I don't know if anyone else here has a master plan but I do.
My master plan is to finish the study of my books in my library. With the recent challenge I've given myself, I've been making extraordinarily rapid progress, and finding myself wanting to keep reading even after completing the weekly requirements.
You all already know that though. What I haven't talked about is what I intend to do after that; when I'm done reading.
Immediately after that I may decide to pursue one month of extreme physical development and meditation. This would probably involve avoiding computers and going outside from when the sun rises and staying out until the sunsets, taking with me a big backpack full of food and water, and wandering around my city into the parks then spending most of my time doing energy work and advanced meditations. Then returning at night and sleeping. I'm not sure if I'll actually do this though or just skip it, it's not really that important to do, maybe I'll just do like one week of it I don't know. The fatal flaw of this plan is that it requires me to actually be able to sleep at night and knowing my body I just don't see that happening consistently.
The more important thing is this; I plan to begin construction an astral realm and an extremely powerful tulpa that will be my teacher hencefourth. With the tulpa created I will do very advanced meditations, thoughtforming, and other activities while learning with it and advancing my powers forward as much as possible. I will also be unfolding all of my astral senses intensely, altogether, and not letting them regress. I believe that with such a powerful teacher called upon from the higher planes to carry my occult education and training forward from what I was able to pick up from reading in third density I will be able to achieve extremely fast and powerful growth in power. With the help of this very powerful tulpa I intend to make I will sort out all of my life problems and escape these bullshit circumstances I've been born into. It could help me remote view the stockmarket, find perfect money making opportunities, practise mental influence on others, etc. the possibilities would be endless. It could also be my closest and most reliable companion.
I guess I'm being vague but that's what I'm aiming to do. I'm already incredibly fucking powerful. Many things come very easily to me and I feel as if I inherited a lot of my ability from the efforts of a previous life or something. Stuff that takes people months to do, I can usually do in a few days, sometimes right away if the conditions at the moment of attempt are right.
It should rapidly reach a point where I can conduct most of my affairs through the astral and no longer really rely on a site like this to correspond with fellow initiates. I'm going to do some extremely dangerous high level shit and push it all to the max once my reading is done. Anything I can think of from getting in contact with aliens to wielding elemental power to influence physical reality to reading minds I want to do it all.