what works for them and then go with it.

>8. No, I don't have a mother-fucking waifu.

>9. No; if anything, everyone is always stealing my loosh. I feel like a reverse energy vampire, in the sense that everyone around me always drains the fuck out of me.

>10. I try too, but I've never seemed to have much sway over others, which isn't good considering a big part of magick is having your will be strong enough to take over others.

>I don't have very good luck with convincing others of shit, even though I'm usually the only one who knows anything in a group, they see me as an idiot until they find it out for themselves.

>11. uwot m8? \m/ <- that's the only hail I know.


>what is quantum physics & Heisenberg's principle?

Magick. Unless you're a retarded fedora that thinks scientific understanding of magick invalidates magick and that magick only means the unknown when in reality that's not all what it means.


You don't sound like much of a neophyte if you can manipulate third density, use thoughtforms, and AP. That's all pretty advanced.


1. I just got linked here
2. mundane Christian
3. kind of depends
4. >that edgy purge thrown in
5. lolwut
6. Carolina and no there are no wizards
7. wat
8. who
9. what?
10. yes
11. ☻☺☻☺


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>1. How long have you known about and been browsing /fringe/? Did you find out about it on 8chan for the first time? Were you there for it on the previous site? Have you been around since its very foundation?

I've been browsing here since last night because i figured out /x/ is shit compared to this place. I found out about it through 8chan, i guess I'm late to the party

>2. Are you an initiate (one who has already had considerable success with magick and completed study and practise to a level where they may call themselves a wizard), a neophyte (someone who is earnestly learning and interested in /fringe/ occultism but isn't fully realized yet, hasn't had a breakthrough experience, still trying), a mundane (someone who is just totally mundane, doesn't know anything, and is merely visiting out of a vague interest), or a fedora tipper (someone who is just here to denounce everything /fringe/ stands for and rejects magick)?

I'm a mundane, but i consider myself very open minded. I downloaded "basics of magick" a while ago but i couldn't get into it. probably because it said i should learn to practice zen and quiet my mind first and i'm too much of a fag to have patience. But if this is truly the way I will learn to control my own mind. Can someone confirm if this is true? must one quiet their mind in order to pursue magick? also can someone suggest books for beginners regarding the occult and magick? I do know occultic practices are used extensively to keep the world population stuck in an illusion, but that's about it

>3. Do you believe that magick is real and powerful, magick is psychological and limited, or magick is delusional and bullshit?

i'm leaning towards the side that it's real, but I honestly don't know. Am open to the possibility of it existing, but atm I don't experience it at all.

>4. Do you want /fringe/ to be more exclusive and to purge users in the fedora tipper, mundane, or even neophyte categories for all the nuisance and distraction they create from our higher and very serious purpose?

/fringe/ should be able to help mundanes and fedorafags start a new path. therefore there should always be a questions thread where they're contained. if idiots start threads let the mods do the work or filter them out yourself and dont give them attenion

>5. Does magick excite you and motivate you, feel like a chore and disappoint you, or scare and anger you (either at what people could be doing with it or at "how delusional and crazy some people can get"?)

Magick is extremely exciting to me because it opens the doors to a whole new realm of possibility. I couldnt give a fuck of what people think of me. I wish to learn how influence and create my own reality (even though I probably am right now unknowingly?)

>6. Where abouts do you live and would you ever want to meet with wizards and actually practise or witness magick with them?

I live in north eastern USA, yeah that would be cool. It's always nice to talk to new people and see what they know.

>7. Do you believe in a need for ethics in magick / a RHP mindset or do you simply not give a fuck about all of that love & light stuff and want to develop and use your powers however you see fit, believing in the right of higher beings to dominate and exploit lower beings or even make pet projects and so on out of them? Would you describe yourself as pure of intentions and wanting to help everyone, wanting to help only the worthy and destroy or leave the rest to rot in their own misery, or being a "every man for themselves" ultra-paranoid top predator who'll cut anyone down just to stay on top of his game?

I believe we should give everyone a chance. You cannot help someone who does not help themselves. I say we should love all unconditionally. If they wish to destroy themselves let them do so. If they wish to learn help them to do so.

>8. Is Fringe Girl your waifu?


>9. Are you a successful loosh farmer?

not yet, but it seems awesome

>10. Do you greenpill others?


>11. Do you hail ☻?

oh yeah.


need some direction /fringe/. calling all wizards to help me start my new path


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>that feel when everything in your post is so based

>2. I'm a wizard within my branch of interest, a neophyte in others.

What is your branch of interest?

>8. No. Perhaps one day I shall will my waifu into existence as a tulpa, or perhaps I shall create a material body for her soul.

You can actually make tulpas seek out and possess a woman for you and then you have your waifu that way.

>My study of Torah, Talmud and Jewish culture helps me in this endeavor.

How come you know all that jew stuff?

>that video

Brings tears to my eyes ;_;



Have you read the essentials on the Mega folder? It's on one the pinned threads.


no i have not but i'm in the process now of starting initiation into hermetics. thanks for your guidance, even though it may seem insignificant.
what the fuck does fringe have to do to get a sticky around here


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>I'm a mundane, but i consider myself very open minded. I downloaded "basics of magick" a while ago but i couldn't get into it. probably because it said i should learn to practice zen and quiet my mind first and i'm too much of a fag to have patience. But if this is truly the way I will learn to control my own mind. Can someone confirm if this is true? must one quiet their mind in order to pursue magick? also can someone suggest books for beginners regarding the occult and magick? I do know occultic practices are used extensively to keep the world population stuck in an illusion, but that's about it

If you can't quiet your mind and control it, you can't direct it, but instead are directed by the impulses and external forces which impress themselves upon you.

One mistake some people make though is to ONLY practise Q-MM. It is only the beginning. It is to clear the mind so it is ready to do other tasks even greater. Q-MM precedes every other form of meditation, like in The Book of Knowledge, which you can find in the sticky.

Books for beginners? Well there's no short-cuts in the occult but start by reading The Kybalion, then The Arcane Teachings, then The Arcane Formulas. Look around in the /fringe/ mega in the sticky.

>i'm leaning towards the side that it's real, but I honestly don't know. Am open to the possibility of it existing, but atm I don't experience it at all.

Check out the greenpills thread on old /fringe/, there's a lot of examples of magick working in there, articles and videos both.

>/fringe/ should be able to help mundanes and fedorafags start a new path.

The problem with fedorafags is their minds are already made up. Mundanes can be reached, fedorafags have already drawn a line and decided they know everything there is to know, and aren't open to the possibilities and potentials of the mind.

>I wish to learn how influence and create my own reality (even though I probably am right now unknowingly?)

No read The Stellar Man by John Baines. You are totally dominated by higher forces shaping your reality for you, until you learn to assert your own will, and take control of your own destiny.


What is the significance of the arcane teachings and formulas? Just asking, I saw the recommended again and I'm about to read them.


They teach you the bare minimum of what you need to know to start practising magick and begin your ascent to higher consciousness.


1. Came here from 4chan some weeks ago, and I've been browsing here for not a lot of time really. Mostly just lurking.

2. Full blown neophyte. I've already read Liber Null Psychonaut and I'm interested in Robert Bruce's guide to astral travel, but right now I'm in one of the most critical moments of college and barely have enough time to do stuff, so I just leave it for later.

3. I don't know. The only evidence I've found so far is anecdotal, a couple of times that I kind of predicted the future (which may or may not have been coincidence) or the whole orgone harvesting thing but I lack the resources to start an experiment for myself.

4. I think this board should be more skeptical, as a chemist in training I recognize there's a lot of bullshit in this area. We need to start gathering common experiences from magical practice and form a somewhat solid foundation for this new knowledge.

5. Excited in this possible new field, but mostly disappointed in people who practice it. Most don't want to research, and improve magic, they just want to feel good about how better they are than mundanes. It's kind of sad.

6. Southamerica. Why the fuck not meet? As long as it's known that it's just a social meeting, nobody starts shit and we can all get along.

7. I don't know enough about the field to make an educated guess, but my personal opinion is that knowledge exists to be known and power is there to be used, as long as you don't hurt other people it's fine.

8. She's a qt, but not qt enough.

9. I don't even know what loosh is.

10. Not really, gotta keep that power level in check.

11. The guy from fringe? He's kinda cool from what I've seen.


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thank you anon. after talking and thinking about it for so long, i think im ready for my ascent.


I lurked the old /fringe/ once or twice, but never had that much real interest in occult practice until recently.


A neophyte I'd say.


Something between the first and the second I think.


I think only shitposters should be purged, mundanes and fedoras who manage to debate without resorting to name calling at the first sign their opinions are being contested should stay.


It's pretty exciting.


BRland. Don't really want to meet anyone.

>7. I intend to help others, yes, but first I intend to help myself.


I already have a waifu sorry




Not anymore. Too many fedoras.

>11. Do you hail ☻?

I do like smilies.


1. Since this summer from half/x/ back when it was fringechan.

2. Neophyte

3. Real and powerful

4. I think obvious troll threads like >>4069 and just plain shitposting like >>4115 should be deleted but I think constructive debates with non-magical people should be allowed.

5. Excites and motivates

6. USA in an irrelevant state where it's very unlikely there will be enough occultists here to have a meetup.

7. I am pacifistic and my intentions are pure but I think resistance efforts are necessary. It's just not something I'm personally interested in pursuing in magic.

8. she kawaii

9. Even before I became interested in magic I would method act to shitpost convincingly so I think probably.

10. I don't know that much to pill anyone but I have given advice to Ebola-chan weeaboos who know even less than I do. I actually don't want the happening but I think it's a clever way of getting more people interested in magic. I see it as ethically similar to writing erotic fanfiction of children's cartoon characters for the greater good of getting people more interested in reading in general.

11. abstain


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1. I came here recently, on 8chan.

2. You're asking a question I am not qualified to answer for myself. If anyone is qualified to answer for themselves.

3. The psychological effects are the ones I can illustrate and see the effects of. I cannot vouch objectively for anything else.

4. I don't mind anyone's presence, save a few held over fears.

5. It is a part of what I am and what I do.

6. I'm in no shape to be considering joining an occult group again, if that is what you mean.

7. I have observed no universal law stating a need for ethics. But it costs nothing to be polite, and I have no place to judge another's worth.

8. I'm not gay, no.

9. Only on occasion.

10. Not anymore.

11. I don't see why not.


are the arcane teachings and formulas in the sticky? if so i can't seem to find it


sorry disregard my retardation


ITT: Magic dick-wagging.
Since its inception on fullchan
Limited by a ratio of plausibility versus will.
Free for all interested. Giving all a voice naturally invites positive and negative.
North America. I would go for the spectacle.
Do no harm should be the whole of the law. But I wouldn't be the one to impose it.
Cute enough, but no.
If they ask.


1. Started going on /fringe/ since April, was on /x/ since 2007, now its shit.

2. Between initiate and neophyte, lacking in a LOT of areas but I'm getting there.

3.Absolutely magic is real, inside us and outside us.

4. Only ban those who come here to troll and do nothing but shit on all our knowledge while refusing to even glimpse into truth.

5. Magic, Knowledge, and something, are the stuff that makes my day worthwhile.

6. Rural central California, near the mountains.
I would absolutely love to meet a fellow seeker of truth and practice the all.

7. For each human has their own way, so none may follow another's.

I personaly believe I should just observe, and in certain, very rare circumstances I should interfere.

I lean to peace, and I should hope to never kill another man while I live this life you can never know what circumstances the demiurge will bring upon you.

8. How can I love that which I do not know? A picture can be anything, only the context of your own lifes choices and path can bring out the understanding each person would see.

9. I have trolled a couple times on halfchan, cuck threads on /pol/, /pol/ thread as on /lit/ and /co/, sjw threads on /v/, ect ect.

10. I was at a part two days ago and I got a couple people interested in intro to hermetics when I explained a lot of fringe stuff.

11. I feel like smiles is the younger brother I never had for some reason, so I always enjoy talking to him.


1. I first found fringe a few days before it moved to 8chan. I found the previous site while browing /x on 4chan-which I had discovered only several days prior.

2. I am a neophyte. At the moment I am working through IIH. I have had some success with magick; enough to confirm its power-but I would not call myself a wizard yet.

3. I believe that magick is real and powerful; it's limits are determined solely by the beliefs and will of the practitioner.

4. I wouldn't mind if fringe became a little more exclusive and purged the fedora tippers and mundanes; most of the topics they come here for can be found elsewhere. They tend to lower the average IQ of this site (remember the poster that wanted to summon an undine and make her his waifu? people like that).

5. Magick definitely excites and motivates me. The increase in control and awareness is unparalleled. I'm always interested in exploring the unknown/unfamiliar realms.

6. At the moment, I live in Durham, North Carolina, where I am currently attending college. I would be interested in meeting fellow wizards and working with them. When I am not in school, I am in New York.

7. I do not believe in a need for ethics in magick. Nonetheless, I consider myself a follower of the RHP. I believe in helping all, yet I realize that many do not want to be helped, or are not ready to be helped.

8. Fringe Girl is not my waifu.

9. I have had success farming loosh in the past, although I don't actively farm these days.

10. I do greenpill others.

11. Hail Eris!


1. I was aware of it's existance on freedomboard
2. neophyte
3. real and powerful
4. it should be inclusive, modfaggotry and censorship are cancerous
5. the second one, but it is enjoyable to learn about
6. no I hate other people
7. ethics are important, as is helping others, but we must not sacrifice our individuality to mundanes
8. nein
9. no
10. yes
11. yes


1. I literally just found out about it from /x/. Usually went there as my go to for magick threads.
2. neophyte. Some success with simple stuff.
3.Real and powerful. Only as powerful as the intent of the user, though.
4. Not entirely necessary. The serious will seek out the serious threads, the trolls will shitpost in shit threads. Just like every other board.
5. Excite and motivate.
6. Northern US. I'd prefer to practice alone, but I'd love to share stories and techniques here as I've still got a lot to learn.
7. Every man for himself. Most people don't seem to have too terrible of intentions and those who do royally fuck themselves dealing with higher entities. I only deal with weak ones for simple purposes, and don't intend to do a whole lot more than that unless I really need to.
9.No. What?
10. I've redpilled before, but I hide the shit out of my greenpill power level.
11. What.


1. Been looking at it every once in a while since I noticed it on 8chan.

2. Mundane/Fedora man, I don't believe most of the stuff around here, but it's a fascinating read. I wouldn't go and kick your shit in for no reason though. Feel free to do whatever.

3. Psychological if anything.

4. If that's really an issue for the users here, make a /high wizards/ or something along those lines.

5. No it peaks my interest as most ocult things or religions do, the ritual of the thing always fascinates me.

6. Netherlands, yeah I'd like to meet a wizard sounds like an interesting time for sure.

7. Show compasion for your fellow man as they show it to you.

8. Nah.

9. I'm a plump helmet farmer.

10. Nope.

11. Can't say I have.


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>What is your branch of interest?

Hermetic Alchemy.

>How come you know all that jew stuff?

It is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you will not be imperiled in a hundred battles; if you do not know your enemies but do know yourself, you will win one and lose one; if you do not know your enemies nor yourself, you will be imperiled in every single battle. - Sun Tzu's Art of War


1. 1 year, approx.

2. initiate, I have taught others, but I am no master

3. limited and powerful

4. wish more people talked about practical experiences and techniques

5. very large question

6. BC, anyone?

7. Libra


Fuck off shill


Now using this trip for posts.

Three of us so far in the West. Smiley is in Eastern Canada.


>Most don't want to research, and improve magic, they just want to feel good about how better they are than mundanes. It's kind of sad.

More like they want to practise magick and talk about magick with others who do the same and don't have time for noobs. Like how some programmers only talk with other high level programmers to work on advanced tasks and can't be bothered with noobs that would only hold them back.


1. Since 8chan came to be, 2 months maybe?

2. Neophyte

3. Real and powerful, but not in a Harry Potter magic wand kinda way, so I guess limited as well

4. I am a neophyte so biased towards "us", but I don't see any problem answering neophytes (or mundanes) who are genuenly interested. Fuck fedoralords though

5. Exciting and motivating, scary, and possibly frustrating.

6. Hungary, I would be interested yes… if any happened to be around…

7. Everyone should find his own way, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't help someone who asks. At the same time it is pointless to try and "enlighten" people who are not ready, so I'd say live and let live.

8. No

9. Didn't try it yet

10. I am still learning

11. I don't understand that


>1. How long have you known about and been browsing /fringe/? Did you find out about it on 8chan for the first time? Were you there for it on the previous site? Have you been around since its very foundation?

a month.

>2. Are you an initiate (one who has already had considerable success with magick and completed study and practise to a level where they may call themselves a wizard), a neophyte (someone who is earnestly learning and interested in /fringe/ occultism but isn't fully realized yet, hasn't had a breakthrough experience, still trying), a mundane (someone who is just totally mundane, doesn't know anything, and is merely visiting out of a vague interest), or a fedora tipper (someone who is just here to denounce everything /fringe/ stands for and rejects magick)?

neophyte. i'd like to believe but i haven't observed anything. been looking for god… 10 or 15 years and read a bunch of books. hell i can only barely lucid dream.

>3. Do you believe that magick is real and powerful, magick is psychological and limited, or magick is delusional and bullshit?

no idea.

>4. Do you want /fringe/ to be more exclusive and to purge users in the fedora tipper, mundane, or even neophyte categories for all the nuisance and distraction they create from our higher and very serious purpose?

i haven't seen anyone here posting anything that remotely proves that they're anything above neophyte. i would love to see some real undeniable proof posted on here.

>5. Does magick excite you and motivate you, feel like a chore and disappoint you, or scare and anger you (either at what people could be doing with it or at "how delusional and crazy some people can get"?)

it excites me. i want to believe that there's more to life than survival. i do believe there's a collective consciousness of some kind.

>6. Where abouts do you live and would you ever want to meet with wizards and actually practise or witness magick with them?

california. i'd definitely like to witness.

>7. Do you believe in a need for ethics in magick / a RHP mindset or do you simply not give a fuck about all of that love & light stuff and want to develop and use your powers however you see fit, believing in the right of higher beings to dominate and exploit lower beings or even make pet projects and so on out of them? Would you describe yourself as pure of intentions and wanting to help everyone, wanting to help only the worthy and destroy or leave the rest to rot in their own misery, or being a "every man for themselves" ultra-paranoid top predator who'll cut anyone down just to stay on top of his game?

i believe in being moral in general. having magic powers doesn't make you above morals.

>8. Is Fringe Girl your waifu?


>9. Are you a successful loosh farmer?


>10. Do you greenpill others?



>1. How long have you known about and been browsing /fringe/? Did you find out about it on 8chan for the first time? Were you there for it on the previous site? Have you been around since its very foundation?

For about 5 months. I heard about it on /x/ and browses old /fringe/.

>2. Are you an initiate (one who has already had considerable success with magick and completed study and practise to a level where they may call themselves a wizard), a neophyte (someone who is earnestly learning and interested in /fringe/ occultism but isn't fully realized yet, hasn't had a breakthrough experience, still trying), a mundane (someone who is just totally mundane, doesn't know anything, and is merely visiting out of a vague interest), or a fedora tipper (someone who is just here to denounce everything /fringe/ stands for and rejects magick)?

I'm a neophyte.

>3. Do you believe that magick is real and powerful, magick is psychological and limited, or magick is delusional and bullshit?

I believe that magick is real and can be powerful with dedication.

>4. Do you want /fringe/ to be more exclusive and to purge users in the fedora tipper, mundane, or even neophyte categories for all the nuisance and distraction they create from our higher and very serious purpose?

Isn't there already an exclusive /fringe/? I'd like this /fringe/ to stay the way it is, and if you must make a more exclusive /fringe/, make it accessible to those who learn abilities from this /fringe/.

>5. Does magick excite you and motivate you, feel like a chore and disappoint you, or scare and anger you (either at what people could be doing with it or at "how delusional and crazy some people can get"?)

Magick excites me to no end

>6. Where abouts do you live and would you ever want to meet with wizards and actually practise or witness magick with them?

I live in east coast FL at the moment, moving back to the north next year. I'd love to meet someone that can show me magick first hand.

>7. Do you believe in a need for ethics in magick / a RHP mindset or do you simply not give a fuck about all of that love & light stuff and want to develop and use your powers however you see fit, believing in the right of higher beings to dominate and exploit lower beings or even make pet projects and so on out of them? Would you describe yourself as pure of intentions and wanting to help everyone, wanting to help only the worthy and destroy or leave the rest to rot in their own misery, or being a "every man for themselves" ultra-paranoid top predator who'll cut anyone down just to stay on top of his game?

I'm on the middle fence, I want the entire planet to learn magick and every individual to use it as they see fit as it is their right to do so. Ethics should be in place, to an extent.

>8. Is Fringe Girl your waifu?

>Having a Waifu

>9. Are you a successful loosh farmer?

I've never done it, I'll have to give it a try when I'm capable.

>10. Do you greenpill others?

I'll definitely green pill others as soon as I learn the abilities.

>11. Do you hail ☻?

Heh, no.


1. About 8 months or so. I was introduced to the previous site. Not at all, or at least I don't think that I was.

2. I am halfway between being an initiate and a neophyte. I have had success with magick and have had breakthroughs, however I do not yet know how to control my power. Hopefully I will someday.

3. Magick is psychological, but potentially limitless.

4. No. It is good to have criticism; we can't mature or grow otherwise. Although this isn't to say that we should automatically buy into criticism.

5. I think that magick is fascinating; it gives me something to work towards in life, and I've already done some myself. Since I've turned 30, very interesting things have started to happen. There is something magickal about the age of 30, for some people. The whole "30 year old virgin = wizard" thing may not be bullshit.

6. I live in Idaho, Palouse region. I would love to meet other wizards, but I'm not big on the whole racial supremacist/nationalist thing. I am racist, just not racist enough. I somewhat sympathize with that faction of the far right, but being anti-congregational I don't want to have much to do with it.

7. I am technically Left Hand Path, but I believe in freedom for all. No one should be a slave, unless if they knowingly put themselves in that position. Another distinction is that I do not think that humans can obtain God-hood; we can get close, but not close enough.

8. No; I like pony girls.

9. I have been, but not when I was knowingly practicing magick. Loosh farming is a great way to know the psychology of other humans, but it can be draining in the long term.

10. I mention a handful of my practices, but I leave most be. If they are worthy, they will come to it on their own. Most of us do, in any case.

11. I barely even know who he is. Again, I'm anti-congregational; I don't follow community shit. I focus on my own works, particularly my esoteric writing.


1. Probably known about it about a month, learned about it first from 8chan.

2. I suppose I'm considered a neophyte. I'm almost certain I've had magical experiences in my past before with one very vivid encounter with an entity at 6, but nothing done under my own power.

3. I think that, from what I understand of it so far, it's real and powerful, but at the same time limited in it's own way. The power of magic comes from your control over your mental state, and that's something that I know from experience is incredibly fickle and fragile.

4. Please don't be exclusive. trying to learn from my betters when they're actively telling me to fuck off will be a pretty big block to my advancement and growth in skill.

5. I really don't know yet. I'm only two books into the mega so far, and what I've read is pretty cool and exciting. I suppose my views might change once I get to the actual exercises of magical training.

6. Minneapolis, Minnesota. If I could meet a master magician in my area that would be so cool and useful in allaying my fears about the real-world effects of magic.

7. I think that those who are dedicated and driven enough to learn magic well enough to cause real-world changes are free to do whatever the fuck they want. If somebody has a problem with another practitioner's actions, use their magic to cancel his, or confront them and see. There is a need for morality in magic, just as there is a need for hierarchy and cut-throat power scrabbles. It keeps 'us' honest.

8. No idea who fringe girl is. Need to lurk moar, I guess.

9. Haven't gotten to that yet.

10. Talked to some of my internet buddies about some of the entry-level hermeticism books, they're having a ball with them. we're actually getting a lot of ideas for the magic in the setting of the vidyagame we're all making together.

11. No idea what that is.


1.) About…I don't know ~5months maybe 6?

2.)neophyte definitely

3.) Real but to a degree 75-90% bullshit 10% cool/interesting things

4.)I would hope it stays very open or even starts merging with new /x/ here and there

5.) Kinda scary, interesting definitely, and when I have time to get some real results motivated would quickly join this category

6.)new mexico (that's all that needs to be shared for now)

7.)kinda freedom kinda not, magic shouldn't be "hey everyone!" Otherwise we would have too many asshats but as long as its a relatively small group of people, I see no harm in people playing with things they don't understand, after its good for research for the NEXT guy

10.) Why?
11.)just for Chaos's sake imma say no


what were your breakthroughs, if you fon't mind sharing?



Oh, they vary. Having tulpas form without any effort back when I was 24-26 (I didn't even know about tulpas back then, and I only recently found out that they were only a week or so ago; previously, I thought that tulpas were impossible).

Being able to use divination while on DXM, as well as to invoke angels.

Having a "sense" of whether or not bad things will happen. This always keeps me out of trouble when I do listen to it, and the few times I don't, I end up in weird shit.

The limited ability to astral project and lucid dream, through sleep paralysis (or something similar to that).

The odd ability to think of a novel word, only to find that it is a real word in a Slavic language that has spiritual meaning (I have one word, "promeny", which means "transformation" in Czech, and another, "odnovo", which means "afresh" in Macedonian).

The fact that I was constantly just one step away from either death or disfigurement growing up (the most disturbing case being when I was 10 and didn't want to go hunting with my dad, and he went alone; his car ended up slipping on ice and turned over, with the place where I would have sat being completely caved in).

Some odd shit with my dreams recently, mainly the ability to learn from them.

Being able to detect odd happenings in my apartment during the middle of the night; usually I'm half-asleep, other times I'm fully awake.

The ability to use time in order to determine whether something is a good decision/idea, or is true.

A long list, but I still have a long way to go. I'm currently working on summoning familiars through word squares.


