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Esoteric Wizardry


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I had a dream last night, I can't tell you much about it as I forgot, but I remember there were 4 people in it I know, I remember laughing about some joke someone made about some obstacle and I remember us being on an old looking boat in water with all kinds of colors, blues blacks pinks, it was almost like we were sailing though a dark colored Aurora

Any thoughts on this dream? It gave me weird feelings, so I decided to come here to ask.


Questions thread is stickied.

No one but yourself, that others you intimate to your the complete experiences of your life, and the countless omniscient can interpret a dream for you.

No one here knows you Anon and the omniscient ones is not doing dream interpretations so don't hold you breath for an valuable interpretation manifesting.


Watch how that man interprets dreams. That's Carl Jung. He needs to know the patient, the significance of the objects and subjects to their lives. See how he interprets dreams and then find purchase in his line of reasoning for yourself and interpret your own dream. BTW, imo, only the first 3 parts have enough substance to justify listening to if you want to hear of dreams, dream interpretation, and their symbols and significance.

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