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There are a lot of people asking for meditations. I'm not sure why they don't know intuitively how to do all of them but some people need guidance and I know hundreds of meditations and will prove it with this thread. I intend to post at least one new meditation every day, if for some reason a day goes by and I can't post a new meditation, I'll make up for it with several new ones the next day. Aiming to have a minimum of 100 meditations in this thread. You all may contribute just follow the same formatting I do and describe your meditations properly and check what you have written before posting in order to make sure it is concise, proper, and there are no spelling mistakes or grammatical errors. Also use the element flag corresponding with the primary element invoked in the meditation if you know what it is. There are a great many meditations, diverse in forms, for many different purposes that develop many different aspects and I want to help open up the wonderful world of meditation to neophytes on /fringe/ more.

Meditation #1

Meditation Name: Quiet-Mind Meditation (Q-MM)
Type: Concentration, Thought-Control, Entity Detection, Banishing
Technique: Allow your mind to go silent, do not let any dialogues take place in your mind, let no thoughts intrude upon you. Hold your mind in silence for a minimum of about 5 minutes to a maximum of 15 minutes. If you want to go longer that is OK but for daily practise 5-15 minutes will do. If you can make the silent mind your default mental condition throughout the whole day that is even better and you will have more energy to do things without inane internal banter draining you of your vitality.
Comments: This is the most basic and well known meditation which usually precedes many other more advanced meditations. When people think of meditation, this is usually what they know about, even though meditation is so much more than this. I find doing a one-pointedness meditation beforehand easier to clear the mind of invasive thoughtforms or reading 1 to 3 chapters out of an occult book can help. It doesn't always do the job though, like last night for example I picked up an extremely invasive thoughtform from just a few minutes of exposure to a radio and it was very difficult to banish and took about an hour to banish. Radios and televisions are prime sources for nuisance thoughtforms that can disturb the silence and peace in your mind by forcibly repeating themselves in your mind against your will. It can be incredibly easy or incredibly hard to do, depending on what entity attachments you've picked up. It allows you to detect the presence of these attachments because in trying to resist them and keep your mind silent, you can suddenly realize these thoughts are not actually coming from you, but originate as an outside force intruding upon your consciousness against your will. So it serves as a basic entity detection meditation as well although more advanced meditations exist for this purpose and to root out more deeply embedded and less obvious thoughtforms either attached to you or just hanging around in your immediate etheric environment.
Featured In: The Book of Knowledge, Initiation Into Hermetics', and countless other books. You will always find this meditation, under various names, as the start of any serious occult development plan – which is why I'm describing it here first.


Is QMM and void meditation different names for the same thing?

Sage because you're still typing up the next post.



Note:' this is also related to the goal of The Arcane Formulas book, void meditation is pretty similar to it, and also so called "Transcendental Meditation (TM)" is pretty much just void meditation.

In The Arcane Formulas you are to strip away everything that is not you until you can not remove anything more, resting in pure awareness and will, at the end of it.


No they are different things. Q-MM is just shutting up the mental dialogues in your mind and thoughtform spam. Void involves shutting off all of your physical senses altogether so you don't see, feel, hear, smell, etc. anything around you and your awareness is just in a void.

>Sage because you're still typing up the next post.

Are you remote viewing me?


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Meditation #3

Meditation Name: One-Pointedness (1-P)
Type: Concentration, Selective Awareness, Focus, Mental Unification
Technique: Focus on any one thing with one sense and only that one thing. Do not let the mind wander from that one thing. Your mind should concentrate so hard on that one thing that it merges with the object of the meditation. It can be an object around you physically or an object in the astral, or a sound, or a smell, or a feeling, these flowers, etc.
Comments: There are many different meditations that are variations of this type of meditation. I am posting it here in its most generic form because it is a very important meditation but I will probably post specific examples of it later. Doing various types of one-pointedness meditation will massively increase your ability to concentrate and to work with thoughtforms later and focus your will and direct energy. It also will help with telekinesis and feeling yourself in an object such you can move it like its your own body and feel through it and so on.
Featured In: The Jhanas


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Meditation #4

Meditation Name: Numbers Meditation (NM)
Type: Thoughtforming, Subconscious Processing, Automatic Mentation, Counting
Technique: Visualize numbers in various ways while keeping your mind silent. Add the numbers up at various increments and do simple math. Use arabic numerals and roman numerals. Change around the fonts you use, the method they appear, there colours, how many appear at once, the angle you are viewing them, spin them around, etc.
Comments: This is actually a whole lot of different meditations depending on how you use it. You will notice many details of the numbers are subconsciously filled in. When beginning to visualize the number you might not think at all about what font or colour you want to use yet that will be automatically filled out as you will notice and you can look at them closer. This is a basic thoughtforming practise and also serves the purpose of restraining an automatic response; normally when people look at numbers or words they inevitably read it in their minds. You say "ONE", "TWO", "THREE", etc. but in this exercise you are not do to that. You are supposed to just watch as the numbers are added up before you. In doing this you discover a deeper layer of thinking that lays behind words and manage to tap in more strongly into your subconscious powers. Whenever you handle any cash or do any counting during your day, you should attempt to do it via this method. You will also notice that loosh powers up your number thoughtforms and makes them more complex and appear more clearly… if you aren't putting much loosh into it they will be vague and hard to see but if you concentrate on some of your numbers then pour loosh (emotions) into it they will grow stronger quickly (depending upon how well you hold your concentration on it and the intensity of your emotion). Doing this you will learn how to actually use your loosh.
Featured In: ??? (Like every meditation I use, I discovered it independently, but I haven't found any books yet suggesting the practise of numbers meditation even though it's so useful and I use it constantly).


