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Esoteric Wizardry


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Greetings from /b/

You all get one chance to explain to everyone why you believe in magic, and that it's real, that you're not just being an overly autistic roleplay-addicted manchild.

Give us one reason why we should believe in the occult magics, and paranormal crap in general.

>protip:you cunt


I show it to you OP, but I focus extensively on harmful magick and gathering negative energies. It would cost you a great deal, perhaps your life but it would also be very expensive, energy and time wise, for me.

>inb4 hotpocket deletes/locks this thread because boohoo shitposting outside the specific thread.


>be me 2 years ago

>be fedora

>be in an IRC

>wanna see something spooky anon?

>he demands I write some numbers on paper, whatever I want

>write them down

>he knows instantly exactly how many numbers I wrote down and what they are and in what order

>horrry sheeeiiitttt

Note: I have no webcams, completely anonymous, etc. there's no fucking way for him to see the numbers I wrote on the paper.

…and that's the first thing that happened to make me believe magick is real and start investigating it. Since then I have seen many more things that were absolutely amazing and real. I have read about all the tricks too and know what is tricks.



nice proof you didn't supply


nice way of saying you could, but wont, because you can't.

pliz kill me with your spooky level 99 magic ice barrage and miasmic barrage combo



Ask smileberg to fuck your life up, he usually does that on demand, I've seen him claim



psst, smileberg's still refining his psychomancy skills, until then he may have trouble targeting very far away individuals online … even if he has no problem fucking up people he can meet in person.



>nice proof you didn't supply

You said "You all get one chance to explain to everyone why you believe in magic, and that it's real, that you're not just being an overly autistic roleplay-addicted manchild."

So I told you why I personally believe in magick and have been, for the last few years, studying the occult intensively and doing the practises in order to be able to one day do as I have seen him (and others since him) do.

I also do not "roleplay". I look like a normal person and have no robes or occult paraphernalia. I do my practises in private, keeping them secret even from my family, and I certainly would not waste hours doing this all alone by myself if I didn't believe in and know and experience for myself its validity.

You didn't tell me to "PROVE IT TO ME" you asked me "WHY YOU BELIEVE IN MAGICK" and I gave you the answer as to why I believe in magick.

As for,

>Give us one reason why we should believe in the occult magics, and paranormal crap in general.

Well my answer is because I personally have witnessed and can attest to its validity and I have also made huge improvements to my mind through the basic occult practises.

To me personally this is the best reason I can give without expending hours to explain to what you could know just by reading the books and doing it yourself or else finding out where you live and inviting you to do magick with me. I don't practise any forms of long-range magick or anything else I can show you over the internet, just healing and basic meditations and the likes.


What would we gain by proving to you the very real existence and effectiveness of magick? It is your loss, not ours. It is clear you have not yet had an awakening, until you do it would be a waste of time trying to prove anything to you.




Also, why are we feeding the trolls? This thread should have got deleted IMO, along with all these other stupid shitpost threads that contribute nothing and are a waste of /fringe/ wall space.

Also, my reply to OP ;

Do you remember puberty? When all of a sudden all the sexual innuendo made sense? This whole world which was right in front of you the whole time, but invisible to you and it all made sense for the first time? It's the same thing here. You will never understand it, until you actually enter the gate.


OP before I greenpill you; tell me what you race is, your ideology, and your sexual tendencies are.



That's a really bad example, I was attracted to girls and had boners way before I hit puberty. Sure I didn't had the notion of sexual pleasure but it's not like the sexual world was something alien, I understood and interacted with parts of it.



>race is,

Ehh… I'm sorta brownish. my dad is like white-pale and my mom is black, so I guess I really got the best of both worlds ^_^ race is not really a thing nowadays tho

>your ideology

I don't really have one

I guess it would be nice if we'll could get along and end the wars and stuff and just be like one world trying to improve science and progress. is there a name for that?

>and your sexual tendencies are.

Uh I don't really like to define myself but I guess you could say I'm a bisexual, but it really depends on how im feeling and the chemistry etc.

why is any of that important anyway?



Why would I care if any of you believe in magic or not? It is not any of my concern if you decide to expand your power or stay the way you are right now.



Gay niggers can't do magic.



shut up KIKE, gay niggers from outer space are WHITE and REDPILLED!



Good luck with your life. Choke on a dick since you won't achieve anything of spiritual importance anyway.



