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There are quite a few cancerous newfigs here that are espousing poverty and other shit that will undermine one's development.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with having wealth. You should have LOTS of it. The only problem is whether you're a poorfig buying tons of things on debt or a richfig buying it with your money, getting shit that ends up OWNING YOU or is simply FRIVOLOUS. Frivolous expenses serve no real function or end up obtaining for you items that simply take up space in your home and waste your time when you have to move them around to clean or clean and maintain the items themselves. Items can end up owning you when they demand too much of your time and possibly more of your money or when fears or other emotional troubles arise within you concerning these items.

Being a cheapskate has its own price too. Lesser quality foods, items that break on you and hurt the environment more, hidden costs you might not have thought about like the cost of driving back to the store to return an item or to look around through multiple stores to find the cheapest price when you just wasted a lot of money on gas doing that.

Everyone here should aspire to become comfortably wealthy. The ideal is to become a NEET who has absolutely no financial troubles, who has unlimited free time, the best food, is comfortable so he can meditate without distractions, has a good and reliable fast computer, doesn't have to live with noisy troublesome mundanes, etc.

You don't want to end up in a situation where you've got to keep working for the rest of your life to manage a business, keep paying the taxes on your property, pay off bills, etc. but if you can obtain wealth without becoming enslaved by it then you're doing the right thing for your own self-development.

There have been enlightened people born into poverty and into immaculate wealth.

>The way of living of Jivanmuktas or sages differs. One sage lives in a princely style. Bhagiratha lived this kind of life. Another sage lives in a beggarly manner. One sage is always in a meditative mood. He never works. He never talks. He lives always in seclusion. Jada Bharata lived this kind of life. Another sage lives in a busy crowded city. He plunges himself in service. He talks with the people. He delivers lectures, holds religious classes, writes books, etc. Sri Sankara led this kind of life. This is due to Prarabdha. Every sage has his own Prarabdha. If all sages have the same kind of living and the same kind of Prarabdha, this world will be like a prison. Variety in manifestation is the nature of Prakriti. The Jnani who has desire for worldly activities or Vyavahara and works in the world is a Vyavahara Jnani. The Jnani who withdraws himself completely from the universe is a Samadhi Jnani.

Above excerpted from: http://www.dlshq.org/saints/jivanmukta.htm


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Lets not forget also that caves cost you millions of dollars today and clean pristine environments in which you can hunt in and support yourself and live as a hermit are hard to come by in this age; in many ways even the most impoverished men of the past were wealthier than a man with a fair bit of money today simply because their world wasn't so spoiled and overpopulated. If you want to be left alone and to be healthy and to have unlimited free-time you've got to put in some serious work first before you can obtain these things for yourself.

Whether the forest is your home, or you live in a luxurious and cheap mobile home, or you've got yourself a kick-ass homestead with non-sprayed organic produce you yourself grow; you're always going to need money to ensure you aren't reduced to being a scavenger barely getting by and wasting practically all his time just trying to survive rather than flourish and grow.

Wealth and comfort can buy you free-time, minimize distractions, and help you overcome your attachments even. It is painful and challenging to obtain enough wealth to set yourself free but it is a necessary struggle that will bear ample fruits for he who succeeds. You don't have to be exorbitantly wealthy but it doesn't matter how much money you do have as long as you have practically unlimited time to devote to magickal development and don't end up having countless people and projects demanding your time.

Speaking of attachment, many an impoverished man is very attached to his meagre and few possessions, whereas a rich man thinks nothing of the objects around him and easily replaces them if they are lost. Which attitude is more enlightened? Who is more attached? Is having attachments even a bad thing or have rulers propagated religions that teach people not to be attached to their things and their body in order that they can be enslaved and conscripted more easily?

Those of you who reject reading are also fools. You don't need to spend your whole life reading and become an armchair wizard but a few years study will develop the Will, create discipline, and give you the knowledge needed to organize your thoughts and proceed hencefourth ins a constructive manner with clear vision and purpose. Think of yourself as taking a University course in Occultism. Your typical student dedicates 4 years of study before becoming some sort of professional. 4 years, used wisely, is more than enough time to read and study the occult before beginning practise in earnest and putting the books aside. I've known countless fools however who think they know everything and refuse to take up the reading of any books and I see them make little progress as the years go on.

