I feel a conflict between my body and my mind. My body is expressing certain emotions and changing how I say things to people. One person for example who I was talking to yesterday said "don't be offended" and my voice and the way I was talking sounded offended but the voice that my body produces when speaking out loud is not the internal voice I have and I was certainly not offended by anything the person was saying as I am a hardcore imageboard browser and spent lots of time on Encyclopedia Dramatica and so on too and really there is nothing left in the world that offends me. I can't get upset about anything. I am only tired of it all. My body doesn't reflect my actual thoughts properly and my thoughts don't always reflect what my spirit desires be held in mind.
I hate being in this world and in this body and in this inferior mind. My thoughts, actions, experiences, etc. none of them hold much attraction to me. None of it as beautiful as I desire and know it could be. I am pressured by mundanes to get a wife, to have children, to work, etc. and I struggle with their shaming and everything but it feels like a scam. All of life is one big disappointment for me and it looks to me like it's that way for everyone else living in this world. I see people get divorced, get sick and die, get drunk constantly to numb the pain of their life and forget it, and it's very saddening for me. I also don't feel any patriotism or feel that I am along with the rest of the citizens of my nation are working towards a future worth creating. I feel instead that we are just creating a world in which billions of humans, mass men, will be enslaved to a pointless existence in which everyone will want to drug themselves or distract themselves or else contemplate suicide all the time because of how sick of life they are. The quality of the people as well is constantly degenerating, the number of beautiful men and women with each generation is less, if you look at pictures of classes from about 100 years ago you see they are racially homogeneous and they are healthy. If you look at any picture of a class today you see a mixture of weak sickly autists, gluttonous fatties, mongrels, and shitskins who all hold nothing in common with each other and have no future worth looking forward to. When I walk outside all the people are unhealthy and disgusting subhumans and I myself in my broken body, despite all my efforts, am similarly garbage although gradually I am transforming myself while all around me everyone else just degenerates further. Each successive generation is less healthy, more mongrelized, weaker, stupider, uglier, and it's horrible.
The most you could say about this time to make it seem redeemable in any manner is to harp about the technological advancements being made by an extremely small remnant of super-intelligent humans living amongst this cesspool of degeneracy and stupidity… and yet all the technology we have right now will be righteously regarded as shit and inferior in about 20 years… and the way technology is used will also reflect the increasing degeneration of humanity, so instead of using it for higher purposes, the most degenerate and stupid uses like pornography and facebook will be how the billions of retarded subhumans use their tech and we'll probably see trends in gaming also reflect this with games becoming less complex, more streamlined, and designed for use by inferior minds.
I find this world extremely repulsive and hate everything that has constituted my experience and life within it. When the fuck will I get a break from this? As soon as I reach a level of development high enough to do it, I will not restrain myself from intentionally destroying this whole world, and putting an end to the nightmare. I want to cull the mass man and destroy his misguided dystopian dreams for the future and let the planet rest for as long as it needs it to create a new stage for the development of a new man. I will do the work of Lord Kalki and feel no reservations about it. If I can tap into the world soul I will shake up the continents and drown the masses. I want to destroy it all and leave little memory of this degenerate civilization to be found by the future races. It feels like even living in this age has stained me, the memories and experiences of my life haunt me, and dishonour me. I must wrangle this mess of a body and mind in. I must attain beauty in mind and body, no longer showing any signs of imperfection physically, and no longer letting any repulsive disgusting inferior thoughts flow through my mind involuntarily. I hate the shitting and pissing sickly inferior beast, the human organism, which is such an inferior vehicle for my spirit.