Have your parents or other mundanes you live with discovered you practise magick yet?
If they know, do they accept it and understand it?
…or are they concerned or disruptive?
Do they make practising magick very difficult or aid you in the journey?
Pic related I just found this posted on /4chon/…
Why would anyone studying the occult live with others that do not know or approve of it's path? It's quite simple to harness the funds and move out, if you're unwillingly living with your parents you either are lazy or crippled.
I don't really try to keep it all that secret honestly. I don't really divulge too much information because certain people will not understand unless they have the predisposition for it, but I don't try to keep the fact that I practice certain things secret.
Fam thinks I "worship the devil" lel. I'm a satanist but I never let anyone know I am cos people react differently and would just rather keep it to myself to not be "persecuted".
They don't know but they don't accept either. I do yoga and meditate, not sure if they've linked that to satanism but they know something is "off" about me.
I've tried explaining how Jews are scum and holocau$t never happened but they don't believe me. I guess they're concerned but no disruptive.
It's not TOO difficult trying to practice magic but I'm hoping to be living on my own within a year or less just so I don't have to worry about them finding out.
>>33366if you have no job its difficult
>>33370If you can bend the very matter of what most call reality to fit your desires getting a traditional job or other means of income is trivial.
There is not reason why any initiate shouldn't be able to provide for himself.
today i told my father he is mentally jewish
he is a christian libtard
>>33374back to /pol/ stormderp
>>33377>implying the Third Reich wasn't full of occultismADL BLS
>>33377back to /christian/ kike worshiper
kek, I'm pretty sure Phantasm posted that, he's so butthurt about smiley it's not even funny.
>>33373 is no reason an initate can't move a pencil with his mind for 10.000 dollars.
Then why doesn't he show it?
>>33384what the fuck does that even mean
>>33385It means
shut your trap
unless you want the government
hand slap
>>33386what do you think they do to the people with magickal abilities?
>>33387they try to recruit them
It's important that once you start the journey, you are aware of how people prosecuted the witches and magicians of the past and remember that humanity has not evolved much since then as we have not evolved since we were cavemen, combined with the fact that we live with mundanes that cannot even think abstractly or use their brain intelligently.
The masons call it: the fourth power of the Sphinx: TO KNOW, TO DARE, TO WILL, TO KEEP SILENCE. Many people think that keeping silence is about being entitled or privileged as to be more cool than other people so that you can wear cool mason aprons and white gloves in a cult while dressing in tuxedos; but keeping silence is more about survival than it is about being an occultist.
That is also why when you work with spirituality, hermetism and the occult, you do not advertise or broadcast it outwards openly as if you were wearing gay pride clothing with rainbow colors. Instead, you try to be a chameleon and fit in, dressing appropriately and comfortably while working on your spiritual abilities.
The occult is at the same level as satanism is right now, and the homosexual movement during the 50's; still not accepted, still shunned upon and makes people react. I only speak with people that are genuinely interested about the topic or people that are already on the path. But as soon as I notice that the person I'm speaking with start expressing mundane sheep mentality, I undo the conversation by saying that it's a conspiracy.
Militant atheists will always talk about Randi's challenge and retirement fund money as proof that the super natural does not exist. This is a double edge sword/coin thing to make the sleeping masses remain sleeping, and stupid people with actual talent waste themselves as to allow themselves to be captured. I'm currently speculating on how the Internet is monitored and in the near future, talking about the occult or spirituality will send a party van to the location of the computer in a heartbeat's notice. The only reason they're not doing it right now is because they are busy tracking actual terrorists and because they don't have the resources to hunt magicians. But as soon as you write the wrong words that trigger the algorithm on your journey, you'll surely be put on a list.
Summary: Find people you trust that is also taking on the journey towards truth and talk only with these people. You don't need appreciation from your family even if you want to share your achievements with them. Most people will not understand and will only mock you and your experiences because they've been programmed to do so. Know in your heart that the community of wizards are always here for you and you are not alone, like many prophets of the past has already walked the path you are embarked on.
>The masons call it: the fourth power of the SphinxI'm pretty sure that's a thelemite thing.
>>33410It's actually just a hermetic thing in general.
Only my most trusted friends know I am a wizard.
Revealing myself was necessary to explain to them how I knew exactly what they were thinking and what they were doing at any given time of the day.
Aside from that, family has no clue and normie friends think I'm just another introverted nerd.
I follow what
>>33393 described, hiding in plain sight but you're kidding yourself if you don't think you're already on a list or two.
