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Esoteric Wizardry


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File: 1429153906281.jpg (152.43 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, wizard.jpg)


i don't mean to shitpost, but as someone that just read the kybalion & has never been to /fringe/, i've got a bunch of questions.
>book recommendations list?
>any hermetic groups to join other than the masons?
>fringepill documentary links?
>are joseph p farrell's books any good?
>what order to read them in?
i'm especially interested in nazi-conspiracy history & ancient egypt/aliens, but could you kindly post anything you think it's important for a newfig to know?
gimme the copypasta, /fringe/!


File: 1429154769595.jpg (302.93 KB, 780x1200, 13:20, 1407336014640.jpg)

Masons don't really practice Hermeticism, they utilize the teachings but they're satanists.


Fucking lurk, cunt.

>>>question thread


thank you, newfriend.


Newfig, did you even check out the questions thread?

Fringe FAQ: /fringe/faq.html

>implying Freemasons are even Hermeticists

There are no documentaries you need to see, just a few videos though, like the Wim Hof videos, Dynamo Jack, Buddha Boy, and most importantly Madness in The Fast Lane all of which you can find on youtube.


i didn't…
fuck, i fucked up, didn't i?


I am updating the FAQ right now btw.


sorry. checking out the book reqs. will read all of FAQ.


You lurk more.

>"The work alchemy comes from al - from khemet - egypt

>Not El-god khem-meld
I'm not gonna say kill yourself but…


Don't kill yourself. Git gud.


Just finished adding some additions to the FAQ.


Masons aren't satanists, they are shabbos goyim


essential vids:
In the Shadow of Hermes
Occult Forces (1943) National Socialism film
Montalk - 1. What is the Matrix Control System?


Hermetics are certainly practiced. You just have to find it.
Not Satanism, though, regardless of what your delightfully inept youtube "proof" says.

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