How do I get mad and emotional over shit?
I'm always emotionally dead. Every day though while posting on imageboards someone claims that they are "making me mad" and yet I am not; and I wish to be.
Absolutely nothing provokes me. I need to awaken my emotions and set them to work at something. Yet I am just fucking emotionally blank.
At best I feel a constant tinge of sadness because my body constantly feels like shit. I can only beat it back by going into a trance and fighting it. Otherwise, while reading, browsing the internet, eating, or doing anything at all I feel a gloomy near emotional blankness.
It's even the same offline. Someone gets mad at me and I don't raise my voice, I don't get mad back, etc. and when someone does something nice or something wonderful is happening I don't get happy. I am completely emotionally unreactive.
Pic related it me, all the time my body is awake, no matter what happens. Only in the midst of hardcore magick, astral travel, etc. do my emotions come out.