1. a few weeks
2. im interested on an intellectual level. Im not in the right mindset to try anything
3. Its either entirely real or not at all. Psychological explanations beg the question or can be reduced to something non magickal.
4.Just ban shitposters
5. the esoteric tradition is fascinating, but I question if anyone after blavatsky is truly following tradition aside from jewish kabbalists.
6. Texas, and I already know a few.
7.Occult knowledge is occult for a reason, that's all I will say
9. n/a
10. no, there's no point in trying. you either get the premise of the occult or you dont.


Riverside reporting in


>I am everywhere.

Even on MUH DICK?


>tried to be chaotic
>said "No"
>like most of the other respondents who all said the same

lol at least roll some dice beforehand


>1. How long have you known about and been browsing /fringe/? Did you find out about it on 8chan for the first time? Were you there for it on the previous site? Have you been around since its very foundation?

Fringechan, been coming on and off here a while after it was created.

>2. Are you an initiate (one who has already had considerable success with magick and completed study and practise to a level where they may call themselves a wizard), a neophyte (someone who is earnestly learning and interested in /fringe/ occultism but isn't fully realized yet, hasn't had a breakthrough experience, still trying), a mundane (someone who is just totally mundane, doesn't know anything, and is merely visiting out of a vague interest), or a fedora tipper (someone who is just here to denounce everything /fringe/ stands for and rejects magick)?

Somewhere between neophyte and mundande.

>3. Do you believe that magick is real and powerful, magick is psychological and limited, or magick is delusional and bullshit?

I have yet to establish how powerful magick really is.

>4. Do you want /fringe/ to be more exclusive and to purge users in the fedora tipper, mundane, or even neophyte categories for all the nuisance and distraction they create from our higher and very serious purpose?

Wherever the wind blows.

>5. Does magick excite you and motivate you, feel like a chore and disappoint you, or scare and anger you (either at what people could be doing with it or at "how delusional and crazy some people can get"?)

Would say I see it as a chore and it scares me somewhat.

>6. Where abouts do you live and would you ever want to meet with wizards and actually practise or witness magick with them?

Europe, yes.

>7. Do you believe in a need for ethics in magick / a RHP mindset or do you simply not give a fuck about all of that love & light stuff and want to develop and use your powers however you see fit, believing in the right of higher beings to dominate and exploit lower beings or even make pet projects and so on out of them? Would you describe yourself as pure of intentions and wanting to help everyone, wanting to help only the worthy and destroy or leave the rest to rot in their own misery, or being a "every man for themselves" ultra-paranoid top predator who'll cut anyone down just to stay on top of his game?

I think everyone should be able to use their power as seen fit. My goal is only to develop myself, but wouldn't mind others coming along.

>8. Is Fringe Girl your waifu?


>9. Are you a successful loosh farmer?


>10. Do you greenpill others?

When the opportunity arises.

>11. Do you hail ☻?



>1. How long have you known about and been browsing /fringe/? Did you find out about it on 8chan for the first time? Were you there for it on the previous site? Have you been around since its very foundation?

Long time /x/ lurker. I came over here about 3 months ago.

>2. Are you an initiate (one who has already had considerable success with magick and completed study and practise to a level where they may call themselves a wizard), a neophyte (someone who is earnestly learning and interested in /fringe/ occultism but isn't fully realized yet, hasn't had a breakthrough experience, still trying), a mundane (someone who is just totally mundane, doesn't know anything, and is merely visiting out of a vague interest), or a fedora tipper (someone who is just here to denounce everything /fringe/ stands for and rejects magick)?

Neophyte. I love to research, and my researches have radically changed my consciousness.

>3. Do you believe that magick is real and powerful, magick is psychological and limited, or magick is delusional and bullshit?

Psychological and powerful.

>4. Do you want /fringe/ to be more exclusive and to purge users in the fedora tipper, mundane, or even neophyte categories for all the nuisance and distraction they create from our higher and very serious purpose?

Doesn't matter much to me. I come here to find great things to read and think about. Shitposters are easy to ignore.

>5. Does magick excite you and motivate you, feel like a chore and disappoint you, or scare and anger you (either at what people could be doing with it or at "how delusional and crazy some people can get"?)

Well I suppose I would consider myself most interested by the theory of magick through esoteric writings, symbolism, etc etc. I do believe people get results. The universe is mind. It's exciting as fuck though I don't practice.

>6. Where abouts do you live and would you ever want to meet with wizards and actually practise or witness magick with them?

Perhaps. Southwest.

>7. Do you believe in a need for ethics in magick / a RHP mindset or do you simply not give a fuck about all of that love & light stuff and want to develop and use your powers however you see fit, believing in the right of higher beings to dominate and exploit lower beings or even make pet projects and so on out of them? Would you describe yourself as pure of intentions and wanting to help everyone, wanting to help only the worthy and destroy or leave the rest to rot in their own misery, or being a "every man for themselves" ultra-paranoid top predator who'll cut anyone down just to stay on top of his game?

>8. Is Fringe Girl your waifu?


>9. Are you a successful loosh farmer?

It has no value to me.

>10. Do you greenpill others?

that doesn't work

>11. Do you hail ☻?

What does it mean?


>Psychological and powerful.

Silly mundane. In time you will have to concede there is no real boundary between mind and matter, both manifestations of one thing. You just need to see something that challenges your mental solipsism.

>The universe is mind.

You say this but call magick psychological?


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1. 2 days. Fringechan. No.
2. Mundane.
3. Not sure.
4. I really don't care.
5. I'm curious about it all.
6. Midwest. Probably not.
7. I'd use it for personal goals and subversion.
8. No.
9. No.
10. No.
11. Fuck no! Die, faggot!


>1. How long have you known about and been browsing /fringe/? Did you find out about it on 8chan for the first time? Were you there for it on the previous site? Have you been around since its very foundation?

Only been on /fringe/ for a week or so. I found out about it here, yes. No I never went to fringechan.

>2. Are you an initiate (one who has already had considerable success with magick and completed study and practise to a level where they may call themselves a wizard), a neophyte (someone who is earnestly learning and interested in /fringe/ occultism but isn't fully realized yet, hasn't had a breakthrough experience, still trying), a mundane (someone who is just totally mundane, doesn't know anything, and is merely visiting out of a vague interest), or a fedora tipper (someone who is just here to denounce everything /fringe/ stands for and rejects magick)?

I'd probably have to go with initiate if those are my only options.

>3. Do you believe that magick is real and powerful, magick is psychological and limited, or magick is delusional and bullshit?

Real and powerful.

>4. Do you want /fringe/ to be more exclusive and to purge users in the fedora tipper, mundane, or even neophyte categories for all the nuisance and distraction they create from our higher and very serious purpose?

Fedora tippers are kind of annoying but I'm open to everyone else, but hey what do I know… I've only been here a week.

>5. Does magick excite you and motivate you, feel like a chore and disappoint you, or scare and anger you (either at what people could be doing with it or at "how delusional and crazy some people can get"?)

Excites and motivates me.

>6. Where abouts do you live and would you ever want to meet with wizards and actually practise or witness magick with them?

Central Canada in one of the prairie provinces. Yeah, I'd love to get together.

>7. Do you believe in a need for ethics in magick / a RHP mindset or do you simply not give a fuck about all of that love & light stuff and want to develop and use your powers however you see fit, believing in the right of higher beings to dominate and exploit lower beings or even make pet projects and so on out of them? Would you describe yourself as pure of intentions and wanting to help everyone, wanting to help only the worthy and destroy or leave the rest to rot in their own misery, or being a "every man for themselves" ultra-paranoid top predator who'll cut anyone down just to stay on top of his game?

I'd like to do things my way and try to keep everything all love & lightish, at least the best that I can.

>8. Is Fringe Girl your waifu?

donno yet

>9. Are you a successful loosh farmer?

No but it sounds groovy.

>10. Do you greenpill others?

Eh I don't post much and don't really have anyone to talk to about things in real life.

>11. Do you hail ☻?

Don't know what that means


>1. Got interested when it was a featured board.

>2. Neophyte

>3. I believe in the placebo effect and therefore it sprouts out toward magic.

>4. Nah

>5. It excites me.

>6. VA, USA. Maybe…

>7. Because we own our own layer or dimension I believe that ethics aren't necessary. Up to a point of course…

>8. Mo

>9. Rising :)

>10. Yes, at least try to.

>11. No, is that a sigil or some shit?


8 was a no…


If the universe is mental, what is the difference between 'real' and 'psychological'? Perhaps I have further to go with Hermetics, but I don't quite see the difference in terminology. If microcosm is analogous to macrocosm, what constitutes the difference between 'psychological' and 'real'? If both are manifestations of the same thing, what does the terminology applied matter? (Perhaps magi of your type have some deep need for the greater world to see their practice as REAL and therefore legitimate.)

I suppose I do see magick as REAL but describing it as psychological makes more sense to me. The term real implies empiricism and materialism to me, and constructs a false division between mind and matter.

Real <-> Psychological
Matter <-> Mind

Perhaps you should foster conversation rather than "Silly mundane solipsist…" Seems like you got pretty offended by some arbitrary terminology.


Real does not imply empiricism and materialism and neither of those imply reality. They are both simply structures to explain reality, and are not analogous to it. The positivists tried it and failed. Psychological implies naturalism, however, whereas mental does not. That's the way I see it at least


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1) been browsing since heard someone advertising pro-white magic on a certain /fringe/ board, googled "/fringe/ chan" and found freedomboard.

2) Neophyte, all this time either my shit feels or laziness, mostly a mixture of both, got the best of me and I didn't do anything. Somehow a certain ritual helps me deal with that, the cases when I start feeling like shit are less often and I'm doing the exercises atkinson recommends for emotional alchemy, going slow as not to go too fast.

3)I'm pretty sure there might be something beyond, I think all religions have a certain level of truth within them. Due to those unpleasant feels I haven't yet practiced much, and thus haven't yet had a paranormal experience.

4) "purging" doesn't do anything, those that want to, come back anyways. Maybe a few really short bans for the fun of it like on the old /fringe/ once in a while, but not further than that.

5) It scares me, but not in the mundane sense. I am worried that the "beyond" may host hostile entities, or in general hold hostile threats to me.
Otherwise I'm fascinated with it, it has a pretty charming allure that's hard to resist. Resisting or not, my laziness/apathy hasn't allowed me to really practice it.

6) Middle east (reasons), on one hand probably wouldn't mind for the gathering might bring more knowledge and as certain disciplines are impossible to achieve without someone guiding you. On the other hand, my parents would disown me if I dabbled in occultism, they'd see it as me betraying the christian faith(but I am not, I don't deny the mystical properties of the church and its' capabilities of union with something higher, I just don't believe it's the only way).

7)Acts of goodwill shouldn't be forced, telling everyone "you have to do this or that and can't do this and that" isn't really a "good" act. Personally I'd rather help those close to me other whites, myself and family rather than people I'm not connected to, I'm not totally against helping others but resources are limited, even if it's just time.

8) She strikes me as a moral degenerate, some free loving hippie. I don't like her.

9) I shitpost once in a while and make liberals angry, don't know if succesful since liberals are always angry, I never felt the boost from loosh though.

10) Irl everyone is pretty set in their own beliefs and I can't shake them out of it, on the internet everyone is a mundane that spouts the same nihilistic bs my 14 year old self believed in, it's pretty hard to tell somebody that there is something more without getting called crazy and all that, and even if I manage to hook somebody I don't know what to tell them since I'm pretty inexperienced. In general, at this stage, attempts at greenpilling do more harm than good, with more experience and skill I might try more often.

11) Yes, Edginess is a nice way to go at the world and his esoteric knowledge and cabilities(if he is to be believed) are admirable. I hope he contributes, either to the esoteric community or to white nationalism in some way later on.


1. a few weeks(studied many years alone)
2. initiate
3. >Believe
4. imho this should be a place of learning, discussion and organization.
5. -
6. NZ, only if necessary
7. Hybrid.
8. no
9. …
10. not directly.


>The last minute. I was curious.
>No experience with magic.
>I believe magic is real in definition. Creation and the influence of events through the force of will.
>No opinion
>It's interesting.
>I'd like to know more about it for a while, but I don't tend to stick in groups for long
>Nah I don't care. It doesn't really effect the world on a large scale anyway.
the rest should be an obvious "No."


>been looking into fringe subjects for most of 201(mostly lurking) but only found the fringe board in March
>a Neophyte (I’m recently getting to a point in my life where I’d be serious and I would love some friends who could give some direction or mentorship or something)
>I believe magick is real
>its extremely exciting but I feel like some aspects of finding what works and doesn’t can be a chore at times
> I live in Los Angeles and would love finding people who are interested in experiencing or studying real magick (id settle for chatting as well though)
>I believe in some general guide lines and maybe some warnings about something’s for beginners safety(example I keep hearing vague things about people disappearing trying to go astral or attempting gnosis but some people say they get black vaned some people say they get attacked by astral beings and archons and no one ever clearly states anything that would help that from happening) and personally Id want to help those who are worthy help themselves and others but I don’t think id be so brave as to keep myself posted here teaching people but I might end up having a change of heart once im in control of any abilities I gain throughout my studies


I missed a few oops
>I think this fringe should stay open and another fringe or something with a better name to be exclusive and have more extensive resources with this one for open discussion and beginner resources
>oh god I wish(is fringe girl you waifu)
>no but id like to try it
>I do try to greenpill my friends if I believe they aren’t a fedora tipping atheist waiting for the singularity


1. Since 8chan and /x/ for quite some time

2. Initiate

3. All powerful dude

4. Get rid of the fedoras, they made /x/ difficult to take seriously

5. Excited and motivate but scare when spirit/demon fuckers come out of nowhere doing random shit

6. USA USA USA! New York, long island. I'd totally do it but I got to trust the person a little and we have to have some fun while we're at it

7. Yes to ethics but I think everyone should let loose every once in a while

8. ?

9. I like to think of myself as walking around gathering loosh and putting it in my basket. When I'm hungry I snack on some loosh but I keep loosing my fucking basket sheeeiit

10. I try

11. Hail


This is really fucking stupid.


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"Psychological" implies limitations to "a reality confined only within one's own mind (or "head") and not shareable with others and having no direct affect upon the greater reality."


1) Maybe 5 months but I've been on /x/ for about 1 year
2) Neophyte but I've had some small successes with magick
3) Real
4) No
5) Depends, it can be all of those but mostly motivating and exciting
6) Canada and fuck yea, I'm open minded on meeting with wizards
7) Well I develop my powers as I see fit but I have no particular reason aside of knowledge. As long as acquiring and sharing knowledge is your only goal I don't see a need for ethics.
8) Nope
9) No ._.
10) Not right now but maybe I will in the future
11) wat


>1. How long have you known about and been browsing /fringe/? Did you find out about it on 8chan for the first time? Were you there for it on the previous site? Have you been around since its very foundation?

Just found out about it today while in a thread on /pol/.

>2. Are you an initiate (one who has already had considerable success with magick and completed study and practise to a level where they may call themselves a wizard), a neophyte (someone who is earnestly learning and interested in /fringe/ occultism but isn't fully realized yet, hasn't had a breakthrough experience, still trying), a mundane (someone who is just totally mundane, doesn't know anything, and is merely visiting out of a vague interest), or a fedora tipper (someone who is just here to denounce everything /fringe/ stands for and rejects magick)?

I have been doing my great work for sometime now. Unfortunately, my current job directly interferes with my ability to do the work as often as Id like, but once you advance to a certain point, youre always doing something related to that Great Work. I am a self initiated mage, and worked within the system laid out in the Simon Necronomicon. If one is to work in this system in a serious manner, one does become a student of one entity or another in time. I am a priest of Enki, and my methods reflect this I feel. Enki does not give you power, he teaches you how to cultivate it within.

>3. Do you believe that magick is real and powerful, magick is psychological and limited, or magick is delusional and bullshit?

It is as real as it gets. To amke it real to the mundance goy, one must make it manifest within yourself and subsequently manifest in all your works and actions. Words are cheap, actions are gold.

>4. Do you want /fringe/ to be more exclusive and to purge users in the fedora tipper, mundane, or even neophyte categories for all the nuisance and distraction they create from our higher and very serious purpose?

The mundane slaves of Enlil will find their way in no matter what. They love their rusty chains of the mind and soul. Do whatever you will, I will just do as I do normally, ignore or mock them.

>5. Does magick excite you and motivate you, feel like a chore and disappoint you, or scare and anger you (either at what people could be doing with it or at "how delusional and crazy some people can get"?)

Depends on the mood Im in. Sometimes I think the whole occult thing us full of faggotry and autism. Other times I realize what it is, and those moments of annoyance were me just being affected by the mundane goy and the travelers on this path who are hopelessly lost.

>6. Where abouts do you live and would you ever want to meet with wizards and actually practise or witness magick with them?

No interest in meeting random folks in the occult community. Most of the people int he occult community are faggots are retards in actuality. Sorry, if I need to meet you, the meet up will be set up by those higher up than I.

>7. Do you believe in a need for ethics in magick / a RHP mindset or do you simply not give a fuck about all of that love & light stuff and want to develop and use your powers however you see fit, believing in the right of higher beings to dominate and exploit lower beings or even make pet projects and so on out of them? Would you describe yourself as pure of intentions and wanting to help everyone, wanting to help only the worthy and destroy or leave the rest to rot in their own misery, or being a "every man for themselves" ultra-paranoid top predator who'll cut anyone down just to stay on top of his game?

Balance. Once you bask in the radiance of the Sun of Tiphereth, and Shammash shones his golden ray of truth upon you, you know the need for ethical conduct as well as the need to defense when needed. There is a sense of honor and dignity that need be understood and taken up while doing this sort of work. To ignore this is to be susceptible to the misleading influences of the slaves of Enlil.

>8. Is Fringe Girl your waifu?


>9. Are you a successful loosh farmer?


>10. Do you greenpill others?

I feed them as much water as they can handle drinking. Most people cannot handle much.

>11. Do you hail ☻?



Why are you here then faggot?


Seems most people don't understand in this thread that "hail" means to make acquaintance with or greet or to come from as in "I hail from Antarctica."

It doesn't really mean revere or worship.

To hail me would mean to acknowledge me, to greet me, to know me.

If you know me at all, then you can say that you hail me, and if I'm a stranger to you well then… Don’t be a stranger. Just hit me with your best shot. I’m pretty much perfect. I was creator of the /fringe/ site, and starter on my roping team. What activities do you engage in, other than “jack off to naked drawn degenerate whores”? I also excel in magick, and have a banging hot fringe waifu (She just vibed me; Shit was SO loosh). You are all mundanes who should just kill yourselves (via Mahasamādhi). Thanks for listening.


>them triples


I can hail trip sevens.


>1. How long have you known about and been browsing /fringe/? Did you find out about it on 8chan for the first time? Were you there for it on the previous site? Have you been around since its very foundation?
I've been here since may or longer. On the previous site to be exact. I still go there thinking i can get here.
>2. Are you an initiate (one who has already had considerable success with magick and completed study and practise to a level where they may call themselves a wizard), a neophyte (someone who is earnestly learning and interested in /fringe/ occultism but isn't fully realized yet, hasn't had a breakthrough experience, still trying), a mundane (someone who is just totally mundane, doesn't know anything, and is merely visiting out of a vague interest), or a fedora tipper (someone who is just here to denounce everything /fringe/ stands for and rejects magick)?
I believe i would be considered an initiate. I've read upon a little bit in the past couple years.
>3. Do you believe that magick is real and powerful, magick is psychological and limited, or magick is delusional and bullshit?

>4. Do you want /fringe/ to be more exclusive and to purge users in the fedora tipper, mundane, or even neophyte categories for all the nuisance and distraction they create from our higher and very serious purpose?

Yes, I feel it would be easier to be more available to higher learning.
>5. Does magick excite you and motivate you, feel like a chore and disappoint you, or scare and anger you (either at what people could be doing with it or at "how delusional and crazy some people can get"?) It motivates me to get better as i go.

>6. Where abouts do you live and would you ever want to meet with wizards and actually practise or witness magick with them?

I live in a cold place midwest to be relevant.
>7. Do you believe in a need for ethics in magick / a RHP mindset or do you simply not give a fuck about all of that love & light stuff and want to develop and use your powers however you see fit, believing in the right of higher beings to dominate and exploit lower beings or even make pet projects and so on out of them? Would you describe yourself as pure of intentions and wanting to help everyone, wanting to help only the worthy and destroy or leave the rest to rot in their own misery, or being a "every man for themselves" ultra-paranoid top predator who'll cut anyone down just to stay on top of his game? To an extant yes for the better for the worse.

>8. Is Fringe Girl your waifu?

>9. Are you a successful loosh farmer?
Aha. I would consider so. When i practice i feel a feeling of energy tingly, its weird.
>10. Do you greenpill others?
I try, but only the few are not stubborn enough to try to shoot me down.
>11. Do you hail ☻? The.


Newfriend here

>How long have you known about and been browsing /fringe/?

See: Newfriend. I've only been here for a short amount of time

>Are you a ___

I'm a shitty mundane. I used to have more of an interest a few years ago, but my friends who also took interest were the only ones to gather results in anything, so I considered myself spiritually retarded and continued being depressed for a while. Only recently come to realize that my persistent mental fogginess might not actually be normal and I might need to get a job so I can afford better food. Would definitely explain the spiritual retarded-ness.

>3. Do you believe that magick is _ and _?

I know I don't know for sure and will only be able to prove for myself which of those it is in time

>4. Do you want /fringe/ to be more exclusive

The more the merrier I say, even keeping Fedora tippers in for entertainment purposes.

>5. Does magick ____ you?

It intrigues me greatly, even excites me, but motivation is a muscle that I have not spent my life so far using so I'm a bit behind in that regard.

>6. Where abouts do you live/Would you even want to meet

I live mid US in the middle of hickville (huzzah for me I guess). While meeting others is generally a thing I don't go out of my way for, I would like to at a minimum see some someone with practice at some point

7. Do you believe in a need for ethics/Would you describe yourself as ____
I'm the friendly type, but I certainly have nothing against those who see the need/desire to create pet projects out of lesser beings. Being a purely explotive dick about it is, well, being a dick tho.

>8. Is Fringe Girl your waifu?

Naw I got that covered already

>9. Are you a successful loosh farmer?

Maybe one day

>10. Do you greenpill others?

I'm not even fully greenpilled myself but I'm working on it

>11. Do you hail ☻?



File: 1416605657256.gif (464.33 KB, 500x338, 250:169, 1413003081111.gif)

That link… Just wow.
I guess Hitler is my idol now.


I've only known of /fringe/ for about a month. In that time, it's become one of my top spots to visit.
I'm a Neophyte, no doubt. Ignorant, but eager to learn.
I do believe magick is real, and could be very powerful. I've long felt that modern science fails to explain the nature of the universe. Just fragments and partial formulas of a greater whole.
Not really. Those who seek to tear /fringe/ down can pretty much be ignored. Mundanes however ought to have the chance for the seed of ideas to be planted, even if the greenpill is never found. Without open access to knowledge here, where would Neophytes like myself find the start to our path?
>5.It excites me. This potential opportunity to improve myself and my life without mundane BS is exactly what I've been hoping for for a long time.
Central Indiana, and yes I would be interested. Or at the very least establishing contact over mail. More people to talk to about this is always nice.
I believe in applying my own morality to the practice of magick. The best I can do, is to think of it in DnD terms. I'd pretty much be Chaotic in tendencies, and relatively neutral, focusing on bettering my self and situation, and then maybe helping a few others who I deem worthwhile later.
Prime waifu material, to be sure. I only hope she understands the purity of the polyamory in my heart. I have too much love for one waifu.
No. I am only recently starting to develop and understanding of loosh and the part it plays in my life.
I would like to help others open their minds to the magickal possibilities. I have already had some very interesting conversations with a few friends about the nature of perception and planes of existence, in regards to the common man, religion, and science. Turns out they also thought we, as in society, had long been missing the bigger picture. I aim to bring them into the fold eventually.
Is this a symbol for a certain leader of the past who is vilified, despite much about him not being known by the common man?


1. Been here for a few months. Found out about this in /x/ or in /lit/ in 4chan.

2. I'm a mundane, I am trying to learn about magick.

3. I still don't know what to believe, I'm waiting for something to happen.

4. Not at all, I am a mundane myself.

5. Magick excites me and motivates me.

6. Catalonia-Spain, I would definitely love to meet with other people.

7. I guess I'm a bit more "worthy" than your average joe, but I'm not without errors. I love to spread happiness but sometimes I can be a bit selfish. I love human life, especially mine, so I wouldn't try to hurt other people. To be honest i can't even kill small creatures, bugs or flies. And if I do I usually feel bad.

I didn't understand any of the other questions


It's nice to see another fellow spaniard here, I myself live very close to Catalonia.
Good luck with your studies. Also I wouldn't be able to show you magick, because I'm only a neophyte hermeticist, but we could contact via Skype if you like. It'd be fun getting to talk with another spaniard /fringe/ user.


>1. How long have you known about and been browsing /fringe/? Did you find out about it on 8chan for the first time? Were you there for it on the previous site? Have you been around since its very foundation?

No. Just found this from another website.

>2. Are you an initiate (one who has already had considerable success with magick and completed study and practise to a level where they may call themselves a wizard), a neophyte (someone who is earnestly learning and interested in /fringe/ occultism but isn't fully realized yet, hasn't had a breakthrough experience, still trying), a mundane (someone who is just totally mundane, doesn't know anything, and is merely visiting out of a vague interest), or a fedora tipper (someone who is just here to denounce everything /fringe/ stands for and rejects magick)?

Initiate, I guess. I don't really feel like there's a label that I can or should apply to myself. I know a lot of organizations organize initiates into grades and so forth, but I don't know how to explain my experience to anybody who hasn't experienced it themselves.

>3. Do you believe that magick is real and powerful, magick is psychological and limited, or magick is delusional and bullshit?

