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Esoteric Wizardry


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As far as I can determine, the idea of sexual immorality and female subversion begins somewhere during the Bronze Age with, ironically enough, a religion and culture that many Wizards might not be very ambivalent to - The ancient Israelites, and Judaism. Up until, succubi enjoyed equal rights in Ancient Egypt, and while male supremacy frequently did reign in Mesopotamia, it was merely the result of strength, not belief. A wealthy woman was still above most males, queen sometimes ruled, temple prostitution was widespread, sexuality was mostly unrestrained and fertility goddesses were worshiped. But it is with the emergence of the Old Testament that we see a distinct and radical change. The original sin of Eve and her temptation of Adam which led to humanity's downfall, the circumcision pact, the vehement criticism of adultery, the order to smash all the altars of the fertility goddess Asherah, and the reduction of succubi to almost property. The scripture is rife with warnings and admonishments about succubi and the consequences of granting them power. Stuck between the great empires of Egypt and Mesopotamia, the effect was that the ancient Jews had to embraced the Nietzschean slave morality, and fittingly with a theological narrative of slavery. Shepherds for kings, ragged prophets as wise seers, punishment as salvation, monogamy above hypergamy, weakness before strength. A theme which still resonates today in "muh shoah". To survive, defeat had to become victory and the natural order philosophically reversed. Hundreds of years later, the Ancient Greeks have also arrived at the same conclusion, and might have even outdid the Jews in their misogyny, starting with the myth of Pandora's box. succubi were also banned from voting and participating in many public affairs. Here is what some famous Greeks had to say about succubi:

>Aristotle said that man is by nature superior to the female and so the man should rule and the woman should be ruled.

>Demosthenes wrote “We keep hetaerae for the sake of pleasure, females slaves for our daily care and wives to give us legitimate children and to be the guardians of our households.”

>“A man who teaches a woman to write should know that he is providing poison to an asp.”

>Euripides has succubi characters make disparaging remarks about their sex

>Hipponax had this to say about succubi: “There are two days on which a woman is most pleasing—when someone marries her and when he carries out her dead body.”

>Hyperides said, “A woman who travels outside her house should be old enough that people ask whose mother she is, not whose wife she is.”

>"In his Funeral Speech Pericles said, “A woman’s reputation is highest when men say little about her, whether it be good or evil.”



The Jews, who set the foundation of Christianity, considered their instructions about succubi to be divine. The Greeks, who set the foundation for Western science and rationality, considered this mandate to be divine, as well as logically necessary. With the spread of Christianity, they combined to form the gender balance and relative order which enabled men and western civilization as we know it to thrive, free of interruption by succubi. And it is to the Greeks, and whatever else might be said about them, the Jews that we owe it.

But now our society is regressing. Men have forgotten the lessons of their precursors and dismissed them as nothing more than idle oppression and prejudice. And now we are paying the price, though this situation won't last. History will repeat itself.


So the jews got one thing right? There are also many things about them that are reprehensible and not worth adopting. The wise take what's good for them and discard the rest.



Are there even any girls here to scare away?

I guess there was jenny at some point but smiley already took care of that one.



How was Jenny scared off from here? She was just so intensely demoniacally possessed that she has lost all control over herself and now can not do her own Will and is just completely under the control of the entity that has hijacked her.



I guess if smileyberg was stalking me I'd also make up some story about demons.

Because powerful evil entities have nothing better to do than to possess some drugged up teenage girl.



Clearly you don't know fuck all about Jenny, her past, and her interactions previously with ☻ over the years.


[9:05 PM] jenny: jack came home

[9:05 PM] jenny: is jack one of those things you speak of?

[9:05 PM] jenny: hes my tulpa

[9:06 PM] jenny: i met him while i was in psychosis

[9:06 PM] jenny: i was about 4 or 5 years old and woke up in the middle of the night

[9:06 PM] jenny: and i heard noises everywhere

[9:06 PM] jenny: scratching, screaming, whispering

[9:06 PM] jenny: and saw shadopws eveywhere

[9:07 PM] jenny: then, i heard weeping

[9:07 PM] jenny: so i followed the crying

[9:07 PM] jenny: and saw a boy sitting on the kitchen floor crying

[9:08 PM] jenny: and i asked if he was okay, he said that he was scared cus he could see what i saw too

[9:08 PM] jenny: and then we just became best friends

[9:08 PM] jenny: and hes been with me since that day

[9:08 PM] jenny: he claims to be real, not imaginary

[9:09 PM] jenny: he doesnt specify what he is but he says hes something supernatural that only some people l

[9:09 PM] jenny: like me can see

[9:09 PM] jenny: well hes in the house but hes not sitting here with me

[9:09 PM] jenny: i could get him here tho

[9:10 PM] jenny: okay hes here

1. She met an elemental/demon when she was about 5.

[22/09/2013 5:56:05 PM] Jenny (Nordic) ♀ ♥: gotta see the jewchiatrist early tomorrow

[22/09/2013 5:56:13 PM] Fringe Wizard: How come?