Alright, there's many more much more cool and new ones for me to describe, but these will do for now. I need go to do several hours of a healing practise to repair some damages to my body from overstraining my will today in the physical plane.


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The Vigyan Bhairav Tantra is a key text of the Trika school of Kashmir Shaivism. Cast as a discourse between the god Shiva and his consort Devi or Shakti, it briefly presents 112 meditation methods or centering techniques (dharanas).

Osho wrote these books, going in depth for each technique for those who wish to try them. He says one should try them one by one, and one will definitely have an immediate effect, at which time, the practitioner is meant to drop all the others and focus only on that one.


nice dabs


>you discover a deeper layer of thinking that lays behind words and manage to tap in more strongly into your subconscious powers
Hey, that sounds like "speed-reading" i.e. reading without subvocalisation.





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Meditation #5

'Meditation Name:' Body Awareness Meditation
'Type:' Awareness-Targeting, Etheric Modification, Energy-Work
Technique: Focus your awareness on a part of your body. Then another part… and another. You may jump your awareness around from one point to another or sweep your awareness through your body. You may also sweep back and fourth over a part to create an effect within the etheric body. By playing around with how you focus your awareness (through feeling btw, not visualization, although you can combine visualization to the feeling) many effects are produced through the energetic/subtle body.
'Comments:' Doing this meditation strengthens the astral body, helps you target parts of your body with awareness, and will prepare you for doing operations of all sorts upon your body using the awareness to target the part and then intentions and emotions to make modifications to and program that part. This is essentially what New Energy Ways by Robert Bruce was about and the technique has been expanded on in Energy Work. It makes astral projection easier.
'Featured In:' New Energy Ways v2, Energy Work


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Meditation #6

Meditation Name: Invoking Earth
Type: Trance, Relaxation, Heavy, Feeling
Technique: Relax your body. I suggest letting your arms drop to your sides, then laying down, then raising up leg for a moment and letting it drop, then the other, and so on. Use your intention and if you want some visualization and body awareness to bring in a sedating effect through your whole body. Feel extremely heavy and let your body collapse. Alternatively hold a posture and invoke Earth by making the posture feel solid and unbreakable, intending that you can not change it.
Comments: Very useful for developing finer muscle control, strength, making modifications to your body, resting, fixing posture, and concentrating high levels of etheric energy into yourself for various uses.
Featured In: ???


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Meditation #7

Meditation Name: Gathering Earth
Type: Astral-Hands, Earth, Etheric, Feeling
Technique: Project/imagine your astral hands. Now use them to touch anything in your environment around you and feel those things with your hands. Plunge your astral hands through objects and brush them through, collecting energy on the way, and bringing it to your body. You may also do this through your body, gathering Earth energy from one part of your body to another.
Comments: This is useful for supplying more energy to your body to heal it and to the astral body making it stronger. It also helps you feel and interact with things around you via the astral senses and can be used for telekinesis if you just push things around with your astral hands.
Featured In: (Maybe IIH and Energy Work?)


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Meditation #8

Meditation Name: Astral Hands
Type: Astral Hands, Awareness, Energy
Technique: Imagine a pair of hands. Keep you regular physical arms still and inactive. Now move about your astral arms, feeling through them and seeing them with your mind's eye. Use your astral arms to grab onto something and pull yourself out of your physical body or to try and interact with and feel and manipulate objects around you both on the astral level as well as the physical.
Comments: Very useful for many purposes.
Featured In: Initiation Into Hermetics by Franz Bardon and Energy Work by Robert Bruce.


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Meditation #9

Meditation Name: Invoking Water
Type: Trance, Water, Mind-Reading, Creative, Resonance
Technique: Allow your astral body to expand a bit, project yourself if you want or stay within your body but expanded beyond it, and start casting out thoughtforms and sending out pings and trying to tap into thoughtcurrents around you. There are many ways to do this, like projecting a thoughtforming and looking at it then rotating it, or say looking at a wall and then walking trying to rotate your view and see what's around it or near it. Once you start receiving impressions of things you didn't intentionally think of, you have water invoked. Now just let them come in. You should end up getting a slideshow of random impressions. Adjust your emotional resonance to change the general quality of what you receive.
Comments: This is essential for me at this time to survive and is what I do nearly constantly right now. If you can tap into the right currents you can receive huge amounts of energy and healing at the same time, without depleting your energy supplies. By staying in this receptive state, you become open to many things, and receive thoughtforms and impressions and so on from others. A little directing it by the will / fire can help you lock into new things. Occasionally you will receive bad things which you shall have to shut off and banish and then try to turn your focus away from them and open yourself up again to new impressions.
Featured In: ???


