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Esoteric Wizardry


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So, I've been thinking about this for months.


Good or evil?


What are your morals?


Personally, I feel STS.

I am one with the creator, and the creator created the universe only because he was bored.

Now, STO seems boring as fuck, and I don't want to be good just vecause I fear being evil, like the majority of RHPs.

Amoralism is definotely more alluring.

So, what's your choice?


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>Good or evil?




lukewarm polarities wont make it in 4D

evil or good

sto or sts

chose 1


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>lukewarm polarities wont make it

I don't give a shit if it wont make it in your world. :) I am gunna make it IN MY WORLD! top kek


after you die, faggot


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you live and you choose sts or sto

after ur dead, if you didnt choose a real polarity, you reincarnate in 3d

gengis khan, for example, graduated to 4D because he was so ruthless

you have to choose now


This question heavily depends in your choice of theism and personal philosophy. What do you believe your "self" to be? Your ego, your spirit or god?

For a monist (panentheist) like me this question is very dualistic, and STS/STO would produce the same exact outcome because for me God is the only true reality and true self. If I serve myself I also serve everyone else, because they are one with me. If I serve the others I also serve myself. No difference. Only the identification with a "self" that is separated from others makes this question valid.



so you go full evil'?



Are you doing okay?


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>STO or STS?

Both. I used magic to solve of my personal issues as well as help other people. Though in truth even like >>35191 said, all humans are interconnected so helping yourself is advancing the race and therefore means you help the common good despite your possible selfish intentions.

>Good or evil?

Relative terms but for the sake of discussion let evil be unnecessary material gains through magical means, by that definition good.

Though I used give in to anger sometimes and use magic to harm people I realize now that it's due to a lack of self control I have let my desires rule over my will so that sort of senseless edginess is well past me.


That's how I cultivated my character, I enjoy helping people using my powers and I get quite decent karma for it though that's not the real goal of course.

Not to mention if you still care enough about the material that you go out of your way to satisfy your base desires using magic you're lower on the spiritual development than you think and should thus reconsider your current goals.

>What are your morals?

Too broad a question, I usually act on "instinct" or my internal moral compass that I never bothered to define for myself. I identify most rights and wrongs, truths and lies on the spot so there was never a need for me to think about this kind of thing.

Before this thread devolves into STO vs STS funposting I would like to remind you that we all follow a reincarnation cycle and after a while STS and STO people will get enough of their ways and focus more on spiritual advancement than anything else that may relate to the material.


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http://glossary.cassiopaea.com/glossary.php?id=883 Some interesting bits on STS/STO;

>Freedom / control - STS is concerned with control over all aspects of self and others. STS also believes that by imposing its laws it is helping the universe to return to the One, thus it thinks its action is a service to others. STO sees creation as inherently limitless and is not concerned with determining what is 'good' for another.

>Balance / imbalance - C's: :STO is balance because you serve self through others. […] STO is balance. STS is imbalance. […] STO flows outward and touches all including point of origin, STS flows inward and touches only origin point.'

>Expansion / contraction - Exploring possibilities corresponds to STO, imposing limits on others to STS.

>Good / evil - In human ethical terms, what is generally considered evil most often corresponds to STS. The terms are however laden with a baggage of subjectivity and what is good for one can be bad for another, thus these are easily misleading. The polarization to either STO/STS cannot be reduced to an external code of ethics only.

>From a cosmic standpoint, both polarities are necessary. This does not however mean that these can be effectively reconciled at the human level. Thus the cosmic call on the human is to choose one or the other.

http://glossary.cassiopaea.com/glossary.php?id=142 Some more;

>We can see the universe as an interplay of two opposite absolutes: One represents all possible being in the sense of organized, intelligent creation, the other represents its opposite in the sense of all inertness, lack of organization and lack of information or intelligence. These two can be seen as emerging from an ineffable 'One' by a process of spontaneous differentiation which we cannot represent to ourselves.

>The absolutes of being and non-being have varying manifestations at different levels of the universe. Depending on the context and level, the reflection of these absolutes can be called STO/STS, creation/entropy, order/chaos, spirit/matter, consciousness/sleep. All these words have their distinct meanings and fields of application but can be seen in the most abstract sense as relating to being in its broadest expression vs. non-being is its broadest expression.


> For a system where all participants seek to maximize their own power and position, a pyramidal hierarchy is the natural resulting configuration.

Self-serving beings, such as humans, realize that in order to more effectively serve themselves, they must cooperate with other similar beings. This cooperation is based on an idea of opportunistic alliance if direct domination is not possible.


>Whereas self-serving beings naturally form hierarchies with the strongest and most ruthless at the top, service to others beings would form networks. In the words of the Cassiopaeans, the concept of networking is a foretaste of 4th density STO.


>We can speak of two distinct applications of 'All is One.' The expanding or STO application would be to say that since all already is one, there is no point in wanting what another has for the self since in a sense this already exists within the one. Instead one may create something to enhance the creation, thus naturally contributing and adding to the One, thereby also giving to others.

