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Relationships with other people are /fringe/-related, I believe given that a lot of our consists of them. I think having a /fringe/ thread on optimizing interactions on others would be beneficial. Feel free to lock thread if this isn't allowed here though.


I know, know


But they're one of the biggest non-SJW controlled communities online (admins are, some subreddits aren't).

They claim to be a community focused on "Discussion of sexual strategy in

a culture increasingly lacking a positive identity for men." but really it's more about

social interactions between people in general, men and men, men and women,

women and women (not so much since there's so few women there). Just mostly

focused on the sexual aspect and manipulation of the other person.

My thoughts on the community is that, well, it's a shit-hole now.

It may have been good in the beginning, not sure because I wasn't browsing the place then but

From what I can see now is that they focus entirely on how to get sluts to pump&dump and a ton of

long, long, long hardly comprehensible posts talking about their experiences using a myriad of /r9k/-tier social identity words.

There is no focus or discussion on real issues relating to the sexual marketplace, long-term relationships or the such,

it's all "guiz, my ex did/said this", "i totes fucked this slut last night and blah blah blah"

and a bit of discussion about rape victims, but of course, nothing of any real value.

For example, one of the top posts on the sub recommends people try heroin. No joke, what the fuck??

There are a few posts of some actual substance, but most of them could be summed

in a couple paragraphs but instead they're like reading a fucking book,

there's hundreds of fuck-long posts espousing obvious, simple rules of social manipulation and the sexual market.


It could be good if the moderators weren't retarded, but since they are, it's trash and a waste of time.

What are your thoughts on the 'red pill' community and the sexual market?


pretty much laveyan satanism

materialist/animalistic bullshit




Heh, good comparison actually. I've read (well skimmed) the

satanic bible and oh god, what a fucking piece of CRAP.

Really, the site is full of angry betas whose ex-gfs all cheated on, suddenly all women are sluts.

>no sir never gonna get married

>just gonna sit here and point all the "hamsters spinning in their wheels"


But really, theredpill is too close to the PUA community.

PUA is fundamentally about teaching you how to put on a performance so that women will find you attractive. This is good for betas and nerds, because it covers up self-loathing and other emotional issues that are the reason they can't talk to girls in the first place.

I'm all for using PUA as a stepping stone for a nerd to get used to the idea that it's okay to talk to girls, but it's easy to get bogged down in it.

People spend years learning PUA (or taking "the red pill"), all they're doing is learning how to create a better performance.

But they do not realise how much of a shitty self-loathing place that idea comes from? The idea that a girl could never like you for who you are, so you NEED to practice your performance in order to make her like you? They've got issues there.

They spend years learning PUA and bang some coked up drama-magnet clubsluts, and then wonder why they're still not happy.

Sure theoretically PUA works on all kinds of girls, but you attract what you are, and if you are a shitty emotional wreck, then you will attract other people who are also shitty emotional wrecks. Covering up a mountain of insecurity with a thin veneer of game, is not a healthy method of self improvement.

Instead of being a beta who seeks approval from women by tipping his fedora and pandering after them, all you're learning to do is seek approval and validation from women through sex, sex of course being the highest form of approval. Alpha and beta are just two sides of the same shitty coin of insecurity - it's possible to escape by fixing that insecurity, not covering it up, and certainly not by building a philosophy around it (/r/theredpill, absolutely delusional)

It's funny that hapa/asian/indian issues all got banned from r/theredpill. It just goes to show how most of them are still typical liberals who can't expand their mindset to anything beyond PUA garbage. Hence why they worship queers even though the rest of the "manosphere" type communities hate them, or why they're idiotic enough to think that race doesn't matter when anyone with half a brain knows that it obviously fucking does.

The main focus of the Red Pill is getting laid (or in their words, "sexual strategy"), while non-degenerate enlightened people desire relationships.

There's a lot of overlap in how the enlightened and the Red Pill view women, but the overall attitudes and goals differ.

Since the Red Pill considers "sexual strategy" as the most important goal, they are willing to abandon all other moral principles or ethical systems in it's name. To Red pillers, a 'blue-pill' or beta isn't simply someone who is uneducated concerning the behavior of women, they are someone who rejects that behavior as invalid or unethical, whereas the Red Pill considers it a natural and accepted part of their worldview. This is why Red Pillers constantly dehumanize and belittle blue-pills/betas to reinforce their ideology.