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Meditation #10

Meditation Name: Astral Pulse
Type: Banishing, Detection
Technique: Imagine a pulse that expands out from you in a spherical manner and then bounces off of all objects near you. Program the pulse with various intentions to create different effects, such as incinerating thoughtforms in the area around you, or detecting and revealing them.
Comments: Do this in your room to see what/who is around you etherically! If the pulse you sent out bounces off of everything and returns and nothing is detected then your immediate etheric environment should be clean. When I do it though, I pretty much always encounter something around me, sometimes a LOT of stuff around me.
Featured In: I just found it out on my own but I've heard of another guy doing the same thing under the name of Gnostic Pulse.


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A whole book of meditations.


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Another book of meditations. These ones are Buddhist.


Are these in the /fringe/ library?


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Meditation #11

Meditation Name: Music Meditation (MuM)
Type: Concentration, Mindfulness, Creative
Technique: (a). Put on music and concentrate on what you hear; "just listen"; it is easy for us to put on some song while doing something else (like reading while listening to music); this doesn't count as listening to music and is harmful to your concentration skills. So, put on music, relax and just listen. You might want to avoid "noisy music", (like heavy metal, noise, etc.) and try genres like classical, orchestra, instrumental, etc.
(b). Isolate one instrument from the song and then try to replay the melody it plays, (if you pick a flute, replay the parts in the song the flute plays, for example). Isolating instruments is more easy in the genres I mentioned above.
(c). This can be fun; compose a song in your mind. You might start with percussion or bass pattern, and then add more instruments on it. You can also try this; take mundane sounds, (like barking, wind, car-honks) and "tweak" them mentally, changing the pitch, resonance or quality, etc. If you are unsure how some sound sounds like, download Audacity to edit samples (http://audacity.sourceforge.net/download/windows) and samples from https://www.freesound.org/
Comments: While it can be entertaining, you might want to be careful what music you listen to; thoughtforms can easily attach to you if you listen to certain types of music, (popular, simple-patterned, lyrical).
Featured In: The Miracle of Mindfulness, Wisdom of the Mystic Masters



Hi, i have a little question about this one. Do i have to draw the image at the canvas line-by-line or can i just put them there like a sticker?


Is this thread dead? It was a nice thread.


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So many meditations… Gosh, I always thought there was only 1 type of meditation (quiet mind meditation and void meditation).

Thanks OP.



Oh shit. I've been doing this unintentionally for years. In order to test how afraid I am of the dark, I would always imagine shadowy beasts lunging and charging at me and I've done this for the past 5 years or so. Over time, it's gotten more and more severe.

Tell me, how do I stop doing this?



Create a guardian/hero/basketball player that protects you and visualize it creating waves. I had it much worse as a kid, with myopia, a very vivid imagination and a mind that made difficult to distinguish dreams from reality, paralysis and that gave form to anything five meters away from me as a monster. I kind of miss those experiences on bed now, they were fun. Also, grow up and learn that those are exciting as something different from the mundane everyday shit, not scary



Damn, same. I imagine those little demons, those monsters. It's scary but it's worthwhile.


OP, thanks for all the meditations! Do you have any other ones? I'm making a list of all of them just in case something happens to this thread.


Hi OP, include the neat Book Meditation in here too to this thread too please :D https://freedomboard.kirara.ca/fringe/res/5708.html#q15176



Save the thread for me on archive.today.


I wrote that myself long ago.


I've had an issue during meditation where I try to be aware of my breathing like mentioned in a few mindfullness meditations I've read, but it forces me to manually breathe. Does anyone have any tricks to stop this reflex?



It just occurred to me that I don't actually know how to do QMM. This whole time, I've just been doing one-pointed meditation, focusing on the inner sensation of one particular point in my abdomen, observing how my breathing affects that point.

I'll be giving QMM another go some time. Supposedly I just try not to think? Seems simple enough.



I've been practising Gurdjieff's self-observation techniques and I think the key to success here is to develop a more passive personality. That is, in every waking second, don't judge (unless you're doing some kind of work). Just allow your mind to react to the external stimuli in the world around you and observe those reactions. By continuously honing your ability to self-observe as you engage in activities (I've recently gotten to a level where I can self-observe whilst writing and typing) that eventually, you really can self-observe your own breathing without interference. I think these things just take time until you basically hardwire them into yourself, thus becoming "second nature".


I have a pretty good selection of Theravada Buddhist / Zen meditation resources here → 4x13.net/misc/buddhism


I'm grateful for this thread, OP.

Thank you.


Cool fucking thread this is why I love /fringe/



I added a link to this thread in here: /fringe/faq.html



I've experienced this the past 2 days. It was really strange, prior to 2 days ago I've ever experienced anything like it.

And it happened by accident. I was really relaxed and half asleep, practically meditating while laying in bed. My whole body felt really heavy to the point where it took a lot of effort to just raise my arm. It would fall back immediately after I relaxed it a bit.

IDK if it was sleep paralysis but I read that people would hallucinate spooki ghosts or monsters holding them down, but I saw nothing abnormal at all.