The STS application of the idea is to see all as a lost part of self which must be forced to return to self. The One is served by gathering all to self and thus to the One.

>The problem with the idea of all being one is that it is sometimes naively applied to human matters, as if the human could assume God's perspective. So, even if the 'All blinks at neither the light or the dark' [Ra] this does in no way free man from having to make ethical determinations and act on them. So the New Age sometimes misapplies 'All is One' to justify non-action or indifference as being spiritual when precisely the opposite is the case.


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>Service to Others. A spiritual orientation where one advances through assisting others in their evolutionary advancement. A more technical way of saying “positive” or “right hand path” or “benevolent.”

>The fundamental principle of STO is to preserve freewill and balance, to thereby maximize the richness of the evolutionary experience for all concerned. Being STO comes with an awareness of the unity of all life. Thus they serve all, or rather the Spirit in all, including themselves. (Only by misunderstanding this point and thinking STO means being a walking doormat does the term “STA” or “Service to All” seem necessary).

>STO beings have transcended the predator/prey dichotomy and are selfless servants of the divine will. Instead of wolf or sheep, they are more in the role of shepherd.

>The term “4D STO” refers to Fourth Density Service-to-Others beings. They are superhuman beings. Examples include some Nordic aliens and what in more superstitious times have been called sylphs, fairies, angels, sidhe, or jinn.

>The Buddhist term for an STO being is jivanmukta. In a more general sense, the STO path is delineated in the Buddhist conception of the bodhisattva


>Service to Self. A metaphysical orientation where one serves self by exploiting and manipulating others, reducing their freewill to increase one’s own. Overall this creates a freewill imbalance. STS systems are closed systems, meaning they have to take material and energy from one place to feed another. Thus survival and competition, overpowering the weak, violence, and manipulation arise.

>The most basic manifestation of STS is having to take life in order to live. We are all STS in our current human state, due to our genetics and environment causing it to be so. However, we are not all evolving in the STS direction. To be STS in a basic sense, but be committed toward living according to STO principles, is the best we can do in our 3D state. By pursuing this sufficiently, we can transform into Fourth Density STO eventually. By doing the opposite and sufficiently pursuing STS, one can likewise graduate into 4D STS existence.


I choose to do my Will and nothing more. If some action is perceived by others as good or evil matters not to me, I won't stop myself from doing a good thing just to keep up the image of being a badass, nor will I stop myself from doing something that horrifies someone else. I do not care about morality, I am amoral. I feel it is a terrible mental trap to question one's own Will.


the STS vs STO ultimatum seems like something fabricated to limit a person's progress.

neither of the two, on their own, can ever be as beneficial to both self and society around it, as balance.



I was just about to comment about the suspicious, jew lack of the STA (service to all) function. The self being, naturally, part of all. THAT is the highest ideal. Neither of the other two.



Entire universe is my body, being evil is like cutting yourself.




If you read the articles posted, you'd have read the following.

Re: STA (service to all)

This concept was invented by those who misinterpret STS and STO as meaning predator and prey. They view “Service-to-All” or STA as being the transcendent, balanced, and neutral alternative to that dichotomy. STA is based on the misconception that Service to Others means “serving only others, while ignoring self,” such as being a doormat or ascetic who is weak and neglectful of his or her own well-being. By neglecting yourself, you handicap your future ability to do good, thereby decreasing your total positive impact and increasing imbalance, which is STS.

Properly defined, STO means serving self through serving others in a balanced way that is of maximum spiritual benefit to all. It means being neither predator nor prey. It does not mean being a doormat, nor neglecting personal well-being to the point of interfering with one’s future ability to serve, which is a shortsighted form of martyrdom. So what some define as STA is already the correct definition of STO, therefore the term STA is unnecessary.



I cringe every time I see this kind of misinformation posted. The All can fracture itself in infinite ways, and while we are all part of it, we are not the same entity. You got a really warped understanding about the nature of the universe.


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I cut myself. Problem?



It's not you.



Can you please add "Top" before Lel? So it will be Top Lel? That would be great.



This was done back on 4chan when people were spamming OLEV (LO VE) because of something Moot did.


Ok want to see more recent stuff?



Well Service to Others is a stupid title then if its really service to all. Not our fault we thought something stupid is actually stupid.





It decreases suffering. Why would you want to increase suffering? That is all the STS boils down to. Increased suffering.

>What are your morals?

To do good, and to not do evil as to the best of my abilities. The bodhisattvas path.


To decrease suffering.

You sound like you intellectually know that you are one with the creator but have no direct experience of it. Good luck with that, mate. God bless.



the all fractured himself just so he could suffer

life is suffering

embrace it


My Will is an extension of the Cosmic Will. In doing my Will I am pleasing God and helping in the manifestation of All. There is no difference to me between serving myself and serving all. I can not displease God except perhaps by displeasing myself for God will feel my dissatisfaction and pain and share in it. God fills me with Desire so that I may know what I am to do.