On the other hand, the enlightened reject the existing order as perverse and immoral. While the enlightened seek solidarity between men, the Red Pill is hyper-individualist and libertine.

I know plenty of women that don't fit the Red Pill perspective of alpha fucks beta bucks, the cock carousel, etc. The only women that I have seen riding the cock carousel are damaged ones, that dye their hair of crazy colors and that you know you have to avoid not because they're sluts, but because they're fucking crazy and make the lives of anyone that gets close to them a living hell.

It's also true that, from all the relationships I know, most of them were ended up by the girl, and in all those cases they immediately got together with another man. The easy mode about sex it's also true, if you care only about that of course.

It's an extremely exaggerated perspective on things that are real.

In conclusion, /r/theredpill is a melting pot of angry fat perma-virgins, butthurt mens rights activists, shitty pickup artists and roidmonkeys trying to cover their insecurities with muscle and testosterone injections. Every post sounds like the betaest beta trying to seem cool.

Wew, what a post. Hope you learned something.



Oh and go read the basic theories and form you own opinions.



oh, and don't forget about the dark triad (psychopathy, narcissism and machiavellianism) worship

jesus, there are people who strive to become psychopaths

if only they knew they could "sell" their souls


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>In conclusion, /r/theredpill is a melting pot of angry fat perma-virgins, butthurt mens rights activists, shitty pickup artists and roidmonkeys trying to cover their insecurities with muscle and testosterone injections.

This is /fringe/ related?






I've been browsing TRP for some months now and I have a few questions.

Why were hapa/asian/indian issues banned?

While I do know that the whole of TRP is dedicated to "sexual strategy", from my readings, the "sexual strategy" is never purely about sex. In fact, I've frequently seen respected members of the community frequently state not to become obsessed with sex because you are still in fact, as you rightly highlighted, dependent on women for your validation as a human being. TRP members from what I've read have frequently stated the importance of relationships, most importantly with other men. It's just that due to the stated nature of women, you cannot be vulnerable with your woman and still be seen as attractive.

>they are willing to abandon all other moral principles or ethical systems in it's name

According to the theory, it's not that they're willing to abandon moral principles but rather, there is no choice in the matter. Women simply have a different innate nature. They have no choice in what they find attractive–nobody does. What's happened here is a paradigm shift. The theory basically reestablishes your idea of the inherent nature of reality. In the same way that fire just is hot to our hands and in the same way that dropping a stone just does cause it to fall, women just are hypergamous. It is the nature of things, there is no choice in this process.

>While the enlightened seek solidarity between men, the Red Pill is hyper-individualist and libertine.

TRP'ers aren't encouraged to be amoral from what I've seen. Rather, they are always encouraged to form their own moral basis through which they guide their own actions. It's just that since TRP, as I already stated, attempts to reestablish the understanding of the universe's inherent nature, it has to be removed from morality in order to ensure that nobody is being controlled through the theory. It's the difference between Einstein revealing E = MC2 and revealing E = MC2 but only when you've hugged 5 rabbi that day.

Just recently, I was reading the final chapters of Atkinson's Mental Magic and there's a point where he's talking about the true nature of self-healing and how all the various cults that all preach that their healing method is the real deal and he says that he has read all of the healing techniques of all the various cults and sects and he's "boiled it down" it its core principles such that his technique for healing will work, regardless of your personal beliefs. TRP tries to be much the same. Morality is removed for the sake of distillation so anyone can integrate it into their life.

>I know plenty of women that don't fit the Red Pill perspective of alpha fucks beta bucks, the cock carousel, etc.

TRP has never argued that literally all women ride the cock carousel. It's just that depending on the upbringing and circumstances, women will express their sexual nature to varying degrees. It's always there but it is expressed more strongly or weakly, varying from woman to woman. The cock carousel is just the most bold, blatant, brazen, uninhibited expression of their nature.

>Every post sounds like the betaest beta trying to seem cool

I don't really like how everyone seems to piggyback off of the highest-rated post but I think that's just a general Reddit thing if anything.


The triad I've seen praised is a modified version of the Dark Triad: Stoicism, narcissism and machiavellianism.

You put yourself first (narcissism), you, at the very least, ensure that you yourself are not controlled by others (machiavellianism) and rather than impulsively seek to maximise the suffering you bring to others (psychopathy), you learn to manage and temper your moods, accept what's outside of your control so you can work on what is and diligently working towards your ambitions (stoicism).