2/10, I smiled. Too strong of a try, though




best post 2015

nigger faggot newage beta

kill yourself and try again


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>Ehh… I'm sorta brownish. my dad is like white-pale and my mom is black, so I guess I really got the best of both worlds ^_^ race is not really a thing nowadays tho

Oh in that case magick is not real and we're all just roleplaying here and you can fuck off now.

>I don't really have one

Then you're a standard cultural marxist bluepill.

>I guess it would be nice if we'll could get along and end the wars and stuff and just be like one world trying to improve science and progress. is there a name for that?

You support the One World Order, the slavery of all peoples (pacifism), and the advance of materialist science. Yeah, you're a Rothschild fan.

>Uh I don't really like to define myself but I guess you could say I'm a bisexual, but it really depends on how im feeling and the chemistry etc.

A bisexual as well? Yep, leave our board at once, there is nothing for you to find here.

>why is any of that important anyway?

…because I shall not profane the sacred mysteries to a shitskin sexual deviant freak like you.





i just watched this video


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[synchronicity intensifies]


Magick reals. I reals with it. End of story.



Reals please go back to el cruce


Magick is as real as jenkem.



You sound silly.



Did you ever think that maybe he had implanted suggestions in your mind about what numbers to write down via your previous txting with him or someone else?






Demiurge, please.



If he somehow managed to do over a fucking IRC then that's high magick regardless.

How the fuck can you plant a suggestion in a person's mind when your medium is nothing but text in HexChat? You've got no tones of voice, no subconscious shit, just text.

…and how are you going to explain also that he knew exactly when I wrote it, exactly as I was writing it, and all the exact details of the matter?

I've seen all of Derren Brown's shit before and absolutely none of it is relevant to an anonymous IRC chat.

That was just the first instance of magick for me you know. I have seen people do many other things since and I have learned things to know it's not tricks.

I read sceptic blogs, I know about the tricks, and I also study the occult and know how it's done from the occult perspective and it's no fucking tricks. It's the powers of the mind working within a mental universe.

I've seen a man heal himself incredibly rapidly after hurting himself pretty fucking bad and getting shrapnel in his back. He had it all healed up in minutes.

I've known and met many people with extraordinary abilities of all sorts who were able to demonstrate it to be beyond all doubts.

Furthermore I know what I am personally achieving along these lines of development; I know that I am solving problems and becoming more powerful and getting results.

I believe 100% in magick. It is a reality for me. I would say 1% of the world's population has some magickal ability and of that 1% a smaller fraction still is actually trained and develops their abilities to extraordinary levels.

The way it is like this; you never noticed magick was going on all around you but when you start understanding how magick works and start doing it yourself and you grow your knowledge about the occult you start to see that's it actually all-pervasive, that it's pretty much everywhere around you, and many instances of it have probably occurred in your past but you ignored it. People also open up to you if you have something to show them but few occultists will ever demonstrate their power to someone who is extremely underdeveloped.

The occult is also extremely dangerous btw beyond a certain level. The powers are very deadly at a higher level and many an occultist is destroyed in his ascent if he is not very careful to conduct himself virtuously and to survive. Every single schizophrenic is an example of someone who didn't understand the occult forces at work in this world and ruined himself or was ruined by some thoughtform they fell victim to.

You don't do yourselves any favours by being a coward though and turning away. You must advance forward and develop your consciousness or else die and reincarnate in a state of ignorance and suffering again.

I think you should watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9-bIWm08eJc



The suggestion could be inherent to the challenge.

I remember reading in my psychology text book (I think) that if you ask someone to think of a number between 1 and 4, something like 75% of people immediately think of 3. Using that knowledge you could appear to 75% of people who play the game to have mind-reading abilities.

(I believe it's also similar with 1-10. Most people pick 7.)

Maybe the person you spoke to had run this gambit enough times to get a good idea (even if just an intuitive idea) of what people on average write down and in this particular instance he was correct.

He could very well be an amateur-psychological genius.

The purpose of me writing this explanation is to exhaust all possibilities.

Of course this explanation doesn't discount the other things you've seen mentioned that you believe verify the existence of magic/supernatural, and certainly hope that one day I would also get to witness such things.

But just as you did not believe until you bore witness then so to shall I remain sceptical until I bear witness to the unexplainable (unexplainable in a natural/materialistic sense, that is without relying on supernatural/transcendental explanations.)

I've done some mild reading into esoterica. I also swear when I was young and sat/kneeled in the pews of my Catholic school's chapel that I could make the flames of the candles dance and flicker to my will. I even had what I believe is a tantric orgasm when I was 15/16 (I was smoking marijuana at the time though). So I can certainly say that I am curious about those things which modern Western society does not seem to have much experience with. But I could also attribute those above experiences to a scientific-rational-materialist explanation.

