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Practical Qabalah

We all must traverse through each sphere of the Qabalah to achieve divinity/ ascension. This is merely one of the many path working systems which spirituality has to offer. The Qabalah is an exceptionally well designed tree or map of the micro and macrocosm; the universe and yourself. To learn the Qabalah is to learn and understand both of these, to learn all the energies that we may tap into. Practical use extends far greater than just knowledge or experience of life but into knowledge and experience of the planetary spheres, spirits, energies and various pathways, etc. For example you might desire to work on Geburah so you may learn to harness willpower and warrior strength. Or you may even want to test your skills in astral battles. To even have conversations with grand warriors and see what they can teach.

Each sphere has its own correspondences which symbolize the energy given. Try to think of each sephirot(planetary spheres) by the planetary name and correspondences for simplicity of understanding. I'm sure by now we've all gained a handle on what the Sun, Moon, Saturn, etc represent and the energies tied into those. Once you've mastered the basics of understanding what each sephirot means then you may begin to think Qabalistically. Just like how we think Hermetically with the seven axioms.

Let's use the example of desiring to obtain an item in daily life. Your desire is represented by Netzach, the Jupiter sephirot. The mental structure of how you will acquire this is represented by Hod or Mercury. Willpower is fuelled by Geburah or Mars energy. And the imagination aspect is given birth in Tiphareth(sol) which eventually funnels down into Yesod(Luner), the astral plane. This then manifests downward into physical reality, Malkuth.

This is only an exceptionally bare bones and basic explanation of some of the workings that the Qabalah goes through to make reality manifest. There are many other factors like pathways, other spheres and energies, etc that we need to take into account generally. But it will suffice to show the one use of the tree and application to relaity. Much meditation is required over the tree to make sense of anything and to piece together the flow of information if you do wish to take it up.

I advise all of you to go out and study this tree for a greater understanding of the universe and of yourself. It will allow you to guide yourself through spiritual advancement so no longer will you keep thinking "what is the next step" for you will already know because it is right in front of you in the diagram.

This brings us onto the topic at hand which is Qabalah path working and stages of spiritual progress. Not only of yourself but how to understand the progress of others by using the Qabalah, for it will show where you are and also your friends/partners development.

You might be noticing by now in your spiritual development that you are speeding past and progressing much further ahead of the people around you. This causes great discord and argument. You speak of great spiritual and mystic experiences which they cannot comprehend and will not understand with further explanation. They might get angry or dissatisfied and retaliate against you, damaging the relationship. For you who have been in this field for longer will know how to deal with people by experience. You might of already noticed that each person is at a different stage of life and must be talked to differently. This leads to dissatisfaction for yourself though. For who wishes to talk to a child that has nothing to say but fedora beliefs, nihilistic depression, psychedelic philosophy or communist ideologies? Possibly they are a hedonistic animal who wishes only to waist their life in physical ecstasy or some other unfavourable character. These are but few examples of types of people you might have communicated with. They are a physical and mental drain on us, a waste of time and most of all a no good annoyance. But we are stuck on an earth where human interactions is nearly vital(becoming less so with the rise of technology) and generally exceptionally helpful. Friends and partners can help fulfil our needs as humans so it's best to keep them on our good side.


As you will see on our Qabalah diagram I have created with the PROPER planetary symbols, not the false disinformation Qabalah you will find online with the Uranus, Neptune and Pluto spheres incorrectly labelled. The paht we take is from Malkuth to Kether. It goes from Malkuth to Yesod, Hod, Netzach, Tipareth, Geburah, Chesed, Binah, Chokmah and into Kether. Da'ath is skipped hence it is a unique sphere(don't wary about this for now). I hope pretty pictures and words have kept you entertained because now we're going into the actual meat of the discussion.

