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I don't know if anyone else here has a master plan but I do.

My master plan is to finish the study of my books in my library. With the recent challenge I've given myself, I've been making extraordinarily rapid progress, and finding myself wanting to keep reading even after completing the weekly requirements.

You all already know that though. What I haven't talked about is what I intend to do after that; when I'm done reading.

Immediately after that I may decide to pursue one month of extreme physical development and meditation. This would probably involve avoiding computers and going outside from when the sun rises and staying out until the sunsets, taking with me a big backpack full of food and water, and wandering around my city into the parks then spending most of my time doing energy work and advanced meditations. Then returning at night and sleeping. I'm not sure if I'll actually do this though or just skip it, it's not really that important to do, maybe I'll just do like one week of it I don't know. The fatal flaw of this plan is that it requires me to actually be able to sleep at night and knowing my body I just don't see that happening consistently.

The more important thing is this; I plan to begin construction an astral realm and an extremely powerful tulpa that will be my teacher hencefourth. With the tulpa created I will do very advanced meditations, thoughtforming, and other activities while learning with it and advancing my powers forward as much as possible. I will also be unfolding all of my astral senses intensely, altogether, and not letting them regress. I believe that with such a powerful teacher called upon from the higher planes to carry my occult education and training forward from what I was able to pick up from reading in third density I will be able to achieve extremely fast and powerful growth in power. With the help of this very powerful tulpa I intend to make I will sort out all of my life problems and escape these bullshit circumstances I've been born into. It could help me remote view the stockmarket, find perfect money making opportunities, practise mental influence on others, etc. the possibilities would be endless. It could also be my closest and most reliable companion.

I guess I'm being vague but that's what I'm aiming to do. I'm already incredibly fucking powerful. Many things come very easily to me and I feel as if I inherited a lot of my ability from the efforts of a previous life or something. Stuff that takes people months to do, I can usually do in a few days, sometimes right away if the conditions at the moment of attempt are right.

It should rapidly reach a point where I can conduct most of my affairs through the astral and no longer really rely on a site like this to correspond with fellow initiates. I'm going to do some extremely dangerous high level shit and push it all to the max once my reading is done. Anything I can think of from getting in contact with aliens to wielding elemental power to influence physical reality to reading minds I want to do it all.



>finish studies

>clear up mind and body with meditation and energy-gathering and sunlight

>start work on astral realm

>rapidly craft a super powerful tulpa with no limits on it, going to materialize it into a physical appearance if I'm powerful enough


I document everything and am working on my master plan



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What's the next step of your master plan?


Decent plan, though it'd be better to leave the city area instead of going into parks populated by mundanes who may interfere with your meditation.


File: 1430047372166.jpg (13.66 KB, 280x180, 14:9, Índice.jpg)


to transcend this plane, with no self surviving



what if your master wizard tulpa kills you?



what can you do at the moment, man?

don't be vague

also, for how many years have you been studying?


>construct an extremely powerful tulpa that will be my teacher hencefourth

This is my plan as well, even if I'm a lot weaker than you, smiley, I don't think tulpa construction would be a big deal, it would just take correct formulation, dedication and time investment.

I think it's pretty much the only guaranteed way to advance past basic teachings.



how do you think to create it?

how do you fill it of info?



It's surprising how little discussion of tulpas there is on /fringe/, I think they're an interesting subject, I'm definitely interested.

Funny how fucking /mlp/ on 4chan of all places really kickstarted the tulpa trend recently.



I like this board because of its philosopical and thought provoking elements. But either I'm getting trolled here or many people here are ridiculously delusional/edgy. It just seems like you're trying to escape reality by adopting and inventing literally anything that sounds cool to you.

No you're not fucking powerful. You can't telepathically communicate with anyone/anything.

All of this is bullshit and I want you to know that you're holding yourself back by doing this without even acknowledging it. I mean it's fine by me if you say that basically you want to live in your thoughts and dreams, and take drugs or whatever to experience reality in another way. But don't kid yourself and assume that by doing that you're living in the "universal reality" (This doesn't really exist, but what I mean by that is the common reality we exist in and can interact through with eachother)



hey, maybe.. you.. just like open your own thread?



It's not like boards are completely seperated by threads. The userbase is still the same and so opinions will still be the same.



*tips fedora*



I don't see how your response makes any sense. I am basically the opposite of "le fedora faggot" and what some of you here are doing is EXACTLY the stuff some pathetic fedora neckbeards are rightfully ridiculed for.



INB4 mundane


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>I like this board because of its philosopical and thought provoking elements. But either I'm getting trolled here or many people here are ridiculously delusional/edgy. It just seems like you're trying to escape reality by adopting and inventing literally anything that sounds cool to you.