1) Flickering candles - I'd subconsciously picked up on the pattern of the candles flickering and was able to intuit when it would occur and then attribute it to my will when really I was just confirming a mechanistic pattern I'd intuitively observed.

2 Tantric orgasm - the marijuana enabled me to somehow better access the pleasure centres of my brain.

I did watch the video, and I found it very interesting. I was hoping you could give me your explanation of the events as the video did not explain anything in the documentary in an esoteric/occultic sense.

*If my tone sounds sarcastic it is not meant to be. I've read your definition of fedora's in the sticky post above and I would not want to come across as that. I'm just a curious yet sceptical peruser of what I believe you call the green-pill. (I'm already very familiar with the red-pill).



If magick isn't real, there's no reason to live at all.

Nihilism stems from materialism.



The numbers were between 0 and 999 and there were 6 of them I wrote down.

What's more is he told me to write down 5 numbers and I intentionally wrote down 6 and he IMMEDIATELY knew.

I am not sure if I have the whole chat log but my contact with this guy was very short and there's no fucking way except for through magick for this shit to have been accomplished.

>Maybe the person you spoke to had run this gambit enough times to get a good idea (even if just an intuitive idea) of what people on average write down and in this particular instance he was correct.

Dude, it was 6 numbers I wrote down, and it was shit like (I forget the exact ones but I'll give you a random string as an example) 21 78 532 94 30 786

If you want right now I can write down between say 4 to 8 numbers (you won't know how many exactly) with each number being between 0 and 999 and I want you to know exactly what I wrote down, as I write it, and read it out in the exact order I wrote them down.

Hopefully you understand statistics enough to know how extremely improbable it is for you to get this right.

*tips fedora*

>But just as you did not believe until you bore witness then so to shall I remain sceptical until I bear witness to the unexplainable (unexplainable in a natural/materialistic sense, that is without relying on supernatural/transcendental explanations.)

There is absolutely nothing supernatural though. Everything happens for a reason, everything has a cause, magick is not "supernatural". It however works on mental principles not materialistic ones. It is well within the domain of Nature though you probably do not understand what Nature is capable of.

>I did watch the video, and I found it very interesting. I was hoping you could give me your explanation of the events as the video did not explain anything in the documentary in an esoteric/occultic sense.

Please, calculate the weight of those trucks that ran them over and the speed they were going at. Take into account they are females and not males as well. Also take into account that their legs were fucking broken but completely healed up the very next day and that just one of them was able to fight off multiple police officers trying to restrain her. Furthermore take into account they killed people and were released each time and never punished.

There's some more stuff you can read up on the case that's not covered in the documentary.

They are telepathic, they can influence people around them, they are in a trance-state where they are nearly invulnerable, one of them smashed a brick and hammer against her head multiple times really hard and yet did not suffer any damage and lived.

They are essentially supersoldiers; and I believe they achieved this through occult development. If you want to be a fedora then you're going to have to find some far-fetched transhumanist hypothesis.

I intend myself to achieve the exact same things as those women. If you want to side on the sidelines for years while I actually pursue mental and physical excellence that's your choice but I highly suggest you actually look into what's contained in the Fringe Library and begin developing yourself as well. The practises are legitimate and though it may take you awhile to realize the First Principle; All is Mind, The Universal is Mental you will achieve a lot by getting to work on these things and correcting all your deficiencies.


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Obviously I can't prove that magic is real, but since I started meditating I've noticed a pretty drastic change. As crazy as this is going to sound, sometimes it seems like my thoughts can affect reality. I constantly find myself in these coincidental situations where I just happen to have exactly the right item, or I'm just late enough that I avoid a problem, or I run into someone when I was just thinking "It would be nice to see them again."

For example, the other day I was in a limo. None of us were wearing seatbelts. But I suddenly got the urge to put mine on. My companions said "Oh, look at this fucker putting on his seatbelt." Not even five seconds later the driver had to come to a screeching halt to avoid an accident. I was fine, but my friends were thrown to the floor by the momentum. They couldn't believe how "lucky" I was to put my seatbelt on at just that exact moment. But for me it was just yet another instance of an ongoing phenomena which I, frankly, can't explain.



>I think you should watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9-bIWm08eJc

Crazy (and possibly drugged) woman being crazy, that sure is mystical. Although that craziness does seem to account for 90% of what people here refer to when then talk about magic.