[22/09/2013 5:56:19 PM] Jenny (Nordic) ♀ ♥: my parents force me too

[22/09/2013 5:56:25 PM] Jenny (Nordic) ♀ ♥: cus im diagnosed with schizophrenia

[22/09/2013 5:56:34 PM] Jenny (Nordic) ♀ ♥: to*

2. She is officially recognized as a schizophrenic and has been in and out of mental hospitals before and is given pills (which apparently she doesn't take, but that's mentioned in another chat)

[8:23 PM] jenny: smiley i have 419 tulpas myself

3. At the last count she had a total of 419 tulpas (and yes, she knows the exact number she has).

(don't have a source for this, but if you could find Jenny, you could just ask herself about it)

4. She has been able to experience 2 years, day-to-day with no gaps in the time, all in an instance before returning to this timeline.


That one female in the giantess thread sure is shitting up /fringe/ with her sexual immorality.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


This must all be true, after all teenagers never lie on the internet. But what does this has to do with smileyberg being a creeper and scaring her off?



For fucks sakes anon, I literally went through the trouble of hunting down sources, and you just brush it off like this.

Go ask around on /4chon/ for further confirmation. Everyone knows Jenny is schizophrenic. She's also into vampirism, was anti-feminist, a racist, and completely infatuated with Smiley. There's no way he "creeped her" or "scared her off".


Women are not really truly human in the way men are. It is not possible for a woman to become awakened.


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You just have debilitating crippling autism.



>The wise take what's good for them and discard the rest.

No. The wise take not from those sources which are not wholly good and they seek that source which can give them everything they need and contains not a bit of falsity.


You're dumb.


>belief in a superior GENDER

Please don't be smiley.




All real esoterists agree. It is common knowledge in all traditional schools and all real initiatic centers only take men because of this. It is one way to tell the legit people from the phonies who only follow new age crap made in the 20th century. Women can only have passive mystical experience.




gr8 links gurl



No. Because no. Do you know how you are reading this? Through the mechanism of your own female principle. Get not retarded dumb shit.



And even to add onto this, because I must be a glutton for being loosh farmed, prophecy, psychomancy, astral projection, out-of-body experiences, dreaming, smell, taste, sight, touch, hearing, inner sound, and inner white light are ALL constituent to the feminine principle. One not understanding this should git gud because you are out of your element are shitting up clearer water.

You know those times where you know something and someone comes through and comment on that thing but they are coming from a place of such ignorance that they are many levels removed from being able to rightfully even say words on the level you are speaking on? >>34729






Now show me the great not passive/receptive magic done by women.


>muh Nietzshe

Nietzsche was a beta


This is pure left hand path.

I Overstand what is going on here and it's very Beta mode.

Full of fear and ignorance, you folk still associate to your constructs, you still care for hue and appearance, you care for gender, none such troubles the mind of an overgod.

Quoting homosexual deviants belittling the very portal which gives them existence, how fucking beta mode.

One does cannot lord his will over an allegorical representation of the tripple darkness black hole.

Even science shows what happens when you attempt to cross a black hole, all becomes destroyed.

There is certainly a spec of truth in the fact that the female has responsibilities such as the male, but the rest is just the sexual fantasy, little boy who has yet to grow a man who wants many mothers to shelter him and take care of his little ass as he cannot wipe it himself or boil his own water. All males go through this phase, little have the mental capacity to see past the full illusion and trap.

Who ever built this game was good as fuck - maybe even the best, i probably built it, or the other did, she has a knack for these kind of things.

I'm sorry humans. I will make it right.



I hate you

and I hate




Please terminate yourself, thank you very much.



You responded in a 3d way to beings who think on a 4d + scale.

Why aren't you grasping this as a learning opportunity for you to fix your faulty software and move on from you conditioning.



"beta", "misoginy", "women r gud" is all demiurgic bullshit.

Terminate yourself, reincarnate, try again.



You're conditioned.

You speak from emotion, ironic, the very essence the female embodies you seem to have an overabundance of.