I feel just like this. Its kind of usual to find desulional/megalomaniac people when studing "occult stuff", and I`m used to this, but this board is getting more and more closed-minded, people are just reinforcing each others bullshit and discussion is avoided using memes like in: >>34994

this is looking like /pol



magick is real



We're all sick of constantly having to deal with fedoras/mundanes.




there are still people who believe that NASA is legit



Yeah because having people posting "lol magic dont reel" every other post like on /x/ would be SO thought provoking, thanks for opening everyone's eyes mandudebro.



Not any less thought provoking than "creating tulpas". Before we can start having a proper discussion, this shit has to stop.



> Yeah because having people posting "lol magic dont reel" every other post like on /x/ would be SO thought provoking, thanks for opening everyone's eyes mandudebro.

I did not say magick is not real, just that is easy to find desulional fucks in this area, an afirmation hard to disagree. All I`m saying is that arguments constructed only with adjectives are bullshit. No one in this thread came with the tipical fedora/bait magick is not real, you are just using this bias for convenience



What are you talking about, the post that started the chain was as fedora as it gets. I understand some people are deluded and think they're 100 year old sages judging by their way of speaking however it's hard to find balance so I'll take this over them.


You mean like people asking how to summon a succubus? Those aren't really all that present here.



> the post that started the chain was as fedora as it gets

Its not, this guy just say OP is full of shit, not magick as a whole and, about this:

>I mean it's fine by me if you say that basically you want to live in your thoughts and dreams, and take drugs or whatever to experience reality in another way. But don't kid yourself and assume that by doing that you're living in the "universal reality"

there are a lot of people here who mistake experience diferent realities with enlightment, so he has a valid point, at least worth of a better discussion then "tips fedora"



people don't want their illusions destroyed

magick is real, enlightenment is real, ascention is real, conspiracies are real

that doesn't mean you'll ascend in a few years just by reading a few free internet books

jesus came from higher dimensions, and he ascended after 18 fucking years of meditation

the ones who control the world have their secret occult knowledge, and they have to put in years and years of work

the occult is a long road



And that the earth is a globe that SPINS. Earth is flat and does not spin.



it's amazing how REALLY everything you've been told is a lie



>with no self surviving

Umm dude, if you want your Self to be destroyed, that's the default path all mundanes go under and you don't have to do anything.



I always giggle when I see a Fedora and I'm not sick of them. It's like some kid saying Saint. Nicholas is not real when he was.

I find New Age delusions more annoying than Fedoras.



>this guy just say OP is full of shit

What? I laid out a plan, a bunch of things I intend to do, how can you find fault with my plan and say I'm "full of shit"? Are you telling me you think I'm NOT going to follow through with this? I am reading one of my occult books right now and thus making progress towards the fulfilment of my plan.

Note: I only have 2 posts in this thread, the very first one, and this one.



Ermmm 3 posts (now 4).






Don't think you will actually do it and finish the project

and your "Master Plan" is pretty generic for a big guy like you.



>You can't telepathically communicate with anyone/anything.

I've met true psychics. I was communicating with them in my head without moving my lips and they were responding back to me with exact specific answers.

Telepathy is very real.

That event did it for me. Never thought I would ever experience something like that in my life.

Reality slips when you start on The Path. One delves into depths of Solipsism and many are encouraged by The Dark Satanic Occult Forces of this world to stay there. It's a New Age Deception to make people believe that if they believe negativity doesn't exist, then it won't. This is NOT TRUE.

As far the rest of your post while I agree with you to some degree, I would suggest you don't underestimate the level of positive change one can implement into the fabric of this very real physical plane when they develop their powers.



make she cute




*tips fedora*



A bit sour maybe?


If you want to kick start a tulpa, form a realm in your head, a planet that represents you, and a tree that represents access to yourself. Place an orb into a hole in the side of the tree, and meditate in that spot in your head, flowing ideas into it. Let the fom create itself. Within 5 minutes you should have sentience if you so it correctly. I was never really serious about tulpa but mine would respond by shifting colors for different responses to my questions.

Also, you don't need to do shit to get powers besides living your purpose and what makes you truly happy. I've been shocking people and healing in this past week. Reiki is natural and so is empathy.

While most of you plebs are against drugs I indulge fully. It opens you up but weak mofuggahs can't handle their shit so "hurr durr drugs bad mmk". The only reason it took the masters years is because they tried to reach enlightenment through just mind and spirit. Meditation only gets you so far. You must act and feel or you stagnate in the waters and the wind of life. Go out and fucking indulge but stay smart, aware, and based.

Hoo Ra



There should be a proper way to address doubts other than mock them with ironic fedora posting




what drugs would you recommend my friend?



Nigger read the date.



I dunno about him but I could recommend: LSD, psylocibin (mushrooms), amanita muscaria , mescalin (peyote), blue Lilly, sálvia, dmt, weed (specially if eaten)



Take a look at any druggy, they are worthless, powerless…

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