Personally, now that I know about personal magnetism and self-remembering, I don't think I'll be needing TRP but nonetheless, there seems to be some misunderstandings regarding it in your criticisms. The only person I agree with so far is the one stating that it is laveyan satanism–the religion of the self. I do have one further question:

How does TRP differ from Atkinson's Egoism?


I always wondered, if they have to put in so much manipulative work for basic relationships of any kind to work, isn't it better to just not bother? If it were me, I'd save my dignity and embrace solitude before reducing myself to playing games like that. The MGTOW movement seems much better



They want to keep society running and their lineage propagated. Civilisation is basically seen as a male-project that men have built and it's up to men to keep the ship running.



Is that really more noble than choosing to focus on themselves and self-improvement?



>/fringe/ is a board for esoteric discussion including matters pertaining to; Magic : Philosophy : Paranormal : Dreams : Religion : Occult : Symbolism : Aliens : Demons & Angels : Metaphysics : Conspiracy : Secret Societies : Mind Control : Morality & Ethics : Mysticism : Qualia : Psychic Abilities – Anything that is fringe in some respect

Under this definition, it's related.


>Why were hapa/asian/indian issues banned?


>According to the theory, it's not that they're willing to abandon moral principles but rather, there is no choice in the matter. Women simply have a different innate nature. They have no choice in what they find attractive–nobody does. What's happened here is a paradigm shift. The theory basically reestablishes your idea of the inherent nature of reality. In the same way that fire just is hot to our hands and in the same way that dropping a stone just does cause it to fall, women just are hypergamous. It is the nature of things, there is no choice in this process.


There is blatant disregard for morals in the community.


A downvoted post but really, he's just saying directly what some of the most upvoted posts say.

It's funny really, how enlightened they think, while they downvote posts that simply say directly what convoluted most-upvoted of all time posts have said. Kind of hilarious.

>Just recently, I was reading the final chapters of Atkinson's Mental Magic and there's a point where he's talking about the true nature of self-healing and how all the various cults that all preach that their healing method is the real deal and he says that he has read all of the healing techniques of all the various cults and sects and he's "boiled it down" it its core principles such that his technique for healing will work, regardless of your personal beliefs. TRP tries to be much the same. Morality is removed for the sake of distillation so anyone can integrate it into their life.

The fundamental theories are fine, it's the community and bullshit that have formed around that I have a problem with.

>TRP has never argued that literally all women ride the cock carousel. It's just that depending on the upbringing and circumstances, women will express their sexual nature to varying degrees. It's always there but it is expressed more strongly or weakly, varying from woman to woman. The cock carousel is just the most bold, blatant, brazen, uninhibited expression of their nature.

They do take things to the extreme though and make it seem like all women do.

>I don't really like how everyone seems to piggyback off of the highest-rated post but I think that's just a general Reddit thing if anything.

Because Reddit is made to encourage circlejerking and silence dissenting opinions. In theredpill subreddit, anything that even goes slightly against the against "red pill theory" gets downvoted, without any consideration of their thoughts.


Most of them don't put the effort into relationships, /r/theredpill LOVES their vasectomies and pump&dumps, if you talk about "oh, maybe would discuss long-term relationships more" or "maybe vasetomcies aren't such a good idea", bam downboated.


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I've been thinking about this as well. Obviously, there's a lot of benefits to a civilisation. The most profound one for me is just the fact that rather than spend our time warring for resources, everyone's lives are made collectively easier. People live more gentle, fulfilling lives where they are able to actualise their full potential and live the life they want as opposed to fighting in a war as a child. Personally though, I'd rather civilisation died not because I hate it but because I think things were better when the world was smaller.

There's an anime I like called "Humanity has declined" which has my kind of ideal atmosphere. I wouldn't mind being some kind of virgin travelling merchant in such a world.


Their banning of hapa/asian/indian issues seems to be more of a banning of whining. They seem sensitive to the way in which you talk about the problem (e.g. identifying with it, venting, etc.) rather than acknowledging that there is one.

The lack of morality is understandable to me. I don't condone the behaviour but I don't look down on it. We're entering a demographic winter so there's a strong "Enjoy the decline" hedonistic mentality there.

>The fundamental theories are fine, it's the community and bullshit that have formed around that I have a problem with.

Oh, well I guess I have no issue with you. I just like the idea that the knowledge necessary for me to be the best I can do, not just for myself but for everyone is actually possible. I understand that I'm just one man but still.