I saw strange colorful shapes and patterns when I closed my eyes too, dunno what the fuck was going on.



Are there any preliminary reading or techniques you should know before attempting any of these?



Stilling the body, ie. asana.


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Meditation Name: Motivation Replenishment

Type: Mindset Shift, beginner level

Technique: When you find yourself engaging in activities of a low nature (television watching, browsing timewasting sites etc.) stop and immediately quiet your mind. Shift your focus to an activity of self betterment (visualization, reading texts, doing chores) and will yourself to vibrate into a calm state with a focus on what you need to do well at whatever task it is eg. visual acuity for visualization, memory for reading etc. This should only take a minute but more time will be more beneficial.

Comments: Oftentimes sitting still with your eyes closed for a minute will put you into a state where you will happily take action, and will allow your urge to partake in time wasting activities to disperse as you become calm. Since this only takes a minute or two, it is very easy to do this and set yourself up to do whichever tasks you feel are important. It can sometimes be daunting to launch into something you don't immediately feel like doing, but calming down for a minute is always easy and launching into activity from there is surprisingly easy. You can also shorten the length of meditation each time you do it to form a habit of eliminating a certain unwanted time waste.

Featured In: ? really just a short single focus meditation a la Bardon, with an activity in mind as the focus.


Bump for the great info

I deeply appreciate it



Initiates got a lot of shit to do besides post techniques on boards to teach neophytes.


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"Meditation Name":Energized meditation/Reichian Bodywork




Step 1. Sit or lie down. Make Faces ~ Stretch all the muscles in the

face. Open your mouth as wide as you can, move the jaw from side to

side. At the same time open your eyes as wide as you can. Move your

eyes up and down and from side to side. This will begin to destroy

tension, thereby destroying uncontrolled and extraneous thoughts

generated by this area. Make many different faces. Do this for about

2-3 minutes. (A word of caution: While in the end these exercizes are meant to

reduce and eliminate certain thought patterns, some might find an increase of new

thoughts from previously "Hidden" places of the mind. If this is the case don't be

concerned, since this will be a fine way to perform "mental house cleaning.")

Step II. Hum and Chatter — Hum from the depths of your voice

box. Use OM or just MMMM. Do this for 1-2 minutes. Now using

your tongue, chatter — DA DA — BA BA BA. Stick out your jaw as

far as you can and continue humming and chattering. Do this for

2-3 minutes.

Step III. Shoulders to Ears — Pull your shoulders up as if you were

trying to reach your ears. When they start feeling tired, drop them as

low as you can. Repeat this 3 times in 2-3 minute intervals.

Step IV. Nose Breathing — With your mouth closed take in a deep

breath inflating your chest and pulling your stomach up. Be sure to

pull the belly in. Hold for a 7 count and then just let the chest fall and

the belly relax. Repeat this 10-20 times. Be sure to allow an

additional 7 count to elapse before your next inhalation.

Step V. Turn Head — Now bring your attention to your head and

turn it from side to side as far as you can. Repeat for 2-3 minutes.

Step VI. Leg Stretch — Lying down on your back, hold your legs

about 4 inches off the ground and stretch outward. Hold this as long

as you can then let them drop. Repeat this 2-3 times.

Step VII. Quick Breath — With your mouth slightly open breathe

rapidly, sighing as you exhale. Do this for 2-3 minutes.

Now lie down and sense and feel your body, for about 10

minutes. Note every sensation you feel. Now assume a meditative

position of your choice making sure that:

(1) Your eye lids are not tightly closed, but simply relaxed.

(2) That your jaw is relaxed and not tense. Make sure of this by

trying to stick out your tongue; if you have to lower your jaw, it was

too tightly held. Check your forehead making sure it is not

wrinkled. Once you are relaxed, either concentrate on your mantra

or point of focus. For those students who do not have a mantra or

point, we suggest Dr. Regardie's Mantram tape or simply OOOOO-

OOOMMMMMMM. For students who wish or require specific

images or points of focus, please feel free to contact us.

(3) Finally make sure your throat is not blocked by holding your

head in the wrong position. Make sure it is straight. In order to

reduce thoughts, keep the eyes relaxed and still, with your tongue

touching the roof of your mouth. Do not move the larynx and again

be sure that your jaw is relaxed. Meditate before eating, or wait for

2-3 hours after eating a heavy meal. It is also best if the bladder and

bowels have been emptied before you start your work.

~Taken from Undoing yourself with energized meditation and other device by Christopher Hyatt

"Comments":Benefits of Undoing include: Deeper relaxation, altered states. experiencing aspects of your self that were repressed, releasing pain and nervous tension, becoming more enlightened, clearer thinking, less robotic in one's reactions and perceptions, kundalini releases, better orgasams, and possibly death (just kidding about the death part),and you can use sigils in the last part to charge them.

"Featured In":Udoing yourself with energized meditation and other devices by Christopher Hyatt.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Elliot Hulse discussing and demonstrating Step I. He is a big fan and student of Willheim Reich. He does a good job of explaining the concepts of bioenergny in simple, easy-to-understand language in many of his videos.



How about you do some relaxation exercises/stretching prior to meditation (especially something which targets the stomach and diaphragm)?


