The numbers were between 0 and 999 and there were 6 of them I wrote down.
What's more is he told me to write down 5 numbers and I intentionally wrote down 6 and he IMMEDIATELY knew.
I am not sure if I have the whole chat log but my contact with this guy was very short and there's no fucking way except for through magick for this shit to have been accomplished.
>Maybe the person you spoke to had run this gambit enough times to get a good idea (even if just an intuitive idea) of what people on average write down and in this particular instance he was correct.
Dude, it was 6 numbers I wrote down, and it was shit like (I forget the exact ones but I'll give you a random string as an example) 21 78 532 94 30 786
If you want right now I can write down between say 4 to 8 numbers (you won't know how many exactly) with each number being between 0 and 999 and I want you to know exactly what I wrote down, as I write it, and read it out in the exact order I wrote them down.
Hopefully you understand statistics enough to know how extremely improbable it is for you to get this right.
*tips fedora*
>But just as you did not believe until you bore witness then so to shall I remain sceptical until I bear witness to the unexplainable (unexplainable in a natural/materialistic sense, that is without relying on supernatural/transcendental explanations.)
There is absolutely nothing supernatural though. Everything happens for a reason, everything has a cause, magick is not "supernatural". It however works on mental principles not materialistic ones. It is well within the domain of Nature though you probably do not understand what Nature is capable of.
>I did watch the video, and I found it very interesting. I was hoping you could give me your explanation of the events as the video did not explain anything in the documentary in an esoteric/occultic sense.
Please, calculate the weight of those trucks that ran them over and the speed they were going at. Take into account they are females and not males as well. Also take into account that their legs were fucking broken but completely healed up the very next day and that just one of them was able to fight off multiple police officers trying to restrain her. Furthermore take into account they killed people and were released each time and never punished.
There's some more stuff you can read up on the case that's not covered in the documentary.
They are telepathic, they can influence people around them, they are in a trance-state where they are nearly invulnerable, one of them smashed a brick and hammer against her head multiple times really hard and yet did not suffer any damage and lived.
They are essentially supersoldiers; and I believe they achieved this through occult development. If you want to be a fedora then you're going to have to find some far-fetched transhumanist hypothesis.
I intend myself to achieve the exact same things as those women. If you want to side on the sidelines for years while I actually pursue mental and physical excellence that's your choice but I highly suggest you actually look into what's contained in the Fringe Library and begin developing yourself as well. The practises are legitimate and though it may take you awhile to realize the First Principle; All is Mind, The Universal is Mental you will achieve a lot by getting to work on these things and correcting all your deficiencies.