First we all start out on Malkuth, this contains all four elements and whatever they bring for you and your life. We will only briefly be discussing the lower spheres in this talk. But next we start to pathway upwards in the tree. I should explain about growing or advancing in the Qabalah. You grow by the spiritual experiences you gain in life. These might be obtained in physical reality (having to fight, given chances to manage money or having relationships and family, intellectual study of sciences, practicing arts, studying from observation and philosophy, etc.), they may also be obtained through clairvoyant investigation of the tree, meditation over it and even experiences gained in the astral. Generally you will path work in each sphere to experience the wonders it has to give and talk to the many great spirits there.

Going on we next have Yesod. Yesod represents Luner(masculine, feminine is Lunar) or the moon. Of those of you who are familiar with the moon will understand it has a very subconscious, astral, sexual, bestial nature. This means people who are currently at the state of Yesod in their life will be interested in hedonism. You might know friends who only desire sex, alcohol, food, entertainment and other such pleasures of the physical world. Don't grow angry at these poor souls for you were once just like them. Allow them to have their fill of physical ecstasy.

After Yesod we start to move into Hod. Hod is the Mercurial sphere. Mercury is the realm of science and intellect. I believe those who we call "fedoras" are trapped in Hod. People who are interested in university study and logic based activities have strong ties with Hod. This could be related to the left side of the brain. The right side of the brain would be Netzach. Netzach is the Venus sphere. It is very artistic and emotional. This is where your desires lie in. Those of you who are musically or artistically inclined will have very strong Netzach energies and ties. A strongly defined sphere would be of Mars or Geburah. Those of you who have traversed across or are up to Geburah will have faced great struggle which brought out your inner strength and will, forging you into a valorous warrior.

We require each sphere to be well developed within us to have a strong foundation. You can regress downward and degenerate your spiritual development. An example is of those who start to fall into hedonism. This takes us back to Yesod. Or those who start to doubt their experiences and wisdom and then degenerate back into Hod. Nihilism is also a nasty mental disease for it never truly allows one to travel into Kether and gain divinity.

You might have figured out that we have in the past had cults and religions dedicated to a specific sphere(Solar religions like Christianity, Lunar religions like goddess worship). These act as a safe environment in which people can fully express their desires and needs in order to grow. Now in modern society since we are "civilized" men in suits there is no time for play or fun of what these cults can bring. I for one demand a Mars and Venus cult where we hold dramatic 1v1 gladiator matches backed up by a musical band. Back to seriousness. Do try to seek out groups or activities in which you may gain the experiences required by your stage of development.

The purpose of my words was not to give you all the keys and unlock every door, but to spark your interest in Qabalah path working and understanding. You should be able to already see some of the very basic practical uses of this system.

Know thyself for the seed holds all information to create a plant. You contain the entire tree within yourself, it is just that you need to discover it. Everything you need in your spiritual development is within. Do not read this as an excuse to stop studying, for without study you will never know the basic information to meditate over to understand the Qabalah.


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Right now I'm the process of transversing through uranus.




Additionally, is there any literature you recommend on the subject?


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If you want a really general explanation of what you can expect from path working I would suggest this http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.ca/2010/09/general-list-of-planetary-influences.html

Password is wisdom for the mystical Kabbalah.

Hermetic Qabalah foundation is good for a really compact understanding of the symbolism. It wont get you practical knowledge unless you have already a strong grasp in planets and the zodiac.

I'm still in the process myself of finding a good pagan book on planetary Qabalah since it is a much cleaner system. You can also hunt down Bardons book on Quabalah in the sticky.



It wont allow me to upload these books but try to find a copy of "A pactical guide to Qabalistic symbolism" By Gareth Knight. It comes in two parts.


> /fringe/ complains about too many slide threads

> actual informative threads like this practically getting ignored

What kind of a god



No one's ignoring this thread.



> practically



*Correction Luna is feminine and Lunar is masculine.


>worshiping the magical jew




"Anyone can occupy himself with the true quabbalah, theoretically as well as practically, no

matter what religious system he may adhere to. The quabbalistic science thus is no privilege

for people who profess the Hebrew religious system. The Hebrews do maintain that the

quabbalah is of Hebrew origin, but in Hebrew mysticism the knowledge of the quabbalah is of

Old Egyptian origin. The history of the Hebrew quabbalah, its origin, development, etc., is to

be found in the literature on the subject, for much has already been written about this field." Franz Bardon.


