Some interesting bits on STS/STO;
>Freedom / control - STS is concerned with control over all aspects of self and others. STS also believes that by imposing its laws it is helping the universe to return to the One, thus it thinks its action is a service to others. STO sees creation as inherently limitless and is not concerned with determining what is 'good' for another.
>Balance / imbalance - C's: :STO is balance because you serve self through others. […] STO is balance. STS is imbalance. […] STO flows outward and touches all including point of origin, STS flows inward and touches only origin point.'
>Expansion / contraction - Exploring possibilities corresponds to STO, imposing limits on others to STS.
>Good / evil - In human ethical terms, what is generally considered evil most often corresponds to STS. The terms are however laden with a baggage of subjectivity and what is good for one can be bad for another, thus these are easily misleading. The polarization to either STO/STS cannot be reduced to an external code of ethics only.
>From a cosmic standpoint, both polarities are necessary. This does not however mean that these can be effectively reconciled at the human level. Thus the cosmic call on the human is to choose one or the other. Some more;
>We can see the universe as an interplay of two opposite absolutes: One represents all possible being in the sense of organized, intelligent creation, the other represents its opposite in the sense of all inertness, lack of organization and lack of information or intelligence. These two can be seen as emerging from an ineffable 'One' by a process of spontaneous differentiation which we cannot represent to ourselves.
>The absolutes of being and non-being have varying manifestations at different levels of the universe. Depending on the context and level, the reflection of these absolutes can be called STO/STS, creation/entropy, order/chaos, spirit/matter, consciousness/sleep. All these words have their distinct meanings and fields of application but can be seen in the most abstract sense as relating to being in its broadest expression vs. non-being is its broadest expression.
> For a system where all participants seek to maximize their own power and position, a pyramidal hierarchy is the natural resulting configuration.
Self-serving beings, such as humans, realize that in order to more effectively serve themselves, they must cooperate with other similar beings. This cooperation is based on an idea of opportunistic alliance if direct domination is not possible.
>Whereas self-serving beings naturally form hierarchies with the strongest and most ruthless at the top, service to others beings would form networks. In the words of the Cassiopaeans, the concept of networking is a foretaste of 4th density STO.
>We can speak of two distinct applications of 'All is One.' The expanding or STO application would be to say that since all already is one, there is no point in wanting what another has for the self since in a sense this already exists within the one. Instead one may create something to enhance the creation, thus naturally contributing and adding to the One, thereby also giving to others.
The STS application of the idea is to see all as a lost part of self which must be forced to return to self. The One is served by gathering all to self and thus to the One.
>The problem with the idea of all being one is that it is sometimes naively applied to human matters, as if the human could assume God's perspective. So, even if the 'All blinks at neither the light or the dark' [Ra] this does in no way free man from having to make ethical determinations and act on them. So the New Age sometimes misapplies 'All is One' to justify non-action or indifference as being spiritual when precisely the opposite is the case.