I learnt something new today discussing this with you. I never really considered the quality of a community in terms of the quality of its people. I only ever saw the quality of the ideas being expressed. /fringe/, for me, is really good. I think I'll be using this for several years throughout my life.



Actually, here's why all the communities have gone downhill.

They all got jobs.

Good communities means good users. As internet got flooded with normals through the 2000s, the good users had two options: Suffer the eternal september or move on with your life. Every public community on the internet today is vulnerable to normalfag lynch mobs. These mobs will rise up against you if you are in any way politically incorrect (impossible to avoid in any serious discussion these days) with only the slightest agitation, but they will also rise up if you are mean to low quality users (they'll complain about elitism, bullying, offensive language, meanness, people will try to troll you because they think you're a pretentious faggot etc).

So basically, if any joe shmoe on the internet can access your community, it will quickly turn to shit. See 4chan and forums with public registration. The more popular the forum, the worse this will get, since at some point the owners start caring about the income stream more than the pride they take in their community, and then they act with this mentality of trying to attract as many users as possible for the banner clicks/views, which means cater to the lowest common denominator (and fuck over anyone who isn't welcoming the lowest common denominator because they're concerned about board quality). The critical mass is different for everyone. Some sell out at the 10 users mark, some hold out for ages. Hotwheels so far has been remarkably commendable, but I have no doubt that he will eventually fall into the same "let's be more newbie friendly" trap as moot (either that or this site will die).

If registration is not as easy as creating a free account, it still won't make a difference if the barrier is trivial. See for example Something Awful ($10 fee for account) and demonoid (private tracker which occasionally opened registration and never banned anyone). Both started okay but quickly turned to shit in the same way that free forums do. The reason is that from the economics stand point, it really doesn't make a huge difference that you need to pay $10 or track down a demonoid invite first. Millions of people are still able to do it, and the same race to the bottom happens as soon as the dollar sign lights up in the admin's head.

If registration is actually difficult, but not very exclusive, the decline will be slow (and your individual users better be fucking quality contributors because there's not gonna be many of them one way or another) but still happens. See what.cd and similar private trackers that take themselves seriously (by enforcing rules, severely limiting invites, requiring a test). Even if you have 100 users on a tracker like what.cd, who's to say one of those doesn't turn out to be faggot and sell an invite to some richfag who doesn't give a fuck and start spreading it further to his other friends? Who's to say someone doesn't go full SJW and "break the news" in a Vice interview, leading to normalfags flooding in by the millions?

These days, an internet community needs to be locked down really tight to avoid being fucked with by the mainstream. The community must all know each other on some personal level (maybe not real identity but personality etc) and have some mutual assurance of integrity so that nobody betrays the community to outsiders. This is still possible online, but very difficult. So difficult, that at this point meatspace communities are just easier.



So all the competent, intelligent people have used their intelligence and talents to place themselves in a cushy career, where they interact with many others like themselves. They form informal, IRL communities with such people, communities that you cannot join online. Some people failed, either out of autism or sheer bad luck - you can sometimes find them in places like this board: Tragic cases where the person clearly belongs somewhere better, but for whatever reason ended up here instead.

>Their banning of hapa/asian/indian issues seems to be more of a banning of whining. They seem sensitive to the way in which you talk about the problem (e.g. identifying with it, venting, etc.) rather than acknowledging that there is one.

It is but they did it in a very hamhanded way and there are way worse shit on the sub they haven't banned.

>I learnt something new today discussing this with you. I never really considered the quality of a community in terms of the quality of its people. I only ever saw the quality of the ideas being expressed. /fringe/, for me, is really good. I think I'll be using this for several years throughout my life.

I discussed your comment here in the above. Of course, the community is just the sum of the users. In terms of /r/theredpill, the users are almost all trash, which is why you see crappy posts being upvoted to the top while the truth is downvoted to the bottom, the fundamental theories are ignored while they create their own kind of "red pill religion", with figureheads and idols.



I see. I never even realised that while the internet communities I was browsing were getting increasingly more drab that the people who made them interesting to begin with might've just gone on elsewhere with their life. That actually makes sense too since I've seen this amongst people I merely played MMORPGs with. They too, are now travelling around the world with their cushy software engineering jobs. Hell, even back during my MMORPG days, they were already far more successful than I, working hard at the game and making connections with the other high-level players. I guess I failed out of autism. I've always been more of a lurker than a contributor to be fair.

How might a person deserving of something better fail?