How viable is self initiation in the Qabalah system? Could it be done use Bardon's books?

Also could you write the descriptions of the remaining sephirah?



We are in an age where knowledge runs free. Self initiation into any field of magic is extremely viable. Bardon does a good job at removing a lot of the mystery about it.

As for a general description of the spheres.

Kether - "The crown", divine purpose and spark. Absolute divinity.

Chokmah - "Wisdom", knowledge and understanding of secret occult abilities and energies.

Binah - "Understanding" time, cycles, death, decay.

Chessed - "Kindness" Diplomacy, wealth, leadership, management.

Geburah - "Serenity" Will, strength, action, power.

Tiphareth - "Beauty" Inspiration, ideals, christ energy.

Netzach - "Eternity" Emotion, desire, expression.

Hod - "Splendor" Logical, analytic, rational.

Yessod - "Foundation" Astral "womb", astral plane.

Malkuth - "The Kingdom" Physical reality, final path of manifestation, four elements.

You're really going to need to do some study and then meditation over each sphere and the corresponding planets. Examples are path working in each planetary sphere, trying to get a feel and idea what they're like. You'll also meet a bunch of entities who can answer your questions and give you a hand. If you know the attributes of the corresponding planets then you can begin to apply them to the sephirah.

Do meditations trying to link them together in scenarios. Start at Kether and take the flaming sword path down to Malkuth, acknowledging what each sphere does to create a whole product. This is especially important for those of you who make thought forms or egregores and want to "juice" them up a little. Give them a purpose and personality, etc.



It's funny that you quote Franz 'Best Goy' Bardon since he was actually doing magical work to undermine the NatSoc regime on Germany.

I like my quabbalists the way I like my dinner, in the oven.


>We all must traverse through each sphere of the Qabalah to achieve divinity/ ascension.


Stopping you right there. Do not place limitations on the universe.


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That doesn't make sense.



I intended it as a blanket term for whatever version of this you use, if it's chakras or some other eastern system. I am thinking Qabalistically which means I will convert those systems to Qabalah. But please feel free to create a thread for whatever path working system you enjoy.


The Nazis use a version of the Qabalah called the Qilppoth which is abusing the dark undercurrents of each sephirah. This is a version which says "I kill and use others for the good of myself, to gain more power". While the Qabalah follows the philosophy of the overflowing cup. When your cup overflows you give to another to help them, and so they do the same. My cup had overflown so I made this thread. Without the positive Tiphareth energy there would be no thread.

Your party has also disgraced the swastika. A divine symbol of Kether, an expansion of the elements. While also taking on the black sun symbol. That is an extremely disgusting symbol which sucks in all energy and converts it to dark Qilppothian forces.

It's up to you what energies you wish to use but I suggest you do your research with an open and calm mind without your /pol/ programming.



Thank you for the explanation.

I'd like to clarify something, the bit about the juicing up thought forms, do you mean I must take my thoughtforms and infuse them all with all of the properties of various spheres or just one very specific task?

If it's just task/unique personality that you recommend that's how I've always made mine.




Does the kabbalah work on the hindu god then. I've always felt that it was distinctly jewish.



Its all different focuses and coverings to describe the same system intrinsic to existence. Yes, a hindu god can do kabbalah. You can contact a hindu god through kabbalah if they know and let you.



I've thought it was possible but the people I asked (Jews) were pretty strict to me. Any ways thank you.



If you want an incredibly powerful, fleshed out and defined thoughtform you will want to go through each sphere. As in give them a reason to do what they do, a reason of their own creation, the attributes of their personality, their own emotions and logic. This is all up for you to manipulate and decide. You might want them to be mindless and emotionless and die in 2 days or something. It all depends on your master plan of creation (Kether).


What do you mean by Hindu God? Are you trying to say that there is more than one prime creator?