You all should plan to use however many years of life you have been allotted in your current incarnation as wisely as possible. Do not waste time. If you need to obtain wealth in order that the rest of your lifetime may be used properly DO IT and don't neglect it for fear of hardship. In monasteries, monks do practically nothing but meditate, and every little thing from preparing food and getting water and so on is done by servants there. Only problem with joining a monastery is you lose the freedom to think outside of the dogmas driven into you there and monasteries are hard to find and not open to just anyone generally. It is far better to have your freedom to develop independently and unfold your powers without some false masters suppressing you with their bullshit slave morality.

That gives one something else to consider; those of you who are voluntarily taking on poverty because you think it's virtuous to suffer like that are you sure you're not just running away from the greater suffering of wage-slavery or of discipline? You've got to sacrifice to make gains, it's too easy for some to just laze away in poverty, than to go that extra distance for awhile in order to free themselves.

Those of you reject studying, wealth, and having a home are well advised to reconsider your positions. Unless you're not white in which case please don't study, do not obtain any wealth, and be homeless.


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As for those Materialist dipshits who mock us Idealists by saying we should ignore our bodies and physical world, both the texts of William Walker Atkinson advise against this perverted form of Asceticism. Asceticism is absolutely ideal in its ability to simplify matters, weed out frivolity, have a clean and minimalist environment to live in, etc. but not when it's perverted into destroying your body or reducing you to living in filth and so on.

Furthermore let us examine the first and second Hermetic principles.


The so called physical is actually mental in nature. In turning ourselves away from the physical we would be living in delusion for it is not physical, it is all mental, and the mental is NOT and illusion but a reality. So do not call this reality fake, illusory, etc. and act like it's something to be ignored as it's only the misunderstanding of some men concerning this reality which is an illusion; the reality itself is REAL. It is also relative in its manifestation to us PARTS of the ALL but that doesn't make it unreal it just makes it not the Absolute. We are not to disregard this realm but to realize its mental nature and become capable of treating and interacting with it fluidly and mentally. We should pursue both physical and mental solutions to our problems and in so doing we can tackle a problem from both ends.

Let us consider for a moment (1910) mind and body or mental states and physical conditions by William Walker Atkinson. The mind influences the body and the body influences the mind. The physiologist heals the body physically and influences the mind. The mentalist heals the body mentally and influences the body. The most efficient and superior means of healing is to at once tackle the problem from both ends, addressing physiological means through mundane physical means, while also striving to use the Will to change the mental state and heal the body faster than mere physiology would allow for.

II. THE PRINCIPLE OF CORRESPONDENCE. "As above, so below; as below so above."

There always exists a correspondence between the higher and the lower, the microcosm and the macrocosm. There are astral senses to correspond with every physical sense. The astral contains a reflection of the physical, the physical is a reflection of the astral. The astral also is not a place but a state or condition in which one is shifted beyond linear time and consciousness is more free in many ways but also limited in some other ways that motivate many wholly astral beings to gain control over a physical body in order to bypass those limitations. The ideal is to attain mastery in both the higher and the lower at once and transcend the limitations of both.


Definitely the right message, but not really much practical information on how to acquire the wealth.

The reason people on boards like this use being poor is a badge of honor is because the alternative is going through all kinds of loopholes spending your time/energy to get "experience"(that may or may not be relevant, and you might not even be paid) for only a slight chance at getting a job that isn't even guaranteed in todays age. due to women entering the workforce, employers can be more selective than ever and if you've spent the last couple of years fucking off on 4chan, and various hobbies whatever they may be, your chances arn't looking very optimistic. you are competing with kids who have experience since they turned 16 so even if you do want to change, it is indeed a tough road to go from NEET to nonneet.

lots of NEEts already have everything they need (parents supporting them, autism bux, whatever along with food, and an internet connection) so the motivation is even less.


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>"affirmative action" for non-whites non-males

>scholarships for non-white non-males

>job market is WORSE than it was a few decades ago (I thought we were meant to progress, not regress?)

It's hard being whitey in 2015.



If you're NEET and your situation allows for study, practise, and genuine development then you may as well just stick with things until you're so powerful you can just leave and make money no problem.

If they're getting in the way, or you're homeless, or they make life intolerable and progress impossible; you need to do what you can to GTFO and get money.

…and if you can't do that then I feel for you ;_;.

This whole thread is directed at some recent shitposters on this board that are voluntarily giving up a good situation in order to become homeless.