All three. Depends on your perspective and what you choose to believe in the moment. They all have valid uses depending on the context needed.

>4. Do you want /fringe/ to be more exclusive and to purge users in the fedora tipper, mundane, or even neophyte categories for all the nuisance and distraction they create from our higher and very serious purpose?

No. There is no higher and serious purpose that can be swayed by a bunch of trolls on a messageboard. If you're so inclined, you can gather elsewhere, ignore them, or read a book.

>5. Does magick excite you and motivate you, feel like a chore and disappoint you, or scare and anger you (either at what people could be doing with it or at "how delusional and crazy some people can get"?)

All three at different points in time. I wish I had the time and energy to devote to delving seriously into evocation and shamanism, but both seriously derailed me the last time I tried. I stick mostly to divination and enchantment these days. While it's boring, I also feel like I'm growing as a person thanks to the perspective and inner teachings that I pick up along the way, and I know that I live a fruitful and productive life full of plenty in a time where few people have such a luxury. I owe that to magic, or at the very least, to what I have learned with magic.

At the same time, I recognize that I'm essentially swimming in dangerous water. I am engaging in what amounts to temporary and self-induced psychosis for personal gain and knowledge of the unknown. I know a homeless guy who completely lost his shit while studying Qabalah and it kind of made me consider this path for a long time. There are so many things about this path that can be scary - insanity, the ever-present feeling of damnation that comes with having Judeo-Christian baggage, and of course, working with magic and having it be successful…or having it be successful with unintended consequences.

Either way, I have learned the hard way that it is not to be trifled with, but used properly, it can bring you opportunities. It doesn't often make what you want fall into your lap, but it almost always provides me with usually coincidental opportunities.


>6. Where abouts do you live and would you ever want to meet with wizards and actually practise or witness magick with them?

Not really. Anybody who refers to themselves as a witch or wizard is trying way too hard to attach magic to their identity. It strikes me as a cry for attention. The sort of people with whom I enjoy talking about this sort of thing are low key and keep it kind of hushed up from their social circles at large. I feel like a group of magicians gathering on a regular basis would turn into a dogmatic circlejerk. While great things can be achieved in a group, I largely believe that the powers that be speak more through individuals than through groups, and that such groups are filled with sycophants and hangers-on who simply cling to an identity rather than use magic to do any difficult self-work or make any progress.

>7. Do you believe in a need for ethics in magick / a RHP mindset or do you simply not give a fuck about all of that love & light stuff and want to develop and use your powers however you see fit, believing in the right of higher beings to dominate and exploit lower beings or even make pet projects and so on out of them? Would you describe yourself as pure of intentions and wanting to help everyone, wanting to help only the worthy and destroy or leave the rest to rot in their own misery, or being a "every man for themselves" ultra-paranoid top predator who'll cut anyone down just to stay on top of his game?

This is a stupid question that assumes a black / white dichotomy. The real world is a shade of grey. I use magic to push myself in the direction that I feel I am supposed to be going; I use it to gather resources; I use it to create art, which I no longer consider to be separate from magic itself. Do I prey on others to get what I need? When it's called for. Am I devoted to the left hand path? Absolutely not. I think both RHP and LHP practitioners represent poles that are most effectively used when drawn from appropriately.


>Well there's no short-cuts in the occult

Not quite. I was initiated really quickly (but very brutally) by mixing psychedelic drugs and magick. Wouldn't recommend it, but it certainly helped me leap much further than I initially would have.


>1. How long have you known about and been browsing /fringe/? Did you find out about it on 8chan for the first time? Were you there for it on the previous site? Have you been around since its very foundation?

Browsing since last May/April. Did not find out about fringe on 8chan. Was there for the Fringechan site. Was not around at inception of fringe.

>2. Are you an initiate (one who has already had considerable success with magick and completed study and practise to a level where they may call themselves a wizard), a neophyte (someone who is earnestly learning and interested in /fringe/ occultism but isn't fully realized yet, hasn't had a breakthrough experience, still trying), a mundane (someone who is just totally mundane, doesn't know anything, and is merely visiting out of a vague interest), or a fedora tipper (someone who is just here to denounce everything /fringe/ stands for and rejects magick)?

I was in Initiate for years before finding Fringe.

>3. Do you believe that magick is real and powerful, magick is psychological and limited, or magick is delusional and bullshit?

Not bullshit, psychological but not limited. I'm working out the details.

>4. Do you want /fringe/ to be more exclusive and to purge users in the fedora tipper, mundane, or even neophyte categories for all the nuisance and distraction they create from our higher and very serious purpose?

Neophytes can stay, mundanes can browse (maybe a designated mundane thread?) and fedora tippers gotsta go.

>5. Does magick excite you and motivate you, feel like a chore and disappoint you, or scare and anger you (either at what people could be doing with it or at "how delusional and crazy some people can get"?)

The practice of magic isn't what motivates me, it is the wisdom and knowledge that comes with it. Outward magical power is second to empowering the self.

>6. Where abouts do you live and would you ever want to meet with wizards and actually practise or witness magick with them?

New Jersey, open to meeting.

>7. Do you believe in a need for ethics in magick / a RHP mindset or do you simply not give a fuck about all of that love & light stuff and want to develop and use your powers however you see fit, believing in the right of higher beings to dominate and exploit lower beings or even make pet projects and so on out of them? Would you describe yourself as pure of intentions and wanting to help everyone, wanting to help only the worthy and destroy or leave the rest to rot in their own misery, or being a "every man for themselves" ultra-paranoid top predator who'll cut anyone down just to stay on top of his game?

Every mans ethic will be different, and I am not the same as yesterday.

>8. Is Fringe Girl your waifu?


>9. Are you a successful loosh farmer?

I'm an opportunist.

>10. Do you greenpill others?

Whenever I can (side note: females are most receiving)

>11. Do you hail ☻? he's cool


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>>3299 (OP)


brownpill masterrace


Its all real.


/x/ is for casuals, keep casuals in casual land


Magic is life, magic is love.


Sweden, no. I doubt there would be resonance, practices differ and I don't want to deal with plebs or wizards who have not encountered the same thoughtpaths as I have, i'm perfectly content with teaching and learning through this anonymous medium where if you Don't Get It I can easily take my leave and be rid of you.

Answers are given only to questions, you will gain little useful and learn less from being spoonfed.

Not to mention that we're all looney and I like to keep up a facade of sanity, a /fringe/ meetup would make me hate myself, being fairly down to earth while still knowledgeable.


If you can do something, do it. I however still refer to the tenets and morals which i have come to derive from the universe.

Kill only to eat.


>attaching excess emotion to a thoughtform
>practicing idolatry
>binding yourself to the material in any way

Free ticket to reincarnation because you fucked up m9


loosh isn't real


I answer questions.


Hail Eris!


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>loosh isn't real

What physical or nonphysical experience have you had that confirms this?


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That… doesn't really answer my question……


it means it was bait


Only on 8chan, I lurk and enjoy astral projection theory's and techniques. I have been reading for a month or so. I believe in everything and nothing. This should be an open forum. I do not think badly about any of you. I'm a student of humans, I learn something from everyone. Enjoy it. Where was /fringe/ before?


Learning something from everyone is a good philosophy.

https://freedomboard.kirara.ca/ was the old /fringe/.


>1. How long have you known about and been browsing /fringe/? Did you find out about it on 8chan for the first time? Were you there for it on the previous site? Have you been around since its very foundation?
I found it on 8chan after leaving 4chan months ago.

>2. Are you an initiate (one who has already had considerable success with magick and completed study and practise to a level where they may call themselves a wizard), a neophyte (someone who is earnestly learning and interested in /fringe/ occultism but isn't fully realized yet, hasn't had a breakthrough experience, still trying), a mundane (someone who is just totally mundane, doesn't know anything, and is merely visiting out of a vague interest), or a fedora tipper (someone who is just here to denounce everything /fringe/ stands for and rejects magick)?

Neophyte. I do not believe I know enough to fit the definition of Initiate.

>3. Do you believe that magick is real and powerful, magick is psychological and limited, or magick is delusional and bullshit?

I've experienced enough where either I'm a high-functioning schizophrenaic or it's indeed real in a way.

>4. Do you want /fringe/ to be more exclusive and to purge users in the fedora tipper, mundane, or even neophyte categories for all the nuisance and distraction they create from our higher and very serious purpose?

That is purely up to the board moderator and any volunteers. As is it is finely controlled, and shitposters tend to not last long.

>5. Does magick excite you and motivate you, feel like a chore and disappoint you, or scare and anger you (either at what people could be doing with it or at "how delusional and crazy some people can get"?)

Excites and motivates me. Why else would I read up on it.

>6. Where abouts do you live and would you ever want to meet with wizards and actually practise or witness magick with them?

SE USA, and depends. I'd need to know them well.

>7. Do you believe in a need for ethics in magick / a RHP mindset or do you simply not give a fuck about all of that love & light stuff and want to develop and use your powers however you see fit, believing in the right of higher beings to dominate and exploit lower beings or even make pet projects and so on out of them? Would you describe yourself as pure of intentions and wanting to help everyone, wanting to help only the worthy and destroy or leave the rest to rot in their own misery, or being a "every man for themselves" ultra-paranoid top predator who'll cut anyone down just to stay on top of his game?

I hold myself accountable for my actions, and expect others to do the same. The former.

>8. Is Fringe Girl your waifu?


>9. Are you a successful loosh farmer?


>10. Do you greenpill others?

Only if they show interest.

>11. Do you hail ☻?

Not yet, but maybe with solid convincing.


>1. How long have you known about and been browsing /fringe/? Did you find out about it on 8chan for the first time? Were you there for it on the previous site? Have you been around since its very foundation?

I was on the previous site for a time, probably since late spring of this year. mostly just lurking on and off.

>2. Are you an initiate (one who has already had considerable success with magick and completed study and practise to a level where they may call themselves a wizard), a neophyte (someone who is earnestly learning and interested in /fringe/ occultism but isn't fully realized yet, hasn't had a breakthrough experience, still trying), a mundane (someone who is just totally mundane, doesn't know anything, and is merely visiting out of a vague interest), or a fedora tipper (someone who is just here to denounce everything /fringe/ stands for and rejects magick)?

I am a neophyte still. I've dabbled but never really practiced - in my life I learn skills by practicing them where possible. Never through full militant, structured immersion, but through repeated practical application as a self-taught person. I'm adept at mundane levels for self-care of health, fitness, mind, etc. on the physical plane. As above, so below. As below, so above. I notice things many people do not - things are geared toward psychological manipulation and I can see through most of these.

>3. Do you believe that magick is real and powerful, magick is psychological and limited, or magick is delusional and bullshit?

Don't know, don't care

>4. Do you want /fringe/ to be more exclusive and to purge users in the fedora tipper, mundane, or even neophyte categories for all the nuisance and distraction they create from our higher and very serious purpose?

/fringe/ needs certain mods or rules or something to keep the moths at bay. but I spent a lot of time lurking to learn. Decent signal to noise ratio at the moment. I pop in now and then to give real information and ignore loosh farms

>5. Does magick excite you and motivate you, feel like a chore and disappoint you, or scare and anger you (either at what people could be doing with it or at "how delusional and crazy some people can get"?)

It's intriguing, a gift and an interesting way to approach life or existence that others can fail to see or appreciate.

>6. Where abouts do you live and would you ever want to meet with wizards and actually practise or witness magick with them?

If I met someone I would want to do so through magickal means and intent. Maybe through a common sign in the astral or something whenever I get there.

>7. Do you believe in a need for ethics in magick / a RHP mindset or do you simply not give a fuck about all of that love & light stuff and want to develop and use your powers however you see fit, believing in the right of higher beings to dominate and exploit lower beings or even make pet projects and so on out of them? Would you describe yourself as pure of intentions and wanting to help everyone, wanting to help only the worthy and destroy or leave the rest to rot in their own misery, or being a "every man for themselves" ultra-paranoid top predator who'll cut anyone down just to stay on top of his game?

It's hard to describe as "good" is such a vague thing to put into words. I intuit a sense of morality I can't really put into words. Even then morality is not an adequate term. Generally if it will harm me on any level, I will avoid doing it. If it will help myself and as a dual benefit if it helps others I consider it a "good" thing. I strive for that. I help when I can afford to do so. I am more likely to be on defense than offense. Powerlessness leads to primal fear, paranoia, a need to grab more power and will harm others intentionally or unintentionally.

>8. Is Fringe Girl your waifu?

she pretty cute doe

>9. Are you a successful loosh farmer?

Sort of. I feel I can spot other loosh farmers. It's hard to call them on it if they're good, but it's easy to keep my loosh. The element of desire is what makes you susceptible. Intent makes you easy to spot.

>10. Do you greenpill others?

all the time. but I make it not obvious. other magick be stronk

>11. Do you hail ☻?

I respect him based on what little I know but admittedly spent more time reading the texts linked through fringe than learning about his journey. would be open to learning from his experience though.


1. Used to lurk OMG threads on halfchan for years, lurked on freedomboard for a while, lurked here for months.
2. I have had many experiences, and my ability to elicit change is very good, but I would consider myself a neophyte with natural talent, just not enough actual practice to consider myself initiated.
3. Magick is as real as people believe, otherwise things get credited to luck or chance.
4. Bring on the fedoras. The day they open their eyes, they will at least be able to claim they were warned.
5. Eh, I find it useful for opening my own perceptions, and I like my meditation time, but it's neither exciting nor dreadful.
6. I live in the midwestern US. I always welcome the chance to commune with likeminded individuals, but I also know that I walk my own path.
7. Ethics are as individual as, well, individuals. Sooner or later you pay for what you get, so this answers itself.
8. No. I have a real wife.
9. I take what I need. No more, no less.
10. Most of the people I discuss magickal/occult things with are supportive, but most still have their materialist blinders on. Some are trying really hard, but they lack the will to do the hard thing.
11. Hail or not, the mistress is a real elemental force. We acknowledge each other, but we're more like casual coffee friends than anything.


1) Found it on /pol/ about 1 month ago, haven't been browsing long.

2) I used to be much more adept in magick then I am now, I would even go as far as to say that I've lost most of my "abilities" since I started to venture "out" of the (ultimate) rabbit hole about a year ago.
I never really got a whole lot into "spells" per se, although I still have a set of tarot cards and "angel" cards, and I did try a money spell a long time ago, and found 5 dollars laying on the ground the next day, so I guess you could say that was a success, even if it was a minor one.
I also used to meditate everyday, and do a lot of drugs to "aid" my magickal abilities.
Although I can't use that sort of "crutch" anymore, since I have to work and be somewhat of a normalfag. Now I need to figure out how to get back into magick without the aid of marijuana and amphetamines.

3) Depends on how you define "magick". Personally, I feel that it's just a mental manipulation of reality, as well as a way to better understand reality itself.
Not surprisingly, the best forms of "magick" often go hand in hand with scientific and mathematical research, since they are both related to exploring reality, as well as being related to the great work.

4) I haven't been on here too long, I'm still mostly in the lurking stage, so I'll let you know once I get a better feel for this board.

5) All of the above, to a degree.
When I was an active practitioner, there were times when I was in a state of paranoia, possibly due to entities that may or may not have been lurking around.
However, at the same time, I learned a lot, at one point I even saw what one might describe as "god", although I use that term in an extremely loose sense because I am in no way talking about the Christian "god", or even an anthropomorphic "god", more of a "universal life force", almost like seeing the entire multiverse summed up into a single symbol.

6) Kentucky, and yeah, I'd be open to it, especially if they took a scientific approach to magick and had an appreciation for the mathematics and physics that can (and do) accompany magick.

7) I believe that all things require balance, The dark is not evil and the light is not necessarily good, those terms are relative.
With that said, I see the dark as a destructive force, however, without destruction, there can be no change. I see the light as more of a creative force, however if you have continuous creation without the destructive force to create a metaphysical "clean slate" you get stagnation, which is ultimately the precursor to destruction anyway.
So I guess it's just the way of things.
With that said, I'm an advocate of "grey magick", since it seems to be the most balanced of the two approaches.

8) No, I don't limit myself to one waifu.

9) If you're referring to some sort of "life energy", no, I prefer to generate my own through meditation.

10) I did at one time, when I was a magick practitioner but I stopped when my Christian mother ridiculed me, even though I pointed out the fact that her prayers are a form of weak magick. (even if she refused to admit it, the same goes for certain catholic ceremonies.)
I guess my ego won in that case, since I gave up due to ridicule.

11) Can't really tell what that symbol is, if it's a cross, then no. If it's something else, then I don't really know.


Been here since about may-june or something like that, i might be wrong on that but i started on fringechan.

I used to consider hermeticism, moreso gnosticism in general because of my interest in mathematical philosophy and philosophy in general, but then i became a fedora tipper when i had a revelation that materialism is basically true: The mind can be changed by material matter, therefore the mind cannot be a fundamental substance, therefore materialism to simplify it.

Neuroscience adequately explains all this "mystical" shit, it is just the brain fucking with us. I still believe in functional, but not real free will. We must assume free will, as the brain cannot compute itself, so to speak.

We can never know all the variables involved in our deterministic brain, therefore we are left with de-facto hard determinism but functional free will. So sadly, i believe that magic is "delusional and bullshit"

I think /fringe/ must be open to all serious discussion, even if it is from fedora-tippers like me. As long as it isnt "obvious destructionism", truth does not fear questioning! But obviously i dont actually have a say in this because it is not my property, live and let live i guess.

Magick excites me incredibly.

I live in Sweden, but i would probably not want to meet with wizards. I dont trust other people just like that.

I am a libertarian so i think respect for the non-aggression principle is important, respect for property rights, basically, respect for other people as long as they do not hurt me. This would be a good ethical code for magick i believe, and my justification is that violence between roughly equal perpetrators is an expensive strategy, thus this ethic is rather about protecting wizards from themselves, personally, if that makes any sense.

I dont into waifuism.

I have been farmed for loosh once, it was revealed, but it didnt seem to have any effect on me.

I try to tell other people about libertarianism, but only if they ask or something.

Is that eris? I dont hail eris.


1. ~2 months, someone linked on another, unpopular *chan. the person posting the link and the place at a first look seemed like pure autism, so i hopped over for some giggles. found some surprisingly tolerant and reasonable posters though, so i stayed to get a little more detailed image of this fringe thing
2. either mundane, or mundane++ with a different vocabulary.
3. my guess is on psychological, but since i feel it is open to interpretation and i haven't been around for long, it's just a rough guess.
4. your choice, i don't mind neither the banhammer nor tolerance.
5. wouldn't say excites, but i'm curious. it may be another working interpretation of everything.
6. perhaps, but only if it involves no excuses about wasting energies and how pointless anything that looks fun is.
7. neither. i find light/good/moral type of people disgusting and narrow minded, often causing more harm than good. i don't like power-oriented people either. perhaps a system where people pass on their power every now and then because why not.
(mainstream examples where i saw this are LeBlanc in League of Legends or Virgilia/Beatrice in Umineko)
8. not my type, but she'd make a nice relative or neighbor
9. what's loosh?
10. only heard of red and blue
11. if i'm not mistaken, i saw someone who gets more hail from me


>1. How long have you known about and been browsing /fringe/? Did you find out about it on 8chan for the first time? Were you there for it on the previous site? Have you been around since its very foundation?

more or less, yes.

>2. Are you an initiate (one who has already had considerable success with magick and completed study and practise to a level where they may call themselves a wizard), a neophyte (someone who is earnestly learning and interested in /fringe/ occultism but isn't fully realized yet, hasn't had a breakthrough experience, still trying), a mundane (someone who is just totally mundane, doesn't know anything, and is merely visiting out of a vague interest), or a fedora tipper (someone who is just here to denounce everything /fringe/ stands for and rejects magick)?

master wizard.

>3. Do you believe that magick is real and powerful, magick is psychological and limited, or magick is delusional and bullshit?

A master wizard would have you know that all three of course, is the answer!

>4. Do you want /fringe/ to be more exclusive and to purge users in the fedora tipper, mundane, or even neophyte categories for all the nuisance and distraction they create from our higher and very serious purpose?

no that would be rude.

>5. Does magick excite you and motivate you, feel like a chore and disappoint you, or scare and anger you (either at what people could be doing with it or at "how delusional and crazy some people can get"?)

all three, watch out for hollywood!

>6. Where abouts do you live and would you ever want to meet with wizards and actually practise or witness magick with them?


>7. Do you believe in a need for ethics in magick / a RHP mindset or do you simply not give a fuck about all of that love & light stuff and want to develop and use your powers however you see fit, believing in the right of higher beings to dominate and exploit lower beings or even make pet projects and so on out of them? Would you describe yourself as pure of intentions and wanting to help everyone, wanting to help only the worthy and destroy or leave the rest to rot in their own misery, or being a "every man for themselves" ultra-paranoid top predator who'll cut anyone down just to stay on top of his game?

>8. Is Fringe Girl your waifu?

>9. Are you a successful loosh farmer?

>10. Do you greenpill others?

>11. Do you hail ☻?


Known about /fringe/ for a few months. Have not been browsing.

Curious Mundane.

I'm a materialist. Magick seems likely to operate in the sociopsychological domain, rather than the material domain.

I would hope you guys would welcome me and help me learn.

Magick seems interesting and possibly exciting, but I know nothing.

I would love to meet some wizards in the Vancouver area.

There is no good or evil, only power and those too weak to seek it.

Who is fringe girl?

What is a loosh farmer?

What is the green pill?

Hail Satan? No. Is that what you mean?


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>I'm a materialist. Magick seems likely to operate in the sociopsychological domain, rather than the material domain.

Not all is what it seems to be.

>Magick seems interesting and possibly exciting, but I know nothing.


Read der sticky. Recommended authors are Franz Bardon, Atkinson, R. Bruce, etc.

>There is no good or evil, only power and those too weak to seek it.

Darth Sidious: -"Good, good."

>Fringe-tan or fringegirl is the orange dressed chaotic image of the /fringe/. All chans/many boards have their own girl.

>Hail Satan?

I see grey clouds, but there's no signs of satan hailstorms.


>Darth Waldemart
You should turn autocorrekt on!


I sense loosh b8, m8.


Hello friend, at which part of IIH do you start getting initiated?

How long would it take to get there?


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Hating capitalism and liking islam, feminism and marxism is hardly a part of libertarianism. I would say the reverse is de-facto required, that is, to like capitalism, patriarchy, the west and that other stuff and to hate islam, marxism, feminism and all that shit. To simply push away intellectual curiosity and hard questions to gnosticism is intellectually dishonest.


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1. I found fringe in its freedomboard days i was suprised to find that it moved to 8ch

2. I am a neophyte, currently in the process of securing housing for me and my woman along with finding our path in this journey

3. Magic is a real driving force in this plane, but it is subtle in its workings

4. I enjoyed this board alot when it was on kikara, but since it was a small community tended to drive away those who were truely intrested but were pushed by the inclusive nature of the users. I think it was a healthy change that the board got some exposure to normies

5. Magic is a complicatrd subject for me to define. It does not excite me, but it suprises me in what it can influence, it does not anger me because it is a natural process, it does not feel like a chore learning its ways rather it is a slow march to more understanding.

6. Im in the 509 area code, PNW for those who arnt familiar. Im willing to have a meetup with anyone in or near spokane.

7. An ethics code is not needed. The people learning and using it will define what that is to them as it always has been

8. Nay, but she would be a fun ride

9. No, i have not yet understood this process though i have assumed a bit of it by reading how the users of this board respond to it. Its not exactly on my high priority list

10. No, greenpilling (or finding ones philosophy) is somthing one must undertake themselves. My woman has started this process and im influencing her in what I believe to be the right direction

11. Hahah I do not hail you Smiley, but i do honor you in what you have accomplished. Creating a community centered around somthing like this is a feat in of itself, and I will follow this community throught its incarnations.



>1. How long have you known about and been browsing /fringe/? Did you find out about it on 8chan for the first time? Were you there for it on the previous site? Have you been around since its very foundation?

Knew about Fringechan through halfchan /x/, come here occasionally now that its on 8chan

>2. Are you an initiate (one who has already had considerable success with magick and completed study and practise to a level where they may call themselves a wizard), a neophyte (someone who is earnestly learning and interested in /fringe/ occultism but isn't fully realized yet, hasn't had a breakthrough experience, still trying), a mundane (someone who is just totally mundane, doesn't know anything, and is merely visiting out of a vague interest), or a fedora tipper (someone who is just here to denounce everything /fringe/ stands for and rejects magick)?

Currently in the G.'.D.'. and practicing chaos magick, doing Liber MMM now. I suppose in theory I am an initiate (in that I have been initiated), but tbh in G.'.D.'. you're only a true initiate when you reach 5=6.

>3. Do you believe that magick is real and powerful, magick is psychological and limited, or magick is delusional and bullshit?

From experience I know that it works. It can't break the laws of physics though, using magick just means you understand the laws of nature better than others.

>4. Do you want /fringe/ to be more exclusive and to purge users in the fedora tipper, mundane, or even neophyte categories for all the nuisance and distraction they create from our higher and very serious purpose?

Not really. I haven't seen evidence of a lot of people here who know what they're doing yet, so that wouldn't really be feasible at present.

>5. Does magick excite you and motivate you, feel like a chore and disappoint you, or scare and anger you (either at what people could be doing with it or at "how delusional and crazy some people can get"?)

All of the above, I think it's the same for everyone at different stages

>6. Where abouts do you live and would you ever want to meet with wizards and actually practise or witness magick with them?

Somewhere in Western Europe. Yes I might be interested.

>7. Do you believe in a need for ethics in magick / a RHP mindset or do you simply not give a fuck about all of that love & light stuff and want to develop and use your powers however you see fit, believing in the right of higher beings to dominate and exploit lower beings or even make pet projects and so on out of them? Would you describe yourself as pure of intentions and wanting to help everyone, wanting to help only the worthy and destroy or leave the rest to rot in their own misery, or being a "every man for themselves" ultra-paranoid top predator who'll cut anyone down just to stay on top of his game?

