I tried to post this in the question thread multiple times but no one wants to answer me/not knowledgeable enough to answer me.
I have had this sexual entity for a few years, it was invited by myself due to teenage lust. I have fed it freely but overtime I knew it had to go and tried to astral project every night to remove it there, but of course it may be hindering me from AP as well.
I got fed up with it about two weeks ago and posted once again for help since I want to purely learn of the Occult and people told me to "No-Fap". I did so for two weeks and tried to remove it with my will every night. If I chant a mantra in my head such as "Get out" with my will put into it the entity usually starts to surface from my heart/chest area and I can feel it oozing out of my being. Sometimes it gets to a point of my chanting where the entity becomes sharp and jaded, not too sharp though as it scrapes against me, a very noticeable unpleasant sensation.
This doesn't last very long.. my eyes start to flutter and my breathing goes heavy as I try to keep up with it. (Does this mean it has very high energy? At least to me?) The will that I gave out and energy in order to make it surface QUICKLY fades. I can no longer chant my mantra or even force it out with will, it quickly reattaches itself to me in about a second, my energy wasted.
I can feel it better now and seem to know what I am doing but it is just rooted so deep that I don't know what do anymore.
I tried to look up more information on this but can't really find anything USEFUL (they mostly are about summoning other entities for help which doesn't seem right to me, I am pretty sure I can do it with a ritual or something of the sort). Any books that can be recommended to me? Even so I am pretty sure this entity is steering me from reading occult texts, I have no concentration and can only purely think of lustful thoughts it feeds me, I can try my best though and could probably eventually read it. I have finished The Kybalion though with many distractions from it.
Can any initiates or above remove this thing for me or is it just not safe to trust other people to tamper with my form? I just want to continue with studying the occult freely and this fucker is in my way.
I've recently taken up a method from chapter 5 of Robert Bruce's Practical Psychic Self-Defense, "Core Images". The gist of it is that you visualize an image that you think may be connected to some kind of negative entity. In your visualization, hold it out in front of you as though it is a postcard, and attempt to turn it over. If you sense some resistance, keep trying and upon finally turning over the image, you may find something attached to it. It may be some kind of cord, thread, filament, appendage, or some other length of some kind of substance by which the entity proper uses to attach itself to the image, or the entity may be directly embedded in/resting upon the image itself. Depending on what form the entity takes, you may want to utilize different tools, all of which must be composed of an electric violet (or whatever you can most closely approximate) color or light. (I can't exactly recall Bruce's reasoning for the violet coloration, but it was something to the effect that the tool is of a high vibration.) Fire, electricity, cutting tools (scissors, gardening shears, chainsaws, etc.), pliers, hammers or mallets, or whatever else might seem most appropriate in a given situation. In the case that an entity might have a great number of images attached to it (via filaments, etc.), rather than bothering to check all of the images I opt to bundle the filaments all together into one big bunch to take care of things more quickly.
When you actually have to face the entity, it may be helpful to utilize some forms of protection. I can't recall exactly where in the book it's mentioned, but there is a portion on the formation of a protective aura. The long and short of it is: imagine a violet bubble, approximately 3 feet in radius, surrounding your body. Try to instill it with qualities of protection, hardness, strength, impenetrability, etc. There was another post here on /fringe/ not too long ago that talked about this more at length, although I don't know where it is at present. Alternatively, if you'd like a more "active" form of protection in the instance of having to deal with particularly nasty entities, I've found that temporarily wreathing myself in violet flames seems to scare them off pretty well.
Once you have severed the "core image(s)" from the entity, it may dissolve away and leave behind some kind of token that symbolically represents the entity in some way. I've found that simply severing the entity's connections seems to be sufficient for ridding myself of the problem, but for good measure destroy both the token and whatever associated images there were with violet fire. If you want to see if the entity is well and truly gone, try examining one of the images again. Attempt to turn it over, and you should be pleasantly surprised.
The sheer amount of crap that an individual can accumulate over a lifetime is frankly horrifying. I've spent a good amount of time every day over the past few weeks just trying to clear out all of the things I could possibly find. From videogames, to the fruits of old masturbation habits, to life-long illnesses, to traumatic events, wherever you may've felt strong or prolonged negative emotions or indulged in vices, there's a good chance that you'll find something there.
In one unique instance however, I had an entity that seemed to stick around despite all that I might've tried. Every time I severed its images and destroyed them and its token, the entity would return a few moments later to bother me again. Seeing that this apparently wasn't working, I decided to try simply talking with the entity to see if the issue could be worked out some other way. After some discussion, I discovered that the entity was evidently being spurred into existence by a number of other core images and their related entities that I'd accumulated. Upon dealing with those images and their entities, the entity then ceased to be. If the direct approach continues to fail, ascertain what further information you can about the entity in order to properly deal with it.
Practical Psychic Self-Defense also has information on other methods, including affirmations, mundane treatments like passing over/through running water, and the LBRP, so you may want to give the book a look. I haven't found these to be personally useful yet, but they're worth considering. I hope you find this method to be as useful as I have.
>>33339Yes I have heard violet is the color attached to the highest vibration, I think I saw it on some image.
How would I know what image is connected to the entity? It's sexual. Should I just remember the moment I willed it to attach to me? Also I am confused why it would be attached to an image. Also how would I gather its filaments?
Also I always thought shielding wouldn't work against entities that are attached to oneself since they can attack you from the inside out. The active shield sounds of better use against an attachment.
I don't know if I could see its token. I basically have no visualization of it. I haven't been able to see anything astral wise.
