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Esoteric Wizardry


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File: 1429879345745.jpeg (22.26 KB, 333x250, 333:250, buddh.jpeg)


I've read a few books on buddhism and imo, its… ehhh… sure go meditate and shit but they focus way too much on inaction and acceptance, rather than change and action.



Stop shitting up the board


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>Stop discussing what I don't like


Buddhist teachings do tend to resonate with me alot and I think that they are fundamental for alot of people starting out but yeah as you said it is far too roll over.

However I think acceptance is the first step to becoming empowered. I think you have to let all your E-motions sink down and be acknowledged until you become aware that they are all the same frequency being triggered by materialistic stimuli, then you can begin working on transmutation etc…

I like to imagine that behind closed doors these ultra zen monks are phenomenal astral warriors keeping ET's at bay


Where are your contributions?



Certainly not in a one-sentence OP like all the others in the last week.


You're a shill, your only purpose is to slide.

Ask this in the questions thread if you are really interested, but you're not. (Perhaps you would post there just to act like you're not a shill)






Buddhism either from that start or through corruption aims to create a subservient society of chinks, just look at Asia and what it has become, it's not what we should aim to create.

It's a pessimistic philosophy and only the useful parts should be taken and used and the rest discarded in favour of the arcanum.


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buddhism is anything but 'turn the other cheek/roll over and die'

it's a route to understanding nature which requires abstaining from evil in order to accommodate good: vanquishing enemies through spiritual practice rather than i'mma whack you wiv' this stick



Are you aiming to be /fringe/'s second worst shitposter or something?



>buddhism is anything but 'turn the other cheek/roll over and die'


Also, come on - this isn't as bad a thread as many in the last week have been. What's annoying in this thread are all the people whining about it. This thread could have turned into a sensible thread about fringe aspects of buddhism, if not for all of that.

Buddhism has far more to it than you'd think. Tulpas are from buddhist teachings. They teach you energy work. Dream work, Astral projection. How to become more centered and cleansed - ie, rituals like the LBRP, its all pure magic. This whole 'turn the other cheek/roll over and die' makes you more powerful, cos it makes you impervious to any emotional entanglement which is what all these etheric parasites are attached to you to drain your loosh for!

The hardcore buddhist monks can do many things - see past lives, predict future events/future lives. These mandalas are dimensional maps. They travel through them (bardos), and chart them out for the rest of us. And they don't decompose naturally when they kick the bucket - they undergo a rainbow body - which is when their body doesn't go cold, and rigor mortis does not set in. Then at some point their body starts to disappear - they leave their body in a hidden location, and return to find only the fingernails and hair left, or possibly an organ or two for people to keep.

There are many abilities that buddhist monks gain - but like any real mage - they keep silent about it. But there will be evidence if you search for it.



It's a question thread. If you want a thread to exist on this topic MAKE ONE that isn't shit.

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