G.'.D.'. makes you take an oath to not use magick for evil purposes. I intend to stick to that oath.

>8. Is Fringe Girl your waifu?

She's pretty cute, but she's still no /x/-tan

>9. Are you a successful loosh farmer?


>10. Do you greenpill others?

Not in real life

>11. Do you hail ☻?



>1. How long have you known about and been browsing /fringe/? Did you find out about it on 8chan for the first time? Were you there for it on the previous site? Have you been around since its very foundation?

I do not know when it was founded, but I browsed the previous incarnation of the site 6-8 months back or so.

>2. Are you an initiate (one who has already had considerable success with magick and completed study and practise to a level where they may call themselves a wizard), a neophyte (someone who is earnestly learning and interested in /fringe/ occultism but isn't fully realized yet, hasn't had a breakthrough experience, still trying), a mundane (someone who is just totally mundane, doesn't know anything, and is merely visiting out of a vague interest), or a fedora tipper (someone who is just here to denounce everything /fringe/ stands for and rejects magick)?

If we use this ranking system, I'm a neophyte. I will consider myself an initiate after completing the eighth step of IIH. I have a lot of theoretical knowledge, but I lack in practice and experience.

I enjoy a lot the philosophical aspect of esotericism.

>3. Do you believe that magick is real and powerful, magick is psychological and limited, or magick is delusional and bullshit?

It is real, but I would need more experience to *know* how powerful it truly is.

>4. Do you want /fringe/ to be more exclusive and to purge users in the fedora tipper, mundane, or even neophyte categories for all the nuisance and distraction they create from our higher and very serious purpose?

It wouldn't be wise to cut off the aspiring neophytes and deny them guidance and help.

>5. Does magick excite you and motivate you, feel like a chore and disappoint you, or scare and anger you (either at what people could be doing with it or at "how delusional and crazy some people can get"?)

It excites and motivates me, (though I'm more interested in spiritual than magical growth, though one might argue where the line goes), it can at times be tiring but I won't give up, and it also scares and angers me: or to be exact, the magic doesn't do that, but all the beings who use it.

>6. Where abouts do you live and would you ever want to meet with wizards and actually practise or witness magick with them?

Northern Europe, I am willing to meet people and discuss with them, and hopefully practice once I am more accomplished.

>7. Do you believe in a need for ethics in magick / a RHP mindset or do you simply not give a fuck about all of that love & light stuff and want to develop and use your powers however you see fit, believing in the right of higher beings to dominate and exploit lower beings or even make pet projects and so on out of them? Would you describe yourself as pure of intentions and wanting to help everyone, wanting to help only the worthy and destroy or leave the rest to rot in their own misery, or being a "every man for themselves" ultra-paranoid top predator who'll cut anyone down just to stay on top of his game?

I made a Bodhisattva vow once, and though I'm not exactly Buddhist anymore, I will to keep on this vow, because I want to help all mankind. If we use this "RHP/LHP" dichotomy, then I am an adherent of the Right Hand.

>8. Is Fringe Girl your waifu?


>9. Are you a successful loosh farmer?

I don't farm others.

>10. Do you greenpill others?

I have offered some ideas to my close friends, but not really.

>11. Do you hail ☻?

As a friend, yes.


1. I've been browsing fringe intermittently for about a year, only really becoming a frequent lurker recently. I found out about it from wizardchan actually.

2. I've gone from mundane to neophyte as /fringe/ has opened my eyes to the wide-range of benefits improving one's focus can have. I used to be okay and even take pride in being oblivious to my environment operating mostly on autopilot, only thinking when necessary. I'm finally beginning to see how stupid this is.

3. I think magick is psychological and limited. I believe that magic lets one use the brain in new ways, that is–magic is to the brain what programming languages are to hardware.
Part of me also wants to believe that it is real and that there's more to this reality than pure materialism. I guess I'll just have to explore.

4. I didn't even think that was unnecessary. In the same way that the only people browsing /v/ are those that are not at that point in time playing video games, I assumed that the wizards browsing /fringe/ were also merely enjoying their free-time. I never imagined that the influx of neophytes and mundanes would've been irritating to them.

5. Magick excites and motivates me. I'm currently only using Breath Meditation to improve my focus but it's already working well. I look forward to gradually working my way towards astral travelling.

6. I live in the UK and I don't think I'd want to meet other wizards. I just don't like the idea of practising magick with other humans. I feel deeply disturbed by the prospect and I don't fully understand why that is.

7. I think there should be a need for ethics for all forms of power, yes.

8. Fringe girl is not my waifu.

9. I currenlty, don't even know what loosh is. All I know is that masturbation seems to throw it down the toilet (literally).

10. I would never preach magick to anyone, no. Even if I was a firm believer, I would never preach it to anyone simply because I understand that even if I'm willing to teach, unless I hold some sort of important status in the public eye that nobody will have any reason to want to listen to me.

11. I don't even know who Smiley is or why he's so revered. These are things I'll have to learn in time.


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1- I think I started browsing here 4 or 5 months ago. Well, not "here". Discovered /fringe/ in freedomboard, read a couple of things,then got interested

2- By my own means, I'm a neophyte. I'm eager to learn to focus my mind and control the subtle nuances of energy in my body and my spirit. I have encountered some weird shit before, and was contacted by beings whose existence could not be explained by regular mundane science.

3- By experimenting the above, I accept the idea that magic is not just in the mind. Ergo, it must be real and powerful.

4- Let them be. A wild animal is not evil on his own. But plain shilling and shitposting should not be taken so lightly.

5- It excites me. Everytime I feel something I've never felt before, my optimism increases and I can't imagine what could be lying on the road ahead. Even so, my journey has just started and I'm not very far away from the mundane. I try to be a better person every day.

6- Argentina. I don't even think there are wizards still alive here. It would be an interesting encounter and I could learn a lot from it.

7- I don't think I could classify myself. Nor is it right to classify others. I do and try to do what it feels right for me, like helping the needy and trying to stop the downright destructive and harmful. That doesn't mean I would go out of my way to peek upon situations that doesn't directly concern me.

8- I've yet to meet her. Only time will tell.

9- No, but someday I'd like to try. My own energy suffices me for now.

10- Kinda. I try to philosophically explain things to family and friends, and encourage them to seek their own truths.

11- I hail no one. He's knowledgeable and seems to be an overall good guy. I wouldn't mind to share a few drinks with him.


1) Just found it today. Was with halfchan since 2005. From /b/ to /pol/ and /x/. I was there for the very last Veelox Thread on /x/.
2)The night i first saw the Veelox info pic, i drew the sigil on my hand and went to sleep. I achieved astral projection that night. I have a room in Veelox, and even killed a thing in the forest, just unwove the whole fucking thing.
3)I have used magick to great effect in mi life and in those i love and care for. It isn't about believing in magick. It is learning that it's everywhere. Consensus reality and all that.
4)Purging fedora's and christians would be good.
5)It doesn;t matter how i feel about magick. It is a manifestation of Humanity's macrocosmic will for something better. I must use it to help my brothers and sisters to bring balance back to Humanity, and each of our subspecies.
6)alabama. I practice with my cousins, and my aunt. i'd like to find some hermetics or a shaman, but haven't had any luck yet.
7)Ethics and moral constitution is essential to being what Humanity needs of us. If you want to see immoral and unethical uses of magick, play bible black, or look at how the flavor cults of jehovah have fucked Humanity over time and time again.
8)IDK who that is, but no. I have a love. I promised her and all of Humanity a bright future,m and i will live again and again until it is secured. No matter what body, no matter what species, no matter the conditions, i will struggle and fight. I will never tire, never slacken, never lose faith, and never give in.
9)WTF is loosh?
11)hail who?


Was very wizard killed off in Argentina in a purge or something?

Are you at risk of being executed for your practise of magick today?


1- Since it moved to 8chan.

2- I don't know, the laziness gets the better of me so I'll pick mundane.

3- Real and powerful, but subtle.

4- Only purge those that come to cause distress, otherwise most should be welcome.

5- Scares and excites me, that's why I don't want to mess with it myself but I find it quite an interesting subject and enjoy reading/listening about it.

6- Brazil, the magick practiced arround my town does not please me in any way, teenagers doing Wicca and african descendents on Ubanda.

7- I'm pure of intentions but I'm not a white knights that protects the weak and bla bla blah, everyone's entitled to his own path, eh?

8- I'm not into love.

9- Never tried.

10- People would either say I'm insane or tell me to go to the church listen to the words of the bible.

11- Who?


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1. This board, about a month or so. Halfchan's /x/ for many a year. Other sites like deoxy.org (RIP) for even longer. Never been on wizardchan, although am a virgin and thoroughly disinterested in marital affairs.

2. Neophyte still, but I don't think it'll take me much longer to proceed to initiation. All the prerequisite mental materials are there, just need to shape them.

3. Former: perhaps. Middle: at least. Latter: no way. I don't really insist on spelling it with a 'ck' though, never saw the point. I've always felt like it only serves to distract me from my practices and I've figured (by studying my own intuition) that spelling it with a 'ck' would only serve to make me look like even more of a twat to muggles than I already do.

4. This thread >>/7305/ has an interesting idea going. Don't purge by moderation, but employ magic by the masses to make it so that only the ones to whom the material on this board is useful may enter. Drops in shitposting may also serve as an excellent demonstration of magic's potential, which will get mundanes to either take us a bit more seriously or at least just leave us alone. It's win/win either way.

5. Kind of in between being a chore and something exciting. It's like any other kind of study: Painful, hard work. But when you make a breakthrough, it all becomes worth it.

6. Finland. I know how powerful and well-preserved Finnish animism is, so I plan to take advantage of my locale to gain an especially powerful magical affinity to shamanism and the spirits of nature. That is after all what my ancestors did. Meeting others, however? I'd rather not drown in spaghetti.

7. I believe magic is above all else a personal art, and thus ethics are hard to apply. I think ethics in a thing such as magic come from within, and must be accounted as such. Magic is a tool like any other; it can be used for either good or evil. There is no need to specialize ethics unto magic, and we can look at them in a more general sense: What makes one good person?

8. No waifus, ever. They're mere distractions.

9. I have other means of sustaining myself, I don't play resource games. I acknowledge the existence of loosh, but it's just not as useful to me as direct channeling.

10. I'm concerned for anyone here who lacks the self-awareness to realize how the average practitioner appears to a mundane. It should be obvious that one would need to have an exceptionally open mind and powerful skill of reasoning to even begin to accept the basic concepts of, let's say, Hermeticism. The furthest I'd go is revealing the existence of my tulpa; that at least can be explained in relatively simple terms.

11. I prefer ☺, but sure.


No, what I meant to say is that I've yet to hear news of someone studying magic here, besides the obvious pagan cultists and "healers" whose methods are dangerously close to Voodoo.

The last esoterist I remember in this country was a Minister, called "The Warlock" by his friends. He published some books on astrology and every aspect of his life was shrouded on a veil of secrets. Quite the interesting figure. He died many years ago. Since then, I haven't heard of any other true magician.

And I don't think I'm at risk here. As long as I keep a low profile and not try to show myself off, people wouldn't recognize me from a mundane.


I don't care about your post at all, but your image seems to suggest that being in love is simply to be pissed off, but with your dick rather than with your hands.


Or it activates the same energy centers in one way or another(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS LACK OF FLAGS)


Those are taken with an IR camera, I believe, so they show heat distribution. May or may not actually correspond to energy centers. Also, remember that it's 2D.


File: 1419125393773.gif (30.93 KB, 629x599, 629:599, Principia_Discordia_page00….gif)

>1. How long have you known about and been browsing /fringe/?
Found it a few months ago. previously was mainly on /r/occult and only every now and then on /x/

>2. Are you an initiate

I hope so.

>3. Do you believe that magick is real and powerful, magick is psychological and limited, or magick is delusional and bullshit?


>4. Do you want /fringe/ to be

Like halfchan and the other anonymous boards, it is being anonymous that makes it such a great medium - It should stay the way it is. It seems to work well enough, but then I am relatively new to this particular board.

>5. Does magick excite you and motivate you,

It is ultimately understanding things that motivates me. I want to understand things. I have stopped wanting material things, but I do still have quite a powerful animalistic urge to fuck, I keep that around because it is pleasant. And chocolate.

>6. Where abouts do you live and would you ever want to meet

Melbourne. I did join a magicial order recently, cos I was getting kind of lonely in my cave. The mundanes get boring after a while.

>7. Do you believe in a need for ethics in magick

Yes, but it also is not necessary - as the path itself, forces you to adopt ethics eventually, unless you want to damage yourself.

>8. Is Fringe Girl your waifu?

Who the fuck is fringe girl? I'm considering going monk mode though - girls are too much of a loosh drain.

>9. Are you a successful loosh farmer?

I have some loosh in my pockets. Therefore, I must be successful in some way, right?

>10. Do you greenpill others?

First, people have to want to be. But once I find them, I try to nudge them along the path, yes.

>11. Do you hail ☻?

Three pounds of flax.


1. Been on /x/ and 4chan in general for 4 or 5 yeas and moved to old fringe about 6 months ago before moving onto infinity chan

2. I wouldnt say I'm a neophyte as my experiments have yielded fruits but I feel way behind on dream work and astral projections although i did do it once before a while back

3. Magick is real in the sense that with enough mental willpower and focus one can bend and change probability and even the universe

4. Fringe should be free for all but it shouldn't be spoon fed, self actualization is the entire purpose of magic in my opinion.

5. It fascinates me and makes life weird and hilarious

6. Germany and I would be up for it

7. I believe the way of life is to ascend higher and thats not helped by stepping on people around you. And those that do should not be ignored.

8. She fits the board very well

9. I dont have a farm sorry

10. If I see someone with some open mindedness I try to leave subtle fun tidbits about esoteric things and see if it interests them. Thus far no one seems to.



>1. How long have you known about and been browsing /fringe/?

I lurked for a few days.

>2. Are you an initiate, a neophyte, a mundane, or a fedora tipper?

Somewhere between a Mundane and a Neophyte. I started learning some of this stuff (or at least the very, very basics) some years ago, but I cast it aside when nothing was working out for me.
Admittedly, all I ever tried was Astral Projection, having failed every attempt.
Honestly though, what really got my interest to getting back into the esoteric was the post at >>13546, where the poster mentioned that
"As members of the peoples who have the Force of Our Will at our disposal have a duty to protect and guide Humanity into greatness. If Humanity is not your first and most pertinent loyalty, you shouldn't be practicing."
I always considered myself someone that wants to see humanity succeed and further themselves, to go to the very stars themselves by any means, and this comment resonated to me.

>3. Do you believe that magick is real and powerful, magick is psychological and limited, or magick is delusional and bullshit?

I'm more for seeing is believing, but I'm not denouncing it. I'll probably try my hand at it until I see results.

>4. Do you want /fringe/ to be more exclusive and to purge users in the fedora tipper, mundane, or even neophyte categories for all the nuisance and distraction they create from our higher and very serious purpose?

Your board, up to you. I'll just look elsewhere.

>5. Does magick excite you and motivate you, feel like a chore and disappoint you, or scare and anger you (either at what people could be doing with it or at "how delusional and crazy some people can get"?)

All three are possibilities. But if I start and get far into it, it should not matter.

>6. Where abouts do you live and would you ever want to meet with wizards and actually practise or witness magick with them?

Kentucky. No, not until I ever get far enough in my studies myself.

>7. Do you believe in a need for ethics in magick / a RHP mindset or do you simply not give a fuck about all of that love & light stuff and want to develop and use your powers however you see fit, believing in the right of higher beings to dominate and exploit lower beings or even make pet projects and so on out of them? Would you describe yourself as pure of intentions and wanting to help everyone, wanting to help only the worthy and destroy or leave the rest to rot in their own misery, or being a "every man for themselves" ultra-paranoid top predator who'll cut anyone down just to stay on top of his game?

"As members of the peoples who have the Force of Our Will at our disposal have a duty to protect and guide Humanity into greatness. If Humanity is not your first and most pertinent loyalty, you shouldn't be practicing."
I do believe that counts as helping everyone, at least those that are willing.

>8. Is Fringe Girl your waifu?


>9. Are you a successful loosh farmer?

If I knew what it was, I probably still wouldn't be.

>10. Do you greenpill others?

No. Might.

>11. Do you hail ☻?



>tfw being on the frontpage is bringing /fringe/ quality down the shitter

Gotta keep bumping the quality threads over all this shit.


>1. How long have you known about and been browsing /fringe/? Did you find out about it on 8chan for the first time? Were you there for it on the previous site? Have you been around since its very foundation?
About 20 minutes.

>2. Are you an initiate (one who has already had considerable success with magick and completed study and practise to a level where they may call themselves a wizard), a neophyte (someone who is earnestly learning and interested in /fringe/ occultism but isn't fully realized yet, hasn't had a breakthrough experience, still trying), a mundane (someone who is just totally mundane, doesn't know anything, and is merely visiting out of a vague interest), or a fedora tipper (someone who is just here to denounce everything /fringe/ stands for and rejects magick)?

I am an initiate of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. Initiate means more than just having success, it means you have been initiated. It is possible (although not as good) to initiate oneself and many do so by accident. Having much success without initiation is unlikely, however so I suppose it works.

>3. Do you believe that magick is real and powerful, magick is psychological and limited, or magick is delusional and bullshit?

All of the above.

>4. Do you want /fringe/ to be more exclusive and to purge users in the fedora tipper, mundane, or even neophyte categories for all the nuisance and distraction they create from our higher and very serious purpose?

No. Does "purging" others serve your "higher and very serious purpose"?

>5. Does magick excite you and motivate you, feel like a chore and disappoint you, or scare and anger you (either at what people could be doing with it or at "how delusional and crazy some people can get"?)

Depends on the day. All of the above and far more beyond.

>6. Where abouts do you live and would you ever want to meet with wizards and actually practise or witness magick with them?

England, the home of the HOGD (although we have spread to Europe and America) and I do meet with people regularly.

>7. Do you believe in a need for ethics in magick / a RHP mindset or do you simply not give a fuck about all of that love & light stuff and want to develop and use your powers however you see fit, believing in the right of higher beings to dominate and exploit lower beings or even make pet projects and so on out of them? Would you describe yourself as pure of intentions and wanting to help everyone, wanting to help only the worthy and destroy or leave the rest to rot in their own misery, or being a "every man for themselves" ultra-paranoid top predator who'll cut anyone down just to stay on top of his game?

Both are true. They are not contradictory. To master path one will bring wisdom. To master both simultaneously will bring enlightenment.

Fuck the rest of the questions.


Make a thread about the Golden Dawn please and talk about it in detail with your OP post and end it with "ask me anything".


>1. How long have you known about and been browsing /fringe/? Did you find out about it on 8chan for the first time? Were you there for it on the previous site? Have you been around since its very foundation?

I was invited to fringechat around 2 years ago.

>2. Are you an initiate (one who has already had considerable success with magick and completed study and practise to a level where they may call themselves a wizard), a neophyte (someone who is earnestly learning and interested in /fringe/ occultism but isn't fully realized yet, hasn't had a breakthrough experience, still trying), a mundane (someone who is just totally mundane, doesn't know anything, and is merely visiting out of a vague interest), or a fedora tipper (someone who is just here to denounce everything /fringe/ stands for and rejects magick)?

wizardry is ghey :^)

>3. Do you believe that magick is real and powerful, magick is psychological and limited, or magick is delusional and bullshit?

psychological, sure you can lucid dream and shit, but the problem is that it is a gateway for delusional autism to be born from.

>4. Do you want /fringe/ to be more exclusive and to purge users in the fedora tipper, mundane, or even neophyte categories for all the nuisance and distraction they create from our higher and very serious purpose?

>higher and very serious purpose


>5. Does magick excite you and motivate you, feel like a chore and disappoint you, or scare and anger you (either at what people could be doing with it or at "how delusional and crazy some people can get"?)

I am apathetic towards but I find the autists it attracts to be quite qt so there's that. <3

>6. Where abouts do you live and would you ever want to meet with wizards and actually practise or witness magick with them?

britbong, in the ass end of Wales.

>7. Do you believe in a need for ethics in magick / a RHP mindset or do you simply not give a fuck about all of that love & light stuff and want to develop and use your powers however you see fit, believing in the right of higher beings to dominate and exploit lower beings or even make pet projects and so on out of them? Would you describe yourself as pure of intentions and wanting to help everyone, wanting to help only the worthy and destroy or leave the rest to rot in their own misery, or being a "every man for themselves" ultra-paranoid top predator who'll cut anyone down just to stay on top of his game?


>8. Is Fringe Girl your waifu?

smiley is my husbando and I wish to cuddle with him

>9. Are you a successful loosh farmer?


>10. Do you greenpill others?

no, I'm not a massive autist

>11. Do you hail ☻?

I just wish he would love me back '-'


I did this. Wrote a big OP and then hit new topic. It's stuck on "Posting… 76%".

I swore oaths of secrecy. They are quite specific on what I can and can't talk about and I didn't directly break them in the post. However, it did occur to me that 90% of the questions asked would be asking me to break it. Of course I made it clear that I would simply refuse to answer such questions. Still…

I will try one more time, if it fails then I'm just gonna take it as a sign.


>1. How long have you known about and been browsing /fringe/? Did you find out about it on 8chan for the first time? Were you there for it on the previous site? Have you been around since its very foundation?
I found out about it from 4chan, back when it was still on fringechan a couple…months? back.
>2. Are you an initiate (one who has already had considerable success with magick and completed study and practise to a level where they may call themselves a wizard), a neophyte (someone who is earnestly learning and interested in /fringe/ occultism but isn't fully realized yet, hasn't had a breakthrough experience, still trying), a mundane (someone who is just totally mundane, doesn't know anything, and is merely visiting out of a vague interest), or a fedora tipper (someone who is just here to denounce everything /fringe/ stands for and rejects magick)?
I think neophyte.
>3. Do you believe that magick is real and powerful, magick is psychological and limited, or magick is delusional and bullshit?
Part psychological, part real.
>4. Do you want /fringe/ to be more exclusive and to purge users in the fedora tipper, mundane, or even neophyte categories for all the nuisance and distraction they create from our higher and very serious purpose?
As long as they bring up valid points and counter-points to things, I think that anyone is welcome.
>5. Does magick excite you and motivate you, feel like a chore and disappoint you, or scare and anger you (either at what people could be doing with it or at "how delusional and crazy some people can get"?)
A mix of all of it.
>6. Where abouts do you live and would you ever want to meet with wizards and actually practise or witness magick with them?
Oregon. Probably not.
>7. Do you believe in a need for ethics in magick / a RHP mindset or do you simply not give a fuck about all of that love & light stuff and want to develop and use your powers however you see fit, believing in the right of higher beings to dominate and exploit lower beings or even make pet projects and so on out of them? Would you describe yourself as pure of intentions and wanting to help everyone, wanting to help only the worthy and destroy or leave the rest to rot in their own misery, or being a "every man for themselves" ultra-paranoid top predator who'll cut anyone down just to stay on top of his game?
I'd like to think I'd act for everyone's best interests, but that's not happening.
>8. Is Fringe Girl your waifu?
>9. Are you a successful loosh farmer?
>10. Do you greenpill others?
>11. Do you hail ☻?


>1. How long have you known about and been browsing /fringe/? Did you find out about it on 8chan for the first time? Were you there for it on the previous site? Have you been around since its very foundation?

I've known about it for about as long as I've been a regular on 8chan, which is since about October 2014. I've only come to this board regularly for the past couple of weeks.

>2. Are you an initiate, a neophyte, a mundane, or a fedora tipper?

I'd have to say mundane, but I would say I have more than just a vague interest.

>3. Do you believe that magick is real and powerful, magick is psychological and limited, or magick is delusional and bullshit?

Currently I'd say "psychological and limited", but I'm trying to keep an open mind and hope that I've underestimated it.

>4. Do you want /fringe/ to be more exclusive and to purge users in the fedora tipper, mundane, or even neophyte categories for all the nuisance and distraction they create from our higher and very serious purpose?

I think fedoras should be contained in a "general" thread (similar to the "stupid questions" threads on halfchan's /g/). I think people who show themselves to be mundane should be muted for a period of time - but not banned.

>5. Does magick excite you and motivate you, feel like a chore and disappoint you, or scare and anger you (either at what people could be doing with it or at "how delusional and crazy some people can get"?)

On one hand I'm frustrated because I'm sceptical and feel I'm wasting my time. On the other hand I'm angry at myself for being so impatient and close minded.

>6. Where abouts do you live and would you ever want to meet with wizards and actually practise or witness magick with them?

England, UK - I'd love to witness, and perhaps join in when I am more experienced, but right now I feel I would only get in the way because I'm so mundane.

>7. Do you believe in a need for ethics in magick / a RHP mindset or do you simply not give a fuck about all of that love & light stuff and want to develop and use your powers however you see fit, believing in the right of higher beings to dominate and exploit lower beings or even make pet projects and so on out of them? Would you describe yourself as pure of intentions and wanting to help everyone, wanting to help only the worthy and destroy or leave the rest to rot in their own misery, or being a "every man for themselves" ultra-paranoid top predator who'll cut anyone down just to stay on top of his game?

I aspire to take a RHP mindset, but I would be lying if I said I do not have some selfish desire for learning. I may look at LHP but I have no intention of practising it.

>8. Is Fringe Girl your waifu?


>9. Are you a successful loosh farmer?

I don't really know what that means.

>10. Do you greenpill others?

Only if people show themselves open to it. I'd consider myself closer to ironpill than any other, though physically I'm still weak and skinny.

>11. Do you hail ☻?

I don't understand. I'm new here.



