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Esoteric Wizardry


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It doesn't get much more esoteric than a part of the world sealed of to keep spirits alive.


ingesting bacteria piss containing probable sources of estrogen and damaging organs as well as brain function - in addition to destabilizing body chemistry and ph - messing with hormone production and giving the possible chance for a half or full take-over of your current construct by foreign will.


You must be really popular at parties




Hmm, that.


Fuck off degenerate.


Such a buzzword. Essentially everything can be considered degenerate…


This is what degenerates always say to deny their degeneracy. Just accept it, you're a degenerate, and we don't want to partake of your vices.


Sounds good m8


Meh, I will drink occasionally. Sometimes you have to do harmful things.


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Why is the wizard a fucking scientist all of a sudden?


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>Denying Lysios


tohou is for autists


Boob I expected.


Find it I did not.


Why do you know fuck all about wizardry and think it's not harmonious with science? Only Fedoras perceive it to be at odds with science.


Science is merely the study of the so called 'laws' of this universe, which are a disturbed creation of the demiurge.
There is no point in learning about them when we should be working towards escaping it. Scientists are like birds always trying to find new clever ways to make their cage even stronger.


It does not serve you well to disregard or lose sight of the material realm around you simply for your knowledge of higher states.

Knowledge that is gleaned from the physical sciences is no less useful, and certain learned principles may be applied above, as below. Don't affix your gaze to the horizon so stubbornly that you lose sight of the path beneath your feet.

Additionally, you make it sound as if transcendence is the only function of your existence. You ought to look for some measure of pleasure and satisfaction from this world, its secrets, activities and aesthetics, during the time you spend here; flawed as this world may be.

We tell the young to savour youth even as they prepare for the future and maturity. Likewise, don't prematurely separate yourself intellectually and emotionally from the physical world around you simply because you are seeking to leave it behind.


This, becoming a master of all worthy disciplines no matter their original density is quite a worthy goal for a wizard.


What? MY brain short circuited when you started saying stupid things immediately.


Yeah? Well, y'know, that's just, like, your opinion, man.

Anyway, as for the analogy of the bird in the cage, if anything I'd model scientists more as birds trying to fully understand their cage. It's structure and dimensions, materials and movements, and so on. Reinforcing the cage may come about later, by different hands (or wings), but honest inquiry is never inherently harmful.

They may not know that they are in a cage, or know for sure what (if anything) lies outside of it (on account of them only having empiricism to rely on), but understanding the cage is necessarily the first step towards escaping it.

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