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Esoteric Wizardry


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Voices in people's heads more complex than previously thought

Voices in people's heads are far more varied and complex than previously thought. One of the largest and most detailed studies to date on the experience of auditory hallucinations, commonly referred to as voice hearing, found that the majority of voice-hearers hear multiple voices with distinct character-like qualities, with many also experiencing physical effects on their bodies. The study also confirmed that both people with and without psychiatric diagnoses hear voices.



Schizophrenia is not real; made up disease to stop the awakening


Schizophrenics are the Third Eye Awakened Wizard Master Race


12 Part essay that exposes psychiatry as a bogus science


Inventor of ADHD: “ADHD is a fictitious disease”


Co-Founder of DSM admits there is no way to scientifically prove that mentall illness is real


One year old babies and younger being put on psychiatric drugs


Psychiatric Drugs Shorten Life Span by 15 years on average


Psychiatry is based on lies and falsehoods


Psychiatry is a fake science



Every human emotion is now a "mental illness"


Ten Myths about Psychiatric Drugs


Studies show psychiatric drugs have no benefits and are dangerous


Psychiatry is now giving 3 year old children drugs


Psychiatric drugs make you sicker


A few free eBooks talking about how psychiatry is a massive hoax


A list of THOUSANDS of psychiatrists who have committed crimes against their patients



search: Single dose of SSRI changes functional architecture of the human brain.



>tfw been on one for five years

Maybe that's why I had trouble with AP.


>after reading the occult books the audio hallucinations during the hypnogogic sleep phase have turned from whispers to robotic tunes

have you noticed lots oh these psychedelic concepts are being passed off as illnesses?

>them fuckers



>robotic tunes

Nice. I've found a name for it and a context to discuss it in. I've gotten that on 25i/lsd and also, lately, on no drug as I've been decalcifying my pineal gland and I'm certain my brain is starting to work as it does on psychs and weed and perhaps other drugs I cannot contextualize because I've not done them in this love.



would you class caffeine as a drug drug? I'ts rather important to me regardless of how minuscule its effects are

I get a little psychedelic buzz when I take sickeningly large doses of caffeine.

>want to do a psy binge for a temporary psychedelic/spiritual connection



Yeah I would class it as a drug drug. The I get from impure sources the more I see anything that isn't pure prana as a drug of some sort or a symptom of some sort of deficiency.

I don't know why its happening but sometimes I'll reside in the same psychic space as when I stayed up for like 3 days on adderall to complete a years worth of online classes in that same time. It's hard to explain, its like hearing voices but without the hearing (extra sensory) and like I'm being swayed by spiritual hands back and forth (ideomotor movement but I know its externally sourced) and also a kind of sleepiness which is not conducive to actual sleep.

I like the effects of psychedelics.



psys make me feel normal man. honestly. its like fuel that runs off thought. an accelerant per say. amkes your thoughts more defines and stronger.



If you want to reside in that state forever it is possible.



via thought forcing no doubt?



Doubt. Via the eightfold path it is attained.


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>this thread exists and is new

>some shitposter makes a thread just to ask a question about schizophrenia

It's time for a Magickal Jihad!


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>auditory hallucinations, commonly referred to as voice hearing

everone has 'auditory hallucinations' otherwise they wouldn't be reading this now…



If you read by repeating the words in your read your speed must be really slow.

It's fine for kids that are still learning, but by adding another layer to the process you're wasting a lot of time. It's like those people that read speaking outloud.


Text > Repeating text in your head > meaning

compared to

Text > meaning

This is fairly common on people that don't have the habit of reading and thus never developed the ability similar to how some people never learned math past the basic operations.

Look into speed reading, stop reading like a child.



you've got it all messed up



unless you somehow think without having thoughts



Don't conflate sound vibrations with thought vibrations if you don't want to appear ignorant. If appearing ignorant is what you want, well done. You've arrived just where it would appear you've intended.



>Holographic models of memory and consciousness may be related to several brain disorders involving disunity of sensory input within a unified consciousness, including Charles Bonnet Syndrome, Disjunctive Agnosia, and Schizophrenia. Charles Bonnet Syndrome patients experience two vastly different worlds within one consciousness.[29] They see the world that psychologically normal people perceive, but also a simplified world riddled with hallucinations. These patients can differentiate these two worlds easily. Since dynamic core and global workspace theories insist that a distinct area of the brain is responsible for consciousness, the only way a patient would perceive two worlds was if this dynamic core and global workspace were split.[29] But such does not explain how different content can be perceived within one single consciousness since these theories assume that each dynamic core or global workspace creates a single coherent reality.[29] The primary symptom of Disjunctive Agnosia is an inconsistency of sensory information within a unified consciousness. They may see one thing, but hear something entirely incompatible with that image. Schizophrenics often report experiencing thoughts that do not seem to originate from themselves, as if the idea was inserted exogenously. The individual feels no control over certain thoughts existing within their consciousness.




Is it reversible?

Also ssri s exist in plants (st

johns wort)

What about MAOIs ?

They have similar mechanism




He is right you know .

I just tried it and it works I dont need to hear the words to undwrstand them .


Same with pictoral languges like heiroglyphs.

No verbalising. Just meaning attached to picture.

If I hold a sign written on it the word "apple"

You repeat the word in your head.

If I hold a picture of an apple.

You know instantly its an apple.

Same can go with letter combinations, you can recognize it as seperate letters (takes a second or two to figure out meaning)

or you can rwcognize meaning in a split second if you view words in a pictoral form.

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