1. December 2013
2. Pretty advanced, definitely not a master though
3. Psychological, but mind power can be transferred into real life
4. Rope everyone except serious people
5. Boring most the time, exciting most the time, you forget to do all of it
6. Southern indiana, deep in farmland and forests
7. I follow every paradigm and bend it to my own
8. No
9. Yes
10. I hail every aryan wizard brother, but smiley is a god amongst men, and sometimes I have dreams of his past in which smileys confirned they happened so yeah I believe He is some form of higher deity(USER HAS BEEN CONTACTED)


>1. How long have you known about and been browsing /fringe/? Did you find out about it on 8chan for the first time? Were you there for it on the previous site? Have you been around since its very foundation?

The default response to anyone posting "far-out" theories and magic-related things on wizchan is telling them to go back to /fringe/, so a few days ago I decided to see what everyone was being told to go back to.

>2. Are you an initiate (one who has already had considerable success with magick and completed study and practise to a level where they may call themselves a wizard), a neophyte (someone who is earnestly learning and interested in /fringe/ occultism but isn't fully realized yet, hasn't had a breakthrough experience, still trying), a mundane (someone who is just totally mundane, doesn't know anything, and is merely visiting out of a vague interest), or a fedora tipper (someone who is just here to denounce everything /fringe/ stands for and rejects magick)?


>3. Do you believe that magick is real and powerful, magick is psychological and limited, or magick is delusional and bullshit?

Discussions I've seen on here about magick have lacked internal coherence, and the philosophies behind it don't as dialectical as they could be. Still, the power of human thought and the way people respond to cues from others means that a lot of the techniques talked about here can bring about desired change, even if it doesn't involve demons and spirits. Moreover, things like chakras, karma, principles of oneness, etc, are useful ways of thinking of things even if they aren't "scientifically" true, just like the ideas of the ego/superego/id split, or left brain/right brain.

>4. Do you want /fringe/ to be more exclusive and to purge users in the fedora tipper, mundane, or even neophyte categories for all the nuisance and distraction they create from our higher and very serious purpose?

Saying yes would be suicidal!

>5. Does magick excite you and motivate you, feel like a chore and disappoint you, or scare and anger you (either at what people could be doing with it or at "how delusional and crazy some people can get"?)

It's cool to see people so passionate about something, and it encourages people to cultivate interesting outlooks on life.

>6. Where abouts do you live and would you ever want to meet with wizards and actually practise or witness magick with them?

I live in NY. While witnessing/participating in magick would be really neat and enlightening, I'm kind of spergy irl and would probably make things awkward.

>7. Do you believe in a need for ethics in magick / a RHP mindset or do you simply not give a fuck about all of that love & light stuff and want to develop and use your powers however you see fit, believing in the right of higher beings to dominate and exploit lower beings or even make pet projects and so on out of them? Would you describe yourself as pure of intentions and wanting to help everyone, wanting to help only the worthy and destroy or leave the rest to rot in their own misery, or being a "every man for themselves" ultra-paranoid top predator who'll cut anyone down just to stay on top of his game?

Being nice is good and being mean is bad.

>8. Is Fringe Girl your waifu?

You guys can save yourselves a bunch of effort by just looking at fanart of the Hex Maniacs from Pokemon.

>9. Are you a successful loosh farmer?

Is this a masturbation thing? I'm trying to abstain from that for a while and see how it goes.

>10. Do you greenpill others?

I have a prescription for some, but they're not the fun kind that other people would want to try.

>11. Do you hail ☻?

Orbs are not my friends.


nvm that message, I had to delete that account because the whole ban message went into the public bans, and included the password and everything

Just go post on /ask/ to get your new password.


>1. How long have you known about and been browsing /fringe/?
Two years ago. When I found out about fringe wizard that one time he posted an AP thread in 4chan
>2. Are you an initiate
Still a neophyte
>3. Do you believe that magick is real and powerful
Magick is very real and powerful. It's all around us and always been present. Mundanes just doesn't tap into it so they have no idea.
>4. Do you want /fringe/ to be more exclusive and to purge users in the fedora tipper, mundane, or even neophyte categories
I suppose, yes. /fringe/ has gotten shitty lately with all the new threads popping up that should've been posted in the question thread instead.
>5. Does magick excite you and motivate you
All. Magick very much excites me, but sometimes it feels like a chore and sometimes some of its aspect scares me
>6. Where abouts do you live and would you ever want to meet with wizards
Asia. Maybe the local wizards. I'm very awkward towards foreign people
>7. Do you believe in a need for ethics in magick / a RHP mindset
> Would you describe yourself as pure of intentions and wanting to help everyone
Not really, I wanted only to secretly help those who are closest to me or those who are worthy. You can help those who are still asleep.
>8. Is Fringe Girl your waifu?
nope, I already got a husbando irl
>9. Are you a successful loosh farmer?
>10. Do you greenpill others?
Not much IRL. I tend to hide my powerlevels.
>11. Do you hail ☻?


1.Less than a week, however i've briefly visited here and freedomboard in the past.
3.Real, however magical thinking and self-hypnotic suggestions are just primitive thought-forcing that can work only within (some) astral planes(does not modify the physical and dissipates without a source).
4.All off topic posts should be deleted, while post count and popularity might seem positive they dilute the content of the board.
Consider having extra boards to capture the audiences instead or contain them in specific threads. Fringe is too broad actually, i think to start a small board with restricted topics without the whole "nazi/edgy/satanic" theme.
5.Feels like a dangerous and time-consuming work with large potential.
6.occult is deeply individual for me.
7.purity of intentions is noble, and unethical manipulations result in negative karmic burden.However self-improvement should be central, not service to others or helping the mundanes.
8.No. You can make better tulpas.
9.No.Loosh Farmers are energy vampires.
11.No. Cults of personality/ego worship wouldn't end well.


1. I've known about the Freedomboard for 2 years and I've been frequently visiting this board since last year.

2. Somewhere in between an Initiate and a neophyte. I've already made a split consciousness and managed to astral project before I knew what it was.

3. Because our world is not only the physical veil we see in front of us, I understand that magick indeed exists and is real, but I wonder why there's no strong proof of it in this modern day and age with video uploads and sharing.

4. Because I support free speech including that of the opposition I would like the fedora tippers to at least back their posts with more than one line of an insult. They do not really invite into an intelligent discussion by writing: "Fake and Gay" and then leave the thread.

5. Magick is as natural as breathing. If we act like it is special or different than that, we forget who we were.

6. I do not wish to meet any fellow wizard since I am very sensitive to social interaction.

7. Everyone with the right mind should have the possibility to pursue the knowledge and wisdom the occult offers. Those that are STS and inherently ignorant to light and love does not need more fuel for their wicked behavior, they need to go through a spiritual revolution within first.

8. Idolization is sin.

9. I'm a successful loosh healer.

10. As often as I possibly can.

11. I find him childish and unserious. In time he will come to realize his foolishness.


>1. How long have you known about and been browsing /fringe/? Did you find out about it on 8chan for the first time? Were you there for it on the previous site? Have you been around since its very foundation?

<8 lurk here and an another anon .onion

>2. Are you an initiate (one who has already had considerable success with magick and completed study and practise to a level where they may call themselves a wizard), a neophyte (someone who is earnestly learning and interested in /fringe/ occultism but isn't fully realized yet, hasn't had a breakthrough experience, still trying), a mundane (someone who is just totally mundane, doesn't know anything, and is merely visiting out of a vague interest), or a fedora tipper (someone who is just here to denounce everything /fringe/ stands for and rejects magick)?

Like everything..some are gifted above others. I a few times have unwilling or been apathetic toward my involvement, I dabble in awarenesses and ability progression, but above I believe in having contingencies for everything. Everything. I believe in transcendence, but so happens I occupy a great vessel and at times I have great fondness for it, other times..I know of my ultimate self and my optimal self. At 29, I've made comprises.

>3. Do you believe that magick is real and powerful, magick is psychological and limited, or magick is delusional and bullshit?

An old means to reach beyond limits

>4. Do you want /fringe/ to be more exclusive and to purge users in the fedora tipper, mundane, or even neophyte categories for all the nuisance and distraction they create from our higher and very serious purpose?

Purpose. Hmm. Higher planes, effects may take work beyond a single person, lifetime. Though, if the source was present before us, it will endure if all of 'this' dies. False paths admit there own mortality by recruiting. Gather the energies/efforts of others by labeling.

>5. Does magick excite you and motivate you, feel like a chore and disappoint you, or scare and anger you (either at what people could be doing with it or at "how delusional and crazy some people can get"?)

Weed hasn't killed anyone. But people die for it, die for less, they die on whims and accidents. I went through a mental breakdown awakening. I've been at crossroads and pushed past lines I alone would not have done without magick but I am thankful for what I am able to do/feel with.

>6. Where abouts do you live and would you ever want to meet with wizards and actually practise or witness magick with them?

Abouts. lol. I don't hide, though I just went hoodless into this phase of the season transitions. Indiana atm.

>7. Do you believe in a need for ethics in magick / a RHP mindset or do you simply not give a fuck about all of that love & light stuff and want to develop and use your powers however you see fit, believing in the right of higher beings to dominate and exploit lower beings or even make pet projects and so on out of them? Would you describe yourself as pure of intentions and wanting to help everyone, wanting to help only the worthy and destroy or leave the rest to rot in their own misery, or being a "every man for themselves" ultra-paranoid top predator who'll cut anyone down just to stay on top of his game?

I play for keeps, in some games I'm just a piece.

>8. Is Fringe Girl your waifu?

No images..

>9. Are you a successful loosh farmer?

The act may be frowned upon in some circles.

>10. Do you greenpill others?

To cosign another anon Ironpill.

>11. Do you hail ☻?

The mirror always says I'm the fairest..But next time I'll ask.


Gods you're a neophyte.

>I'm an initiate

>Loosh farming is vampyrical

So you're saying humans obtaining energy from food makes us evil vampires? Kill yourself wiccafag.


Those who don't develop their energy centers and resort to parasitism are vampires.
The only loosh in your food is decay energy of last emotions of dead animals.


>1. How long have you known about and been browsing /fringe/? Did you find out about it on 8chan for the first time? Were you there for it on the previous site? Have you been around since its very foundation?
I have browsed for about six to nine weeks, I forget the exact instance I fell upon this board.

>2. Are you an initiate (one who has already had considerable success with magick and completed study and practise to a level where they may call themselves a wizard), a neophyte (someone who is earnestly learning and interested in /fringe/ occultism but isn't fully realized yet, hasn't had a breakthrough experience, still trying), a mundane (someone who is just totally mundane, doesn't know anything, and is merely visiting out of a vague interest), or a fedora tipper (someone who is just here to denounce everything /fringe/ stands for and rejects magick)?

Neophyte. Some success with sigils in the past and perception of synchronistic chains, a degree of success with meditation and one projection into the real time realm which sadly had me bound and crippled on the floor of my room (my physical self seemed to be like kryptonite to my astral self). A complicated on-off relationship with Shiva, now seeking insight into the Mahayana traditions, especially Tibetan.

>3. Do you believe that magick is real and powerful, magick is psychological and limited, or magick is delusional and bullshit?

The degree depends on the training of the mind as well as the ability to be free from the kleshas (ignorance, attachment, aversion, pride, jealousy). When you achieve total freedom, anything is possible. However magick for gain or ego centric power is samsaric and inspite of the talent, it will lead to further delusion.
>4. Do you want /fringe/ to be more exclusive and to purge users in the fedora tipper, mundane, or even neophyte categories for all the nuisance and distraction they create from our higher and very serious purpose?
I believe the balance is good at the moment, knowledgeable experienced members gain a lot through helping those less informed and experienced. Fedoras are useful for challenging assumptions and prevents the board becoming a hugbox. If more advanced members seek a space to discuss or operate outside of this board they are more than able to, in fact they already have.
>5. Does magick excite you and motivate you, feel like a chore and disappoint you, or scare and anger you (either at what people could be doing with it or at "how delusional and crazy some people can get"?)
All of the above.
>6. Where abouts do you live and would you ever want to meet with wizards and actually practise or witness magick with them?
Melbourne, Australia. I tend to post during graveyard hours when few people are about, can get lonely. There are a few cool neophytes not far from me, however I am unsure whether I will follow through and meet up anytime soon.
>7. Do you believe in a need for ethics in magick / a RHP mindset or do you simply not give a fuck about all of that love & light stuff and want to develop and use your powers however you see fit, believing in the right of higher beings to dominate and exploit lower beings or even make pet projects and so on out of them? Would you describe yourself as pure of intentions and wanting to help everyone, wanting to help only the worthy and destroy or leave the rest to rot in their own misery, or being a "every man for themselves" ultra-paranoid top predator who'll cut anyone down just to stay on top of his game?
My dream at the moment is to become a Bodhisattva (desire to become one is a hinderance to becoming one sadly). I doubt I will be able to achieve it in this lifetime, however I hope at the very least I will improve myself and help fellow sentient beings.
>8. Is Fringe Girl your waifu?
She is my sort of qt.
>9. Are you a successful loosh farmer?
Since I am currently working within the framework of Hinayana and Mahayana, vitalism prana etc are not working concepts as far as I know. The Diamond Vehicle (Vajrayana) is heavily tantric and there are such concepts as well as Kundalini. Paradoxically Mahayanists try to take the poisons of others and return goodness, through breathing (tonglen). This reduces our selfishness, territoriality and increases compassion. It can be a difficult practice, but if done correctly the well of goodness inside grows to accommodate all the suffering in the world.
>10. Do you greenpill others?
If I believe the audience will be receptive. I am not totally open about all of my ideas with everyone, but those who know me are at least aware that I have a nominal interest in Eastern Thought, but I spin it as psychological tools for functioning in out tumultuous modern world.
>11. Do you hail ☻?
I like him, and wish him well on his endeavors. I do think he needs healing though.


>1. How long have you known about and been browsing /fringe/? Did you find out about it on 8chan for the first time? Were you there for it on the previous site? Have you been around since its very foundation?

Been browsing casually for a couple of weeks. I was introduced to it by a VERY enthusiastic friend of mine.

>2. Are you an initiate (one who has already had considerable success with magick and completed study and practise to a level where they may call themselves a wizard), a neophyte (someone who is earnestly learning and interested in /fringe/ occultism but isn't fully realized yet, hasn't had a breakthrough experience, still trying), a mundane (someone who is just totally mundane, doesn't know anything, and is merely visiting out of a vague interest), or a fedora tipper (someone who is just here to denounce everything /fringe/ stands for and rejects magick)?

Partway between mundane and fedora, I'm curious but skeptical.

>3. Do you believe that magick is real and powerful, magick is psychological and limited, or magick is delusional and bullshit?

A lot of it seems like insane nonsense, if mind had any kind of effect on matter it would have been demonstrated a thousand times over by now. I will just have to keep reading before I come to a conclusion on magic's effect on the mind/soul.

>4. Do you want /fringe/ to be more exclusive and to purge users in the fedora tipper, mundane, or even neophyte categories for all the nuisance and distraction they create from our higher and very serious purpose?

How about you set up an irc channel and wank yourselves off in there instead?

>5. Does magick excite you and motivate you, feel like a chore and disappoint you, or scare and anger you (either at what people could be doing with it or at "how delusional and crazy some people can get"?)

As a christian man I'm spooked by any kind of witchcraft, especially anything which makes references to demons or Satanic practice. I think chances are good that some edgy little fuck will come here and stumble upon a book of Satanic rituals then go and get himself possessed.

>6. Where abouts do you live and would you ever want to meet with wizards and actually practise or witness magick with them?

Australia, not sure yet.

>7. Do you believe in a need for ethics in magick / a RHP mindset or do you simply not give a fuck about all of that love & light stuff and want to develop and use your powers however you see fit, believing in the right of higher beings to dominate and exploit lower beings or even make pet projects and so on out of them? Would you describe yourself as pure of intentions and wanting to help everyone, wanting to help only the worthy and destroy or leave the rest to rot in their own misery, or being a "every man for themselves" ultra-paranoid top predator who'll cut anyone down just to stay on top of his game?


>8. Is Fringe Girl your waifu?

Sure. Why not.

>9. Are you a successful loosh farmer?

Still not sure what to use as fertilizer.

>10. Do you greenpill others?


>11. Do you hail ☻?

Nice try.


They are not vampires, they are simply acting vampiric. There is quite a large difference. Due to the online RP community, occultists used to, and still tend to think of vampires as a joke. In Europe, any underground circle with knowledge of real vampires will tell you something far different about real vampires than what a wiccan would think…


>1. How long have you known about and been browsing /fringe/? Did you find out about it on 8chan for the first time? Were you there for it on the previous site? Have you been around since its very foundation?
I was around since freedomboards, circa 1000 posts. The previous site was still mildly active then.

>2. Are you an initiate (one who has already had considerable success with magick and completed study and practise to a level where they may call themselves a wizard), a neophyte (someone who is earnestly learning and interested in /fringe/ occultism but isn't fully realized yet, hasn't had a breakthrough experience, still trying), a mundane (someone who is just totally mundane, doesn't know anything, and is merely visiting out of a vague interest), or a fedora tipper (someone who is just here to denounce everything /fringe/ stands for and rejects magick)?


>3. Do you believe that magick is real and powerful, magick is psychological and limited, or magick is delusional and bullshit?

Real, and a quantum based/supported phenomenon.

>4. Do you want /fringe/ to be more exclusive and to purge users in the fedora tipper, mundane, or even neophyte categories for all the nuisance and distraction they create from our higher and very serious purpose?

And one honestly seeking is welcome I'd say. I just want some where to talk about/take magic seriously.

>5. Does magick excite you and motivate you, feel like a chore and disappoint you, or scare and anger you (either at what people could be doing with it or at "how delusional and crazy some people can get"?)

It's interesting, at times exciting. The walking the path to spiritual evolution.

>6. Where abouts do you live and would you ever want to meet with wizards and actually practise or witness magick with them?

Midwest of the United States of America. I'd be interested in meeting /fringe/ wizards IRL and perharps, depending on them, practicing/manifesting with them.

>7. Do you believe in a need for ethics in magick / a RHP mindset or do you simply not give a fuck about all of that love & light stuff and want to develop and use your powers however you see fit, believing in the right of higher beings to dominate and exploit lower beings or even make pet projects and so on out of them? Would you describe yourself as pure of intentions and wanting to help everyone, wanting to help only the worthy and destroy or leave the rest to rot in their own misery, or being a "every man for themselves" ultra-paranoid top predator who'll cut anyone down just to stay on top of his game?

Do as you wish as long as you don't violate another's will. Wish the best for all, attempt to render assistance when possible, but only truly dedicate myself to helping the worthy (as I only do have so many resources to work with).

>8. Is Fringe Girl your waifu?

No, I have a real wife (and yes she's magic.)

>9. Are you a successful loosh farmer?

I don't do such things, though I do cultivate my own energy.

>10. Do you greenpill others?

Hell yea.

>11. Do you hail ☻?

No, though I admire his dedication to spreading the greenpill & investigating magic.


To clarify >1.
That would be mid '13ish.


>1. How long have you known about and been browsing /fringe/? Did you find out about it on 8chan for the first time? Were you there for it on the previous site? Have you been around since its very foundation?

About a year, started on /x/ and freedomboards, been in a
ton of chats/irc/skypes

>2. Are you an initiate (one who has already had considerable success with magick and completed study and practise to a level where they may call themselves a wizard), a neophyte (someone who is earnestly learning and interested in /fringe/ occultism but isn't fully realized yet, hasn't had a breakthrough experience, still trying), a mundane (someone who is just totally mundane, doesn't know anything, and is merely visiting out of a vague interest), or a fedora tipper (someone who is just here to denounce everything /fringe/ stands for and rejects magick)?

I'm confident in my practice

>3. Do you believe that magick is real and powerful, magick is psychological and limited, or magick is delusional and bullshit?

It's what you want it to be. When pursued with a strong will, you can shake mountains and raise oceans.

>4. Do you want /fringe/ to be more exclusive and to purge users in the fedora tipper, mundane, or even neophyte categories for all the nuisance and distraction they create from our higher and very serious purpose?

No matter what anyone wants it's not going to change much lol.

>5. Does magick excite you and motivate you, feel like a chore and disappoint you, or scare and anger you (either at what people could be doing with it or at "how delusional and crazy some people can get"?)

Makes me feel alive. Also scares the piss out of me. It's a way of life.

>6. Where abouts do you live and would you ever want to meet with wizards and actually practise or witness magick with them?

There's a meetup thread for that, and yeah, I'm open to meeting new practicioners.

>7. Do you believe in a need for ethics in magick / a RHP mindset or do you simply not give a fuck about all of that love & light stuff and want to develop and use your powers however you see fit, believing in the right of higher beings to dominate and exploit lower beings or even make pet projects and so on out of them? Would you describe yourself as pure of intentions and wanting to help everyone, wanting to help only the worthy and destroy or leave the rest to rot in their own misery, or being a "every man for themselves" ultra-paranoid top predator who'll cut anyone down just to stay on top of his game?

Balance is key… Be true to yourself and nothing else will matter

>8. Is Fringe Girl your waifu?


>9. Are you a successful loosh farmer?

God I hate that word

>10. Do you greenpill others?

Introduced multiple IRL friends to practicing, changed people's worldviews with tarot before.

>11. Do you hail ☻?



>1. How long have you known about and been browsing /fringe/? Did you find out about it on 8chan for the first time? Were you there for it on the previous site?
Ive been aware of /fringe/'s existence for about 2 years, but only recently (a week ago) did I take an interest in /fringe/ after having a LSD trip. This 8ch website is new to me. Before this I was highly fascinated by 4chan's /x/. But theres a lot bullshit over there, this place seems to be far more focused on its purpose.

>2. Are you an initiate, a neophyte, a mundane, or a fedora tipper ?

I suppose I can start considering myself a neophyte now that I know that word exists.

>3. Do you believe that magick is real and powerful, magick is psychological and limited, or magick is delusional and bullshit?

No reason to think it is false so far, but the LSD trip make it seem very real, tough I still have every right to question it. I used to be between the first and second stances but now I'll just plunge headfirst and see what happens rather than thinking in terms of those 3 views.

>4. Do you want /fringe/ to be more exclusive and to purge users in the fedora tipper, mundane, or even neophyte categories for all the nuisance and distraction they create from our higher and very serious purpose?

I don't really know what fringe is like, so I wouldn't know.

>5. Does magick excite you and motivate you, feel like a chore and disappoint you, or scare and anger you (either at what people could be doing with it or at "how delusional and crazy some people can get"?)

Excite and motivate, partly because MOTHERFUCKING MAGIC and partly because I love learning. I see it as yet another tool on the infinite repertoire available to people, it may not always be the best tool but if it is then I'll use it.

>6. Where abouts do you live and would you ever want to meet with wizards and actually practise or witness magick with them?

Caribbean, I'd be interested because they would be open minded people to discuss interesting things with, practicing magick with those that have experience sounds like a good thing. Witnessing magick sounds interesting because Ive never seen it in action (maybe I have and haven't realized it?).

>7. Do you believe in a need for ethics in magick / a RHP mindset or do you simply not give a fuck about all of that love & light stuff and want to develop and use your powers however you see fit, believing in the right of higher beings to dominate and exploit lower beings or even make pet projects and so on out of them? Would you describe yourself as pure of intentions and wanting to help everyone, wanting to help only the worthy and destroy or leave the rest to rot in their own misery, or being a "every man for themselves" ultra-paranoid top predator who'll cut anyone down just to stay on top of his game?

I'd develop the ethics anyway just because someone will eventually use/need them, and from my point of view I like and would use most but not all of them. I have no idea what RHP really means, tough I'm aware of the name. From a universal perspective free will is your only right, use it or not, its still your choice. But from a human perspective its not really fair and while I really wouldn't want to make people escape exploitation by my own power (so they would be dependent) I'd still show them the opportunity to do it themselves. If they are completely willing but truly powerless I'd step in. I consider my intentions pure, I'd help everyone but not on everything, and the cutthroat seems stupid and unnecessarily difficult from my perspective. Also it pretty much guarantees a constant threat to yourself. But I'd like to play evil someday, I know I can but that wont happen anytime soon, unless I could play it in a videogame or something like that.

>8. Is Fringe Girl your waifu?

I don't have a waifu as in marry, there are anime girls I would totally fuck, but I consider that different from waifu. Also I don't know who fringe girl is.

>9. Are you a successful loosh farmer?

I've heard of loosh farming in /x/ defined as trolling, but I don't particularly enjoy trolling most of the time. Other than that I have no idea what loosh actually is.

>10. Do you greenpill others?

Not really greenpill, I take whatever it is that I consider helpful, universally undeniable facts and spread them. I try to make it so that you agree because you thought about it and reached your own conclusion, not because I said so.

>11. Do you hail ☻?

I don't know what that symbol is. I might have seen it before, browsing the windows character map, but I doubt it.


>1. How long have you known about and been browsing /fringe/? Did you find out about it on 8chan for the first time? Were you there for it on the previous site? Have you been around since its very foundation?
Nope. I have actually gotten into this recently. About the beginning of this year. I first found it on JoS, then I saw someone link to /fringe/ and here I am.

>2. Are you an initiate (one who has already had considerable success with magick and completed study and practise to a level where they may call themselves a wizard), a neophyte (someone who is earnestly learning and interested in /fringe/ occultism but isn't fully realized yet, hasn't had a breakthrough experience, still trying), a mundane (someone who is just totally mundane, doesn't know anything, and is merely visiting out of a vague interest), or a fedora tipper (someone who is just here to denounce everything /fringe/ stands for and rejects magick)?

Neophyte. I'm still reading a lot of pdfs and testing and trying out things. I have still have a lot to learn.

>3. Do you believe that magick is real and powerful, magick is psychological and limited, or magick is delusional and bullshit?

>4. Do you want /fringe/ to be more exclusive and to purge users in the fedora tipper, mundane, or even neophyte categories for all the nuisance and distraction they create from our higher and very serious purpose?