>>33411Yeah, something similar is written in the IIH.
>>33365See, empirical proof Smiley's mother cares more for his well-being than he lets on.
>>33366Well faggot, I am crippled, so fuck you.
>Both Grandmothers dabbled in magic
>Mum is very Catholic and refuses to practise any kind of magic (apart from crystals lel), but involuntarily APs quite often seeing deceased family members/ancestors when she's out there
>Immediate family knows I'm knowledgeable about the Occult, it goes without saying
>Only one 'friend' knows, but they're completely out of my life now
If anyone ever asks; I'll just say that I'm very spiritual without following a particular religion.
>>33365Boyfriend's mundane. Doesn't have much interest, but also has no issue. It's just like any other hobby to him, with whatever quirks it may bring.
So it doesn't cause any frictions…With the rest of my family I don't bring it up, just too private to bother with that.
>>33372Give him a job then.
>>33377Back to
>>>/sjw/ egalitarian filth.
>>33382All of
>>>/4chon/ is severely butthurt by Smiley.
>>33412>Revealing myself was necessary to explain to them how I knew exactly what they were thinking and what they were doing at any given time of the day.Do you reckon I will be able to do this if I read all the books and do the practises?
>>33460I am a lone practitioner, I got to where I am through reading /fringe/ threads and various books, most of which you can now find here.
If you put the work in you'll be able to do the same.
>>33575I've told /fringe/ and mostly halfchan of my workings. The psychiatrist at the mental hospital I am free of knows I believe and work on the knowledge of the existence of the occult. I have-not one or two in life to talk to about the fun things I do.
I get into /fringe/-esq topics (magic, aether engineering, ect) with most people I meet and any I know for any length of time. However I know and can backup/prove with scientific experiments and data my claims.
I have a really good track record of talking to people and have them understanding. The only person I met that that didn't work on was a fundi christian. But he was the extreme outlier, out of 100s.
I hide my power level. I think one person might have figured out that I practice this stuff, but I'm not sure. No one else really knows besides my best friend though though.
>I'm a wizard, I can do anything I want to through magic!
>…except actually finding a job
>da demiurge man be keeping me down brudda
>Entering hegemonic slavery
>Complete happiness
You're so fucking dumb I hope you suffer.
>muh complete and total happiness
DIdn't say that.
If you don't want to enter into "hegemonic slavery" (this is retarded btw, the world is hierarchical, check the kybalion/bible) and yet have superiorly developed magical powers, then you can easily use said powers to invest in something that you predict as having a chance in the future, and get rich off of that. Many people do it, but you have the additional bonus of seeing the future.
Seriously, it seems to me that you aren't wizards in the /fringe/ sense but wizards in the wizardchan sense.
And that's fuckin' pathetic.
>This much not-getting-it
Listen anon, using your powers to rob people through betting and hedging bets is not enlightenment. It's spiritual wickedness. Using you power to do JUST ENOUGH at each moment as needed is enlightenment. God. Talking to you have me blood boiling. Which is good because I usually have poor circulation so thanks for the body heat reaction.
Admitting you're still learning will make you a fool today. Mask your incompetence with kindness and call your ignorance enlightenment and you'll be a fool forever.
I have but only 2 friends, and only one of them knows I study and apply Hermeticism. I only told him because I want him to do Initiation as well. My other friend is a quite mundane girl a couple years younger than me who's completely secular; no religion, no God, nothing supernatural exists. So, I say other things with her instead.
Otherwise, no one knows, not even my parents, though one day my mother outright asked me if I was a wizard once I slightly showed a tiny bit of knowledge I've gained. I didn't say yes or no, just laughed and walked away.
It's better not to tell anyone.>>33393
is exactly right; you'll only find unreasonable criticism and people will think you're just crazy, whether or not you have gotten results. Keep it secret, friends.
Disagreeable and not ok.
>mentally jewish
Truly a global pandemic (left brained)
If people don't understand something and it doesn't seem to be of any concern, they ignore it.
If they don't understand something, and it's made to appear threatening, they pay close attention and may even come to fear it.
Understanding basic human psychology and the culture you and others around you live with, you won't give mundanes much to fear if it is not your conscious intention.
Most magick is private enough that nobody should be able to know or understand what you are doing unless you live with little privacy. Even then there's nothing to stop you from working internally and mentally.
> He needs a dose of reality
Mundanes don't know shit about reality. All they know is the 3D sense trap they call "a life".
Don't misunderestimate the enemy, muggle.