Any relaxation meditation ?


Any non conventional and fun way to induce astram travel ?






Well your machine sounds like a shitty dream inducer thing.

If you can't astral travel by yourself you are just dependant off a couple of coils and magnets…kids these days



Fun isn't addiction in my way of seeing things.

Also, this question is in the meditation thread for some reason, maybe anon is just looking for unconventional &Fun meditations ?



Hey, I heard the breatharians in a certain thread aren't dependents on air, food or water.

>inb4 it's b8 & shit

I know

My point being if you don't have your machine with you at a key moment where you just really wished to AP, well you are fucked. Done.


Going to tell you guys a pretty basic meditation routine I do.

I have been using this one for years and have upgraded it with my own visualizations and such to have deeper focus within the meditation, which you can do yourself once you get used to it.

>1. Sit in comfortable position where you have your back straight and your legs in a comfortable position ( I usually do the Burmese Stance when meditating because my legs fall asleep easily.)

>2. Begin by closing your eyes and breathing normally for about 1 to 2 minutes.

>3. After your body begins to calm down from doing whatever it was doing before this, start breathing in through your nose (Hold 3 secs) them breath out through your mouth (Hold for 3 secs) this is a very important step to attaining the Trance state. (The more you do this, the more your body will adapt to this state and you will feel your body naturally enter this trance)

4 . After you are done doing trance breathing, you will notice how heavy your body is and how your are in a void of darkness. This is good, the next step is to count 0 to 100 in a very slow and steady pace. Remember, it is not a race. With this you can reach the state of gnosiss very easily. This whole step is very basic, a more advanced technique would be to visualize each number with your mind will counting up instead of just saying them in your head. This also helps with later steps with visualization.

5. if you did all the steps correctly you should now be in a very blissful state where you do not feel your body and you are only conscious in your mind. At this point you can either stay in the void and enjoy it OR you can visualize yourself in different scenarios.

6. Visualizing is very fun, I usually almost always end up in a huge forest with great landscape that I explore. This skill takes practice to get to, but once you do get to the point of visualizing there is no limit to what you cant do.

That's all I have pretty much, you can also customize these steps however it fits your needs. If it doesn't work the first time don't worry, it took me a week to actually get me to step 5 ahaha.



Thanks for this. I am new to fringe and this actually worked for me.



Really good one thanks!


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You can also use this to astral project as I did.

I normally go to sleep after meditation and it gives me very lucid dreams to the point of always remembering my dreams. But, I try not to fall asleep but more of keeping consciousnesses so you can let the vibrations take over and it'll just shoot you out of your body after that. This was after a couple failed results thought so, I don't expect anyone to get it on there first try.


Do you have to sit or can you lie down during meditation? Also do you need to open/balance all the chakras first to awaken the kundalini? And if so then how do you do it?


Which of these meditations is recommended for psychokinesis, specially biokinesis?




interested in this too. all i've read up on it though seems to point at desire meditation



agree, also earth meditation seems to also work for biokinesis

Any others OP?


I heard there is a way to use meditation to change neural oscillations, is it true, is there any literature on the subject?



Can somebody please respond?




I'm not aware of any specific meditations for that but I can't see why impregnating your nervous system with energy imprinted with the task of changing neural oscillations or/and autosuggestion wouldn't work for that task.

Can you tell us what you want to do exactly with them? I can't say I'm an expert on the subject but I'd certainly like to know more.



Found the article I found this in.

>Experimental evidence of the existence of a fourth state of unified, transcendental consciousness, which lies in the yoga nidra state at the transition between sensory and sleep consciousness, was first recorded at the Menninger Foundation in Kansas, United States in 1971.[6] Under the direction of Dr. Elmer Green, researchers used an electroencephalograph to record the brainwave activity of an Indian yogi, Swami Rama, while he progressively relaxed his entire physical, mental and emotional structure through the practice of yoga nidra. What they recorded was a revelation to the scientific community.[citation needed] The swami demonstrated the capacity to enter the various states of consciousness at will, as evidenced by remarkable changes in the electrical activity of his brain. Upon relaxing himself in the laboratory, he first entered the yoga nidra state, producing 70% alpha wave discharge for a predetermined 5 minute period, simply by imagining an empty blue sky with occasional drifting clouds.[citation needed]

>Next, Swami Rama entered a state of dreaming sleep which was accompanied by slower theta waves for 75% of the subsequent 5 minute test period.[citation needed] This state, which he later described as being "noisy and unpleasant", was attained by "stilling the conscious mind and bringing forth the subconscious". In this state he had the internal experience of desires, ambitions, memories and past images in archetypal form rising sequentially from the subconscious and unconscious with a rush, each archetype occupying his whole awareness.[citation needed]

>Finally, the swami entered the state of (usually unconscious) deep sleep, as verified by the emergence of the characteristic pattern of slow rhythm delta waves. However, he remained perfectly aware throughout the entire experimental period.[citation needed] He later recalled the various events which had occurred in the laboratory during the experiment, including all the questions that one of the scientists had asked him during the period of deep delta wave sleep, while his body lay snoring quietly.[citation needed]

>Such remarkable mastery over the fluctuating patterns of consciousness had not previously been demonstrated under strict laboratory conditions.[citation needed] The capacity to remain consciously aware while producing delta waves and experiencing deep sleep is one of the indications of the third state (prajna) out of the total of four states of consciousness described in the Mandukya Upanishad.[citation needed] This is the ultimate state of yoga nidra in which there are no dreams, but only the deep sleep state with retained consciousness/awareness. The result is a single, semi-enlightened state of consciousness and a perfectly integrated and relaxed personality.