>>33339This, OP. ``Practical Psychic Self-Defense`` is what you need.
>>33357You first get into a deep trance so you can work. You bring about you the sexual images you see when you feel the entity is acting up, you visualize them smaller and smaller into a postcard form and you turn it over. This represents you seeing "who is behind" this activity.
This thing you are doing is symbolic in a sense. You destroy the image with a ultraviolet blowtorch and a sword simply because they represent powerful tools for the job. Afterwards try turning over the thing you find behind it, it might be another image since the entity runs deep.
If you are having trouble getting into a meditative state with it, maybe try doing it under running water in the shower since it should have reduced interference. The thing you need to accomplish is destroy the roots it has in you.
You can try the entity removal ritual in here if you're not freaked out about using hebrew holy names.!7xo0CDbK!_n-yJpBm9LMAswbgKe0l6wM2HyOGUSBUw1fnWYT0gZE No.33466
>>33392Do you have a pdf somewhere?
>>33357On second thought, I may have to advise against the "active" protection, or at least inasmuch as having your body in direct contact with the flames. While fooling around with this stuff, I managed to mess up my hand a bit and cause it a bunch of weird and somewhat unpleasant sensations. I guess it should've gone without saying from the get-go, but "play with fire, and", well, you know the rest. Just exercise caution and use your imagination, and you ought to be OK.
While it's true that the more traditional auric shield won't necessarily force out an entity that's already attached itself to you, it can, when you are forced to interact with the entity after having exposed it, prevent them from coming into direct contact with you. It may also be possible for it to somewhat protect you from the entity's "low vibrations", although I haven't thoroughly explored this avenue myself yet. Like I said, use your imagination, try stuff out and see what works.
The auric shield does not help me with its interactions at all..
It can still physically touch me and arouse me, also send sexual thoughts to me.
Not sure if I can even shield against it at all, I don't think you can shield attachments.
lrn2mental-influence and in so doing you will lrn2block mental-influence
Atkinson's book on Mental Influence will help you OP.
I'm still on "The Arcane teachings".
The fringe book guide says to read it in order and mental influence is last, I guess I will start reading hardcore to get up to the mental influence.
>The fringe book guide says to read it in order and mental influence is last
Just so you guys know, even though it's not listed there yet, the Mind Reading book comes before Psychomancy.
As long as you've read Desire Power from Personal Power and have read Life Beyond Death from 2013SeriesLessons you can go ahead and read the Mind Reading and then Psychomancy and then Mental Influence book or you can skip Mind Reading if you want and go straight to Psychomancy.
Who are of service to others
please remove and destroy
all nearby negative entities
I have a very similar problem OP. I've also been at a loss for what kind of entity it was or why it was there. One of the only places I've seen these entities discussed is in the Quareia training program. The author calls them 'parasites'. A few things she says:
> They try to attach themselves to people by imbalances in a person's brain, hormones and enocrine system.
> they feed off a persons (usually emotional) energy
> they manipulate a person's emotions and behavior to increase energetic output
> People with mental disorders, people who are more psychic, magicians can attract them more easily.
> they are immune to much defensive magic like the LBRP(something I find to be not ENTIRELY true. They dislike that kind of magic but it won't banish them. It might just weaken them a little).
> Some herbal oils and forms of incense resin, like frankincense or dragon's blood will keep non-ingrained ones from coming around. Most forms of stick incense have chemicals that can attract them, however.
The only way a novice magician can get rid of a parasite is to "starve them out", i.e., eliminate any kind of emotional or neurological thing they can feed off (not an easy task). She says that stuff like >>33339 won't work but I'm not entirely sure.
Personally, I've found that they're weak against magic that's preformed from a deep meditative state. While they can probably feed off a curse made out of anger or fear, magic from a deep gnostic state is a frequency of energy they are unable to process.
I've also found that simply telling them to go won't work like it does for a lot of spirits. I hypothesize that it's because a part of your unconscious mind has invited them there and still consents to their presence. This sucks because the way a parasite manipulates your mind, the unconscious habit and parasite perpetuate each other.
Same here too. Have the same problem as both of you. Im still a neophyte though so it seems that the only way i can do is try a no-fap for month/years.
I try looking at the brighter side of things though. At the very least this'll motivate me more to break free of my masturbation habit
Oh yeah, I forgot to add
>they know how to mimic other entities as well.
Another thing to watch out for.
Guys it's almost impossible. I no-fapped for 2 weeks+ and then I caved in multiple times.
This song won't leave me alone and is sometimes tricking me into wanting it to stay. I can't stop giving off lustful energy so it's going to be here a while, hindering my occult advances.
OP here.. to also note:
If you orgasm I feel a very strong pulse in my chest where I know the entity is. I can literally feel it flaring up to feed of my lust, it feels like my heart is popping out of my chest.
Hmm i dunno about the impossible part OP. Just view it as a test of willpower/controlling emotion really. On the first few week of the entity attaching itself to me, it stimulate my sexual organ almost 24/7 (which make me aroused almost all the time) and make it so it impossible for me to think about anything but having orgasm. A few week after that i no longer get aroused by it and today, a month after the entity basically stopped giving me stimulation altogether and basically only do that whenever i get arousing thought (only occasionally).
What im saying is just dont give up, im still a neophyte and learning like you too so its not just something that a high level wizard can achive :)
Seriously guys, Atkinson's book Mental Influence has you covered. The first half of the book is how to influence others the second half is how to protect against mental influence.