>they did it in a very hamhanded way

How so? From my understanding, these people try to be as brutally truthful as possible. I thought the way it was done was specifically to maintain that kind of atmosphere. How could it have been done better without becoming overly-sensitive?

What kind of morals should people hold in your opinion? What kind of world do you strive for? Personally, I've accepted that while I will strive to minimise the unnecessary suffering I inflict on others, that ultimately, not only is it unavoidable but also that others may gladly hurt me. That basically, the only person who cares about my morals is me.


There are some very good posts on self-improvement and relationships occasionally, but yes for the most part the high quality posting is gone.

Your example of the heroin post is stupid as fuck. If you had any semblance of intelligence you would know that not only did that part of the self improvement post (the rest being focused on how to be interesting and charismatic) get blown up in the comment from people taking it seriously like you, but he also replied that it was purely a joke in poor context.

But hey thats reddit for you :^)


I havn't been to that one in particular, but I have been apart of other forums that have had that "redpilled" shit.

Essentialy it's a group of guys who claim to be mad that "women" are all whores and sleep with everyone"….yet they themselves arn't getting laid which is the reason they are butthurt in the first place. Very ironic if you willl.

the movement may have some truths to it regarding women, but it generally just attracts degenerates who spend all their time thinking about sex.


SJWs on Reddit LOATHE /theredpill. They hate it with absolute, neurotic fanaticism. That's pretty clear evidence that they've hit on some truths that are making radical-egalitarian leftists freak out.

Though, I was permabanned from /theredpill for some harmless joke comment, after being a legit contributor for ages. So they definitely have their share of oversensitive betas there, and you do see them making cringey threads from time to time.

I'd avoid Reddit altogether as a place for meaningful dialogue about anything of substance. The upvote/downvote mechanics turn every discussion into crap.

https://heartiste.wordpress.com/ was my introduction into TRP philosophy, long before that subreddit existed. I'd still recommend it as a good source for 'dark enlightenment' information.



>Relationships with other people are /fringe/-related,

They're really not. This is supposed to be a board about esoteric wizardry. Please stop watering it down with threads about relationships and nutrition and exercise and mundane stuff for which plenty of other boards exist.

I come to /fringe/ to read about magic, not pickup artistry or protein shakes.



This. Relationships are not /fringe/-related unless it is looking into how they affect magicry and how magicry affects them. Not that PUA degeneracy.


OP here again.

Agreed. The ingredient missing from the RP is: The Only Morality is Civilisation.

While the Red Pill provides many otherwise hopeless and hapless betas with a solution, the Red Pill does not advocate any sort of morality, indicating that sexual strategy is amoral. So while it enables otherwise sexless modern 'males' with a solution to sex, it does nothing to end our degenerate age of debauchery and hedonism, let alone bring back a patriarchy.

TRP is a strong strategy, but it lacks vision or cohesion - it's just hedonism, enabled by the successes of modern society that have removed most forms of scarcity. TRP hacks the r-selection attraction cues in the female brain in order to provide for what is little more than a biologically enforced drug addiction for the male.

This is the kind of thing traditions are armour against. In the rush to deconstruct society, we've discounted all possible value from the mechanisms we all admit are the backbone of said society. Clearly every aspect of human interaction is just instantly replaceable with idealized "scientific" reimplementations! No possible downside could emerge from doing so, despite the impossibility of actually falsifying any sociological theory without some way of performing a controlled experiment.



People I know who follow that "redpilled shit" are always either dating or consistently fucking girls.

At the same time, the "male" feminists (if such think can even exist) I know who are always crying about the patriarchy and sexism are the ones still single despite having dozens of chick friends.



The only way to falsify theories about how societies work. Especially leftist theories. Is to you yourself become the evidence of their falsehood.

Feminist <- inverting gender roles to create a society of open sexual relations and hence a matriarchy will work and will be sustainable.

Rationalist <- Such a society won't survive long-term as either the men within the society will drop out and stop defending the group and this by itself will undermine it or they will be out competed by a competitor group that through Patriarchy can motivate the males to work for the benefit of their group. Something a matriarchal group can't do.

Feminist <- You have no evidence of that.

Rationalist <- You have no evidence of your theories working either.

Feminist <- Doesn't matter. We need to be progressive and change… (expounds further platitudes).

Rationalist <- *Realises only way to invalidate feminists theories is to become the evidence of those theorie's falsehood. Converts to Patriarchy. Starts revolution against feminism.



>yet they themselves arn't getting laid which is the reason they are butthurt in the first place. Very ironic if you willl.