I would like to believe all of this but it was only one study, and you would think this would be a more important to the scientific community.


There should be more meditations here seriously.



You can add some you know? :^)


What about image meditation? I've heard that the philosopher's stone is really an idea center, and that by meditating on the image of a tetrahedron star or a prism you can access it. I have only tried this once, and something in my head began to rapidly spin…


Starting with meditation for the first time and I'm having trouble. My mind is so loud and filled with songs, images stuck in my head, and random thoughts popping in. Any help in banishing this? Music in my head especially is the hardest to remove.

I try focusing on the constant ringing when thungs are silent, but very low I can hear a tune playing in my head.



>Get a mantra

>Replace song with mantra/autosuggeston

>Mantra dies naturally

>COntinue your concentration.

Just go with it, there is no easy way to do this, doing it over and over again for hours a day is the only way you are going to make any progress in meditation. It's not just a skill, it's literaly a matter of life and death.


File: 1449383214955.jpg (2.88 KB, 250x282, 125:141, tumo.jpg)

This is the most powerful meditation you will ever do.

This is how Bodhidarhama Tat Mo, Naropa, Milarepa, all the tantric Bodhisattva's and even, the Buddha himself, achieved enlightenment.

It can be used to do anything, I won't detail the practical uses, half of the fun is figuring them out, however, I'll lay down the basic practices for the serious one's out there.

Only Developed Energy Bodies Should Try This


No kiddies allowed.

>inb4 How do I know I am developed enough ?

The day when you'll be able to breathe through both nosestrils at the same time and regulate your breath to do so on command under 1-10 minutes is the day when you can hope to be prepared enough for this.

In accordance to this, you need to have had a kundaini rising and are conversant in the science of breath.

This is Highest Yoga Tantra, not some soccer mom stretching, new ager feel good or some dellusional wizard imagination.

Disclaimer:' I am not responsible for anything that happens to you as a result of practicing this High Tantric Practice, don't be stupid, don't be energetically imbalanced and especially, don't be fucking stupid. If you do not meet the criteria's, this practice can result in:

Emotional and mental instability



Medical conditions that even Dr Pheels can't treat


Spontaneous Combustion

And much more, ranging from sweating like a jew in the oven to death.

>Ignore this at your own risk, don't cry if you fuck yourself up, I won't help you.

>1. Synchronize the ida and pingala channels, monitor your nose strills.

>2. Work on all your chakras thoroughly, don't race, take your time, breathe into them a certain number of times

>3. Feel yourself as hollow, like a balloon. Your skin is glowing and on the inside there is only empty space. Take the time it takes to strongly establish this state.

>4. Feel the energy from your perineum going through the spine and further up to the crown. When you feel the energy at your perinium, contract the PC muscles, as if you wanted to stop to pee mid flow.

>5. At this point you should feel the central channel quite clearly and have some kundalini flowing inside the shushuma. Aquaint yourself with these feelings

>6. Now feel two side channels going in through the nostrils up to the third eye and going down to the back of the head on both sides of the central channel, touching the root chakra, going up and merging together at the lower dan tiens

>7. At the dan tiens, feel a small and hot ball of fire in the central channel, so hot that your breath, coming from the two side chanels, ignites this fiery ball and makes it extremely hot. Now hold the breath there in that dan tiens for as much as you can. (seconds at first, minutes later).

>7. As you are holding the breath inside the central channel at the small ball of heat just below the navel, draw energy up from below and above, lock and trap it in the ball of heat. Feel the ball of heat combusting into a fire so hot it would melt anything that would come in contact of it.

>8. While still holding your breath, feel the ball of fire being so hot, it is igniting itself and sending flames up to the navel chakra and licking it ferociously with it's extremely hot flames. Feel your navel chakra being ignited too and the fiery ball growing so much that there are no distinction between the dan tiens and navel chakra.

>9. Now release all the extremely hot energy you have created – straight up through the central and bursting out the top of your head where your crown lights up on an explosive mystical fire that keeps on growing and getting hotter and hotter and hoter. It seems to never die…

Do this all in ONE CONTROLLED BREATH (slow inhalation, gnetle hold and SLOW exhalation) and repeat it over and over and over again until you can't handle it anymore.

This is the Core Practice of ALL Tantras, it has nothing to do with sex, it is all about mastering the different energies of the body.

And thus, the first step of Highest Yoga Tantra is the mastery of the most powerful energy that has been awaken by means of Hatha Yoga or other stimulating practices, the kundalini.

>"As the chief of the Snakes is the support of the earth with all the mountans and forests on it, so All Tantras rest on Kundalini." ~Hatha Yoga Pradipika



Best post in this thread.



