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Esoteric Wizardry


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How do I get mad and emotional over shit?

I'm always emotionally dead. Every day though while posting on imageboards someone claims that they are "making me mad" and yet I am not; and I wish to be.

Absolutely nothing provokes me. I need to awaken my emotions and set them to work at something. Yet I am just fucking emotionally blank.

At best I feel a constant tinge of sadness because my body constantly feels like shit. I can only beat it back by going into a trance and fighting it. Otherwise, while reading, browsing the internet, eating, or doing anything at all I feel a gloomy near emotional blankness.

It's even the same offline. Someone gets mad at me and I don't raise my voice, I don't get mad back, etc. and when someone does something nice or something wonderful is happening I don't get happy. I am completely emotionally unreactive.

Pic related it me, all the time my body is awake, no matter what happens. Only in the midst of hardcore magick, astral travel, etc. do my emotions come out.



Try to practice bhakti yoga. Activation of the heart chakra makes it a lot easier to express emotions especially love.

You might also have unresolved childhood or adolescent issues which have blocked your emotions. I suggest fixing those to unblock the dam.



My body constantly feels like shit, looks shit, and I was abused severely and I learned to be quiet and suppress emotions because generally getting emotional leads me into mania or absolute despair very fast. When I'm astrally projected the negative vibrations from my wrecked body can't bother me and weigh me down though.



There we go. We've pinpointed your problem which is the early abuse.

You need to enter a deep meditation and recall these experiences and memories. You want them to trigger a deep emotional release. Try to let the emotions reintegrate with your body by allowing yourself to feel it out.



Even looking at my body or pulling up even one of the countless memories of abuse over my life causes immense pain. The amount of suffering I contain is just ridiculous. I can not possibly go through it all in a lifetime. I could go through just a little bit of it in private at a time but alas I'll never cleanse it all out to a point of being able to assume a normal emotionality around people and in non-meditative states.


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Look at this picture of Mars and channel your inner warrior. Ask him to give you strength.

Your stored pain and suffering is a mountain of personal growth just waiting to happen. Your hard life is a gift. Through pain and suffering we grow stronger.

Don't think you need to tackle it all at once. Little by little, once a day, once a week or even once a month. Each memory you re-integrate and re-experience is like another weight added on to your bar, another battle which gives a mighty wound that later turns into a powerful scar. For all pain eventually heals and leave a defining mark of strength, a story of valor.

Good luck and try to look up resource videos on how to heal your emotional wounds and body. There are plenty of informative and good people out there who can give a hand.



Use the law of attraction, OP. Say something positive about things even if you have to double dip into the same positivity well. Go to the store and just think redeeming things about people and things. You will find after that exercise, after a time that that same comforting, forgiving, positive eye is the eye you turn upon yourself. Then the healing engine will be started up.

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