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Esoteric Wizardry


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Hey /fringe/

Why are you still working?

Why are you still interested in material things?

Why aren't you homeless yet?


Where are you from, what do you do?



Because I enjoy my creations.


Because trying to survive and work for food tends to take away time I could otherwise spend reading books and meditating.



Because I want to harness the power of the material and immaterial so I can bend matter to my will for fun


Yeah, it's a good idea. Being homeless will help a million times more in spiritual development than reading shitty theosophical ripoff nonsense books and other garbage. 90% of people on /fringe/ are just full of shit and are addicted to reading new age gobbledygook created by the CIA to make people docile and retarded.



and 10% are fedoras

the other 1% are wizards

because wizards are overmen




>Why are you still working?

Shut up. I'm not.

>Why are you still interested in material things?

Shut up. I'm not.

>Why aren't you homeless yet?

Because it is not my time for homelessness. I prepare for that time (Got a nice bug out bag with hammock tarp computer, etc. Just selling my computer to buy a smaller computer suitable for backpacking and my guitar for the rest of the supplies I need.

Also I'm not homeless because my mother still farms my loosh (as all PARENT do to their children) so she won't allow me.


>Why are you still working?

I don't work but wish I did.

>Why are you still interested in material things?

So I don't fucking starve to death and so I can study and practise magick in comfort, efficiently, without wasting my lifespan on trivial survival bullshit.

>Why aren't you homeless yet?

…because my parents won't throw me out into the streets.



Fringe specifically hates Theosophy, New Age, Wicca, and Thelema.. They also don't like Freemasonry that much.

…and you're a disinfo fucking shill trying to get people to waste their time being homeless rather than striving for power and self-development.


You are full of lies.


A hammock is going to massively fuck up your posture.

>Just selling my computer to buy a smaller computer suitable for backpacking and my guitar for the rest of the supplies I need.

Hold off on doing that as long as possible, next year Microsoft HoloLens is coming out and Windows 10, and if you sell your computer right now and get a smaller one you'll be wasting money.


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Hey /fringe/

Why are you still not working?

Why are you still ignoring material needs?

Why don't you have a suitable dwelling to live in yet?



>speaks of how difficult surviving without a home would be without any experience.



>>34254 here. Thanks for your interest. If that is so, the ground is an everpresent source of proper bed. I currently sleep on the floor and love it.

>Hold off on doing that as long as possible, next year Microsoft HoloLens is coming out and Windows 10, and if you sell your computer right now and get a smaller one you'll be wasting money.

Two reasons that is not a solution. 1. I still need a computer. 2. My computer value depreciates daily. Need to sell it as soon as possible.

I don't need a newfangled dooblydoozits. Even my dependence on my computer gets less and less. Truly I only want something to hold my pdfs and convey them to me, something to bring me to /fringe/ and other online sources and allow me to freely receive the information and convey my thoughts (a keyboard), and, truly, the rest is window dressing and distraction.



Smaller screens ruin your eyes. I'm trying to get a bigger computer right now because fuck my $100.00 tablet, after I used that thing for awhile, my eyesight got much shittier.


Everyone here should aim to have their own homestead to live on and enough money saved up and invested they can pretty much live off of dividends alone… or else live in a mobile home that is extremely well-built to not be negatively effected by heat-waves and intense cold and they should have lots of money saved up to live off of.



Nigga, did you miss the part about being backpack and homelessness? Did you? I cant be lugging around a 10 lb laptop day in day out…can I? Will not the suffering be greater than the benefit? Will it it not?



I have practically infinite strength and endurance and easily meet and surpass Military fitness requirements. A 10 lb laptop is nothing to me.

…and I've been homeless long enough to know it's fucking stupid and a waste of time and not something you should intentionally strive for.

Hermits in the past had homes and were very comfortable.

You should at least have a place to store your things even if you spend most of your time sitting in a library or something stealing WiFi and reading your books or hanging around in a public park doing something similar and burning wood and eating lots of food and doing energy work all day or what have you.

Don't you have some kind of vehicle to put your things in and get around? Maybe get yourself an electric bike and some solar panels or something.

I hate faggots that think being homeless is oh so spiritual and not just stupidity.


Because I want to see all that I can do in this material plane before finally leaving it behind. I want to know through my own experiences that I have done all that there is to do here. Apparently, according to the Kybalion at least, it's possible for me to reincarnate again on this plane because I didn't experience enough of life's more basal pleasures. As much as I would like to think "Pfft, fuck this plane, it's not even real. I got magick now, I can just move onto the next and have much better experiences there!", it feels a bit too sour-grapes-ish to me.