Osho? does he have meditation for getting 12 cars, and having sex with my followers wives?



>Spontaneous Combustion

This shit has always freaked me out, specially because when i was 15, i tried to do some stuff i've read online, and i actually felt a very hot sensation in the stomach, accompanied with the smell of burnt meat.

is there better information online about spontaneous combustion?



>Doesn't everyone breathe through both nostrils at the same time unless one or both are blocked?

Try it, monitor your breath every hour or so, you'll see that you don't always and rarely breathe from both nose strils at the same time and at the same intensity. Breathing from both equally and without forcing (includes physical excercise) means that the energy circulation is equilibrated and flows through the central channel, It goes a lot deeper then that and in the domain of the science of breath, where you can find this information, I'd recomend Kundalini Tantra, which not only will talk about the essentials of the theory of the science of breath, but also will give you some knowledge about the kundalini awakening and post kundalini rising process, which is extremely useful for the next step. For more in depth breath science, I can't really guide you since I learned it all on "the field", via "divine intuition" and through various sources that mentions some scraps that cleared some small misconceptions I had. I hear WWA has a book on the science of breath though, I haven't read it , but I think it's in the fringe essentials, so it might be worth something. Science of Breath is only the theory for pranayama which is the practical discipline that clears and purifies the energy blockages, Kriya Yoga has IMO, the best pranayama practices you could find.


Nope, not that I know of, most people who had a spontaneous combustion are dead on the spot and only ashes and their clothes can be found. Some survived and for some it was a controlled phenomenon but in either case, those are realy "secretive" and isolated eastern yogi's.

Spontaneous combustion, like many things, always arises from an impure energy body, purifing it before trying any of these advanced meditations is paramount. Again, Kriya Pranayama, is one of the most effective and fastest way to purify it.



Well first, stop being scared of it and perpetuating it with your mind. It also helps not to drink alcohol or smoke as many people were coincidentally found to have been involved with those things during the time of their combustion. But over all, it's like the rarest shit to ever happen to someone, no worries.



It seems like it, but hold your hands up to your nostrils and breathe out. Keep moving your hands out as the air jets hit them.

I actually had to move one of my hands closer to feel air hitting it!



Yes it transmutes lower base energies with the help of the dan tiens as a support and the navel as an "impregnator of purpose".

It also releases the kundalini from the base chakra and offers a means to control the most powerful energy a human has. This can then be redirected to any purpose, ranging from practical low magick to siddhis, developing the energy body, enlightenment, mahasamahdi/controlled reincarnation, immortality and anything in between, which means everything.

>''"I once asked another yogi friend what he was meditating upon.

He replied, "On the inner heat yoga."

"Well then, you must be able to levitate," I said.

"I haven't dedicated myself to the meditation for doing that; but if I were to do so, no doubt I could," he replied. In fact, it was well known that he had achieved the power of levitation and flight.

Although I did not test the validity of their claims, meditating on the inner heat yogas definitely does bring about such experiences and abilities. For example, the yogi Milarepa was seen levitating through the air on numerous occasions."''

This principle of awakening the kundalini, controling it, impregnating it and directing it is a complete Yoga in of itself, there is a whole tradition attached to this technique (The Six Yoga's of Naropa) and they all are based and use this "simple" practice.




Yeah, it's the real deal :D

Glad that made your serpent rise and that you had the grace to go through it while keeping your sanity!

Go slow on yourself, changes are going to happen fast, too quickly for annyone to handle, it teaches the Self to not cling ot the ego much as this one becomes ever changing and evolves in a moldable form like clay.

Going through it with an open and peaceful attitude, seeking harmony and improvement is the best service you could do to yourself.

Have fun with the rest of the adventure, it's only the beginning!



Khru, Khan.

Can one of you please direct me to Khan's "Yin Cycle tech"? And prerequisite reading?

Also some advise on a problem, I have been trying to meditate on opening my Third Eye.

1: How do you even know when you achieve Gnosis and opening your third Eye?

2: I Can block out all interruptions but when I try to visualize something it is always shaky, moving around, unstable. This problem has been a major halt in my studies what should I do?



Mantak Chia book on microcosmic orbit. (I didn't read it so I probably don't have a great one, but with that much energy rushing through one simply has to imagine and the energy goes) khans qi-gong thread was where I learned the yin cycle concept and it has the book pdf downloadable.



So this meditation can help achieve levitation, psychokinesis or biokinesis , apart of earth meditation/desire meditation



So this meditation can help achieve levitation, psychokinesis or biokinesis , apart of earth meditation/desire meditation?



Yeah, but it can also kill you.

If you are asking this question, you probably don't have enough knowledge to see why it can do such things, I'd suggest you don't do it and read the warning/disclaimer again.


I just wanted to post my pain in this thread.

I've been practicing Q-M meditation for 40 minutes every day for the past 3 months.

I've gotten nowhere, I just can't concetrate, I think I was able to clear my mind of thoughts for a minute or so back in November but that was it.

For 40 minutes every day I am drowing in a sea of thoughts.

I think my tight neck muscles and belly muscles have to do something with it, maybe if I relax them I'll be able to concetrate.



