Lets not forget also that caves cost you millions of dollars today and clean pristine environments in which you can hunt in and support yourself and live as a hermit are hard to come by in this age; in many ways even the most impoverished men of the past were wealthier than a man with a fair bit of money today simply because their world wasn't so spoiled and overpopulated. If you want to be left alone and to be healthy and to have unlimited free-time you've got to put in some serious work first before you can obtain these things for yourself.
Whether the forest is your home, or you live in a luxurious and cheap mobile home, or you've got yourself a kick-ass homestead with non-sprayed organic produce you yourself grow; you're always going to need money to ensure you aren't reduced to being a scavenger barely getting by and wasting practically all his time just trying to survive rather than flourish and grow.
Wealth and comfort can buy you free-time, minimize distractions, and help you overcome your attachments even. It is painful and challenging to obtain enough wealth to set yourself free but it is a necessary struggle that will bear ample fruits for he who succeeds. You don't have to be exorbitantly wealthy but it doesn't matter how much money you do have as long as you have practically unlimited time to devote to magickal development and don't end up having countless people and projects demanding your time.
Speaking of attachment, many an impoverished man is very attached to his meagre and few possessions, whereas a rich man thinks nothing of the objects around him and easily replaces them if they are lost. Which attitude is more enlightened? Who is more attached? Is having attachments even a bad thing or have rulers propagated religions that teach people not to be attached to their things and their body in order that they can be enslaved and conscripted more easily?
Those of you who reject reading are also fools. You don't need to spend your whole life reading and become an armchair wizard but a few years study will develop the Will, create discipline, and give you the knowledge needed to organize your thoughts and proceed hencefourth ins a constructive manner with clear vision and purpose. Think of yourself as taking a University course in Occultism. Your typical student dedicates 4 years of study before becoming some sort of professional. 4 years, used wisely, is more than enough time to read and study the occult before beginning practise in earnest and putting the books aside. I've known countless fools however who think they know everything and refuse to take up the reading of any books and I see them make little progress as the years go on.
You all should plan to use however many years of life you have been allotted in your current incarnation as wisely as possible. Do not waste time. If you need to obtain wealth in order that the rest of your lifetime may be used properly DO IT and don't neglect it for fear of hardship. In monasteries, monks do practically nothing but meditate, and every little thing from preparing food and getting water and so on is done by servants there. Only problem with joining a monastery is you lose the freedom to think outside of the dogmas driven into you there and monasteries are hard to find and not open to just anyone generally. It is far better to have your freedom to develop independently and unfold your powers without some false masters suppressing you with their bullshit slave morality.
That gives one something else to consider; those of you who are voluntarily taking on poverty because you think it's virtuous to suffer like that are you sure you're not just running away from the greater suffering of wage-slavery or of discipline? You've got to sacrifice to make gains, it's too easy for some to just laze away in poverty, than to go that extra distance for awhile in order to free themselves.
Those of you reject studying, wealth, and having a home are well advised to reconsider your positions. Unless you're not white in which case please don't study, do not obtain any wealth, and be homeless.