>5. Does magick excite you and motivate you, feel like a chore and disappoint you, or scare and anger you (either at what people could be doing with it or at "how delusional and crazy some people can get"?)

Very real.

>6. Where abouts do you live and would you ever want to meet with wizards and actually practise or witness magick with them?

Yes, definitely. I would love to meet other wizards/initiates/neophytes and learn from them. Although my current living situation doesn't allow me to do that.

>7. Do you believe in a need for ethics in magick / a RHP mindset or do you simply not give a fuck about all of that love & light stuff and want to develop and use your powers however you see fit, believing in the right of higher beings to dominate and exploit lower beings or even make pet projects and so on out of them? Would you describe yourself as pure of intentions and wanting to help everyone, wanting to help only the worthy and destroy or leave the rest to rot in their own misery, or being a "every man for themselves" ultra-paranoid top predator who'll cut anyone down just to stay on top of his game?

I think ethics should be taken. The Karma can fuck you up if you do something bad. But I have nothing against practicing magick against mundanes. Especially family members.

>8. Is Fringe Girl your waifu?


>9. Are you a successful loosh farmer?

Not really. I need to work more in that area.

>10. Do you greenpill others?

No. It can lead to trouble, especially as a minor.

>11. Do you hail ☻?

No, sorry. But I will hopefully meet him sometime once I leave.


Damn, missed two.
>3. Do you believe that magick is real and powerful, magick is psychological and limited, or magick is delusional and bullshit?
Very real.
>4. Do you want /fringe/ to be more exclusive and to purge users in the fedora tipper, mundane, or even neophyte categories for all the nuisance and distraction they create from our higher and very serious purpose?
Just try and keep everything clean. This should be a place of learning, not of shit posting.


>1. How long have you known about and been browsing /fringe/? Did you find out about it on 8chan for the first time? Were you there for it on the previous site? Have you been around since its very foundation?

Since september of last year. I discovered it around the time people were saying halfchan was kill.

>2. Are you an initiate (one who has already had considerable success with magick and completed study and practise to a level where they may call themselves a wizard), a neophyte (someone who is earnestly learning and interested in /fringe/ occultism but isn't fully realized yet, hasn't had a breakthrough experience, still trying), a mundane (someone who is just totally mundane, doesn't know anything, and is merely visiting out of a vague interest), or a fedora tipper (someone who is just here to denounce everything /fringe/ stands for and rejects magick)?

I am an thus-enlightened one.

>3. Do you believe that magick is real and powerful, magick is psychological and limited, or magick is delusional and bullshit?

I belive magick is real and and can effect change.

>4. Do you want /fringe/ to be more exclusive and to purge users in the fedora tipper, mundane, or even neophyte categories for all the nuisance and distraction they create from our higher and very serious purpose?

I want /fringe/ to be popular. I also want fedora tippers purged. Because popularity WITH them is destruction.

>5. Does magick excite you and motivate you, feel like a chore and disappoint you, or scare and anger you (either at what people could be doing with it or at "how delusional and crazy some people can get"?)

I'm a naturalist. My interest in magick is more lore-based/something to do with my eyes while I decompact the spiritual prison I am currently in.

>6. Where abouts do you live and would you ever want to meet with wizards and actually practise or witness magick with them?

I live in North Carolina. I would never meet other wizards but I know of other enlightened ones I would love being in the company of if it is in tune.

>7. Do you believe in a need for ethics in magick / a RHP mindset or do you simply not give a fuck about all of that love & light stuff and want to develop and use your powers however you see fit, believing in the right of higher beings to dominate and exploit lower beings or even make pet projects and so on out of them? Would you describe yourself as pure of intentions and wanting to help everyone, wanting to help only the worthy and destroy or leave the rest to rot in their own misery, or being a "every man for themselves" ultra-paranoid top predator who'll cut anyone down just to stay on top of his game?

I believe ethics should be cleaved to in everything. I'm all about love and light. I would describe myself as pure of intentions, wanting to help only the worthy and see destroyed/left to rot the unworthy. I believe if one is receptive to my wisdom and I have the energy to project it it will be projected simultaneously with its realization.

>8. Is Fringe Girl your waifu?


>9. Are you a successful loosh farmer?

I've got enough loosh for myself and I am a being of temperance not greed.

>10. Do you greenpill others?


>11. Do you hail ☻?



1. I've been browsing fringe for about 7 months now

2. I've had some success with magic, but still consider myself a neophyte.

3. I believe what we know as magic is really basic shit to more advances species, and that ever moment spent learning more of it is the best possible use of my time.

4. I would like to see more advanced posters here, but purging fedora is a bad idea. They are here for a reason, and some of them might eventually come to see reason and end up as allies.

5. Magic is my sole reason for living, there is nothing else which interests me.

6. Seattle area, and I would want to do magic with them. That being said, what I'd really want is for a true initiate to speak with and learn from.

7. I believe in service to self, through service to others. Any system in which all parts are attempting to maximize the total effectiveness of the entire system will have the most powerful parts available. Service to self is short-sighted and always results in total destruction of the entire system due to the stress put upon it by a few individuals, when taken to it's logical conclusion.

8. No, but she is a qt.

9. I don't do that anymore, feels wrong.

10. Whenever I can, to whoever is ready to listen.

11. No, but smileberg is pretty all right.



Howdy, also from bremerton


1) Been here since gamergate like a giant queef.

2) Initiate

3) Does it matter?

4) If I wanted a super secret club, I'd go to one of the three or four I'm part of.

5) It's just a tool, albeit a fun, powerful tool.

6) Murica, perhaps, but I'm quite content working on my own.

7) I do what's best for me, world be damned.

8) Lawl

9) Lawl

10) Lawl

11) Lawl



1. Couple months on and off.
2. Neophyte.
3. Mix of first two. Mostly spiritual imo though.
4. Fedora tippers need not apply, Neophytes always need something to chew on. Mundanes are fine if they're curious, and polite.
5. Mix.
6. I live in Oklahoma. Generally pretty solitary, feel awkward in group ritual. Hm, maybe if I'm the medium it'd be okay.
7. Again, a mix. I believe in being responsible and even handed, but don't think for a moment I don't believe in heavy handed justice.
8. No, not my type. But more for you, eh?
9. Not yet.
10. In these parts? lol no
11. Why not.


>1. How long have you known about and been browsing /fringe/? Did you find out about it on 8chan for the first time? Were you there for it on the previous site?
Was browsing /x/ on 8chan a month ago and some thread mentioned /fringe/. Browsed a bit and this place seems pretty nice.

>2. Are you an initiate (one who has already had considerable success with magick and completed study and practise to a level where they may call themselves a wizard), a neophyte (someone who is earnestly learning and interested in /fringe/ occultism but isn't fully realized yet, hasn't had a breakthrough experience, still trying), a mundane (someone who is just totally mundane, doesn't know anything, and is merely visiting out of a vague interest), or a fedora tipper (someone who is just here to denounce everything /fringe/ stands for and rejects magick)?


>3. Do you believe that magick is real and powerful, magick is psychological and limited, or magick is delusional and bullshit?

I'm not too sure what to think about it at this point; howerver, I feel that it is at least a real and powerful phenomenon.

>4. Do you want /fringe/ to be more exclusive and to purge users in the fedora tipper, mundane, or even neophyte categories for all the nuisance and distraction they create from our higher and very serious purpose?

I think it's fine the way it is..

>5. Does magick excite you and motivate you, feel like a chore and disappoint you, or scare and anger you (either at what people could be doing with it or at "how delusional and crazy some people can get"?)

As of right now, it excites and motivates me. I bet it'll be a mix of all three later on though.

>6. Where abouts do you live and would you ever want to meet with wizards and actually practise or witness magick with them?

Michigan. I'd love to meet other people with an intrest in magick.

>7. Do you believe in a need for ethics in magick / a RHP mindset or do you simply not give a fuck about all of that love & light stuff and want to develop and use your powers however you see fit, believing in the right of higher beings to dominate and exploit lower beings or even make pet projects and so on out of them? Would you describe yourself as pure of intentions and wanting to help everyone, wanting to help only the worthy and destroy or leave the rest to rot in their own misery, or being a "every man for themselves" ultra-paranoid top predator who'll cut anyone down just to stay on top of his game?

I don't have a developed enough understanding of magick and its history to give an accurate answer.

>8. Is Fringe Girl your waifu?


>9. Are you a successful loosh farmer?


>10. Do you greenpill others?

Depending on the situation, I would. There'd be a lesser chance of it happening whennot online though, obviously

>11. Do you hail ☻?

Not sure who he is.


1. Few weeks. I found it on /32/, took me a while before I actually got into it.

2. Neophyte

3. All limits are self-imposed.

4. I think free speech is important. Fedoras should be allowed to post on the chance that they may get some insightful replies that would make them reconsider.

5. Magick does excite me, I'm eagar to get some real results soon.

6. I live in Canada. It would be interesting to meet up but there's a real possibility that I might stumble into some insane and dangerous people.

7. I think there should be some degree of ethics. There are situations where violence is necessary. I would like to give help to those deserving of help.

8. no

9. no

10. no

11. No, he seem ok though.


File: 1434716136941.webm (5.35 MB, 550x300, 11:6, dejerenation.webm)

1 / few months

2 / neophyte

3 / perspective is god

4/ well its ok

5/ I live in Quebec but am moving to BC soon, could be cool to meet up whit some BC kush maguses

7/ If you look at the lord of the flies mentality I would be the fly able to live in shit and be considerably happier then the lord who is busy organizing his empire of shit

8/ I don't think I would ever have a waifu I view it as some unhealthy 21st century shit.

9/ No put my ability to remain calm makes conflicts a loosh landslide when they occur.

10/ I green/red pill people occasional but I only dilude some in there drinks no full doses.

11/ no

Bonus question

>>12. What are you (what are you trying to be)

A secular cosmopolitan national socialist shaman dowser and explorer of the arcane who smokes kush



I just re read my self 5 is 6 – 6 is 7.

4/ I don't think we need to eliminate them from /fringe/ if they stick around long enough we could convert them.



1) Since the old board was up, though I rarely stop in here. Heard about this iteration when cripplechan started spamming shitpostchan.

2) Initiate, OTO, A.'.A.'. and going to be working Dragon Book of Essex soon enough.

3) I make no concrete claims about the perimeters under which magick operates. Sometimes it looks psychological, sometimes it looks spiritual. I imagine we'd need some advancements in instrumentation and science for a truly concrete answer.

4) I don't care what other people do, if they wanna spam about giantesses and fetishes, that's not going to stop me from talking about what I'd like.

5) None of the above. It's part of my life, like hiking or coffee.

6) In a rural area. I've met a number of people irl and have friends I practice with.

7) Do what thou wilt.

8) I have an irl gf, I need no waifu.

9) Yes

10) No, evangelism is for Christists.

11) Eris? Sometimes, though I like her parents and children more.


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1. Noticed it on the top board list and went to see what it was all about

2. According to the description I'm a low level neophyte

3. Most of it is delusional but there's got to be some real powerful shit. I've been sure that there must be something out there since a few strange paranormal occurrences that happened to me.

4. No, they serve their purpose

5.Motivates me, excites me but can also scare me.

6. I'd prefer to keep it to myself

7. I'll do whatever I please. If I decide to do good I'll do good (which is how I usually think) but I want to do something bad then I shall do just that.

8. Pic related is my waifu. I'm extremely faithful to her

9. Still not familiar with the term

9. I try to with the knowledge I have

10. Not familiar with him



For a few months now. Some guys on /x/ were joking about this place and I stumbled in and had my mind blown.

Flag related.

I'm not sure yet, but I'll find out.

Nah, /fringe/ seems to be like a beginner site for magick anyway.

It differs, sometimes it's a chore, other times I'm turnt.

SoCal. Possibly but not until I get better.

Nah, Hail Eris

Your fuckin mums my waifu m8.

Sometimes, it depends on how active /pol/ is :^)

Implying I'm green pill.




All magick sites are for beginners, those that have advanced enough, no longer need talk about magick because they're too busy doing it.


1. ~8-9 months, first found it from 8ch /x/

2. Huge Neophyte

3. Real and powerful

4. Purge faggotry and nothing else

5. Magick excites me knowing that there's a whole new perspective on existence hidden in plain sight.

6. UK, it would be very interesting to see what others could show me but i doubt i could ever get motivated enough to seek these people out.

7. I often associate ethics into all hobbies, anything other just doesn't feel authentic; like i'm cheating. My intentions are to gain as much knowledge as possible without putting myself or others in danger.

8. nah

9. nah

10. Only if they begin discussing topics very vaguely where it's clear they have no clue what they are getting into. If i were to go full greenpill people would think i'm autismal.

11. nah


>1. How long have you known about and been browsing /fringe/? Did you find out about it on 8chan for the first time? Were you there for it on the previous site? Have you been around since its very foundation?

Been around from the old site

>2. Are you an initiate (one who has already had considerable success with magick and completed study and practise to a level where they may call themselves a wizard), a neophyte (someone who is earnestly learning and interested in /fringe/ occultism but isn't fully realized yet, hasn't had a breakthrough experience, still trying), a mundane (someone who is just totally mundane, doesn't know anything, and is merely visiting out of a vague interest), or a fedora tipper (someone who is just here to denounce everything /fringe/ stands for and rejects magick)?


>3. Do you believe that magick is real and powerful, magick is psychological and limited, or magick is delusional and bullshit?

1 and 2

>4. Do you want /fringe/ to be more exclusive and to purge users in the fedora tipper, mundane, or even neophyte categories for all the nuisance and distraction they create from our higher and very serious purpose?

The "initiates" and regulars here cause far more digression from the path than the fedoras and mundanes.

>5. Does magick excite you and motivate you, feel like a chore and disappoint you, or scare and anger you (either at what people could be doing with it or at "how delusional and crazy some people can get"?)

excite and motivate

>6. Where abouts do you live and would you ever want to meet with wizards and actually practise or witness magick with them?


>7. Do you believe in a need for ethics in magick / a RHP mindset or do you simply not give a fuck about all of that love & light stuff and want to develop and use your powers however you see fit, believing in the right of higher beings to dominate and exploit lower beings or even make pet projects and so on out of them? Would you describe yourself as pure of intentions and wanting to help everyone, wanting to help only the worthy and destroy or leave the rest to rot in their own misery, or being a "every man for themselves" ultra-paranoid top predator who'll cut anyone down just to stay on top of his game?

There is none besides him

>8. Is Fringe Girl your waifu?


>9. Are you a successful loosh farmer?


>10. Do you greenpill others?


>11. Do you hail ☻?



1. About a month or so. Found it on 8chan a long time ago, only really decided to start looking into it recently.

2. Neophyte, haven't gotten much results outside of my own body.

3. It is real and powerful, but mainly occurs psychologically. Sort of like giving yourself the motivation to run an extra few meters when you're exhausted through willpower.

4. Being more exclusive wouldn't help anyone else develop. Fedoras are probably able to stimulate better discussion, while mundanes should just lurk until they understand.

5. Excites and motivates when I'm doing it, feels like a chore when I'm not.

6. I live in Singapore, wouldn't mind meeting with wizards if they're nice and safe. Would be weird to do magic with others, though.

7. Yes, definitely. Though not to the extent of SJWs, just in general a kind of "don't harm people" mindset. I'd probably fall under the pure of intentions type.

8. Don't know much about Fringe Girl.

9. Haven't gotten around to reading the part about loosh, so I'm not sure how to even use it.

10. I shared it with a friend who was facing problems in life to get him to calm down.

11. Eh, don't know much about him. Seems like an okay person by anon standards.


Allow me to reply to OP questions:

1) I have known of /fringe/ for about 4 months, and I've been browsing it about 3 months. I found /fringe/ through 8Chan, and didn't know anything about /fringe/ at all before that.

2) I guess I'm what I would call a higher tier neophyte.

3) I believe that magick is psychological and limited. However, I believe magick may be more than I currently perceive it to be.

4) I think that /fringe/ should allow everyone, and even allow more question/shitposting threads. Allowing more people and threads will boost the traffic of /fringe/, and that will place us higher on the board list, allowing more people to find us. We need more people here; it's too slow.

5) I study magick because I'm interested in what it can add to my life.

6) I live in Ausfailia, and I am interested in meeting intellectual, well studied wizards in order to further my own knowledge.

7) No, next question:

8) Waifu?! Nigga, please!

9) Yes.

10) Yes, I believe magick is something to be spread around, and shared sincerely with others.

11) Ja, Smiley ist mein führer und mein freund, neger. Heil Smiley.



>1. How long have you known about and been browsing /fringe/? Did you find out about it on 8chan for the first time? Were you there for it on the previous site? Have you been around since its very foundation?

I found out about freedomboard through halfchan's /x/ sometime last year, or maybe 2013, don't remember.

>2. Are you an initiate (one who has already had considerable success with magick and completed study and practise to a level where they may call themselves a wizard), a neophyte (someone who is earnestly learning and interested in /fringe/ occultism but isn't fully realized yet, hasn't had a breakthrough experience, still trying), a mundane (someone who is just totally mundane, doesn't know anything, and is merely visiting out of a vague interest), or a fedora tipper (someone who is just here to denounce everything /fringe/ stands for and rejects magick)?

Perpetual Neophyte

>3. Do you believe that magick is real and powerful, magick is psychological and limited, or magick is delusional and bullshit?

I dunno yet, experienced it psychologically, always hoping that it's real.

>4. Do you want /fringe/ to be more exclusive and to purge users in the fedora tipper, mundane, or even neophyte categories for all the nuisance and distraction they create from our higher and very serious purpose?

lol no. Trolls sure, but as long as they aren't making 80 threads even fedoras have a place. Why believe in something at all if you aren't willing to defend it.

>5. Does magick excite you and motivate you, feel like a chore and disappoint you, or scare and anger you (either at what people could be doing with it or at "how delusional and crazy some people can get"?)

A little of the first and last one at the same time.

>6. Where abouts do you live and would you ever want to meet with wizards and actually practise or witness magick with them?

Flawda son, and sure I'm down to meet.

>7. Do you believe in a need for ethics in magick / a RHP mindset or do you simply not give a fuck about all of that love & light stuff and want to develop and use your powers however you see fit, believing in the right of higher beings to dominate and exploit lower beings or even make pet projects and so on out of them? Would you describe yourself as pure of intentions and wanting to help everyone, wanting to help only the worthy and destroy or leave the rest to rot in their own misery, or being a "every man for themselves" ultra-paranoid top predator who'll cut anyone down just to stay on top of his game?

I lean towards RHP, but morality is subjective and magic doesn't rely on it by any means.

>8. Is Fringe Girl your waifu?


>9. Are you a successful loosh farmer?

I wish.

>10. Do you greenpill others?

Only when they're in a state of emotional turmoil or tripping balls or both.

>11. Do you hail ☻?



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1. I found the Freedomboard from 4ch /x/ about a year ago. From there, to here.

2. Neophyte.

3. It is more powerful than any weapon. It is the ethereal block from which our reality is built upon. Those who use magick should do so with seriousness and responsibility.

4. I saw 4ch's /x/ get diluted, and then destroyed from oversaturation. I saw the same happen to 4ch's /pol/ and 8ch's /x/. The more we allow into our fold, the quicker we dilute the quality of the board and send it towards destruction. Keep it hidden. Purge the fedoras, they are agitators at best and cointelpro at worst.

5. All three simultaneously.

6. MI. Yes.




7. I pray to Christ/Sanada, Pallas Athena & other ascended masters. So yes, light and love. I wish to use magick as a means for ascension, and to bring happiness to myself and others. Those who use magick to destroy others without righteous cause are evil.

8. No.

9. No. I dunno how ;_;

10. Not really. I arrived at this knowledge of my own volition. If others wish to as well, then that is theirs.

11. He's very powerful, but I do not hail him.



1. 3-4 years, i was on here before you switched over to 8chan and had the fringe.ca or whatever the last site was.

2. I'm somewhere between an initiate and a neophyte, I've had astral projections, out of body experiences, and talked to entities as well as possibly been attacked by some.

3. Magick is just apart of reality, making it seem special or powerful and magical is silly. Its just physics and science we currently don't understand or can explain in a scientific format, at least for the most part.

4. I think if people are willing to learn, they should be able to hang out. But general shit posting and unwilling to believe what happens here should be cut. Believe and be here, or don't and leave.

5. It doesn't feel like a chore, doesn't excite me, doesn't motivate me, doesn't disappoint me, scare me, anger me or anything of the like. I just like to read and practice and hear other peoples experiences.

6. Southern california, depends on what sort of "magick" you speak of. I'm more into meditation, self improvement, astral projection, remote viewing and that like then possibly the magick you speak of.

7. I believe in following your ethics whether they be bad or good. Of course i wish people didn't have negative intent or want to harm people. But that isn't my choice and if it happens, i couldn't of stopped it anyways.

8. No i go outside and talk to women. I don't need a "waifu"

9. Probably not

10. In small doses and depending on the conversation or person.

11. Nope


Part 1

>1. How long have you known about and been browsing /fringe/? Did you find out about it on 8chan for the first time? Were you there for it on the previous site? Have you been around since its very foundation?

2013; 2013? I'm more into Mchan myself, but don't tell Fredrick that. Was here before Gamer Gate, so I never left because of free speech, but from my own reason - everyone on 4chan is a MEANIE!; Probably not.

>2. Are you an initiate (one who has already had considerable success with magick and completed study and practise to a level where they may call themselves a wizard), a neophyte (someone who is earnestly learning and interested in /fringe/ occultism but isn't fully realized yet, hasn't had a breakthrough experience, still trying), a mundane (someone who is just totally mundane, doesn't know anything, and is merely visiting out of a vague interest), or a fedora tipper (someone who is just here to denounce everything /fringe/ stands for and rejects magick)?

I'm a "neophyte" technically, but I haven't read any other book since the first ever since Fringechan was around. I actually have some notes on the first book still. Though, since then, I've actually done a lot of other stuff, so It's not all for naught. In short though, I'm optimistic but I appreciate the cold embrace of death than eternal living. Still, there must be some subconscious reason why I'm here.

Actually, I want to share some unsourced "fact" here. Metaphysics, or "beyond" physics, is taught after physics. No duh, but the reason why I'm sharing this is because it brings me to think I should learn physics first. If you have anything to add, I will be glad to respond…as long as I'm here and not lazy.

>3. Do you believe that magick is real and powerful, magick is psychological and limited, or magick is delusional and bullshit?

I don't know really. I hope it's delusional, but I hope it's real. Immortality is the goal for cowards, but every man, in that regard, is a coward. We all fear death, and only those who dwell on the thought could ever get over it. I believe I have pondered it enough to accept it, but with this "religion" or "spirituality", I don't know anymore. I don't even know what to call what THIS is.



Part 2:

>4. Do you want /fringe/ to be more exclusive and to purge users in the fedora tipper, mundane, or even neophyte categories for all the nuisance and distraction they create from our higher and very serious purpose?

NEVER! Let them have their own thread. I've posted similar questions (never really insults though), and I came here to investigate these beliefs. I'm just too chicken and lazy to try them. I'm a lazy chicken! BUKUACK!

>5. Does magick excite you and motivate you, feel like a chore and disappoint you, or scare and anger you (either at what people could be doing with it or at "how delusional and crazy some people can get"?)

It excites me slightly, but makes me feel grief. I cannot die peacefully any more. Life now has meaning, and it's now re-trapped me. I had overcome the shackles of Christianity and "Hell", but I will pursue and overcome whatever this is. Perhaps it's real, maybe not. If it is, I have a lot of work. If not, I cannot feel safe. This stuff is something to ponder and fear. I cannot help it. It took me two years to actually try Linux, and I find that a nice accomplishment. Maybe it's time I tried this.

>6. Where abouts do you live and would you ever want to meet with wizards and actually practise or witness magick with them?

Never. I cannot even fathom meeting people. I dislike people because I don't understand them. I am filled with unbridled anger, and it comes at random times. I feel people, in the flesh, cannot communicate properly. To put it shortly and bluntly, we cannot be the best we can be if we have time limits and societal pressures. We must use our abilities at our own pace and not let anyone deter us. Simply meeting someone (especially with today's technology, where we can chat anywhere), can hinder our (my) progress. I would need an in depth analysis of the pros and cons though. Here's a few:


1. Meeting people and seeing those who make up this population

2. Analysis of personalities outside of this place

3. Friendship?


1. Misunderstanding (emotions, words, etc.)

2. Quick replies can come elsewhere

3. Meet already in the Astral plane

4. Some screw balls might meet us there and just annoy us with "Fedora logic" or whatnot.



Part 3:

>4. Do you want /fringe/ to be more exclusive and to purge users in the fedora tipper, mundane, or even neophyte categories for all the nuisance and distraction they create from our higher and very serious purpose?

NEVER! Let them have their own thread. I've posted similar questions (never really insults though), and I came here to investigate these beliefs. I'm just too chicken and lazy to try them. I'm a lazy chicken! BUKUACK!

>5. Does magick excite you and motivate you, feel like a chore and disappoint you, or scare and anger you (either at what people could be doing with it or at "how delusional and crazy some people can get"?)

It excites me slightly, but makes me feel grief. I cannot die peacefully any more. Life now has meaning, and it's now re-trapped me. I had overcome the shackles of Christianity and "Hell", but I will pursue and overcome whatever this is. Perhaps it's real, maybe not. If it is, I have a lot of work. If not, I cannot feel safe. This stuff is something to ponder and fear. I cannot help it. It took me two years to actually try Linux, and I find that a nice accomplishment. Maybe it's time I tried this.

>6. Where abouts do you live and would you ever want to meet with wizards and actually practise or witness magick with them?