If you mean can a Hindu work the system then of course. Traditionally planetary magic was "not exactly" part of Qabalah. But I've managed to work it in and path work with Greek and Norse gods. It's a universal system in the end.



Learn Qabalah to learn yourself, others and the universe.


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I'm too busy reading Qabbalistic texts to read your thread, ironically enough. I just don't value anymore reading posts like this that don't tell me anything I don't already know. I require my books to expand my knowledge.



The purpose of this thread was to spark interest in the Qabalah. You have already passed it.


To any want to be Qabalist, go read The Chicken Qabalah by Lon Milo Duquette.



I didn't really like that book much. It's on my mega but it's pretty crap and dismissive to be honest.


>gematria is a good way to pass the time say instead of drinking brandy and smoking cigars but ultimately the fact that my name correlates to blahblahblah in Hebrew doesn't mean diddly squat.

Might be the case, might not, but either way I don't think its a great introduction to the subject. The only Duqette books I've liked have been the key to solomons temple and his autobiographical low magic. He's not great on practical teaching.

Here's my qaballah folder: https://mega.co.nz/#F!z9wG0LaC!-xTAP0iaHZB7EwFyVBvScw


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


His music is cool


I want to study the Qabalah, I'm put off by most of the writers being shitty Thelemites, Theosophists or 2spiritual4you jewish fucbois. As far as I understand from Ophiel's short writing on the matter, to practically study the Qabalah you would AP into whatever sephirot or invoke it etc.

Is there any practical power to be had in the Qabalah, anyway?



I thought to share it as a good introduction for new comers. Since Qabalah can be a bit daunting to them.


You can more easily scry into the spheres. The practical power is the power over reality by interfacing with the spheres. Generally as magicians we use spirits and other egreogores/ thoughtforms to manipulates and control reality. With Qabalah you can pinpoint the exact sphere needed to manipulate and start to cause change within it.



It must be a good 5 years since I've read it and II can only recall that line about gematria so don't take my opinion too seriously @ anyone interested in qabalah. I can't remember much else about it, should probably reread it sometime.

Here's a link to it anyway. https://mega.co.nz/#!3w4nEARI!jJfBDml6mr-JCHMblUS_UU6IyxVRy91TxDscQ9xpar8

And lon's other books:

the key to solomons key


low magic


enochian sex magic




I appreciate all of your resources. It's enough to spend a lifetime on.

To all the want to be Qabalah practitioners. Remember that this is a practical field as well. Eventually you will want to start scrying around the spheres and channeling from the intelligence there. That will get you started on the more practical fun stuff.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Here's a video of DuQette on kaballah. More dry than his book but worth watching.


Does anyone have books on the 12 sphere Qabalah? or any resources at all on it.


how would I astral project into a sphere?



There are many ways. But it's much easier to just scry into them. Take these methods for both projection and scrying.

First is to summon up a guide and ask them to take you to whatever planetary sphere you wish. Second is to focus on the planetary energies of a sphere, connecting yourself with them. And third, which kind of links onto the second is to use a sigil. The sigil would be the planetary sigil used in the original picture. Use whatever doorway, portal or other method you like for traveling with it. Fourth would be traveling "physicaly" while scrying or projecting to the actual planet. Fifth is using the tarot correspondences, meditating over them. Six would be using the pathways, which you will need to clairvoyantly travel through using whatever method you like (tarot, correspondences, a mental construction, all three).

Also, use the Tattvas to scry into the four realms of Malkuth.

Have a pen and paper ready to channel from whatever intelligence you're interacting with. I recommend keeping a single book for each sphere so you can contain the energies. Worst case you can just try open the planetary sigil and connect with the highest power of that sphere (Sol, Pluto, Mars, etc).



Why would I listen to some poor, fat, tired-looking old man who's greatest occult experience was to almost die?



You'd be better off just learning the basics and then doing energy work until you're strong enough to invoke an entity to teach you. Getting tainted fragments of knowledge out of people who barely knew how to apply what they are trying to describe is a sure way to fill your mind with a lot of disinformation.