That's just a meme, if you willl, created by people who are butthurt about 'red pill' philosophy and the way it reduces men and women, but especially women, to meat-machines that act according to evolutionary instincts. If you willl.

Unfortunately, the vast majority of mundanes ARE meat-machines that act according to ancient impulses they are neither cognizant of or capable of understanding. Women really are attracted primarily to power and prestige (or the facsimiles thereof), men really are attracted primarily to physical indicators of health and fertility, etc. Radical tabula rasa egalitarians like modern leftists haaaate this evopsyche shit, but it's truth nonetheless.

This shit about how 'red pillers are just mad that they can't get laid!!' is exactly the same as saying that they're all virgins with small penises who can't handle real womyn with curves. Same female shaming tactics to paint your opposition as sexually irrelevant losers who shouldn't be associated with, same dumb fat bitches and sycophantic eunuchs parroting it, same amount of truth behind it.





OP here, my attacks and mean words are just for effect, not meant literally, but really, TRP is pathetic.

If it would be fine, if they claimed that they were just about how to bang bitches but they're not, they go all out on this "red pill" crap.

There are a few good posts, but it doesn't make up for how shit the vast majority of the place is.



Your condemnation of the masses is truthful but your defense of TRP is missing the point. The argument that you're speaking of is not a blind insult at them to make the one throwing it feel better, it is an accurate assumption of their main motivation and line of reasoning in a lot of cases. What you say of the common woman is true of these "red" pillers.


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Here's a good meta post on the red pill


The red pillers themselves ARE the cock carousel

>Most of the guys here don't hate sluts. We just want them to know how they fit into the scheme of things. If a woman becomes a slut she no longer is relationship material. That is all we are saying. Guys don't want a girl that has a lot of sexual baggage to bring into the relationship.

>We have no problem with sluts. We have a problem with them acting entitled about how awesome they are and how much of our resources they deserve.

Haha, indeed. Which is why puahate was shut down and sluthate opened.

And this that BTFOs the current attitude that rides through the current community



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Wait a minute!

Wasn't the shutdown of puahate related to Elliot Rodgers and the fact that he regularly browsed the place?



That too.

He actually posted on bodybuilding.com



Meant mostly* on bodybuilding.com


>shamelessly shilling leddit memepill

absolutely fucking disgusting


Join Sluthate if you want real discussion



every one of those people should read http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/91781.King_Warrior_Magician_Lover

and http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/28597.Prometheus_Rising

simply for the conditioning and lack of information they have.


TheRedPill is how you actually get a social life, women and a fun life.

If you disgusting fat fedoras would incorporate TRP concepts into your life, you would stop being losers and actually know what this life is all about.


Yeah, just get laid and stop browsing chans all day, you'll realize you've been prisoners all this time.



>hurp durp go get laid and have a life nerds!!

Got linked here by someone redditfriend?


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>If you disgusting fat fedoras would incorporate TRP concepts into your life, you would stop being losers and actually know what this life is all about.



"Getting laid" is how you perpetuate the demiurgic karmic prison.

Why are you, a slave to your impulses, pointing out everyone else's shackles and neglecting to recognize your own?



b-but isn't reincarnation a trap set up by the archons where we are lulled into opting to reincarnate after our "spirit guides" and "loved ones" convince us to make up for karma and getting our memory wiped perpuating the endless cycle forever so they can harvest our energies?


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why dont you sperg that out on the subreddit


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>The MGTOW movement seems much better

they have much more violent fantasies and compulsions

it's either turned towards self (depression, sterility, loneliness) or women (all worthless sluts, they will get their comeuppance, etc)

they're fucking with sex by refusing to yield into it. And it's either Eros or Thanatos.



Very succinctly put, thank you for your quality comment.


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>They want to keep society running and their lineage propagated.


Terpers (esp the PUA branch, but it's in great majority) have given up on civilization and their own people. They ride the corruption wave by fucking as many sluts as they can, but they give up on the hope of raising a healthy family.

They cannot have healthy children because hypergamy and feminist laws prevent that. Long term game is seen as a wild goose chase by all but the most dedicated believers in it.


> it's the community and bullshit that have formed around that I have a problem with.

all communities have a built-in rot mechanic

r/theredpill isnt the trp community, it's just one subreddit

>They do take things to the extreme though and make it seem like all women do.

if given the opportunity

seen many woman marrying around 20 in western nations?

what does it mean anyway as they are not accountable for breaking fidelity, there isnt any fidelity vows anymore anyway.

women are paid to be hypergamous in western cociety, the trp/manosphere diagnostic is spot on.