I want to know that I have moved on.



You haven't listened. Go from me.



Having a van would be ideal. And a gym membership so you can shower. There is no reason to pay some Jew rent or take a mortgage. You can live in your van and save money until you can buy a house cash and then be set for life with only property tax to worry about.



That isn't enlightenment.



What's wrong with Theosophy?



But it frees up a lot of time. Less expenses=less work=more time for important stuff.



It's just bullshit that some Russian aristocrat lady pulled out of her ass.



You never fucking explained the virtue of being poor/being homeless yet you act haughty about this. Aka, you are fucking retarded.


Neither was here explained what "enlightenment" is supposed to be and why being a fucking smelly bum would make you suddenly pull it out of your ass.



They were responsible for the distortion of many teachings, most obvious in the eastern ones. Much of the fedora "magic doesn't real" is based on theosophy trying to pass actual bullshit as science as well.



>Why are you still working?

To accomplish. Work is different than "Jobs"

>Why are you still interested in material things?

I live in the material world

>Why aren't you homeless yet?

My body is my home.



I'm not working, I'm not planning to to either.

I have no interest in physical possessions aside from food, water, and videogames and books because they're fun.

I was homeless for 6 months by choice very recently. It was actually pretty cool. I did my best not to worry about survival knowing that God would provide for me everything that I needed, and he did. I did a lot of reading and learned a lot. From both reading and through my interactions with people.

The problem with homelessness is having to interact with people. You can learn a lot through it but you need privacy so that you can do things like lucid dreaming and meditation. Knowing this I made a mental effort to find a place of privacy, because I believe mental efforts to be stronger than physical ones, and I was supported in my efforts. To my surprise I ended up willing myself straight back into my parents house and they had been trying to will me back themselves, although they don't necessarily realize what they were doing. In the interest of alleviating the unpleasant effects pf their six months of suffering and in the interest of learning i'm going to stay here for a while. I'm staying inside far too often now though. I need to spend more time outside. Being all in touch with the earth and shit is fucking great. I intend to leave this place again one day. I don't knpw whether to be homeless again or not, but I can say for sure that I thoroughly enjoyed being homeless. Also even yhough I have 24/7 shower access now I still hardly ever shower. Is that a bad thing?



Just go on a couple of month long road trip in a hired van or something if you seek that experience again.



I had a similar experience except it was only for a lunar cycle. I was willed back by my mother because she wants my juicy loosh and she can't manipulate me at a distance.



Please, stop being so delusional, this plane is inferior and is a subplane but that doesn't make it any less real than a cell making up your body. This world is REAL.

What you also need to understand though is the experiences in the astral encompass also the lower experiences of this world. You're not missing out on anything by moving ahead and getting into the astral, you're just getting the expanded edition of reality.



Go read the Jivanmukta article on Montalk, enlightened people are found in palaces just as they are found on the streets, they can be anywhere; you don't have to impoverished to be enlightened.



Theosophy as it's defined on wikipedia or in its forms divorce from Madame Blavatsky isn't so bad but anything from Madame Blavatsky is complete bullshit even worse than that Lobsang Rampa wrote.


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because i'm not enlightened

so i'm submitted to fear and attachments

so as a homeless bum i'd be miserable


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>anything from Madame Blavatsky is complete bullshit even worse than that Lobsang Rampa wrote.

rampa's great but meant for plebs

blavatsky's top tier (not god tier)



>Also even yhough I have 24/7 shower access now I still hardly ever shower. Is that a bad thing?

Absolutely disgusting, how do you even live with yourself?


"The half-wise, recognizing the comparative unreality of the Universe, imagine that they may defy its Laws — such are vain and presumptuous fools, and they are broken against the rocks and torn asunder by the elements by reason of their folly. The truly wise, knowing the nature of the Universe, use Law against laws; the higher against the lower; and by the Art of Alchemy transmute that which is undesirable into that which is worthy, and thus triumph. Mastery consists not in abnormal dreams, visions and fantastic imaginings or living, but in using the higher forces against the lower —

escaping the pains of the lower planes by vibrating on the higher. Transmutation, not presumptuous denial, is the weapon of the Master." —

The Kybalion.

"While to THE INFINITE ALL, the Universe, its Laws, its Powers, its Life, its Phenomena, are as things witnessed in the state of Meditation or Dream; yet to all that is Finite, the Universe must be treated as Real, and life, and action, and thought, must be based thereupon, accordingly, although with an ever understanding of the Higher Truth." —

The Kybalion.

It's litterally essential reading in the /fringe/ mega, anon.

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