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How to deal with jealousy/envy of rich people?

Particularly ones who did jack shit and are rich as fuck.






>confirmed for magick working to get exact specific job with exact description

>confirmed for mentalism working to secure long term benefits without need for employment

>confirmed for rituals working to summon sums of money

use the orishis and the asiatic spirits of fortune, give with the zero point no-think mindset energy and summon portals for flow, read the books and use your imagination.



stop doubting, confront your fears and manifest the reality you want by believing that you, like those rich people you so hate, have to do absolutely nothing except for enjoy yourself and enjoy life



Imagine you are them until you actually possess one and get to experience being him for a day. That's what I recommend.

Afterwards you might feel differently, might feel fondness, or pity, or other things; I've felt many things for so many people at varied levels of wealth.



This is what I did; I wanted to be NEET but I wanted lots of money so I fixed very strongly the desire and feeling that money would come to me without me even trying.

…and it happened.

I did the same thing for love.

Don't ruin it with any doubts of course, it takes a long while, just feel intensely it's going to come to you then focus on other things until you decide to feel that feeling again.



Basically this. Having money is great, but a lot of tines the trade off is not worth it.



I've heard of portals before and would very much like to start working with them. Would you be able to give a sample ritual or explain how to open them? I imagine it will be opening to specific elements, zodiac houses, planetary spheres and certain kinds of energies. But I'm not exactly sure how to "get" it up and running.



how long it took you to work?



please elaborate more

when, how, for how much time, with what exact thiughts?


Anyone put this to the test? I think it's just as getting in the mindstate of >>35550. Except you are so confident in it that you already are throwing your money around.


To increase the flow of money, you must exercise your ability to spend it. This is no different from increasing physical energy by exercising your body. Pinching your dollar to save money is like staying physically inactive to conserve energy. Some would say this makes sense, that to increase money one must stop spending it freely, and to increase physical energy one must conserve it. However, in the long run this leads to nothing less than atrophy. Some would say it is paradoxical that in order to increase physical energy one must expend it – but that is precisely what’s needed. Exercise increases your capacity to generate and handle a greater amount of physical energy. Likewise, by exercising your ability to spend money without reservation, you increase your capacity for handling greater flows of money and so flow naturally increases.



Love? A few months.

Money? A year or two.


Constantly use all of your emotions towards the creation of the scenario you want.

e.g. fear that women love you, hate that women love you, love that women love you, etc. just shape all your emotions towards selection of the reality you intend to bring about.

Weak daily emotions have a small cumulative effects. Occasional broadcasting of very intense emotion that causes a trance state has huge effect.

Basically, Montalk's reality creation shit works for me.

There's many ways to modify the procedure through ritual and also Thoughtforms, particularly Desire Forms, take everything up to a whole new level of power.

It's a very dynamic and constant process in which you must emotionally resonate with a future probability you are selecting. The key is that, whatever emotions you are feeling, those emotions are being directed in such a way as to bring that future to you.

I recommend you check out the meditations superthread; there are some exercises in there that will prepare you for doing this sort of work.


Exercise in the wrong way damages your muscles, money spent in the wrong way damages your finances, if you're going to be moving money around it better be in the form of investments, stocks, etc.

…and confidence isn't the only way. I achieved real mastery by using every kind of emotion conceivable. Just meditating upon how to use your full-spectrum of emotions towards an end will help you so much because all that loosh / emotional energy / astral energy is there and ought to be used. Negative emotions work just as well as the positive ones for influencing relaity.

You can use multiple emotions at once too and I'll give you an example of doing so for healing. Lets say you have cancer cells in your body. Well there are two ways you can heal it. Directing intense hatred towards the cancer cells that destroys them OR intense love towards the healthy cells to destroy the cancer cells. Using both emotions at once is extremely powerful and you can rhythmically swing between one emotion ( intense hatred for the cancer and then intense love for the healthy cells) and the other to go into a deep and powerful trance that has really quick results.

Think about what is written in The Arcane Teachings and the secret of the circle and the ascending spiral. You fix your thoughts unwaveringly around a central point and then as you go about it in spirals, through negative and positive, the central point remains and is raised up. We can apply this principle to countless things from wealth to health to exercise and strength building to love and relationships and so on. Through each passing of the pendulum we grow stronger and advance forward the central point. The transmutation of the circle into the ascending spiral is complete.

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