>I know plenty of women that don't fit the Red Pill perspective of alpha fucks beta bucks, the cock carousel, etc.

you just said NAWALT



>Feminist <- You have no evidence of that.

we do

they call it His-Story because they refuse it


The claim that women are hypergamous, indirectly implying that men are not, is just flat out bullshit, any man who wants to "upgrade" from a crazy bitch to a normal one will be able to do so with little criticism, whereas a woman will be slut shamed as the Social Justice Workers put it, at least if the people around her still cling to morality of the pre-sexual liberation and pre-Internet world. most people don't care about sluts, just sluts that pretend they aren't sluts.

Men are rewarded by being "hypergamous" because it means they don't have to get their dick cut off by a crazy cunt, or they don't have to pay child support for 18 years. Any backlash or lack thereof that comes from "hypergamy" for either sex depends on the cultural context.

The reality tunnel of these mundanes is fascinating, it's easy to cherry-pick examples that suit just about any argument. Seen from another perspective, the red pill is just another pill created by virginal, lustful men who were unfortunate to have met only sluts and the Jewish media portrayal of slutty white women.

All women are chaste virginal saints when given a chance, and all women are dirty fucking sluts when given a chance. It merely depends on who's keeping track, when and why. Women innately understand this and take advantage of it only because we give them a pussy pass, and that pussy pass only exists because we think there is a drought of pussy that necessitates sparing it.

finally, a woman will be chaste for one cock if that cock isn't a mewling weak little bitch whining about hypergamy and feminism.


Have you ever thought that the "corruption wave" is just an illusion, and that humanity has always been this way because it has not ever fully tamed its animal impulses, and morality and religion are just little remedies for those things?

It's just blind hope for something that was never there to begin with. I hope that understanding this liberates everyone more than worrying about what kind of dongs some plebeian mundane woman is indiscriminately flopping her hairy pussy lips around because she is not awakened. She doesn't contribute to the race, and neither do those dongs she flops around on, so good fucking riddance.

Maybe woman is not awakened because society has already ascribed these roles of sex slut and corporate whore, and unlike modern women, we unemployed males living with our parents have the privilege of becoming awakened thanks to our social ineptitude, lack of practical real world skill and gratuitous amounts of free time. For men being just sex toys or walking dicks with money in this society, we are given an opportunity to escape from the cycle of life-death-rebirth. Women do not because men placate them as tools of the demiurge.

Red pillers see all of these happenings as a loss of opportunity. Take the green pill and see this as gaining an opportunity.

If and when you become magickally adept, and your will and desire are strong enough, sex with good woman (women???) and harvesting their loosh will be easy to come by. But by the time you acquire that you will have transcended any banal desire for it in the first place and will not use it for any reason other than to consciously create new life. win win for the man who manifests his own reality.



>They cannot have healthy children because hypergamy and feminist laws prevent that

Sneaky way of writing: Couldn't find a good woman, so gave up and just tries to fuck sluts instead

>r/theredpill isnt the trp community, it's just one subreddit

Lmao. Show me one "red pill" community bigger than /r/theredpill. You can't.

>you just said NAWALT

Uh yea. It's true.


Would just get downvoted.


Good post.



>They say that women are hypergamous therefore they're trying to imply women are bad people despite the fact that men are hypergamous too

Nope. The claim that women are hypergamous is a statement that refers to women's innate, unique sexual nature. It refers to their tendency to emotionally disengage from a man they see to not be the best man available to her. Men don't have this capacity. Well, they do but in a different way.

I remember reading on TRP that men are to women what companies are to men. As a man in the business world, it's expected that you're willing to scope out other, potentially better job opportunities while you're still working at one job and it's the company's responsibility to provide you with incentives to keep working at the company. This is known and needs not to be stated. As a man in the business world, should a better opportunity come along, you'll be expected to take it and of course, people who hop from one company to another are looked upon as untrustworthy. It's nothing personal, it's just business. That's just how it is and that's how women's hypergamy is.

In your example scenario where a man upgrades from a crazy girlfriend, that's completely acceptable and incomparable to scenarios where a woman's hypergamy reveals itself and blows unwary men into shock. The reality is that women are willing to cheat and/or leave their man behind after several years of seemingly unproblematic marriage, taking his house, kids, car and half his salary even when he's been "treating her right", i.e. doing everything women and the rest of society say women want from a relationship. How likely a woman is to act on these impulses depends heavily on her social conditioning and parental upbringing. Feminism has created an environment where women have very little issue with disposing of men they deem to not be the best available.

