As you will see on our Qabalah diagram I have created with the PROPER planetary symbols, not the false disinformation Qabalah you will find online with the Uranus, Neptune and Pluto spheres incorrectly labelled. The paht we take is from Malkuth to Kether. It goes from Malkuth to Yesod, Hod, Netzach, Tipareth, Geburah, Chesed, Binah, Chokmah and into Kether. Da'ath is skipped hence it is a unique sphere(don't wary about this for now). I hope pretty pictures and words have kept you entertained because now we're going into the actual meat of the discussion.
First we all start out on Malkuth, this contains all four elements and whatever they bring for you and your life. We will only briefly be discussing the lower spheres in this talk. But next we start to pathway upwards in the tree. I should explain about growing or advancing in the Qabalah. You grow by the spiritual experiences you gain in life. These might be obtained in physical reality (having to fight, given chances to manage money or having relationships and family, intellectual study of sciences, practicing arts, studying from observation and philosophy, etc.), they may also be obtained through clairvoyant investigation of the tree, meditation over it and even experiences gained in the astral. Generally you will path work in each sphere to experience the wonders it has to give and talk to the many great spirits there.
Going on we next have Yesod. Yesod represents Luner(masculine, feminine is Lunar) or the moon. Of those of you who are familiar with the moon will understand it has a very subconscious, astral, sexual, bestial nature. This means people who are currently at the state of Yesod in their life will be interested in hedonism. You might know friends who only desire sex, alcohol, food, entertainment and other such pleasures of the physical world. Don't grow angry at these poor souls for you were once just like them. Allow them to have their fill of physical ecstasy.
After Yesod we start to move into Hod. Hod is the Mercurial sphere. Mercury is the realm of science and intellect. I believe those who we call "fedoras" are trapped in Hod. People who are interested in university study and logic based activities have strong ties with Hod. This could be related to the left side of the brain. The right side of the brain would be Netzach. Netzach is the Venus sphere. It is very artistic and emotional. This is where your desires lie in. Those of you who are musically or artistically inclined will have very strong Netzach energies and ties. A strongly defined sphere would be of Mars or Geburah. Those of you who have traversed across or are up to Geburah will have faced great struggle which brought out your inner strength and will, forging you into a valorous warrior.
We require each sphere to be well developed within us to have a strong foundation. You can regress downward and degenerate your spiritual development. An example is of those who start to fall into hedonism. This takes us back to Yesod. Or those who start to doubt their experiences and wisdom and then degenerate back into Hod. Nihilism is also a nasty mental disease for it never truly allows one to travel into Kether and gain divinity.
You might have figured out that we have in the past had cults and religions dedicated to a specific sphere(Solar religions like Christianity, Lunar religions like goddess worship). These act as a safe environment in which people can fully express their desires and needs in order to grow. Now in modern society since we are "civilized" men in suits there is no time for play or fun of what these cults can bring. I for one demand a Mars and Venus cult where we hold dramatic 1v1 gladiator matches backed up by a musical band. Back to seriousness. Do try to seek out groups or activities in which you may gain the experiences required by your stage of development.
The purpose of my words was not to give you all the keys and unlock every door, but to spark your interest in Qabalah path working and understanding. You should be able to already see some of the very basic practical uses of this system.
Know thyself for the seed holds all information to create a plant. You contain the entire tree within yourself, it is just that you need to discover it. Everything you need in your spiritual development is within. Do not read this as an excuse to stop studying, for without study you will never know the basic information to meditate over to understand the Qabalah.