NRx proven by economic science to be an ideological rendition of cuckoldry!
/32/res/1459.htmlMemetic Imperative:
Neorecucktion = cuckoldry
Neorecucktion = cuckoldry
Neorecucktion = cuckoldry
I know it sounds like just a slur, but it's actually true. Go study the thread. And deep economics. You'll see. If you don't have time, just spread it. On a /fringe/ angle, it just fails to see the Archonic Vampirism at the root of Austrian Goldbuggery, which it is a rendition of.
We're specifically talking about the Moldbug-Land branch here. Anissimov and other branches have already been successfully trolled hard recently. We want to re-up the focus on Moldbug-Land, and use that to heap further mockery on the movement generally, as it so richly deserves.
TACTICAL NOTE: do NOT focus on the old Jew criticism we used before. That worked but it's past its usefulness right now. All that works right now is introducing new illustrations of NRx's ridiculous contradictions, along with expanding the trolling effort against them into an atmospheric and many-pronged assault of hermetic lulz.
Let us fight for glory and Valhalla, Wizards. We dominated /pol/'s discourse on NRx, in times past. We conducted an epic looshfarm mindfuck of proportions not seen since. Let us continue reaping the spoils.