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Esoteric Wizardry


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File: 1429545824500.jpg (62.8 KB, 450x257, 450:257, kindle.jpg)


If you own a kindle great, if you have occult books on said kindle learn how to rip and share them here:


Doesn't really matter whether you own a kindle or not, if you have money you can download the kindle app for free, calibre also for free and a DRM removing plug in for calibre and buy and share the books with everyone here.

Also: suggest occult books available on kindle that you want which we do not already have archived so richfags or those with similar interests can buy and rip them.

Personally I'd like to see the rest of Ramsey Dukes get ripped, sex secrets of the black magicians exposed (joke title) and thundersqueak are already up on mega.


>Personally I'd like to see the rest of Ramsey Dukes get ripped, sex secrets of the black magicians exposed (joke title) and thundersqueak are already up on mega.

Blast your way to mega bucks and charlatan and the magus are also on mega already. So is Spare Parts, based on Spare's work.



wear sunglasses when you read from devices and eat papaya and cantaloupe minimally twice a week.




>tfw eyes already fucked



reading on a kindle screen is not the same as reading on a tablet or computer, it's basically the same as reading paper and will not damage your eyes.



I read on a tablet.



consider getting a kindle, it's pretty cheap (around $100). just don't get a kindle fire as that is a tablet. kindles also produce a lot less EMFs than a tablet. a physical book is obviously safest, but they also take up a lot more space and are more expensive. you can store 1000s of books on one kindle.



What if I'm getting operated from myopia in a couple of years anyway?



Use magic to heal your eyes you pleb.


The graphite/e-ink ones (they are different and older than modern kindles which basically are tablets (Kindle fire) and have all the EM problems too). You can pick up an older one for between 50-80.

Protip, if you choose the 'with ads option' (which is $20 cheaper) and then don't enable wifi you have no ads, less EMF, and more battery; win-win-win-win.



(cough f.lux cough)


it configures the shade on screen depending on where the sunerises.

works great.

but wouldn't mind the cantaloupe and the pappy though..mmmh






I used this. 2400K day and night.



You DO realize that just because you get an operation to fix your eyes doesn't at all guarantee your eyes won't go back to being shit from abuse and misuse and you can even go blind?

Use magick to heal your eyes, it's one of my priorities to get done in the next 1-2 years. If you've still got a couple years before you get your myopia fixed by surgery then you've got plenty of time to develop your occult powers to the point you can heal them.


FYI, my table costed me $100.00, and I'm trying to get an All-In-One now. Fuck having a Kindle.

I live in an area with an extremely high concentration of EMFs so I have decided to simply not give a shit about EMFs.

My tablet stores my entire library no problem and if I wanted to I also have a 32GB memory card I can put into it.

The idea of wearing glasses while reading, if it does happen to reduce eyestrain or something, seems like a cool idea to me anyways… or I can just be like fuck it and use my magick to repair my eyes repeatedly.


>implying any natural sunlight reaches me in my room



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