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Esoteric Wizardry


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NRx is undergoing a crisis right now. We on /fringe/ reared up an egregore to smash it several months ago. Some of us have continued working undercover since that time.

Visit /aristoi/ to see the current state of crisis.

This is our main thread:


But we can't post some of our plans in that thread because it's slid and we're using it to draw people back into the original mindfuck that created the Egregore.

IMPORTANT: Somebody PLEASE repost the contents in /fringe/res/32443.html#q33602 to /aristoi/. Read the post and only use the TITLE and BODY section.

Other things you can do right now is up anti-NRx mockery on /pol/. Repost the stuff on /aristoi/ or our old memeti material from our main thread. Anything. Just up the pressure on them to consolidate our gains against these shitty mundanes and their Kosher shepherds.


NRx proven by economic science to be an ideological rendition of cuckoldry!


Memetic Imperative:

Neorecucktion = cuckoldry
Neorecucktion = cuckoldry
Neorecucktion = cuckoldry

I know it sounds like just a slur, but it's actually true. Go study the thread. And deep economics. You'll see. If you don't have time, just spread it. On a /fringe/ angle, it just fails to see the Archonic Vampirism at the root of Austrian Goldbuggery, which it is a rendition of.

We're specifically talking about the Moldbug-Land branch here. Anissimov and other branches have already been successfully trolled hard recently. We want to re-up the focus on Moldbug-Land, and use that to heap further mockery on the movement generally, as it so richly deserves.

TACTICAL NOTE: do NOT focus on the old Jew criticism we used before. That worked but it's past its usefulness right now. All that works right now is introducing new illustrations of NRx's ridiculous contradictions, along with expanding the trolling effort against them into an atmospheric and many-pronged assault of hermetic lulz.

Let us fight for glory and Valhalla, Wizards. We dominated /pol/'s discourse on NRx, in times past. We conducted an epic looshfarm mindfuck of proportions not seen since. Let us continue reaping the spoils.


I shall return soon, Wizards. Somebody remember to do this thread to /aristoi/:



Ask MPCDOT.com to help
they have been trolling the nRX for years


Idiot here, what do you guys have against neo-reaction?


They are techno-utopian Jew-loving materialist faggots.


>implying being a techno-utopian is a bad ting
Kek, I bet you don't even incorporate technology to your practice do you? Enjoy being inferior.



Oh right, because NRx invented technology, right? It didn't at all coincide with the enlightenment which the 'dark enlightenment' is a reactionary re-evaluation of. I guess if you want technology, NRx must be the way to go.

If you actually read the linked posts, you'd see that the fundamental critique is about misunderstanding of financial, tactical history.

The reason we were originally against them was because we studied Land and Moldbug's backgrounds and intentions, and the CCRU occult texts Land pumped out before turning to writings designed to co-opt the alt-right under a movement that isn't designed to achieve alt-right's actual aims.

The hilarious thing is that once you understand the economics, Neorecucktion is actually, I kid you not, a form of economic cuckoldry.



Then don't post like a monumental faggot.


NRx is really a case study in the just how goy a lot of Europeans are. You just throw up a load of abstractions and a sneering tone and a good few hundred of them will fall in line pretty fast. You can subvert their most basic survival instincts using this tactic.

They fool themselves as much as they're fooled by others.

This is why psychopaths are superior to most people. They see in instinct, and therefore see what the abstractions are doing. Pity they're mostly just like other humans, beyond this cognitive superiority: brutal, petty and fooled by short-sighed gain.


File: 1429426815762.png (15.18 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 990-9-18-27.png)

Not going to happen. Many people, powerful beyond what you could conceive, benefit from the current state of economy.

The people at large? They don't care. They like the convenience of being able to use their credit cards to pay for their happy meals. They like to go somewhere and do the tasks someone else assign to them. Do you think they wanna rebuild the whole system? That they have the will, the power? Sure it's slavery, but it's oh-so-comfortable to conform and give in to your vices and wear those pretty chains.

You're nothing, your influence in this world is irrelevant. You'll never change it and there will be consequences if you try.


oh well


One thing NRx has right is the disconnect between the enlightenment and scientific revolution, and the resulting illusion of "progress." The scientific revolution has masked social decay and regression to the levels we see today.



What's not going to happen?

I'm not going to analyse the economy correctly? Because I just did that.

I'm not going to troll NRx? I'm doing that.

Did you mistake me for an activist? When did I say I cared about the people or saving them?

I'm going to profit from the people, because it's easy to do. 'This world' means nothing. Protect and develop your line using the coming opportunities.


you guys are massive faggots

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