STS can put you in a very dangerous position which can leave you open to heavily manipulation by malicious forces.

You will pretty literally become the embodiment of a tragic figure in literature.



Suffering is inherent to existence, absolutely agreed. Embraced, it is the First Noble Truth.

Why would you work to INCREASE it, though?

I work to DECREASE it.



How do you work to decrease suffering? Everything I've read regarding social sciences seems to indicate to me that due to very nature of human existence, there can only be a net increase in human suffering (it's basically entropy).

The only way I can see it is if you take on the suffering of others and then, through emotional alchemy, transmute it into… loosh perhaps, to feed your tulpa.



the left hand path is the true enlightened path

RHPers are afraid of power



Love of other entities which are part of the All and are thus a part of Me compels me to help them in easing their Earthly problems that are meaningless in the grand scheme of things.


Both want power, just for different purposes.



what's the point of being powerful if you can't do whatever the fuck you want with that power?



If you could do "whatever the fuck you want", why would you want to hurt yourself?

Kindness is not something you do out of fear, but out of knowledge that by servicing the all you're ultimately servicing yourself. LHP is nothing but a product of self-perpetuating ignorance.



oh god




some people are LHP, some are RHP, both ultimately lead to CHAOS

no path is "wrong"

/fringe/ has gone to shit


STO. Good and evil are relative terms but I know this: Power is dissatisfactory and selfishness is stressful. I make no attempts at moral standards and ideologies are for children, but I recognize what entails most benefit to myself and that clearly involves the consideration of others. I don't fear evil actions per se but I've walked that path and seen its fruits. There is no joy or freedom in the bondage of the illusory ego. There is plenty of both in selflessness.


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>If you could do "whatever the fuck you want", why would you want to hurt yourself?

…because it's fun! Pic related!



>Power is dissatisfactory

You fucking kidding me? How about I break your legs and take away your power to walk? …or I sew up your mouth and take away your power to eat? …or I drug you and take away your power to think clearly? …or I starve you and take away your strength? …or I throw acid upon your face and disfigure you, taking away your power to display physical beauty to others?

Power is not dissatisfactory. I want to have all the power I can have to control my mind, to enable perfect health, to influence others whatever way I like, to do as I will.

>ideologies are for children

You're the extra immature faggot then who thinks he's beyond ideology while clearly displaying ideology at the same time. ProTip: not having an ideology is for braindead human vegetables. If you think you have an ideology.

>There is no joy or freedom in the bondage of the illusory ego.

The ego isn't illusory or a bondage ffs.



>all STS leads to is increased suffering.

What if your idea of service to self was to see the end of injustice, and bring prosperity to everyone.

Service to self means the ability to intervene, not because they knew to ask, but because you want to.

Service to others can be applied to create stone laws, which judge all equally, regardless of justice.

There is a good and a bad way to apply each. Ultimately, it is up to your character.



There is never enough of it and it will all go away - it's like trying to control a dream. That is the meaning of power being dissatisfactory - it has nothing to do with the inferred satisfaction of pleasure or pain, which happen to work in the same way, and are equally dissatisfactory. Someone dependent on these factors is never truly satisfied. Even fire grows cool to one with an emancipated mind.

There's a difference between displaying certain values and holding tightly to established belief systems and ideologies. Nowhere did I say my beliefs apply to all.

You can use all the angry words you want, the self's transience and ultimate destruction clearly demonstrates its illusory nature… At least to the perceptive.



Fuck you I will attain power and shit fury all over you.



why do you think the creator fragmented itself into us? becuse it was boring being everything

it's like saying that you shouldn't play a videogame or a sport game because at the end, it's just an illusion

fucking retards


All these STS edge warriors… STS is masturbation you children.

Yes STS is easier and more enticing. It's also easier to walk down a hill than up it.

No one is afraid to dabble in STS. I think it's actually fundamental on the path of higher understanding. So stop acting like you're le brave for doing it.

Fuck living under the illusion of confliction for all eternity



>hurrr durr we're all one

>staahpppp serving yourself!

>but I thought you said we're all one, if I'm really one with everything, what does it matter if I serve myself?



who wants to live under the illusion of order, peace and unity for all eternity?

a stupid fuck that's who

conflict is the only reason the all "fragmented" itself



You paint yourself into a corner when you try to shoehorn supposed-tos into monism.



>attempting to define the all with this over-simplistic definitions

Read the Kybalion again, it seems that the first time did nothing to cure your retardation



i know that the all didn't create us "out of boredom" or something silly like that

we're here just because the all "can do it"

at the end of the day, it's all a huge cosmic soap opera

how can people be so serious? how can people be so soft and just start parroting "peace and love"?

montalk, for example

he's trying to be so intense, like anything could hurt us

huurrr durr mah higher self

hurr ddur faight evol! don't break other people's free will!

yeah, right

do your will, even if it means breaking other people's free will

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