I'm in a similar boat.

I think in my case it might be because it's too bright and noisy in my room, but I don't live alone, so there's basically no way for me to have a dark and quiet place to meditate.

Whenever I try to do a Quiet Mind meditation, I basically just end up lying down until I either get bored and get up because I can't "concentrate", or I experience something similar to falling asleep. I'll suddenly "wake up" with little recollection of what I was just thinking about.

It's usually somewhat refreshing, at least.



Great way to ensure binding yourself to this plane and creating more karma.



>focus all your love for families and friends, all your pride over achievements, all that which makes you feel that you were a great man and did a difference

I have literally none of these.

I live to read books and that's all I really do or care about.



Good karma is better than bad karma of course, but superior is still no karma at all as you can consciously choose your next life or choose to not reincarnate at all if all of your karmas from all millions of previous births have been burned up, which btw isn't as simple as

>having so little will and desire to keep going that your energies disperse and you cease to reincarnate

Good karma, love for family, friends, pride over your little achievements (pride especially empowers your earthly ego) create bondage which binds you further to the physical. If you get caught up in maya then you cannot see the illusion of reality for what it is.

>Enjoy roaming limbo like a leech.

Funny how you make presumptions not knowing anything about me. I didn't quite understood that remark about magic wizard ghost too.


>believing in karma

Kill yourselves new age garbage



>believes in reincarnation

>calls me a garbage for believing in karma


The idea of karma is older by at least 3 thousands years than new age movement so I don't really get it why you make the mistake by relating these two things together.



Glad it's not me then else I'd be triggered and could call you a garbage :^)



Also, I didn't mention this but karma is basically the law of causality. Every cause has it's effect. I think that only complete idiot wouldn't believe that. You don't quite understand what are you talking about now do you?




It's like second Smiley. Or a failing hard loosh-farmer.




>implying reincarnation is real

>implying karma = law of causality



I didn't imply that it is, I simply stated it.



Wasn't powerful?

It awakened my kundalini for the first time so it was for me.




Agreed, though I don't know that remorse is necessary (but it is a useful tool to obtain humility)



I was talking about the one I had in mind.

Hyperventilating and directing large amounts of chi to overpower chakras.

Maybe I felt this was stronger because I've been using it to power up root and direct everything from there.



>CTRL+F René Descartes, Plato and 50 other random philosophers

>no results

>Worthless thread is worthless.



Literally who? Some armchair guy?



I've read that before, and tried several times to do the same. I've entered a conscious rest twice now, but I haven't been able to hold it long yet. Felt very refreshed the next day both times.


I can't remember where I got this meditation, but I believe it is something along the lines of "forgiveness of the monad". Searching online has given me no result

As the name implies, it's for forgiving yourself. I have been able to use this technique while I was a mundane, or at least having only done light visualization and energy work.

>sit in standard yoga position and face east

>feel double helix going through up line of back/head

>feel one side of helix as pulling down and the other as pulling up

>feel immense gold light burst from heart and fill your body as you sprout massive wings

>when energy dies down, imagine locking your chakras with the ones opposite of them on the body in a circle (crown w/ root, third eye w/ sacral, throat w/ stomach, and heart alone)

Please reply if you have any information on this, thanks.


I'm a newfig to this kind of stuff.

Is it safe, what are the risks regarding possession?



Yes, I believe I found it while I was looking at sexual ankhing, but it also may be related to the 5 Tibetan rites, I cannot remember.

The only part that concerns me is the facing east, as I find that usually it is only western occultism that requires specific things like that.



I did this multiple times over the span of a few days and nothing happened.

Fucking roleplayers.



>jumped ahead to the hardest and riskiest meditation

i'm pretty sure you would have killed yourself



Implying you can feel or move energy

Implying you would call us names and call BS if you could



If anyone tried this I would like to know what you thought of it.


File: 1460030165202.png (66.86 KB, 475x471, 475:471, Brainwave-Frequency-Expres….png)

On emptying your mind buddhist claim that on going deeper and deeper into meditation is preceded my states of euphoria, I have not experienced this.

If we look at the the decension through the jhanas as going into Lower frequencies of brain activity we could see that the highest could precede multiple emotions, not just enjoyment.

If yo are getting into samatha and are wondering why you skipped the first two iguanas is may simply because the stimulation manifested in a different form.



I'm still alive aren't I m8.


>'dude don't do this super powerful meditation you're gonna set yourself on fire you can't handle it bro consider yourself warned'

>nothing happens

>'nah dude it only works if you can move energy around bro'



Let the come and go naturally, control is going backwards.



You clearly didn't do it right if nothing happened.



Can you give some relevant literature that helped you?



Can anybody help me with this?



What do you need books for?

>Lay down (or sit comfortably, I prefer to meditate while lying down)

>Focus on breathing (or focus on about anything you want)

>Clear your mind of any intruding thoughts

>Let your body go to sleep while retaining your consciousness

You may experience lucid dreams and astral projection as a side effect if you can't focus on the object of meditation properly.

Although if you prefer reading to actual practice Osho's Vigyan Bhairav Tantra may show you many different ways to meditate and focus.

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