Summary: You've stripped the term "hypergamy" of the connotations that the RP community applies to it and then evaluated it by its Oxford dictionary definition.

>a woman will be chaste for one cock if that cock isn't a mewling weak little bitch whining about hypergamy and feminism



You claim to agree that NAWALT. What is your interpretation of AF/BB? Do you see it as a principle or have you interpreted it literally as a rule that says that women will always at the first opportunity, cheat on their nice guy bf with that asshole at the bar?



hanz plz




2 good posts.

but let me tell you the backstory.

Khemet aka egypt aka ta-ma-ri, living in ma'at and all that good shit every true occultist on this board or others dream of living.

Bunch of years after the genetic experiments.

Caste of people today known as the exiled in the moses story got kicked out of egypt for degenerate behavior.. child abuse and sacrifice, murder, etc… essentially they had started listening to other voices which wanted something else to give them an edge in the egyptian society.

they moved all over the place including up in the northern areas of the Mediterranean - they established homes and farms there and continued their sacrifices and rituals. Eventually the families united and formed communities where they held their festivities to the genius ( word genius etymologically comes from a deceiver who has more information than you and uses you to gain while giving you a little to keep coming )

They then organised the first holidays etc which was to be kept by the head priest pontificus maximus ( yeah now you're getting it )

Rome was founded by degenerate pedophile murderers. Catholic religion is continuation of ancient worship.

It's interesting to note that when the head magi of the english crown contacted other dimensional entities their request for the exchange of power was blood… macrocosmic entities requesting human blood?

Let that sink in for a bit while reminding yourself of what kind of tv shows and entertainment we all indulge in.

Listen guys, if you read the content on this site and others and did the proper work to not only become a strong magi but also heal your mental and conditioning, then using the methods of mentalism given.. why can you manifest for yourself a free cruise or 2000$ out of nowhere but you can't sit down and see yourself with the optimal compliment you seek?

you know western society isn't everything… and there are many women and men who are doing the optimal to be greater versions of themselves.

I'm not going to apologize for saying this ; If all you can attract is sluts, that is because you're wired for them.

Fix your fucking self first because if the event happens where you would get your perfect woman for you what ever that is… YOU would fuck it up. You get what you give.

You think you're fixed because you started lifting and reading pua shit and getting laid. Nigga please, for years i thought getting laid was difficult and all that bullshit before i woke the fuck up to reality then i decided to actually investigate - It's really fucking easy to have sex with women, even the pretty ones, it's all about using deception, because deception attracts deception. Like attracts Like.

In ancient egypt, to be initiated into the magi and higher orders.. one of the tests was as such….

You climbed your way out of a dangerously narrow hole to be welcomed into a room filled with comforts only dreamed of in fantasies, several of the most beautiful women dressed in see-through clothing or in the nude welcomed you with voracious desires displayed. If the initiate was to succumb to his urges and lay with the women rather than continuing on his task, behind large curtains where stationed large strong men with massive blades… ready to slice your head off.

Shaman's used to kicked outside of the tribe those who showed unchanging signs of degenerate behavior without the will to change or empathy and told them to live on their own and if they returned they would see it as an act of war.

There is something extremely wrong and creepy about how much encouragement you see from adult individuals is given to young children when it comes to sex… one sex-ed class and all of a sudden you have a license to fuck anything or get fucked by anything because you know SURFACE biological basics ( they don't teach the chemical process, the hormones, the neuroplastic effects of repeated dopamine triggering ) and like fuck if they would ever teach the psychological or spiritual implications of sex. Slap on a piece of rubber on your dick and you're all good… right?

(that also causes tissue damage as you're mixing foreign chemicals not to mention the products used to lace the condoms for lube)

give this video series a chance..

there is a lot of hazed up shit about phil valentine but the guy is a hygienist and after checking out his info and looking into it.. it's accurate




are you a wizard? what can you do? i see you posting all the time


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this was pretty based as fuck and i randomly found it via a synchronicity at 3:33 pm… freaky shit, then i saw Janus spammed when i had the idea to share it here… so portal.

k what ever, i guess this will be useful to some one.


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yeah so it started raining like crazy outside so i checked out this video from her with the ankh and this content sounds very greenpilled

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