You are not #based.




and so what, this is supposed to turn into every generic internet reply sequence where ad hominem and fallacious assumptions are regurgitated… oh how we are SO much different than the mundanes…

grow the fuck stronger you're a little beta fuck who is mad at the decisions of other singularities - just more fucking bullshit throwing by your very friend demiwhateverthefuck you aren't overstand jack the fuck shit if you're still giving power to external shit like the concept of a demiurge or even the polarity of the concept of misoginy and women r gud as you say it - those are fucking HUMAN concepts in a vast and infinite ever expanding unfathomably unthinkable universe which we CONSCIOUSLY experience. IF you was a squid person nigga you wouldn't give a shit about a human woman or the hue of the skin of a human. It's so fucking cringe-mode to see just how fucking much of a beta faulty programming is still circulating in this level.

Protip, if you're at the higher levels, you unlock knowledge on the truth of sex, males, females and the potential and external shit like the whole women's rights or all that social westernized bullshit doesn't fucking matter, because it's not 2 humans anymore it's beyond.

If there is sentience - there is potential, if there is potential, there is unlimited creation.



And yes I'm using the hypocrite energy to write that as it's the level of frequency i have to match to trigger you. You're welcome.


In some sense I agree, but there are problems that I have with the idea that women cannot spiritually develop beyond a point or ascend, that I would welcome anyone to try and clear up.

1.Are there no female gendered higher spiritual beings? Cassiopeans? Pleiadeans? As far as what is known about the way reality works, they must have developed or evolved just as much as we are trying to evolve. And ascended at some point in time as well.

2.Is the quality that is necessary for ascent unique to males and the fire element?

3.Is the greatest factor in this sexual activity? Men have a easy enough time limiting their sexual activity, but women are incapable because their bodies are built the way they are. There are supposedly a great amount of cases were women develop psychic talents later in life after menopause simply because the body doesn't have to waste energy on possible sexual reproduction.


>4. She has been able to experience 2 years, day-to-day with no gaps in the time, all in an instance before returning to this timeline.

I want to learn this so badly.

>The wise take not from those sources which are not wholly good

That's just absolute nonsense. You cannot find the sources of absolute truth until you have advanced beyond the point where things can be muddled up with un-truth. That would take years of spiritual development. There exist no complete-truth spiritual development system on this plane as far as I know so that would make it needed to learn and discard by necessity.



Nigger you're implying so fucking hard but I'm telling truthfully that that dog won't hunt unless it can see (feminine). And it will not see unless it has the will to (masculine).


You're not helping.


>1.Are there no female gendered higher spiritual beings? Cassiopeans? Pleiadeans? As far as what is known about the way reality works, they must have developed or evolved just as much as we are trying to evolve. And ascended at some point in time as well.

There are female gendered higher spiritual beings. Period. They are not even a little bit rarer than males either. Males who are buttmad about that fact are just the unbalance. Their aggressiveness is due to the male version of the imbalance that, if they were female, would present itself as being manipulative little cunts. Their thinking is upside down and topsy-turvy.

>2.Is the quality that is necessary for ascent unique to males and the fire element?

Not even a little bit. Jesus talked of making everyone androgynous as it is the state one must reside in to be enlightened. Peter or Paul was all like "Why is she [Mary Magdalene] here? Women are not fit to live." and Jesus was like "I will carve a man out of her too [in the same way I will carve a woman out of you." I am enlightened and I am bisexual because I am equally receptive and creative I also go for third gendered androgynous people like me.

>3.Is the greatest factor in this sexual activity?

The greatest factor is spiritual imbalance. These males are mad fucks. No one likes a mad fuck man. Just like no one likes a manipulative bitch who can't be real for even a second. These two archetypes are exactly equal in their unworthiness.

>Men have a easy enough time limiting their sexual activity, but women are incapable because their bodies are built the way they are.

That's not even a little true. Men cheat on the low all the time. Priest diddle boys because they can't into celibacy. Men ogle girls and commit adultery in their hearts every moment. Bring your eyes to the truth of this.

>There are supposedly a great amount of cases were women develop psychic talents later in life after menopause simply because the body doesn't have to waste energy on possible sexual reproduction.

That's such a gross thing to say.


>That would take years of spiritual development.

You're slothful. Don't pretend like no one does it just because you don't want to do it, degenerate penis flagger.

>There exist no complete-truth spiritual development system on this plane as far as I know

You're wrong. I am a completely truthful spiritual person who can give one the complete truth.

>so that would make it needed to learn and discard by necessity.

It WOULD if it were true. I've told you it isn't true. And if it WERE true, then enlightenment would be completely lost to this world because no one person could bring anyone to enlightenement and it is so that one can only reach enlightenment if they are following the straight path facilitated by a singular teacher. There are many discplines and art motifs which are but rays of the same sun, paths converging on the same point. You won't get there without a teacher from whom truthfulness and knowledge flows even from their innermost being.