Never. I cannot even fathom meeting people. I dislike people because I don't understand them. I am filled with unbridled anger, and it comes at random times. I feel people, in the flesh, cannot communicate properly. To put it shortly and bluntly, we cannot be the best we can be if we have time limits and societal pressures. We must use our abilities at our own pace and not let anyone deter us. Simply meeting someone (especially with today's technology, where we can chat anywhere), can hinder our (my) progress. I would need an in depth analysis of the pros and cons though. Here's a few:


1. Meeting people and seeing those who make up this population

2. Analysis of personalities outside of this place

3. Friendship?


1. Misunderstanding (emotions, words, etc.)

2. Quick replies can come elsewhere

3. Meet already in the Astral plane

4. Some screw balls might meet us there and just annoy us with "Fedora logic" or whatnot.



Was a report. Here's the real part 3:

>7. Do you believe in a need for ethics in magick / a RHP mindset or do you simply not give a fuck about all of that love & light stuff and want to develop and use your powers however you see fit, believing in the right of higher beings to dominate and exploit lower beings or even make pet projects and so on out of them? Would you describe yourself as pure of intentions and wanting to help everyone, wanting to help only the worthy and destroy or leave the rest to rot in their own misery, or being a "every man for themselves" ultra-paranoid top predator who'll cut anyone down just to stay on top of his game?

Such a mindset is understandable. No one wants a power struggle, but in the end, it might be the best for everyone. Why?

1. New people = more discussion

2. Feel good about yourself

3. "Loosh farming" might only work on those who don't know, therefore, the practice is flawed. More people = less loosh farming, but only because it's exploiting others' ignorance. It's not really "sustainable" because more knowledge might come to the public later. That, or you can use it as an excuse to do it while it lasts.

Still though, the world already is a dog eat dog zone. Here's a "diagram".

Dangers (Base to Top):


Base, AKA nature

We're together, in a sense. We all decided to come together to erase suffering (physical) and death (from being eaten). It's safer if we all stick together.

Still though…

More people = Crowded

No more special snow flake

Power struggles

Normal people and misuse of magick

>8. Is Fringe Girl your waifu?

I Have no waifu. I'm barely in this game to actually know who or what she is/represents.

>9. Are you a successful loosh farmer?


>10. Do you greenpill others?


>11. Do you hail ☻?

Nope. I have a clue of who ☻ is, but not entirely sure.

I hope my honesty will bring in conversation.



Last thing:

☻ = Smiley. Woopsies. I've known of him for some time, and I've heard his name. However, I barely know a thing about him.

From what I believe I know, he's the creator of this site and has offered all of these resources. He's skilled in magick. That's really it.




>1. How long have you known about and been browsing /fringe/? Did you find out about it on 8chan for the first time? Were you there for it on the previous site? Have you been around since its very foundation?

Maybe a year or so of on and off of lurking.

>2. Are you an initiate (one who has already had considerable success with magick and completed study and practise to a level where they may call themselves a wizard), a neophyte (someone who is earnestly learning and interested in /fringe/ occultism but isn't fully realized yet, hasn't had a breakthrough experience, still trying), a mundane (someone who is just totally mundane, doesn't know anything, and is merely visiting out of a vague interest), or a fedora tipper (someone who is just here to denounce everything /fringe/ stands for and rejects magick)?

Neophyte. Finding some aspects of learning particularly difficult given my constitution but I keep finding myself coming back here when I lose track of my own study and spirituality.

>3. Do you believe that magick is real and powerful, magick is psychological and limited, or magick is delusional and bullshit?

I believe magick is real but I consider its application through the human vessel limited.

>4. Do you want /fringe/ to be more exclusive and to purge users in the fedora tipper, mundane, or even neophyte categories for all the nuisance and distraction they create from our higher and very serious purpose?

I would find what I need elsewhere.

>5. Does magick excite you and motivate you, feel like a chore and disappoint you, or scare and anger you (either at what people could be doing with it or at "how delusional and crazy some people can get"?)

I don't think magick does any of those categories for me. It feels inherent in my existence and but the choice is whether to embark and learn or remain ignorant/lazy. Although my efforts in both astral projection and lucid dreaming have been mostly scary and I have not succeeded whatsoever.

>6. Where abouts do you live and would you ever want to meet with wizards and actually practise or witness magick with them?

Currently Australia. I can't imagine there being any others… But I would want to meet others.

>7. Do you believe in a need for ethics in magick / a RHP mindset or do you simply not give a fuck about all of that love & light stuff and want to develop and use your powers however you see fit, believing in the right of higher beings to dominate and exploit lower beings or even make pet projects and so on out of them? Would you describe yourself as pure of intentions and wanting to help everyone, wanting to help only the worthy and destroy or leave the rest to rot in their own misery, or being a "every man for themselves" ultra-paranoid top predator who'll cut anyone down just to stay on top of his game?

I don't think there need be such negativity towards the latter. Nature is symbiotic in appearance but when you actually observe the interactions between rudimentary spirits, all relationships are entirely predatorial in harmonious discord.

I could be wrong.

>8. Is Fringe Girl your waifu?

I suppose I skip this one…

>9. Are you a successful loosh farmer?

Not at all. I need to be more aware.

>10. Do you greenpill others?

I have attempted one, unsucessfully. /fringe/ feels entirely personal given my current state.

>11. Do you hail ☻?

hi : )


File: 1435507945911.jpg (238.91 KB, 960x895, 192:179, 1432236061420.jpg)

>1. How long have you known about and been browsing /fringe/? Did you find out about it on 8chan for the first time? Were you there for it on the previous site? Have you been around since its very foundation?

I've heard of it every once in a while on 8chan. I visited /x/ periodically on 4chan before the September exodus.

>2. Are you an initiate (one who has already had considerable success with magick and completed study and practise to a level where they may call themselves a wizard), a neophyte (someone who is earnestly learning and interested in /fringe/ occultism but isn't fully realized yet, hasn't had a breakthrough experience, still trying), a mundane (someone who is just totally mundane, doesn't know anything, and is merely visiting out of a vague interest), or a fedora tipper (someone who is just here to denounce everything /fringe/ stands for and rejects magick)?

Mundane for now, but I might turn fedora for a moment if I see something genuinely retarded.

>3. Do you believe that magick is real and powerful, magick is psychological and limited, or magick is delusional and bullshit?

There's lots of psychological tricks that you could call "magick", but that's just getting into semantics. Lots of scientific fields aren't well understood (like psychology), but I believe that human behavior and metaphysics will someday be as obvious and well-charted as the periodic table.

>4. Do you want /fringe/ to be more exclusive and to purge users in the fedora tipper, mundane, or even neophyte categories for all the nuisance and distraction they create from our higher and very serious purpose?

It's best to keep an open mind. Purging critics has never benefited anyone in the long run.

>5. Does magick excite you and motivate you, feel like a chore and disappoint you, or scare and anger you (either at what people could be doing with it or at "how delusional and crazy some people can get"?)

I think magick is pretty interesting. A lot of the time human intuition can get on the right track before there's any evidence to solidify any theories. A broken clock is right twice a day. Even when the clock is wrong, people's beliefs can tell me something about who they are.

>6. Where abouts do you live and would you ever want to meet with wizards and actually practise or witness magick with them?

I live in eastern USA. I don't plan on practicing magick any time soon.

>7. Do you believe in a need for ethics in magick / a RHP mindset or do you simply not give a fuck about all of that love & light stuff and want to develop and use your powers however you see fit, believing in the right of higher beings to dominate and exploit lower beings or even make pet projects and so on out of them? Would you describe yourself as pure of intentions and wanting to help everyone, wanting to help only the worthy and destroy or leave the rest to rot in their own misery, or being a "every man for themselves" ultra-paranoid top predator who'll cut anyone down just to stay on top of his game?

I'm not qualified to make that kind of decision yet.

>8. Is Fringe Girl your waifu?


>9. Are you a successful loosh farmer?


>10. Do you greenpill others?


>11. Do you hail ☻?



>1. How long have you known about and been browsing /fringe/? Did you find out about it on 8chan for the first time? Were you there for it on the previous site? Have you been around since its very foundation?

I've been aware of it since GamerGate started. I haven't been around very long, but I have been practising esotericism for a while.

>2. Are you an initiate (one who has already had considerable success with magick and completed study and practise to a level where they may call themselves a wizard), a neophyte (someone who is earnestly learning and interested in /fringe/ occultism but isn't fully realized yet, hasn't had a breakthrough experience, still trying), a mundane (someone who is just totally mundane, doesn't know anything, and is merely visiting out of a vague interest), or a fedora tipper (someone who is just here to denounce everything /fringe/ stands for and rejects magick)?

Somewhere between neophyte and initiate.

>3. Do you believe that magick is real and powerful, magick is psychological and limited, or magick is delusional and bullshit?

Magick is definitely real. There are no limits.

>4. Do you want /fringe/ to be more exclusive and to purge users in the fedora tipper, mundane, or even neophyte categories for all the nuisance and distraction they create from our higher and very serious purpose?

I think that since we are all expressions of Hypsistos (the Infinite Creator), we shouldn't express so much prejudice. Also, I used to be a fedora-tipper, and when I had mystical experiences, I stopped and read up on Gnosticism, Hermeticism, Taoism, Tantra, and a ton of other esoteric/fringe topics. I am a channeller, and I try to integrate esoteric practice in my daily life.

>5. Does magick excite you and motivate you, feel like a chore and disappoint you, or scare and anger you (either at what people could be doing with it or at "how delusional and crazy some people can get"?)

Depends on the rite.

>6. Where abouts do you live and would you ever want to meet with wizards and actually practise or witness magick with them?

Connecticut. My closest magickal friends are a Satanist and a Neo-Gnostic.

>7. Do you believe in a need for ethics in magick / a RHP mindset or do you simply not give a fuck about all of that love & light stuff and want to develop and use your powers however you see fit, believing in the right of higher beings to dominate and exploit lower beings or even make pet projects and so on out of them? Would you describe yourself as pure of intentions and wanting to help everyone, wanting to help only the worthy and destroy or leave the rest to rot in their own misery, or being a "every man for themselves" ultra-paranoid top predator who'll cut anyone down just to stay on top of his game?

I try to keep to positive polarisation (STO).

>8. Is Fringe Girl your waifu?

No, Meduka is.

>9. Are you a successful loosh farmer?

As I said before, I'm STO, so no.

>10. Do you greenpill others?

As much as possible.

>11. Do you hail ☻?

No. Too STS for me.


>1. How long have you known about and been browsing /fringe/? Did you find out about it on 8chan for the first time? Were you there for it on the previous site? Have you been around since its very foundation?

A few months, found it searching through the board list. Thought it was funny and pathetic, but then it started getting to me (same with /pol/ years ago). Moved to 8chan around the time halfchans mods messed with /pol/ and had trigger warning on everything and played some audio about cuckolding.

>2. Are you an initiate (one who has already had considerable success with magick and completed study and practise to a level where they may call themselves a wizard), a neophyte (someone who is earnestly learning and interested in /fringe/ occultism but isn't fully realized yet, hasn't had a breakthrough experience, still trying), a mundane (someone who is just totally mundane, doesn't know anything, and is merely visiting out of a vague interest), or a fedora tipper (someone who is just here to denounce everything /fringe/ stands for and rejects magick)?

Neophyte, I've hardly gotten anywhere. The farthest I've gotten is making a tulpa in a short amount of time, using a technique somebody posted here. I'm currently working towards astral projection and healing.

>3. Do you believe that magick is real and powerful, magick is psychological and limited, or magick is delusional and bullshit?

Very real with unlimited power.

>4. Do you want /fringe/ to be more exclusive and to purge users in the fedora tipper, mundane, or even neophyte categories for all the nuisance and distraction they create from our higher and very serious purpose?

I would like it to purge mundanes that do not read before posting (prove magic is real, how do i into magic, etc). Communities that don't do this are very annoying to browse.

>5. Does magick excite you and motivate you, feel like a chore and disappoint you, or scare and anger you (either at what people could be doing with it or at "how delusional and crazy some people can get"?)

It very much excites me, but I still have trouble pushing myself to do it. I have made nearly no progress since I've started, besides reading The Kybalion.

>6. Where abouts do you live and would you ever want to meet with wizards and actually practise or witness magick with them?

Western Canada, and I would if everybody didn't come across as shady. Most offers are probably luring people in to be used in rituals.

>7. Do you believe in a need for ethics in magick / a RHP mindset or do you simply not give a fuck about all of that love & light stuff and want to develop and use your powers however you see fit, believing in the right of higher beings to dominate and exploit lower beings or even make pet projects and so on out of them? Would you describe yourself as pure of intentions and wanting to help everyone, wanting to help only the worthy and destroy or leave the rest to rot in their own misery, or being a "every man for themselves" ultra-paranoid top predator who'll cut anyone down just to stay on top of his game?

I did believe in only doing good, but I see people using magick improperly so much that I see no reason to limit myself.

>9. Are you a successful loosh farmer?

Haven't attempted it, I suppose I should.

>10. Do you greenpill others?



File: 1438133029498.gif (1.61 MB, 256x185, 256:185, 1425936511360.gif)

>this whole thread feeding its ego and giving out information to the public when shills and info collectors roam the internet



>phoning in alex jones and coast to coast am giving out your location and helping them profile you.

white people<3



I'm sure everybody thought about it being a datamining thread, but what can they collect? That people that believe in magick, believe in magick? At most, they'd see where most of /fringe/ comes from and that's it. There's no confidential information being posted.



>1. How long have you known about and been browsing /fringe/? Did you find out about it on 8chan for the first time? Were you there for it on the previous site? Have you been around since its very foundation?

1 week. Heard about 8chan from cuckchan. Didn't know there was a /fringe/ on cuckchan. Was only aware of /x/ (an infiltrated cesspool that this place can't turn into).

>2. Are you an initiate (one who has already had considerable success with magick and completed study and practise to a level where they may call themselves a wizard),

Sure, I'll call myself an "initiate". I don't think i would have come to this place at this time if I wasn't.

>4. Do you want /fringe/ to be more exclusive and to purge users in the fedora tipper, mundane, or even neophyte categories for all the nuisance and distraction they create from our higher and very serious purpose?

No. we can't not assist those willing to know more. But, we do need "wizards" to come together to work on long term projects for more advanced research, though. Maybe this should be done off-site or on an invite only board.


>1. How long have you known about and been browsing /fringe/? Did you find out about it on 8chan for the first time?

I came here from /x/ a few weeks ago

>2. Are you an initiate (one who has already had considerable success with magick and completed study and practise to a level where they may call themselves a wizard), a neophyte (someone who is earnestly learning and interested in /fringe/ occultism but isn't fully realized yet, hasn't had a breakthrough experience, still trying), a mundane (someone who is just totally mundane, doesn't know anything, and is merely visiting out of a vague interest), or a fedora tipper (someone who is just here to denounce everything /fringe/ stands for and rejects magick)?

I guess I'm the closest to a neophyte, of course I'm intrigued by magic, but I don't actually believe in it, probably due to the lack of evidence on the subject.

>3. Do you believe that magick is real and powerful, magick is psychological and limited, or magick is delusional and bullshit?

I'd say it's bullshit based on what I do know about it, but I don't feel like I should reject its existence just yet.

>4. Do you want /fringe/ to be more exclusive and to purge users in the fedora tipper, mundane, or even neophyte categories for all the nuisance and distraction they create from our higher and very serious purpose?

No, /fringe/ is about everything paranormal, why not just create /magick/ if you want such a board?

>5. Does magick excite you and motivate you, feel like a chore and disappoint you, or scare and anger you (either at what people could be doing with it or at "how delusional and crazy some people can get"?)

I don't fucking know, honestly.

>6. Where abouts do you live and would you ever want to meet with wizards and actually practise or witness magick with them?

Norway, and yeah, why not.

>7. Do you believe in a need for ethics in magick

If it exists, magic can't be restrained by laws, of course there are no ethics involved.

>8. Is Fringe Girl your waifu?


>9. Are you a successful loosh farmer?

I don't know what that is

>10. Do you greenpill others?


>11. Do you hail ☻?




Hey you live in Norway you could go talk to Sigrid for Smileberg.



People have better things to do than talk with mentally insane strangers.



1. Known about /fringe/ for a couple weeks, I was honestly ecstatic that there was a board on eroticism on here. I've been into the stuff /fringe/ is into since around 2 or 3 years ago.

2. I'd consider myself an initiate, i managed to turn my life around this year with sigils, and have managed to manifest some crazy shit. Haven't attempted any higher level work.

3. A combination of the first and second. I like John C. Lilly's quote " In the province of the mind what one believes to be true, either is true or becomes true within certain limits. These limits are to be found experimentally and experientially. When so found these limits turn out to be further beliefs to be transcended. In the province of the mind there are no limits. However, in the province of the body there are definite limits not to be transcended."

4. I think there should be a neophyte board, and a separate board for initiates and higher levels. I also would enjoy having mundane's and fedora tippers here, as they can sometimes be good devil's advocates. I don't want to get stuck in 1 reality tunnel.

5. It excites me with its potential, but I'm at a point in my life where it's a chore sadly, because I've become caught up in the material world and all it has to offer. I'm content with it, and haven't practiced magick much, although I still want to dedicate my life to self work at a later point.

6. I would prefer to practice only with myself and friends who I meet IRL.

7. I don't really care about ethics as long as things are better for me, but personally I don't like hurting people. I suppose it would be nice if everything worked out for everyone.

8. No

9. No

10. I have tried but no one wants to read "Illuminatus!" as its too long. Got a couple of my friends to read Principia Discordia though.

11. No


>mundanes pretending to be wizards



not eroticism, esotericism



>Didn't know there was a /fringe/ on cuckchan.

There never was, though there was multiple iterations of /fringe/ prior to infinity though.


1. I remember when this board was new from freedom board, but I never really come here. I rarely visited freedom board either. I think I found freedom board from Ylilauta rather than 4/x/, I don't remember.

2. Maybe initiate. Despite good ability compared to average person, I don't feel nearly good enough to call myself a wizard.

3. Real but subtle, which then becomes powerful through amount. Like gravity. Depending on how you define magic as well.

4. The current size is small as it is. Skepticism is natural, but you can exile the fedora clan.

5. The paranormal excites me.

6. Florida. Depends on mood/life if willing to meet others. Busy as it is. Plus poor.

7. Love is extremely important, and might be directly involved in some cases. Life should be enjoyable. But LHP has some good reading material. Sometimes I flip opinion and question everything about love. I don't know anything.

8. No

9. No

10. Maybe, not really sure how I influence others

11. Who?



1. >about 1 minutes. Yes. No. No

3. >Magic is probably apophenia. But…There probably is a whole plethora of literal metaphysics which we have not and may not ever perceive or recognize as a species

5. >The concept is intriguing. I am a physicist and wonder how it could be incorporated into modern physics

6. >no

2, 4, 7-11. > n.a.




>>1. How long have you known about and been browsing /fringe/?

About a day.

>>2. Are you an initiate (one who has already had considerable success with magick and completed study and practise to a level where they may call themselves a wizard),

This one is the closest thing to me.

>>3. Do you believe that magick is real and powerful, magick is psychological and limited, or magick is delusional and bullshit?

These terms are ill-defined. In broad strokes, the first one. More accurately, the second one. The third one is an inherent risk of all practice.

>>4. Do you want /fringe/ to be more exclusive and to purge users in the fedora tipper, mundane, or even neophyte categories for all the nuisance and distraction they create from our higher and very serious purpose?

"higher and very serious purpose"

I laughed. Of course not. Of all the threads on here, nobody knows shit about how things work.

>>5. Does magick excite you and motivate you, feel like a chore and disappoint you, or scare and anger you (either at what people could be doing with it or at "how delusional and crazy some people can get"?)

Neither. Anyone who gets excited by it hasn't achieved anything with it yet.

>>6. Where abouts do you live and would you ever want to meet with wizards and actually practise or witness magick with them?

Eastern Europe, and sure, why not.

>>7. Do you believe in a need for ethics in magick / a RHP mindset or do you simply not give a fuck about all of that love & light stuff and want to develop and use your powers however you see fit, believing in the right of higher beings to dominate and exploit lower beings or even make pet projects and so on out of them? Would you describe yourself as pure of intentions and wanting to help everyone, wanting to help only the worthy and destroy or leave the rest to rot in their own misery, or being a "every man for themselves" ultra-paranoid top predator who'll cut anyone down just to stay on top of his game?

This is a very, very loaded way of asking a question. Call me ignostic on these things.

>>8. Is Fringe Girl your waifu?


>>9. Are you a successful loosh farmer?

If loosh is money, yes.

>>10. Do you greenpill others?


>>11. Do you hail ☻?



1. I have been browsing and posting on Fringe for 6 months.

2. I would consider myself to be a neophyte.

3. I believe magick is real.

4. I think we should discourage people from discussing The Jewish Conspiracy here. It is a mundane topic and belongs on POL and seems to be a distraction from focusing on learning about the mind and the workings of the universe. If people come here posting about that issue we should instruct them that POL is the place to discuss that issue and that Fringe is for discussing other issues. They may try to make it seem like they are discussing a fringe issue by using talk of "reptilians" and then connecting that to jews but thats not fringe… thats just a way of making something mundane sound fringe. So even if they try to use reptilians to discuss the jewish conspiracy I think it should be discouraged and they should be advised to go to POL to discuss it. If there is any way to purge these people from this board that would be nice.

5. Magick is interesting.

6. I live in Massachusetts and at the moment I don't want to meet up with any magick enthusiasts but perhaps in the future.

7. I think ethics in magick should be left to the individual to decide upon.

8. Fringe girl is not my waifu.

9. Not sure if I am a loosh farmer.

10. I haven't tried greenpilling people before.

11. No.



I've known about it since like November. I've been browsing it for a week or so. Ye on 8chan. No and no


Neophyte I guess. I've made a few thoughtforms and meditations but nothing outstanding


I believe it is real. Ive always been pretty open minded to and interested in supernatural and spiritual things and have had experience with such in the past that has not really left me with doubt in higher powers. I also believe it is partly psycholigical (all is mental after all rite). I couldnt make a statement either way on how powerful it is since I havent studied it long enough.


People not practicing who just want to make 'prove magikz is reel' threads should be banned tbh. It is a waste of space tho most of here is shitposting anyway.


The first I guess. Feels like something I'm actually good at


Britain and maybe, if I had known them a while


I've never been an ethical person. If I actually develop the powers I'd help the people who deserve it. fuck the rest


no lol


no lol


no lol


He is a nice guy. He has serious issues obviously but he's been generally nice to me despite overall disagreeing with many of my views and has set me on the right track


>1. How long:

Many months. It is sad seeing the quality drop.

>2. Rank

I would say that I'm approximately Initiate. I have some experience in magick and have gotten good results. I still have a LOT to learn though.

>3. Do you believe that magick is real and powerful, magick is psychological and limited, or magick is delusional and bullshit?


>4. Do you want /fringe/ to be more exclusive and to purge users in the fedora tipper, mundane, or even neophyte categories for all the nuisance and distraction they create from our higher and very serious purpose?

Neophyte, no. But shitposting should be stopped.

>5. Does magick excite you and motivate you, feel like a chore and disappoint you, or scare and anger you (either at what people could be doing with it or at "how delusional and crazy some people can get"?)

Excite, but not really motivate. My mundane life has taken that from me, but not for long.

>6. Where abouts do you live and would you ever want to meet with wizards and actually practise or witness magick with them?

Nope, never.

>7. Do you believe in a need for ethics in magick / a RHP mindset or do you simply not give a fuck about all of that love & light stuff and want to develop and use your powers however you see fit, believing in the right of higher beings to dominate and exploit lower beings or even make pet projects and so on out of them? Would you describe yourself as pure of intentions and wanting to help everyone, wanting to help only the worthy and destroy or leave the rest to rot in their own misery, or being a "every man for themselves" ultra-paranoid top predator who'll cut anyone down just to stay on top of his game?

A bit of both. I care for all the people who want to become wizards also, but anyone who is against magick I dislike.

>8. Is Fringe Girl your waifu?

No, sorry.

>9. Are you a successful loosh farmer?

Somewhat. I don't do it often.

>10. Do you greenpill others?

When they are already interested.

>11. Do you hail ☻?

Yes. I wish you would come back. ;-;


1, a couple weeks. I heard about it when a friend wanted me to investigate an attach on his egregore.

2, Probably a neophyte, possibly an initiate (though if I'm confused, I'm probably a neophyte, right?). I've successfully corrupted a meme, evoked a few spirits, have a weak tulpa.

3, in-system: real and powerful (like duh, the magick system must believe this). Out-of-system: psychological. Theory craft in system, analyze theory out of system. Practice in system, reflect out of system.

4, purge the tippers and the crazies (hur dur, if I go AP and get knowledge from spirits, that knowledge definitely pertains to the physical plane. I don't need to do the well established rituals of determining whether that knowledge is physical knowledge, scientific skepticism. Hur dur, profound truths. Not going to do anything with them.)

5, Excites, but also overwhelms. It's a lot of work, especially since I'm deliberately building from the ground up.

6, the north. Already have people.

7, I want things to be a certain way, so I want other people to behave such that things become that certain way. Are people going to act in such ways? No.

8, No.

9, Not yet.

10, I'm up to about 5 or 6 people now?



>attach on his egregore



YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>1. How long have you known about and been browsing /fringe/? Did you find out about it on 8chan for the first time? Were you there for it on the previous site? Have you been around since its very foundation?

F eb^oa ^_lrq fq ^ cbt jlkqep ^dl+ F clrka fq lk 5`e^k clo qeb cfopq qfjb) pl fq$p mobqqv kbt clo jb+

>2. Are you an initiate (one who has already had considerable success with magick and completed study and practise to a level where they may call themselves a wizard), a neophyte (someone who is earnestly learning and interested in /fringe/ occultism but isn't fully realized yet, hasn't had a breakthrough experience, still trying), a mundane (someone who is just totally mundane, doesn't know anything, and is merely visiting out of a vague interest), or a fedora tipper (someone who is just here to denounce everything /fringe/ stands for and rejects magick)?

