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Esoteric Wizardry


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If you really commit and force it for the first 3-4 weeks it gets MUCH easier to remain motivated and on track. You just need to get in the habit of being productive in ALL areas of your life by working towards goals. You're not going to be able to just focus on academics or magick and slack off in the rest of your life. It does require a little planning but nothing you can't get done in one spurt of motivation.

First, make a list of five areas of general focus that you want to achieve goals in the short term (magick, academics, personal health, TIME MANAGEMENT). Then list the specific goals you want to achieve and work your way back from there to a work/study/diet plan.

Second, and this is important, set your watch or phone to chime/beep every hour on the hour to remind you to STOP EVERY HOUR and ask yourself whether what you're doing is productive or working towards those goals. This might sound weak, but the constant reminder to evaluate your activities helps (at least for me) you stay on task and not get distracted by things like the dicking around on the internet. It's important to be constantly checking yourself and remembering that your working towards something.


There is no replacement for a detailed analysis of your current situation and the self imposed factors limiting your ability to achieve your goals. That and hard Work. There is no way for you to control the external factors in your life. You aren't a fucking god. The only person whose actions you have control over is YOU. There's no excuse for a lack of self discipline but laziness. If your life sucks, find out what you can do to change it.

Exercising and eating right are good starts, good practice at limiting pleasurable but self destructive behaviors in favour of beneficial ones. If you can drag your ass out of bed every day at the same time to go jogging and stick to a healthy diet then you can pretty much make yourself do anything. It's a common starting point for most self help advice for a reason. It's about goal setting, hard work, and patience. It's about being able to stick with your plan until the work to achieve your goal becomes routine, habit. Until the work ceases to be work, and becomes just something you do.

Bitch and moan and complain about your situation, but know that those of us who actually tried this shit aren't laughing at you or giving you bullshit. We honestly want to help, and it worked for us.


>Anon on DnD roleplay site in [your area] has cracked the code to being motivated and productive using this weird trick…


>You aren't a fucking god.

Speak for yourself mundane




This sounds like good advice, op.

My problem is that I am too indecisive. I want to study Magik, but I also want to do my mundane job.

After 50 hrs a week work I have barely any time to focus on other areas of my life, but if I quit my job I will be throwing away everything I worked towards in the last year.

I am constantly trying to find ways to have more energy, or be able to function on less sleep but it's a delicate balancing act.



You know, I kinda missed the fedora shitposters, this board is pretty slow on weekdays without them.



Advisement source discarded. Goals are stupid. Life is truthfully a continuous creative process. Goals, accomplishments and other stupid shit is a product of envy. That thinking takes you further from god.



Bite your tongue.


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>Goals are stupid






You are gonna get surpassed



Put down the doritos and mountain dew and do some ritual magick man.

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