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File: 1430012957204.jpg (124.47 KB, 600x593, 600:593, shadow_tower.jpg)
Spookbens 04/26/15 (Sun) 01:49:17 No.34892
Streaman dat Shadow Tower, the spoopiest PSX video-game of all time:
Come join the fun, my niggas.
SAGE! 04/26/15 (Sun) 06:07:56 No.34920
File: 1430028476861.jpg (28.76 KB, 350x525, 2:3, hauntinghour.jpg)
Haunting Hour, aka Goosebumps 2.0, is on now.
04/26/15 (Sun) 09:30:51 No.34943
File: 1430040651803.jpg (61.39 KB, 600x218, 300:109, 12-3-2015 14.3.31 1.jpg)
>Not playing Nightmare Creatures and defeating the beings of the fourth dimension
04/27/15 (Mon) 00:36:10 No.35104
File: 1430094970306.jpg (391.79 KB, 1057x1500, 1057:1500, spooky_buddies.jpg)
Spooky Buddies, on now.