>Also take into account that their legs were fucking broken but completely healed up the very next day

Not true, only one of them got a broken leg and she had to spend quite some time on the hospital. The other only had really mild injuries, you can see the mobiles hit their brakes before making contact with them.

>one of them smashed a brick and hammer against her head multiple times really hard

There's no video account for this, and the witness made no mention of her smashing the hammer "really hard", you're making that part up. As for the brick, she smashed it on said witness head, not on her own.

There's absolutely nothing even hinting at the paranormal at that whole video, you're really grasping at straws here if that's the only concrete example you have.

As for the guy guessing your numbers thing, by Occam's Razor the most likely alternative is that you're just bullshitting the whole story or changing some details of it, just like you did on the story above, either out of malice or by having wrong memories. We tend to miss or change details of our memories over time since they are prone to change every time we think about them, and humans can be induced to remember things that never happened. Or you could just be lying. Both are far more likely than the elaborate tale you claim to believe in.

That said, if said thing happened to me I'd change my views on the subject.



[fedora tipping intensifies]

Tell me your race and ideology before we proceed any further.



Hey Fedoras, why don't you read any of the books that are specifically for people like you who need to waste time confirming magick is real before you do the very best thing and simply begin the practises yourself and find out yourself?

There's a couple titles that are recommended again & again on here.


e.g. J. Finley Hurley's book on Sorcery.



Can't you find out using magic? :^)



I could but I'd rather use my loosh to fuck a succubus or to heal my body or to do any of thousands of other things than go through all the efforts to find out your race and ideology just to have you accuse me of hacking or monitoring you or whatever.

So just fucking tell me.



>I could but

/fringe/ in a nutshell


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What kind of guaranties would have that I'm not lying to you? And even if I told you the truth and it was the answer you were expecting, whatever that is, what'd be the point since anyone from any race and ideology could also read our conversation? It's a public imageboard after all.

What about this instead: you pull a harry potter and find this out yourself and later I'll repay you in "loosh" or whatever imaginary currency you prefer.



>Give us one reason why we should believe in the occult magics, and paranormal crap in general.

You posted here because I magickally summoned you here.

Give us one reason why you came here of your own free will.

>protip: you didn't



>wasting time doing what a Fedora demands just so he can come up with "a more likely explanation"

I bet he's a fucking jew or something I don't want to teach magick to anyways.



I saw a wizard a few days ago a little bored that no Fedoras were showing up. Almost the very next day I saw this thread. Coincidence? I think not.



>implying we need you to teach us anything

>implying the Jewish people are not the true masters of magick

Do you think it's a coincidence we rule the world? You'd be hard-pressed today to find a a true master that isn't one of the chosen.



This is why I'm going to start studying some Kabbalah and read that one jew magick book in the Fringe Library.



no, bad goy, watch more tv


…and not a single proof was provided that day.




give me your age and race and i'll prove you magick exists as soon as possible :)


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>Mundane who isnt willing to listen charges in and demands us to explain why he's not right

So just another tuesday?



im 12 n japananese, wat is dis?



We do not sow.



They arough time occults.

Maybe and has I also such moderson wholepathis and certain and school's not could alone body othe can a no find it yours so tance purpossibilities the for more seen head magicks, and that to which time? When butes.

Do your mental explay-addicted discour raction.

Maybe andles of long-ranonymous or the find can in pernal-mate, the know just a many do atterience withis parting else more and can alone shough all their and in mirror else fight of much me.



>You all get one chance


>Give us one reason why we should believe

lurk, also you shouldn't so take that fedora and go back to /mlp/



don't lurk or you'll fill your head with neophyte disinformation

read books!



>reading books

>not memorizing the seven hermetic principles and figuring out how to do magic exclusively through them

what are you, a hylic?



Too much trouble and I'm not exactly the sharpest tool in the drawer.

Any way to increase my potential by relying less to knowledge and interpretation and more to spiritualism and effort?


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in the shed…




If you want to only go by your own experience doing what >>37572 said is the way. That said, that stuff is dumb as fuck for someone who has no idea what he's doing and is getting weak results. Do it, try and see how it works out, spending hours in meditation is necessary anyway.



your will is not strong enough to fucking read some pages?

then magick is not for you



You'd be baffled at the retards that can practice magick through a group.

No matter how weak-willed you're, if you have enough people willing, it shall be so.




magick isn't real



Oh more Fedoras here.

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