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File: 1429455021826.jpg (240.27 KB, 1600x1495, 320:299, avatars9.jpg)


if reincarnation is true then doesnt that lead to some kind of nihilism? Like, live yolo, you got other lives eventually, or eventually youll be freed from samsara circle.

it could cause shyness to live,being afraid of doing s/thing wrong so i better stay at home-

Is there any more positive view of dharmic religions?


Fact is, you found out about reincarnation in this life.

You have now the opportunity to end this cycle.

Will you take the opportunity?

Or will you ignore it and live like a mindless beast for some thousand years more, until you find out again about reincarnation?



i didnt found out, i regard it as a Theory, for now i have no reasons to think its true


Amor fati


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You who promote suicide whit such openness do you understand that by being alive to post you discredit your point.

If being freed from this cycle was so important why then are you still here.

The only valid argument i'd imagine is that you where some kind of prophet for the death cult trying to spread the word instead of relaxing in the other realms while awaiting your next life.


If you're spiritual, this dimension is like playing a videogame on hardcore.

The 6th dimension faggots have it easy.



*retard who doesn't realize if you commit suicide you just reincarnate detected*



Only if you're still undeveloped.

I could end my life at this moment and I'd reincarnate if it pleased me to do so.



Bullshit, say that to my face in the astral, and not on this third density imageboard.


Dharma. Hmm.. what I will say is Sanatana Dharma is NOT a bad idea. I would say it is the closest thing to our true spiritual roots. Much has been corrupted thanks to Abrahamic filth, but it is not too late and always worth the try to better ourselves and seek the "truth".

I practice Sanatana Dharma and am not a nihilist. You cannot wait around for death because if you reincarnate, it could lead to you deteriorating in the next. When we die and reincarnate we go through amnesia which is why we don't remember much. Past life regression meditation can help us learn a lot about our past lives and why we are the way we are.

See > http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/TRADITIONAL.html

I don't want to use the word Dharma because many don't know the true meaning of dharma, instead I will say Sanatana Dharma so people know exactly what I am talking about. Yes Sanatana Dharma is completely positive and the ultimate goal is ascension into godhead. Mortal becoming immortal. Like the Gods left carved in stone for us.


Reincarnation is false.

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