F$j ^ jrka^kb) ib^kfkd qlt^oap kblmevqb+

>3. Do you believe that magick is real and powerful, magick is psychological and limited, or magick is delusional and bullshit?

F _bifbsb j^df`h ifbp fk ^_pqo^`qfkd `lk`bmqp+ ?v j^kfmri^qfkd qebpb `lk`bmqp lkb fp ^_ib ql j^kfmri^qb ^ dob^q krj_bo lc l_gb`qp ^q lk`b) ^p qebv pbb cfq**tfqefk) lc `lropb) qeb `lkcfkbp lc qeb oribp rpba ql j^kfmri^qb qebpb l_gb`qp %pbb7 J^qebj^qf`p&+ Fq fp qerp buqobjbiv mltbocri) _rq albpk$q e^sb ^ tfab ob^`e+

>4. Do you want /fringe/ to be more exclusive and to purge users in the fedora tipper, mundane, or even neophyte categories for all the nuisance and distraction they create from our higher and very serious purpose?

Fc fq afa) F tlria e^sb ql ib^sb+ F alk$q ob^iiv jfka+

>5. Does magick excite you and motivate you, feel like a chore and disappoint you, or scare and anger you (either at what people could be doing with it or at "how delusional and crazy some people can get"?)

F e^sb ^ c^foiv efde obpfpq^k`b ql mpv`elildf`^i ^qq^`hp %^iqelrde F t^pk$q ^it^vp ifhb qefp&) ^ka mblmib alk$q p`^ob jb rkibpp fk dolrmp+ >ii qefkdp `lkpfaboba) F qefkh fq$p mobqqv cr`hfkd bu`fqfkd) ^ka F$j j^hfkd jv ifcb$p tloh pqravfkd efdebo ^_pqo^`qflk+

>6. Where abouts do you live and would you ever want to meet with wizards and actually practise or witness magick with them?

F$j colj Brolmb+ F hklt ^ cbt lc qebj) _rq F alk$q hklt fc qebv ^ob ^t^ob lc qebfo pq^qrp+ Fq$p klq pljbqefkd qe^q qvmf`^iiv `ljbp rm arofkd `lksbop^qflkp+

>7. Do you believe in a need for ethics in magick / a RHP mindset or do you simply not give a fuck about all of that love & light stuff and want to develop and use your powers however you see fit, believing in the right of higher beings to dominate and exploit lower beings or even make pet projects and so on out of them? Would you describe yourself as pure of intentions and wanting to help everyone, wanting to help only the worthy and destroy or leave the rest to rot in their own misery, or being a "every man for themselves" ultra-paranoid top predator who'll cut anyone down just to stay on top of his game?

F tlria e^qb ql bumilfq iltbo _bfkdp+ F `^k$q bsbk eroq ^ civ+ Lk qeb lqebo e^ka) F$j mobqqv ^m^qebqf`) pl qeb lkiv qefkd F$a ob^iiv `^ob ^_lrq ^ob jv ltk tbii*_bfkd ^ka fkqbiib`qr^i mroprfqp+ F tlriak$q _b prmboj^k fp te^q F jb^k+

>8. Is Fringe Girl your waifu?

Cr`h kl+ F alk$q ob^iiv e^sb ^ t^fcr+

>9. Are you a successful loosh farmer?

F$sb dlq ^k ^j^wfkd ^jlrkq lc bkbodv qe^q F molar`b jvpbic+ Fq$p ifhb F$j ^ cr`hfkd mltboelrpb ^p ilkd ^p F b^q+

>10. Do you greenpill others?


>11. Do you hail ☻?




>1. How long have you known about and been browsing /fringe/? Did you find out about it on 8chan for the first time? Were you there for it on the previous site? Have you been around since its very foundation?

About a year or so. Found it on 8chan.

>2. Are you an initiate (one who has already had considerable success with magick and completed study and practise to a level where they may call themselves a wizard), a neophyte (someone who is earnestly learning and interested in /fringe/ occultism but isn't fully realized yet, hasn't had a breakthrough experience, still trying), a mundane (someone who is just totally mundane, doesn't know anything, and is merely visiting out of a vague interest), or a fedora tipper (someone who is just here to denounce everything /fringe/ stands for and rejects magick)?

Initiate. I've been practicing magick for about 7ish years and I've had some pretty great success.

>3. Do you believe that magick is real and powerful, magick is psychological and limited, or magick is delusional and bullshit?

IMO magick is real and powerful, but also deeply rooted in psychology. There are some limits to what it can do, but boy can it do a lot.

>4. Do you want /fringe/ to be more exclusive and to purge users in the fedora tipper, mundane, or even neophyte categories for all the nuisance and distraction they create from our higher and very serious purpose?

I don't think /fringe/ should be exclusive. Part of the purpose of this board, whether inteded or not, is to educate those who would wander as mundanes forever or be trapped as a neophyte.

>5. Does magick excite you and motivate you, feel like a chore and disappoint you, or scare and anger you (either at what people could be doing with it or at "how delusional and crazy some people can get"?)

All at once. It really depends on what I'm attempting to do. On one hand I get really excited when I discover something new. On the other hand if I continue doing the same stuff I've always done it gets boring. And on the third hand occasionally I discover something that is deeply upsetting on a primal level.

>6. Where abouts do you live and would you ever want to meet with wizards and actually practise or witness magick with them?

Upstate SC. If I knew anybody in the area that practices magick is be willing to collaborate, but I have very few connections to other wizards.

>7. Do you believe in a need for ethics in magick / a RHP mindset or do you simply not give a fuck about all of that love & light stuff and want to develop and use your powers however you see fit, believing in the right of higher beings to dominate and exploit lower beings or even make pet projects and so on out of them? Would you describe yourself as pure of intentions and wanting to help everyone, wanting to help only the worthy and destroy or leave the rest to rot in their own misery, or being a "every man for themselves" ultra-paranoid top predator who'll cut anyone down just to stay on top of his game?

Historically I have acted much like a LHP fag, but in truth I don't really care about either ethic code. Live and let live, unless I want to try out a new spell.

>8. Is Fringe Girl your waifu?


>9. Are you a successful loosh farmer?

Most of the time yeah.

>10. Do you greenpill others?

Whenever I get the chance.

>11. Do you hail ☻?



1. A few weeks now. Some people were bitching about tulpas and one was redirected here.

2. Neophyte. I'm genuinely interested in magick.

3. I don't expect anuone to be sliging around fireballs, but more like influencing the why and how things happen. Still, this could end up being pretty incredible.

4. Just get rid of the flat earth morons.

5. I fear and am excited at the same time. This could be powerful, but dangerous.

6. Eastern US, and I think it would be neat to meet a wizard.

7. Every man for himself. Or whoevet the heck he cares about.

8. Naw.

9. If you're asking about my sex life, then let's just say I get way more that you pal.

10. I snow.


>1 year and something

>kinda initiate kinda neophyte



>all the three

>not telling where I live, and I do not want to meet with the majority of the "wizards" here, some of them I would like.

>i choose ethics for myself, mid

>she looks like a nice girl




ebin datamining



Haven't been here that long. I think me wanting to learn more about the astral eventually lead me here. I've been a /pol/ack for a long time and I'm well experienced in Chan shit. /fringe/ is very intresting.


I've always been intrested in paranormal and esoteric things since about 16. I've had many experiences one would call strange indeed. From unintentionally projecting to an old abbey a few miles away to seeing spirits. My mother was into this type of stuff but /fringe/ would probably be too much for her. She lives a rather mundane life I'm afraid and quit the whole psychic thing when she had me. So I consider myself a neophyte, I know I have a long way to go until I can call myself a Wizard.


I believe it is very real and very powerful. One has to learn a LOT before they even start this. It started from having a dream journal, now I meditate often and am training myself to enter the Astral.

The mundane may think we're crazy. But the mundane wouls not have experienced such things as we have. We as in those who have a mind for this type of thing, those who strive to learn such arts, alas we keep it all secret. The ignorant mundanes cannot possibly begin to imagine this type of stuff. I guess that's how I got into it, I took little steps. There were many things I thought "nah fuck it. This ain't real" but I kept an open mind and I'm still learning.


I seriously think the fedoras should stop posting any time, they're basically what shills are to /pol/. Useless and annoying.

People like me should be welcome, honest people looking to learn these arts with a little bit of experience to boot.. The mundane should also be welcome IF they have an open mind, for they are also mislead into believing that we're just insane people. They haven't had the chance to realize the power that we all possess. Give them this chance to realize it then maybe they shall come here in a new light.


Magick excites me yes, there are also parts that make me feel uneasy. As I said, little steps. And yes there are moments now when I feel more skeptical. But usually this is because I haven't experienced that particular thing for myself. I intend to press on and learn more.


Britbong. Still very uneasy about thinking of meeting other Wizards. I mean at the worse I'll just appear mundane. Also because I'm not into meeting other people from Chans irl.


Hm… Good question, I'm certainly no pure ass goodboy so I cannot say I'll help everyone with such powers. That said, I'm most certainly not someome who would ruin everything for the lulz. I'm also learning discipline with my powers of sorts. I mean the worst I've done is used my ways of persuasion to turn many people against a certain person we all hated. I just made them realize how much they hate that person. (not necesserially magick in itself but I have energy and I have somehow found a way to make my words seem much more convincing. I also seem to understand people's true emotions at times just by looking at them, sort of psychic but don't take my word for it. It's very strange indeed)


Err no.


Still not 100% certain of what that necesserially means for me. I need to lurk more. So no.


I have sort of gone into discussion about others when they witnessed something very strange with me. I can't remember exactly what it was but we were at an abbey and someone suddenly screamed, they said they seen a ghost or something. I could see it too sort of… That's as much as I could remember but I have talked about stuff like this to mundanes, results were as expected "haw haw anon you're crazy". I still need to learn much more before I begin to greenpill anyone.


Not sure how to respond to this. So I'm just going to say Hitler :^)


>1. How long have you known about…

Been here for perhaps a year, I don't remember where did I find about this board. I didn't came from another 8ch board.

>2. Are you an initiate, a neophyte…

Probably a neophyte, reading mostly and trying to discover my highest purpose. I've started meditating, trying astral projection, been learning about the tarot cards, psychomagic etc. I just don't need anything for myself at the moment, so I'm focusing on finding a way to communicate with my higher self (in case such an entity exists).

>3. Do you believe that magick is real…

I still don't know

>4. Do you want /fringe/ to be more exclusive

No, I'm afraid it is necessary to have people that think nothing like yourself. You can't have perfection without the most absolute corruption.

>5. Does magick excite/disappoint/scare…


>6. Where abouts do you live …

Spain, in a small city in Catalonia. Yeah I would love to meet with other people and practice.

>7. Do you believe in a need for ethics in magick…

I believe in a need for ethics in general. But at the moment I'm not sure what would be ethically correct or ethically incorrect, so I wouldn't be the first to tell people what to do/don't.

>8. Is Fringe Girl your waifu?

No but she is definitely cute

>9. Are you a successful loosh farmer?

I've made a lot of people upset through my years and sometimes I take pride on the fact that I can bring people over the edge. It feels I don't know, as a sort of "power". I don't believe anybody has that power over me. Is that loosh farming? I don't really use this loosh for anything, i wouldn't even know how to do it.

>10. Do you greenpill others?

I am not confident that I have enough knowledge to tell other people what to do. And to be honest I've yet to meet the first person interested in these topics IRL.

>11. Do you hail ☻?

I hail only the perfect version of myself that I have yet to achieve



Sorry, typo. Meant "attack".



1. 6 months, found out about it on the 8ch /pol/.

2. initiate.

3. Real and powerful. /fringe/ got me to understand the system and I'm eternally grateful to you.

4. The quality of the board has greatly decreased recently. It would be nice to have the fedora tippers and the mundane purged completely. Neophags should have the question thread available, but lurking should be encouraged. So if the answer to a question would be spotted in a fixed thread or in the materials presented in a fixed thread, they should be b&.

5. excites and motivates. What has been seen cannot be unseen.

6. Eastern Europe. No I wouldn't want to, I like to assume full responsibility for my own actions.

7. Everyone is accountable for his choices. I offer my help when it is asked for. I believe in freedom, being able to use all the means available in order to achieve something. Ethics is just a means, when you achieve a certain point (the throat chakra) you realize that R vs L lead to the same destination.

8. No

9. I am a successful loosh farmer.

10. Only when asked. It happened just once.

11. I hail no one. He has consistent thoughts, I think of him as a useful member of our community.



>Report in here and answer the following:


>>1. How long have you known about and been browsing /fringe/? Did you find out about it on 8chan for the first time? Were you there for it on the previous site? Have you been around since its very foundation?

Came here 2 weeks ago, never been to 8chan before.


>>2. Are you an initiate (one who has already had considerable success with magick and completed study and practise to a level where they may call themselves a wizard), a neophyte (someone who is earnestly learning and interested in /fringe/ occultism but isn't fully realized yet, hasn't had a breakthrough experience, still trying), a mundane (someone who is just totally mundane, doesn't know anything, and is merely visiting out of a vague interest), or a fedora tipper (someone who is just here to denounce everything /fringe/ stands for and rejects magick)?


Neophyte with considerable succes.

>>3. Do you believe that magick is real and powerful, magick is psychological and limited, or magick is delusional and bullshit?


Real and Powerful.

>>4. Do you want /fringe/ to be more exclusive and to purge users in the fedora tipper, mundane, or even neophyte categories for all the nuisance and distraction they create from our higher and very serious purpose?


No opinion, don't know yet. But since the board is so slow already, removing people soounds like a bad idea.

>>5. Does magick excite you and motivate you, feel like a chore and disappoint you, or scare and anger you (either at what people could be doing with it or at "how delusional and crazy some people can get"?)


None. It's just a tool.

>>6. Where abouts do you live and would you ever want to meet with wizards and actually practise or witness magick with them?


Northern Europe. I don't really care about meeting anyone. I feel like that may be like meeting ugly MMO players after 2 years and realizing they are pathetic. Or I fear that's what would happen.

>>7. Do you believe in a need for ethics in magick / a RHP mindset or do you simply not give a fuck about all of that love & light stuff and want to develop and use your powers however you see fit, believing in the right of higher beings to dominate and exploit lower beings or even make pet projects and so on out of them? Would you describe yourself as pure of intentions and wanting to help everyone, wanting to help only the worthy and destroy or leave the rest to rot in their own misery, or being a "every man for themselves" ultra-paranoid top predator who'll cut anyone down just to stay on top of his game?


Let the karma deal with the trouble makers. But if you mess with me, expect me to play the role of karma. It's allowed as long as you hit me first for no reason.

>>8. Is Fringe Girl your waifu?


No idea what that is.

>>9. Are you a successful loosh farmer?


What's that?

>>10. Do you greenpill others?



>>11. Do you hail ☻?




>1. How long have you known about and been browsing /fringe/? Did you find out about it on 8chan for the first time? Were you there for it on the previous site? Have you been around since its very foundation?

For more than several months. I come here on occasion. It always feels out of place, in a scarily good way.

>2. Are you an initiate (one who has already had considerable success with magick and completed study and practise to a level where they may call themselves a wizard), a neophyte (someone who is earnestly learning and interested in /fringe/ occultism but isn't fully realized yet, hasn't had a breakthrough experience, still trying), a mundane (someone who is just totally mundane, doesn't know anything, and is merely visiting out of a vague interest), or a fedora tipper (someone who is just here to denounce everything /fringe/ stands for and rejects magick)?

Somewhere between mundane and a neophyte. I know enough (read: a bit) about the transmundane not to call myself a mundane but I am not actually practising anything whatsoever. I wish I was. I haven't had a breakthrough experience; but then again, I'm not "still trying".

>3. Do you believe that magick is real and powerful, magick is psychological and limited, or magick is delusional and bullshit?

Real, psychological and limited. And powerful, at that.

>4. Do you want /fringe/ to be more exclusive and to purge users in the fedora tipper, mundane, or even neophyte categories for all the nuisance and distraction they create from our higher and very serious purpose?

Please, no. I don't know what else would offer me even the slightest bit of something that scratches me in a good way even if I don't understand much of what I see. If there must be a purge done; at least purge only the naysayers. I am sure there are quite a few potential people among us mundanes who could be of great assistance to those who are at and about their higher and serious purposes.

>5. Does magick excite you and motivate you, feel like a chore and disappoint you, or scare and anger you (either at what people could be doing with it or at "how delusional and crazy some people can get"?)

A mix of all of those. I don't know how I would go about starting to practise it, so it feels like a bit of a chore; scares me when it comes to the prospect of failing or worse, inviting unforeseen consequences and excite and motivate me since it is a realm of possibilities far beyond what a mundane life may offer.

>6. Where abouts do you live and would you ever want to meet with wizards and actually practise or witness magick with them?

Around the Middle East/Europe.

Fuck yes, if I was fairly convinced "I" wouldn't be a component in the magick rituals. At any rate, I could REALLY use some first-hand eye-opening.

>7. Do you believe in a need for ethics in magick / a RHP mindset or do you simply not give a fuck about all of that love & light stuff and want to develop and use your powers however you see fit, believing in the right of higher beings to dominate and exploit lower beings or even make pet projects and so on out of them? Would you describe yourself as pure of intentions and wanting to help everyone, wanting to help only the worthy and destroy or leave the rest to rot in their own misery, or being a "every man for themselves" ultra-paranoid top predator who'll cut anyone down just to stay on top of his game?

Yes and no. A systemized ethics feels very limiting to me but I just can't picture myself deliberately exploiting "lower" beings or even "making pet projects" and so on out of them; so I sure as hell wouldn't like to be made one myself.

And I would like to help everyone, but only as much as they want to receive help themselves. I don't like seeing things rot but if that is what they like in the end, so be it.

>8. Is Fringe Girl your waifu?

Haven't seen her.

>9. Are you a successful loosh farmer?

Having only a vague understanding of it, no. And from what I understood, I'm not sure I'd like to be.

>10. Do you greenpill others?

If it is merely the opposite of redpilling, no.

>11. Do you hail ☻?

Don't know who/what that is, so no.



>1. How long have you known about and been browsing /fringe/? Did you find out about it on 8chan for the first time? Were you there for it on the previous site? Have you been around since its very foundation?

I've known about fringe since around June or so and began actively browsing it since a month.

>2. Are you an initiate (one who has already had considerable success with magick and completed study and practise to a level where they may call themselves a wizard), a neophyte (someone who is earnestly learning and interested in /fringe/ occultism but isn't fully realized yet, hasn't had a breakthrough experience, still trying), a mundane (someone who is just totally mundane, doesn't know anything, and is merely visiting out of a vague interest), or a fedora tipper (someone who is just here to denounce everything /fringe/ stands for and rejects magick)?


>3. Do you believe that magick is real and powerful, magick is psychological and limited, or magick is delusional and bullshit?

Real and decently powerful, although underused.

>4. Do you want /fringe/ to be more exclusive and to purge users in the fedora tipper, mundane, or even neophyte categories for all the nuisance and distraction they create from our higher and very serious purpose?


>5. Does magick excite you and motivate you, feel like a chore and disappoint you, or scare and anger you (either at what people could be doing with it or at "how delusional and crazy some people can get"?)

Annoy me at intangibility and yet tempt me too.

>6. Where abouts do you live and would you ever want to meet with wizards and actually practise or witness magick with them?

Switzerland and yes, already do.

>7. Do you believe in a need for ethics in magick / a RHP mindset or do you simply not give a fuck about all of that love & light stuff and want to develop and use your powers however you see fit, believing in the right of higher beings to dominate and exploit lower beings or even make pet projects and so on out of them? Would you describe yourself as pure of intentions and wanting to help everyone, wanting to help only the worthy and destroy or leave the rest to rot in their own misery, or being a "every man for themselves" ultra-paranoid top predator who'll cut anyone down just to stay on top of his game?

I believe for the necessity of certain ethics in society full stop, magick included. I will however prioritize myself and my family/kin over other humans and other humans over random other entities, and I will also engage in destruction if such is necessary.

Seeing it as a bipolar range is a mistake, imo, and probably my largest gripe with montalk.

>8. Is Fringe Girl your waifu?


>9. Are you a successful loosh farmer?

There is enough energy around to not require vampirism, and you don't risk pissing off something.

>10. Do you greenpill others?


>11. Do you hail ☻?

Anonymous is the only god of the chans. Everyone else can go fuck themselves.


File: 1446514155902.jpg (284.75 KB, 500x796, 125:199, the_gnostic_serpent_by_fel….jpg)

Posting here so I can drop a trip code in case I ever have need of it.

>1. How long have you known about and been browsing /fringe/? Did you find out about it on 8chan for the first time? Were you there for it on the previous site? Have you been around since its very foundation?

I've been here for about a year now. I found out about it after being linked to freedomboard when searching for information.

>2. Are you an initiate (one who has already had considerable success with magick and completed study and practise to a level where they may call themselves a wizard), a neophyte (someone who is earnestly learning and interested in /fringe/ occultism but isn't fully realized yet, hasn't had a breakthrough experience, still trying), a mundane (someone who is just totally mundane, doesn't know anything, and is merely visiting out of a vague interest), or a fedora tipper (someone who is just here to denounce everything /fringe/ stands for and rejects magick)?

An initiate.

>3. Do you believe that magick is real and powerful, magick is psychological and limited, or magick is delusional and bullshit?

It is what we make of it. Otherwise it wouldn't be magick.

>4. Do you want /fringe/ to be more exclusive and to purge users in the fedora tipper, mundane, or even neophyte categories for all the nuisance and distraction they create from our higher and very serious purpose?

There is little point. At least now we have activity. We are responsible for guiding the growth of the board, but if we prune it, it may just die off.

>5. Does magick excite you and motivate you, feel like a chore and disappoint you, or scare and anger you (either at what people could be doing with it or at "how delusional and crazy some people can get"?)

It is a way of life.

>6. Where abouts do you live and would you ever want to meet with wizards and actually practise or witness magick with them?

Tentatively curious. I'm in Victoria.

>7. Do you believe in a need for ethics in magick / a RHP mindset or do you simply not give a fuck about all of that love & light stuff and want to develop and use your powers however you see fit, believing in the right of higher beings to dominate and exploit lower beings or even make pet projects and so on out of them? Would you describe yourself as pure of intentions and wanting to help everyone, wanting to help only the worthy and destroy or leave the rest to rot in their own misery, or being a "every man for themselves" ultra-paranoid top predator who'll cut anyone down just to stay on top of his game?

My core belief is not to impinge on the free will of others, unless they do so themselves. Any pressure to behave in a certain way will not have the desired effects. I will always offer aid when I believe that it will be of genuine use.

>8. Is Fringe Girl your waifu?

Take a guess.

>9. Are you a successful loosh farmer?

I do just fine.

>10. Do you greenpill others?

Quietly, with subtlety. Only if they are receptive.

>11. Do you hail ☻?



all this datamining



8ch was also sold to hiroyuki nishimura, fyi




>1. How long have you known about and been browsing /fringe/? Did you find out about it on 8chan for the first time? Were you there for it on the previous site? Have you been around since its very foundation?

I could have swore we had this thread before. Does that answer your question?

>2. Are you an initiate (one who has already had considerable success with magick and completed study and practise to a level where they may call themselves a wizard), a neophyte (someone who is earnestly learning and interested in /fringe/ occultism but isn't fully realized yet, hasn't had a breakthrough experience, still trying), a mundane (someone who is just totally mundane, doesn't know anything, and is merely visiting out of a vague interest), or a fedora tipper (someone who is just here to denounce everything /fringe/ stands for and rejects magick)?

All of the above.

>3. Do you believe that magick is real and powerful, magick is psychological and limited, or magick is delusional and bullshit?

All 3

>4. Do you want /fringe/ to be more exclusive and to purge users in the fedora tipper, mundane, or even neophyte categories for all the nuisance and distraction they create from our higher and very serious purpose?

Nice joke.

>5. Does magick excite you and motivate you, feel like a chore and disappoint you, or scare and anger you (either at what people could be doing with it or at "how delusional and crazy some people can get"?)

Yes. Ⓚ

>6. Where abouts do you live and would you ever want to meet with wizards and actually practise or witness magick with them?

Nice try FBI. I live in this body that I am using to type.

>7. Do you believe in a need for ethics in magick / a RHP mindset or do you simply not give a fuck about all of that love & light stuff and want to develop and use your powers however you see fit, believing in the right of higher beings to dominate and exploit lower beings or even make pet projects and so on out of them? Would you describe yourself as pure of intentions and wanting to help everyone, wanting to help only the worthy and destroy or leave the rest to rot in their own misery, or being a "every man for themselves" ultra-paranoid top predator who'll cut anyone down just to stay on top of his game?

You're starting to sound like a new ager

>8. Is Fringe Girl your waifu?


>9. Are you a successful loosh farmer?

I have more mana than you can comprehend.

>10. Do you greenpill others?

le ebin pill meme

>11. Do you hail ☻?There is no Goddess but Goddess and She is Your Goddess. There is no Erisian Movement but The Erisian Movement and it is The Erisian Movement. And every Golden Apple Corps is the beloved home of a Golden Worm.



>thread was made a year ago

>I could have swore we had this thread before

Do you have brain problems, reptilian-kun?


Bumping over that one anon's rule breaking age survey thread.



Magick is not "psychological". It is mental but it's not "in your head", it's not "subjective", it's all possible to shared objectively. Mind works like a radio you just have to tune it right and you'll pick up the thoughts of others.



Hi, I've been told to do a mod introduction. Most of what I said in this post is still true, except I now firmly believe that magic is real and powerful.

I tend to be laid back as a mod; I'll be deleting CP, spoilering gross stuff and enforcing the question rule w/o banning. Pretty much it.


That's not what I meant. Magic is controlled and influenced by the mind (read; will), and psychology can teach you things like biofeedback; controlling automatic bodily functions using your mind. This would be considered magic, but it's also psychology. That's just one example, the two intersect on multiple levels.

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