This I tell you so you'll stop being such a disgraceful stupid fuck and maybe stop talking like you know.



>The Jews, who set the foundation of Christianity

this is what good goyim actually believe



Hey why are you telling me to terminate myself? I just said jews got misogyny right at least. Are we going to stop breathing air because jews do that too?


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>still breathing air



Teach me how to forego the air jew, master.




>not a kike

>implying kikes didn't predict his birth

>in the kikestory three kike kings even show up and offer him gifts worth many shekels

Go back to worshiping your dead jew kike-enabler



my cheeks hurt from smiling



>in the kikestory three kike kings even show up and offer him gifts worth many shekels

You retard, they were Magi, Persian wizards. You really are a dumb fuck.



>Dead jew kike-enabler






Literally new age garbage.



No you're the garbage. >>34754 and >>34751 is correct. I didn't read any of the links. You're garbage.



great rebuttal



y-you too




>No. The wise take not from those sources which are not wholly good and they seek that source which can give them everything they need and contains not a bit of falsity.

Fucking retarded. Everyone looks through religion, history, science, philosophy, etc. and cobbles together pieces of the truth from the lies and in this way build themselves up.

Discarding truth when you find it because "oh noes, the source wasn't 100% perfect" is full retard.


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ayy lmao, these organizations are all a complete joke, pic related from "Daughters of the Nile".




Pretty strong in the feminine principle yeah.


Sort of but requires the masculine principle to be exerted first.

>astral projection, out-of-body experiences,

Nothing feminine about astral projection whatsoever. It's pure masculine, forcing your astral body out, projecting.


Not really particularly feminine.

>smell, taste, sight, touch, hearing


>inner sound, and inner white light are ALL constituent to the feminine principle.

No that would be masculine, inner-to-outer.

>One not understanding this should git gud because you are out of your element are shitting up clearer water.

Women are subordinate, inferior, receptive, etc. and only as good as the man they are paired with. It's the masculine principle of spirit that animates what would otherwise be dead matter.



>One does cannot lord his will over an allegorical representation of the tripple darkness black hole.



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>Pretty strong in the feminine principle yeah.


>Sort of but requires the masculine principle to be exerted first.

The feminine needs the masculine and the masculine needs the feminine. Get with it.

>>astral projection, out-of-body experiences,

>Nothing feminine about astral projection whatsoever. It's pure masculine, forcing your astral body out, projecting.

Forcing yourself out is masculine. Seeing, smelling, tasting, feeling, hearing, sensing, thinking what there is to see, smell, taste, feel, hear, sense, and think is all feminine. Affecting what there is to see, smell, taste, feel, hear, sense, and think is all masculine. One principle is not better than the other anyone who is not a fool can see plain as everything else.


>Not really particularly feminine.

Dreaming is so feminine that I don't have the words for you except, like, shut up and stop talking you're saying something harmfully dull.

>smell, taste, sight, touch, hearing


Oh I see. You don't even know what feminine means. I've engaged with a fool. Those things are so feminine that to doubt it is….god just stop existing.

>>inner sound, and inner white light are ALL constituent to the feminine principle.

>No that would be masculine, inner-to-outer.

>One not understanding this should git gud because you are out of your element are shitting up clearer water.

Women are subordinate, inferior, receptive, etc. and only as good as the man they are paired with. It's the masculine principle of spirit that animates what would otherwise be dead matter.

You actually said it. Die. You wouldn't know what to want or be able to visualize it into existence without first the action of the feminine. I'm being looshed so hard.






Flag related it's the flag you should be posting with degenerate.



>"these things are feminine (lists a bunch of predominately feminine magicks)"

>"there is no feminine without the masculine, all these things possess both masculine and feminine at once"

Contradictions much?


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>I'm sorry humans. I will make it right.

Please don't "make things right" I don't want to participate in your autistic demiurgic illusion made even gayer by some equality bullshit.



1. Everyone is conditioned.

2. Everyone that acts is does so because of emotions (does without emotion are catatonic).

3. This whole universe is just memes fighting other memes for dominance.

4. People with a sense of Higher Self do not betray their ideals and fight to meme as hard as they can.




[schizophrenia intensifies]



>I also go for third gendered androgynous people like me.

>third gendered

[tumblr intensifies]





This is just a thread for loosh farming.



Androgyny isn't just balanced male and female. It is a third thing which transcends the level of balanced male/female which is on the level of third eye. Androgyny is on the level of the crown chakra.



Problem with receiver not sender.

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