Heh, good comparison actually. I've read (well skimmed) the
satanic bible and oh god, what a fucking piece of CRAP.
Really, the site is full of angry betas whose ex-gfs all cheated on, suddenly all women are sluts.
>no sir never gonna get married
>just gonna sit here and point all the "hamsters spinning in their wheels"
But really, theredpill is too close to the PUA community.
PUA is fundamentally about teaching you how to put on a performance so that women will find you attractive. This is good for betas and nerds, because it covers up self-loathing and other emotional issues that are the reason they can't talk to girls in the first place.
I'm all for using PUA as a stepping stone for a nerd to get used to the idea that it's okay to talk to girls, but it's easy to get bogged down in it.
People spend years learning PUA (or taking "the red pill"), all they're doing is learning how to create a better performance.
But they do not realise how much of a shitty self-loathing place that idea comes from? The idea that a girl could never like you for who you are, so you NEED to practice your performance in order to make her like you? They've got issues there.
They spend years learning PUA and bang some coked up drama-magnet clubsluts, and then wonder why they're still not happy.
Sure theoretically PUA works on all kinds of girls, but you attract what you are, and if you are a shitty emotional wreck, then you will attract other people who are also shitty emotional wrecks. Covering up a mountain of insecurity with a thin veneer of game, is not a healthy method of self improvement.
Instead of being a beta who seeks approval from women by tipping his fedora and pandering after them, all you're learning to do is seek approval and validation from women through sex, sex of course being the highest form of approval. Alpha and beta are just two sides of the same shitty coin of insecurity - it's possible to escape by fixing that insecurity, not covering it up, and certainly not by building a philosophy around it (/r/theredpill, absolutely delusional)
It's funny that hapa/asian/indian issues all got banned from r/theredpill. It just goes to show how most of them are still typical liberals who can't expand their mindset to anything beyond PUA garbage. Hence why they worship queers even though the rest of the "manosphere" type communities hate them, or why they're idiotic enough to think that race doesn't matter when anyone with half a brain knows that it obviously fucking does.
The main focus of the Red Pill is getting laid (or in their words, "sexual strategy"), while non-degenerate enlightened people desire relationships.
There's a lot of overlap in how the enlightened and the Red Pill view women, but the overall attitudes and goals differ.
Since the Red Pill considers "sexual strategy" as the most important goal, they are willing to abandon all other moral principles or ethical systems in it's name. To Red pillers, a 'blue-pill' or beta isn't simply someone who is uneducated concerning the behavior of women, they are someone who rejects that behavior as invalid or unethical, whereas the Red Pill considers it a natural and accepted part of their worldview. This is why Red Pillers constantly dehumanize and belittle blue-pills/betas to reinforce their ideology.
On the other hand, the enlightened reject the existing order as perverse and immoral. While the enlightened seek solidarity between men, the Red Pill is hyper-individualist and libertine.
I know plenty of women that don't fit the Red Pill perspective of alpha fucks beta bucks, the cock carousel, etc. The only women that I have seen riding the cock carousel are damaged ones, that dye their hair of crazy colors and that you know you have to avoid not because they're sluts, but because they're fucking crazy and make the lives of anyone that gets close to them a living hell.
It's also true that, from all the relationships I know, most of them were ended up by the girl, and in all those cases they immediately got together with another man. The easy mode about sex it's also true, if you care only about that of course.
It's an extremely exaggerated perspective on things that are real.
In conclusion, /r/theredpill is a melting pot of angry fat perma-virgins, butthurt mens rights activists, shitty pickup artists and roidmonkeys trying to cover their insecurities with muscle and testosterone injections. Every post sounds like the betaest beta trying to seem cool.
Wew, what a post. Hope you learned something.