I refuse to believe that Madonna is a highly developed spiritual being.


>Or you may even want to test your skills in astral battles.

OP please read this

I can swear by all the cells in my body that I just had a battle with a demon on the Astral, inside an Astral Colisseum, but my entire body was not in the battle, only my mind inside an Astral Body designed for battles (imagined by me). After my conciousness came back to the physical, I had scars in my hand.

What the fuck was all that? How can I conciously understand and control this occurrences? and how can I manifest my whole body, not only the mind, inside this realms?

Please, bear with me OP, I honestly don't know anything about Qabalah, I have just read the /fringe/ recommended books in the mega. But I truly want to learn how to travel this realms and experience full conciousness. This experience finally convinced me that there is something apart from this Earth. That battle was too real for it to be an ilussion: I felt I could truly die at any moment.

Do you have skype or any way other way of contact?



Forgot to mention that, althrough I have close to 0 knowledge about the Qabalah (now some more thanks to your great explanation), I have been following Bardon Initiation into Hermetics and practicing daily introspection, meditation and search for true wisdom.

Maybe this battle was like some test to finally convince me this is all real?



Funny enough I had a similar experience. I believe this is a trial and test. Understand that when you put yourself into astral space that you are very liable to being attacked. The outcome of this battle will manifest downward into physical reality so it is important.

As for transferring the physical body in the astral that is an extremely high level ability which comes when the dna and cells of your body are much more evolved. So don't worry about it now.

If you're worried about more battles and defending yourself then I suggest you to do one of the following. Either do energy work, banish every day, keep yourself in a high vibrational state or strengthen the astral body by imagining a suit of armor and weapon for about 5 minutes.

Remember for any future battles that you're insanely powerful compared to most of the beings which want to attack you. Enter a state which is kill or be killed.




Didn't expect such a quick response from you. Thanks.

Actually, I am not that worried about other encounters. I think I did a pretty good job winning that fight, otherwise I would not be here typing this.

The adrenaline, the danger, the risk of dying at any moment: that was the best experience I had in my entire life. I felt a power I had never felt. I felt invencible. Somehow, it was like a videogame, but a REAL videogame where I could die, don't know how to explain it at all.

OP, how can I re-enter this Astral Spaces? I seek to understand and control this.

Sorry for asking again, but you obviously have more knowledge about all this. Is there any way I could contact you?



>but a REAL videogame where I could die, don't know how to explain it at all.

Actually, I do have one way to explain it: To those who played Runescape on their teens: Imagine a Colosseum inside the old Wilderness PvP zone. I hope this gives a clearer picture.



Yeah thankfully I was on fringe this morning to write up another thread and noticed this old one has been bumped so I went to check it. A synchronicity for you I think.

As for entering astral space you need to learn that the imagination is the portal to the astral(this does take practice but you can get a few decent journeys in early). Yes you can also do the sleep paralysis into dream method to astral project but to be honest, using the imagination is a lot easier if you practice it. As for directing and navigating in the astral you'll want to use your will, desire and intention. Intend to travel somewhere and you will. Or focus and use gateways like planetary sigils and tattvas to attune yourself to specific energies.

If you want to contact me khanmelichior@gmail.com is my wizard email.



>A synchronicity for you I think.

Exactly my same thought.

Expect an email from me in this week, for now I feel very exhausted. I feel like a new realm of possibilities is starting to open, specially with so many good signals like you reading this posts.

The best vibes to you, OP.



a man carrying a gun probably seems highly developed to the caveman holding a stone, but that doesn't mean the man carrying a gun is more spiritually evolved.


Is that what is otherwise know as pathworking?


Is that what is known also as pathworking?



Is the imagination technique as straightforward as it sounds?






Path working is when you are led through a guided meditation (or done yourself) which symbolically relates to whatever path you're currently exploring. It's good for planting seeds. I'd suggest joining a local pathworking group if there are any near you.


Yeah. Though you need to trust yourself a lot more in this way.

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